The Genius Scientist and the God of Evil: Universe/DC Comics

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    When I finished the other story I wrote, AI Tenchi was just ending and I really didn’t want the carnival to end. However, I didn’t want to keep the other story going as I think it would have turned to garbage fast (as it stands, I really want to take a few days and edit things down a whole lot with that one, but I don’t have the time nor the drive.) I also found it calming to just escape and write a bit.

    Then this idea popped in my head.

    I am a huge Grant Morrison DC fan, especially his run on Batman and Robin. I know it’s not everybody’s cup of tea, but I love it. His big story for the DC Universe, though, was Final Crisis. I was rereading it and wondered how would any other person in that universe react? Thus, that became my set up. I also wanted to use the Tenchi Universe version so I could write Kiyone, who I have never written before.

    I don’t know if anyone here has ever read Final Crisis or Morrison’s work on Batman or JLA, but I highly recommend it. Still, I’d like to share what I’ve written!

    Ch. 1: Need For Omega

    It was a typical day in Okayama, Japan. The sun was shining, the grass was green. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

    Except for the small fact that the sky was red.

    Inside the Masaki residence in the heart of rural Okayama, a lone figure stirred in her laboratory. She had giant pink hair and looked only about twelve years old. Her name? Washu Hakubi. Her claim to fame?

    “You are the greatest scientific genius in the galaxy Washu!” A small, visually similar doll of the woman yelled to nobody in particular; serving only as a means to inspire confidence and inflate her ego.

    “You are the greatest scientific genius in the universe Washu!” A second doll yelled, also serving the same purpose.

    Washu had been tirelessly working in her lab for what seemed to have been days. The phenomenon of red skies was not completely unknown to her. Everyone in the scientific community knew what they meant.

    “Aw, thanks you two! You really know how to cheer a genius up! I just wish I could find some kind of news story on this planet that could explain this…” Washu muttered to herself before continuing her research.

    Behind her, a door appeared. A young girl with blue hair appeared in the doorway with a tray of food in hand.

    “Miss Washu! Miss Washu! Can I come in?”

    Washu stopped looking on her computer and swiveled around to se the visitor. “Ah Sasami! Come on in kiddo!”

    “I brought you some lunch…you’ve missed so many meals already Miss Washu. We were starting to get worried,” Sasami told her.

    The pink haired scientist shrugged. “What can I say Sasami, the red skies really have me worried. Are you familiar with what happens when the skies burn red?”

    Sasami shook her head. “No I don’t Miss Washu. The skies have never been red on the Planet Jurai before!”

    “That makes sense; red skies typically mean that a cataclysmic event on a cosmic scale is about to occur. Think of it as the universe bleeding from a wound…you following along okay?” Washu explained, pulling up images of the unnatural event occurring outside.

    After a few seconds of thinking about it, Sasami shook her head. “I’m not sure. Are you saying something terrible happened here on Earth?”

    “Either here on Earth or somewhere that affects this planet. The last time I encountered this phenomenon was back when this guy named Krona attempted to reshape the galaxy in his image…that was way back, before even the Green Lantern Corps. were formed. The Galaxy Police was pretty new itself…ah the good times when my research wasn’t criticized for being hazardous to the galaxy,” Washu reminisced, seemingly to herself just as much as to Sasami.

    Sensing that she was not going to get Washu to come upstairs, Sasami put the tray of food on the floor beside the still babbling Washu. “Well I hope you find what you are looking for Miss Washu! We are going to watch our Earth soap opera now with Tenchi since he just got back from school. Please let us know if you find out anything!” Sasami said, waving to the scientist.

    “…of course, he caused the creation of the Antimatter universe, and technically subspace itself. Oh well. It’s always useful to look into, right Sasami?” Washu looked around, not realizing that she was now alone in the laboratory. She sighed and dejectedly slumped back into her seat. “Well, she lasted longer than I was expecting.”

