Some Old Classics

Forums Fan Stuff Fanfiction Some Old Classics

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    Folks, as mentioned before, I was in Tenchi fandom during the late ’90s and early ’00s. From a conversation on the mini-chat tonight, it was suggested that I make a thread about some of the old fan fiction of years gone by. Thus, here are some of the fan fiction pieces that I recall from that era. ^^v

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    Confess to You

    * Ryoko’s Love

    * A Startica Song

    * The Web of Life

    * Changing Agreements

    * Cast Seeds


    * Aikan Muyo

    * Heaven and Eternity

    * Powers That Be

    * Negative Genesis

    * Hiatus

  • Many of these were nominated for the Tenchi Muyo! Fan Fiction Awards in years past. While the original awards site is long since dead, the Internet Archive has a copy of the nomination listing. I’m sure that most of the stories listed are worth a read. ^^v Below are the links that I have for the nomination pages.

  • *
    2001 Nominations

    * 2002 Nominations

    * 2003 Nominations

    * 2004 Nominations

  • Enjoy the reading. ^^v

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