Tenchi Muyo platform card game

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    :ryoohki: Tenchi Muyo Platform Card Game :ryoohki:

    You will need:

    A 20-40 card deck

    A game mat (with a 6×6 field, two deck fields and two discard fields)

    A note pad (to keep track of the character card’s health) or damage counters

    How to play:

    You and your opponent draw 8 cards to form a hand. Then, you and your opponent select and place 4 character cards on their respective “base field” (6X2 in front of them). If any player has less than 4 character cards, that player can shuffle his or her entire hand to the deck and draws 8 new cards. A first turn is decided either by Rock-paper-scissors or by flipping a coin.

    The objective of the game is to defeat all your opponent’s character cards. After the 4 character cards played at the start of the game, neither you nor your opponent can play any more character cards, unless a “special power” states so, in which case it is called a “reinforcement call”.

    To defeat a character card, you need to reduce its Health to zero. This is done by attacking it with one of your own character cards moved towards the side of it.

    At the start of the turn, its player draws one card. During a turn, a Player can move one of his/her character cards in a distance or shown in the card’s details. However, the character card that the person chooses to move is the only one that can attack in that turn. After then, the player can do the following:

    • Attack an opponent’s character card with one of the attacks listed in the moved character card.

    • Play a “Special Power” card right next to the character card you moved(name’s a work in progress)

    • Undo the movement and either move the character to a different area or decide to move a different character (you can still do any of the above two when doing this)

    Once an attack has been dealt, it is automatically the end of the players turn.

    Card Types:

    There are two types of cards playable in this game:

    • Character cards- These are the main cards that you use to attack your opponents character cards with. As well as its name, a character card comes with:

     A health Bar

     The card race (Earthling, Jurian, Unknown)

     Two or three attacks, enlisting the damage it deals, how far the card can be to attack, and an additional special power

    Character cards also have a special power that can only be used once per turn unless the card description says otherwise

    • Special power cards- Special power cards and special powers on character cards can be used to an advantage. These powers can either deal damage to an opposing Character card without calling an attack, Healing or strengthening your own character cards or “reinforcement call” a character card from your hand onto your “base field”.

    Special power cards need to be played in your “base field” next to a character card, and only if said character card is in your “base field”.

    Special cards used and Character cards defeated go to the “ruined dimension” (discard pile) placed above the deck, which is to the right of the play mat.

    I didn’t know where else to put this…

    This is currently in its beta, but give me some feedback and I’ll alter it a bit

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  • Replies
      If you’d like I can give you my files on what I created for a Dual! card game.

      Me and another guy were going to use an online card battle system that was free called OCTGN at the time,

      and they provided spreadsheets and calculators to use the system with so you could build decks. We were

      working on a standard deck of 63 total cards.

      The game concept was Battle for Yamato City, and you had bases and points of control around the field that

      would shelter or aid your specific side. It was a bit like MtG too in some ways. We came up with quite a few

      abilities cards and names, but didn’t finish the game unfortunately… A lot of it was talked about over IM, which

      the logs are not in the files, but the basics are there.

      You’re welcome to what’s left of the system if you want to take a look.

      OCTGN is evidently back online – http://www.octgn.net/

      An online card game engine? That sounds very interesting ^^

      I’d be happy to see the card designs you made. I could use them as a reference for my own designs :ugeek:

      While I’m here, Can I ask an admin to move this to Chit Chat if that’s possible?

      Here you go, may be a while before it finishes uploading though.


      I’m more interested in the blank card designs. They’re very intuitive ^^
      Well the pic background came from the Rara tree Battleship, so it was fitting.

      Green was for the EDF, White for Ancients, Black for Biodroids.

      We didn’t get too much farther after I made the basic card examples.

      Dude…. I want an Evil Kione card :Cheeks:
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