    The scientist returned to her database and continued to scan every local headline from every available online newspaper. After some time, the computer rested on one most particular story.

    “Hmm? What does this one say…’oddly dressed man found dead by notable Inspector Dan Turpin…’ Okay, I’ll bite. Let’s pull up an image of our oddly dressed man!”

    In an instant, a man with orange blonde hair who was wearing a red jumpsuit filled the screen. Washu looked at the image and thought about where she had seen his face before.

    “Not much of a looker…but why do I sense that I’ve seen him before? I’ve met so many people before being sealed away in that cave…God I’m so happy I’m out and a…” Washu started before she paused and stared intently at the image.

    “Whaaaa?! That’s Orion, the New God of War! Even I have never gone out my way to experiment with New Genesis or Apokolips! Why is a New God dead on this planet?!” Washu began to type furiously on her machine.

    Story after story was pulled up, mostly by a reporter named Lois Lane or Clark Kent, about how the famed American hero Superman and his Justice League went toe to toe against Darkseid, Orion’s father and the New God of Evil. Washu was in shock of how such a small planet was the battleground for such cosmic events.

    “This can’t be serious…I thought those masked heroes were jokes. I mean, the only one I have ever met was that Mr. Unknown guy and he was kind of pathetic compared to my genius…I need to research all of this immediately!”

    But just then, a most curious oddity popped up on the screen. It appeared to be an e-mail that was opening itself. Washu immediately noticed how the e-mail had an “Omega” symbol embedded in it: the infamous calling card of Darkseid.

    “This…this is not good! I need to cut my network!” Washu furiously started typing before the e-mail could finish opening itself completely. Finally, the screen went blank and the lab went dark.

    Washu started to pant and wipes sweat off of her brow. “I have no idea what that was, but I’m glad I didn’t stay to find out. First rule of the Academy: do NOT interfere with New Gods.”

    An alarm started blaring in the laboratory. A computerized voice filled the empty space. “Attention, hostile frequencies detected on all airwaves.”

    “What?!” Washu barked. “I cut it off!” She pulled up her computer. “Let’s see if that message was sent through the Unternet as well…”

    After trying to find an open server that did not contain any malicious messages, Washu finally managed to enter a deep sublayer of the Internet. Very few people even knew it existed and even fewer knew how to access it: the Unternet. A single message was posted. The avatar was that of a silver woman with a username called “Oracle.”

    “Attention, if you are reading this be aware that the Internet has been shut down for a reason. Evil Gods have sent something called ‘The Anti-Life Equation’ and have used our entire communications network as a weapon designed to destroy our free will. It is a mathematical proof that Darkseid, the God of Evil, is the rightful ruler of all existence. Avoid any and all technology! Please post your coordinates and Justice League personnel will arrive to vacate you to a safer place,” Washu read to herself.

    The scientist pondered for but a moment and considered the situation. “This is not good…not good at all. I have to get Tenchi and everyone out of here. I…” Washu stopped her pacing, remembering Sasami’s words. “THE SOAP OPERA!”

    Washu created ear plugs for herself and ran to the door. “I need to see it…see what I’m up against…please be okay, please be okay.”

    Washu quietly peeked out of the door and her greatest fears were answered: a giant “Omega” symbol was on the television and Ryoko, Sasami, Ayeka, Nobuyuki, and Tenchi were all blindly watching it. Washu locked her door and killed the sunspace connection between her lab and the Masaki house.

    “No…I’m too late. I need to sneak out of here…figure out how to fight this…” Washu said before realization dawned upon her. “Mihoshi and Kiyone…there is still a chance that they are unaffected…same with Katsuhito! I need to do everything I can before I even think about reaching out to that Oracle person. Think Washu…”

    “You can do it Washu!” The first doll popped out.

    “You are the greatest!” The second agreed.

    Washu ignored the comment for now. She had failed her family…how was she going to save them from Anti-Life itself?

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      Ch 2: No Need for Anti-Life

      The world had descended into chaos and the greatest scientist in the universe was helpless to stop it.

