Recreating the Masaki house (or trying)

Forums Fan Stuff Tenchi Projects Recreating the Masaki house (or trying)

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    Please tell me if this is the wrong place/post! blush1

    I recently got it into my head to rebuild the Masaki house in the Sims 3. I’ve been taking screencaps of different rooms shown in episodes, as well as finding some materials online. I even found a ‘blueprint’ sketch, but unfortunately only some of it is translated.

    Was wondering if anyone else has tried to do anything like this before? It would be fun to compare results, especially because the house really varies from universe to universe. Also some rooms are simply never shown, or are very hard to tell where they are located in relation to the rest of the house! (For example Mihoshi’s room, Noboyuki’s library, what the inside of the greenhouse looks like.)

    I’m also pretty horrible with directions so it’s hard to visualize where the house is in relation to the steps to the shrine, lake, front gate, or Funaho.

    Any ideas or resources would be great!

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