star wars episode 7

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    Well as you all know Lucas sold the rights of star wars to dis ey 2 years ago. And now the new trilogy is coming out which takes place 30 years after return of the jedi. Do you think it will be good or do you think it will be like the prequel trilogy? wth2
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      Would have to see the first official trailer to get a clue. Been REALLY avoiding anything related, to avoid spoilers, so I’ll hold off judgement till after next summer, as it all stands. :p
      It can’t possibly be worse than the prequel trilogy.I mean Jar Jar Binks anyone? sakuyafinger1

      That was possibly a new low in franchise history which is why I think the new series can’t possibly be as bad.

      Unless they do something stupid like resurrect Jar Jar.

      OMG i just at the end.
      Watched the teaser and it shows promise of a great story, but I have this creeping feeling of them doing something that there’s going to be the second coming of jar jar binks. But since Harrison Ford signed on I have hope that isn’t the case.
      I think there’s zero chance of Jar Jar Binks making a return (or anything remotely similar being in the film).
      Please God No!

      We suffered enough the first time with Jar Jar,we don’t want him resurrected for the next however many films.

      It be like having to sit in a room and listen to Hanson’s She-Bop forever.Please we can’t stand such misery! rageblow1

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