      Washu hoped that she would not be alone in this fight. There was only one way to be sure…


      “Mihoshi! You unplugged our clock last night! We probably overslept!” A green haired woman yelled to a sleeping blonde haired woman.

      Across Okayama to a more densely populated area, Kiyone Makibi and Mihoshi Kuramitsu had no idea of the horrors of the outside world. The two ladies were First Class detectives in the Galaxy Police and were presently assigned to patrol the Solar System. Though they got the position due to their relationship with Tenchi, Kiyone forced Mihoshi to take responsibility and rent their own apartment.

      They had no idea how fortuitous they were that they did that.

      “Mihoshi, get up! The radio is broken so I have no idea how bad traffic is going to be today! We need to get rent by the end of the week and we will never…” Kiyone started to yell before she stopped and sighed. “This is getting me nowhere. MIHOSHI!”

      Jolting up, the frazzled blonde haired woman looked around the room. “Wha…what’s going on? Who… oh, it’s just you Kiyone! I thought there was trouble or something!”

      Kiyone slapped her head and groaned. “Mihoshi, we have to get to work today. I know the GXP has us on a longer shift while the Red Sky Crisis is being investigated, but we still have responsibilities on Earth. You got it?”

      “But Kiyoneeeee, I’m still tired!” Mihoshi whined.

      “Get up and get dressed or else we won’t have enough money for karaoke!” Kiyone put her foot down.

      “But Kiyoneeeee…”


      Just then, a door in the wall appeared. Kiyone looked at it and shrugged. “Mihoshi, get decent! We’ve got company.”

      Washu peered her head out of the door. She seemed nervous and looked visibly relieved when she laid eyes on the duo. She ran inside and started typing away on her keyboard.

      “Good! You two haven’t been exposed, thank god!” Washu exclaimed, examining the room.

      Kiyone, baffled by the sudden intrusion, walked up to the pink haired visitor. “Washu, what are you doing here? We have work in a few hours and…”

      “I’m going to stop you right there Makibi. You are not going to work. You can’t even leave the planet to go to your other job if you wanted.”

      “What are you talking about? You aren’t making any sense!” Kiyone yelled.

      Washu regarded the apartment. There appeared to be no working technology that could play the Anti-Life Equation nor were their window blinds opened.

      “Well for starters, it’s about three in the afternoon. I know you guys take the night shift sometimes, so I’m not sure if you are already late or not. However, while you both have been napping, the planet Earth just lost all of its free will to tyrannical Gods,” Washu explained, taking no pleasure from the explanation.

      Kiyone just stood still. “Hold on, what?!”

      “How familiar are you with the New Gods?” Washu asked. “Let’s walk and talk. We need to get out of here, now!”

      Kiyone scrambled to rush out of there while Mihoshi yawned lazily. “Well, I know that New Genesis and Apokolips are typically out of bounds for the GXP. What’s going on here? MIHOSHI, come on!”

      “Where are we going Kiyone?” Mihoshi asked as her partner pulled her into the door.

      “Washu’s lab…I guess.”

      The two made it through the door. The lab was empty save for an elderly gentleman who was sitting down, waiting for the ladies to return.

      “Thank you for waiting Lord Katsuhito and thank you for cooperating you two. So, I assume you all have questions,” Washu told her captive audience.

      “I must confess, I am quite confused as to what is going on here. You opened one of your doors in the shrine and dragged me here. What is the meaning of this Washu?” Katsuhito asked.

      “Yeah! Washu did the same thing to us!” Mihoshi nodded.

      “I’m very aware what I did and I’m sorry for my forceful nature,” Washu conceded.

      “That’s a first,” Kiyone muttered.

      “What was that Kiyone dear?” the genius scientist asked sinisterly.

      “Nothing,” she muttered.

      Smiling, Washu pulled up an image of a muscular, rock faced being. He appeared to be locked in combat with a black haired man in a red cape and blue tights. “Okay, pull up a chair, this is going to take awhile, but it is VERY important.”

