
Forums Fan Stuff Fanfiction suggestions?

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    Hey I’m taking suggestion from the tenchi fandom about what charicters or places should be in my fanfic. I’m on the third arc path to power and right now jerren and ami is going against tennyo misaki for the thrown of jurai and I’m thinking about doing an election. Is that good or should it be a challange your thoughts
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      Hmmm a throne would be offered to someone based on lineage, correct? So unless Jerren and Tennyo have equal rights to the title, or there are discrepancies surrounded in ambiguity, I’d say some kind of challenge (kind of like OVA ep 13?) as opposed to an election.
      Nice idea. And by the way its jerren and ami vs tennyo for the throne of jurai but what kind of a challange though?
      That’s a good question.I think since Ami’s in it it should have some sort of science based mental challenge to it.

      And then you could integrate a physical aspect into it as well.Perhaps something like a mental game of chess

      played on a holographic board.Except the board is life size as are the pieces.That could be one part of the challenge.

      The more physical part could be each side has to enter a labrinyth but to get through you have to basically face and

      physically defeat the darker side of your nature.

      Ok…that’s just an excuse to allow Ami to face off against Dark Mercury! soawesome1

      Still the idea of having a combination mental and physical challenge would be able to play into all the characters

      strengths and weaknesses…at least I hope it would.

      Isn’t it the typical bridge challenge (in a buddhist analogy)? Don’t remember the details anymore…
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