      Mihoshi looked around the lab. “Hey, shouldn’t we wait for the others then? They shouldn’t miss this!”

      All of the smugness in Washu’s face disappeared and was replaced with a look of disappointment and regret. “They aren’t coming Mihoshi,” she whispered.

      “What?!” Kiyone yelled. “Alright, stop dancing around the subject and start explaining!”

      “Fine, but I warn all of you that what I have to say is hard to listen to. On the screen is an image of a New God: Darkseid: Lord of Apokolips and the New God of Evil,” she explained, pointing to the rock-like humanoid. “This is him fighting an American hero named Superman.”

      “Oh, I love Superman! He isn’t local like that cool Mr. Unknown guy, but he’s famous!” Mihoshi bolted up.

      Kiyone’s eye twitched. “Mihoshi, this isn’t about Superman! Let her finish!”

      Bowing with gratitude, Washu continued. “Darkseid has apparently taken an interest in this planet for some years, even before you all arrived and before I was released from the cave. It a little known fact, but Darkseid has always been after something called the Anti-Life Equation…at least he was up until recently.”

      Katsuhito looked grim. “The red skies…”

      “Precisely. Darkseid has started some kind of universal crisis with Earth as Ground Zero. I’m not sure if you two have noticed,” Washu pointed to Mihoshi and Kiyone. “But the planet has been cut off from the rest of the galaxy. We can not receive help from the Galaxy Police, the Green Lanterns, or even the Planet Jurai.”

      “So you are telling us that this Equation thing was used on the planet? How?” Kiyone asked, her mind clearly at work trying to piece everything together.

      “Technology,” Washu answered. “TV, radio, Internet, GPS…you name it! The Evil Gods hacked into Earth’s technology and weaponized it. Katsuhito was at the shrine so he missed it. You two overslept and had no working technology capable of transmitting it!”

      “So we survived due to sheer, dumb luck?” Kiyone asked.

      Washu nodded. “Tenchi and the others were not so lucky.”

      “Kiyoneeeee, I’m scared!” Mihoshi sobbed.

      “This is no time to panic Miss Mihoshi,” Katsuhito told her. “We have to be alert and ready for anything. Well Washu, what can we do?”

      Washu typed a little bit on her computer and pulled up Oracle’s e-mail. “I am fortunate enough to possess ways around the adverse effects of the Equation. This Oracle person is calling for any unaffected person to come join him (or her). I say we establish contact and work together.”

      “It could be a trap,” Kiyone warned. “Have you done any research on this ‘Oracle?'”

      “Of course I have! I think that Oracle is with that American group the Justice League or at least grounded near Gotham City, New Jersey.”

      “Oh!” Mihoshi snapped her fingers. “That means Oracle works for Batman!”

      “Mihoshi, if you put anywhere near as much effort into our jobs that you do superheroes, we wouldn’t be in a financial hole right now!” Kiyone berated.

      “But Kiyone, it seems to be coming in handy right now!” Mihoshi pointed out.

      Washu nodded. “It’s true. I don’t know much about this world of heroes, but we are lucky Mihoshi does. I’m going to establish contact and hope for the best…”

      Washu typed away at her computer, hoping that the others would not catch on at how nervous she truly was. This situation seemed to be entirely out of the genius scientist’s league…which was why she needed to join an entirely new league of players.

      A Justice League.

      Ch. 3: No Need for Oracle

      The Hall of Justice was cold and sterile. Amidst the collapse of the free world, this was one of the last places inhabited by Earth’s heroes that had not succumbed to the Anti-Life Equation. Though certain pieces of technology could be used safely, the few members of the Justice League that occupied it used them sparingly.

      Chief amongst the heroes stationed in this sanctuary was a red haired woman in a wheelchair. Her name was Barbra Gordon, but up here she was known by a different moniker: Oracle. Gordon used to go by the name Batgirl, but that career was ended by a maniacal clown with a gun. Gordon was a genius when it came to technology, specifically the Internet. She might have learned to fight from heroes like Black Canary and Batman, but she knew how to use her intellect to her advantage in the fight against crime.

      Though she did not approve of the idea of the Unternet, especially since she knew that it was designed by one of her more annoying enemies, the Calculator, she had to admit that it had its uses. Killing the Internet was incredibly hard to do, but at least this way she might give some people the help that they need. In fact, the Hall of Justice was full of refugees that were not unwitting pawns of Darkseid’s evil cabal.

      Thankfully, she was not completely alone in her rescue attempts. Michael Holt, known to others as Mister Terrific, was one of the three smartest Earthlings on the planet and happened to be assisting her. The two had been joined by Black Canary herself and Green Arrow, two other heroes who were well respected in the Justice League, but they were out on a mission to try to answer a distress signal from one of their own: Black Lightning.

      “Barbara, look at this,” Holt told the bespectacled former Batgirl. He pointed to a computer monitor that had turned itself on.

      Rolling her wheelchair to Mister Terrific, Barbara saw a most interesting sight on the now active screen. “This isn’t the Anti-Life Equation…this looks to be some digital…crabs?”

      “Have you ever seen this before? It looks like somebody’s calling card,” he postulated. “I’ve lost track of the various aquatic based villains around the word.”

      Barbara took her place at the keyboard and tried to decrypt the dancing crustaceans. “This isn’t the M.O. of any criminal I’ve ever encountered. In fact…this isn’t a virus or anything like that. It looks like it is just trying to get our attention!” Barbara turned her head around. “This might be a trap or a potential hacker!”

      “It’s coming from the Unternet, so it’s very likely. We don’t really know how many people are even aware of the Unternet yet…” Mister Terrific trailed on.

      Oracle was only half listening at this point. She tried to trace the origin of the signal, but was having major difficulties. ‘It’s like it isn’t even coming from this planet…or maybe this…’ “Dimension.”

      “Excuse me?”

      “Michael, this isn’t originating from this dimension! It might be coming from The Phantom Zone, or a pocket universe!” Barbara explained.

      “But look at the screen; the text is in Japanese!”

      Oracle readjusted her glasses and reread the monitor. Sure enough, the crabs and disappeared and Japanese characters appeared in their place. Barbara was familiar enough with the language to know that it said “background check complete!”

      “A Japanese background check emanating from another dimension?” Barbara muttered.

      “I don’t get it…” Mister Terrific started before getting cut off.

      “Alert: unknown energy source detected!” A disembodied voice warned. “Alert: unknown energy source detected!”

      “Could it be Darkseid?” Mister Terrific asked.

      Pulling out a pair of fighting sticks, Barbara nodded. “There’s a good chance of it.”

      A door appeared in the center of the room and the two heroes braced themselves. A small pink haired child peered her head out and acknowledged the other occupants of the Hall of Justice.

      “Hiya, how do you do? Might I assume correctly that this is where I can find Miss Barbara Gordon aka Oracle?” she asked in English before laying eyes on the wheelchair bound redhead.

      Barbara was taken back by this girl’s behavior. ‘She seems so…unconcerned, yet she knows about me. I can’t take my eyes off of her.’ “Might I ask who’s asking little girl?”

      The girl’s eyebrow raised and a smile grew on her face. “You may indeed Miss Gordon. My name is Washu: the greatest scientific genius in the galaxy!”

      A small doll that looked exactly like her appeared on her left shoulder. “Oh Washu, you are so great!”

      “We are in awe of your intellect!” A second doll appeared and added.

      The appearance of a crazy pink haired girl who proclaimed to be a scientific genius forced Barbara and Michael to step back. Of all the things they were expecting, that was the last thing they could ever imagine. Still, it was way too early to write her off completely as either a friend or a foe.

      “Err…that’s all well and good, but how did you get into the Hall of Justice? For that matter, why are you here?” Mister Terrific asked.

      Washu examined him. “Curious thing on your face.” She pointed to the grey “T” shaped marking on his face. “Let’s see what your files say of it…ah, Mister Terrific! Says here you are one of the smartest people on the planet…I can respect that! Your mask is made up of nanites? Fascinating!”

      “Thank you?” he replied, surprised and confused at the entire situation.

      “As for your question, I am here because of that one’s message on the Unternet. Interesting gambit, I have to say. From what I’ve gathered, usually the people who frequent that section of the net are scumbags,” Washu chuckled. “But I’m getting ahead of myself here. As the greatest scientific genius in the galaxy, it occurred to me that someone as high profile as you could need my help!”

      Barbara raised an eyebrow. “You know how to stop the Anti-Life equation?”

      “At the present moment…not so much,” Washu admitted. “But I’ve got better resources than you in my lab. Speaking of, I managed to save a few people before the Equation hit. Mind if they join us?”

      “Do we have a choice, Miss Genius?” Barbara asked, clearly still not trusting her.

      “Well, I mean of course you do, but it’d be rude to keep them waiting!” The scientist opened up her door and yelled inside. “Hey, we are clear here! It’s safe!”

      Washu held the door open so that two other ladies, one blonde and the other green haired, and an elderly gentleman could enter the Hall.

      “Oh my gosh, it’s the Hall of Justice! Kiyone, it’s just like I told you!” the blonde haired one told her companion excitedly.

      “That you did Mihoshi, several times in fact.” Kiyone sighed. “Don’t make it weird for everyone!”

      “The ditzy blonde is first class detective Mihoshi and her friend is her partner, first class detective Kiyone. The last member of our party is Katsuhito Masaki, the grandfather of our mutual friend who sadly was exposed to Darkseid’s plans,” Washu explained, pointing out each member of the party.

      Mihoshi went up to Mister Terrific and shook his hand. “Oh my gosh it’s so nice to meet you! I’ve read so much on all of you in Japan!”

      “It’s nice to meet you too, uh, Mihoshi was it? I have to say, your English is pretty good.”

      “Oh, Washu made us universal translators! It allows us to understand you all and for you to understand us!”

      “Really?” Mister Terrific said, intrigued at the idea. “Interesting concept for a girl of, what, 10?”

      The comment caused Mihoshi to laugh. “No silly, she’s over 20,000 years old!”

      “MIHOSHI!” Kiyone yelled. “You can’t go around telling them that!”

      “Why not? It’s not like they’ve encountered aliens before. Superman, Green Lantern…”

      Kiyone blinked. “I never thought of that…”

      “Aliens?” Barbara asked. “Are all of you from off world?”

      “Well Kiyone and I are part of the Galaxy Police, Washu is a former teacher at the Galactic Academy, and Tenchi’s grandfather used to be the prince to the planet Jurai!”

      “Way to sell us out Mihoshi!” Washu scolded, hitting her in the shoulder.

      Barbara processed this. She made a mental note to ask John Stewart about this when the entire ordeal was over. “So, why are you here then? Why Earth?”

      “I was banished here,” Washu said. “Because the Academy deemed me a threat. Pff, what do they know?”

      Barbara made another mental note to ask about her status as a ‘threat’ later on. After all, if Batman taught her anything it was that the victory is in the preparation.

      “We are assigned to the Solar System!” Mihoshi smiled. “So, what’s Batman really like! Is he around?”

      “Actually, nobody has seen Batman since this all began. We think he was kidnapped by the Evil Gods, but we don’t know for sure…” Barbara admitted.

      “That’s terrible! The world needs a Batman!”

      “Mihoshi, I think you are getting Washu and Miss Gordon off topic,” Katsuhito pointed out.

      Mihoshi dejectedly stopped her thoughts about Batman and sighed in defeat. “I’m sorry.”

      “Now that Mihoshi is finished fangirling, we can discuss the issue at hand. Our household, like much of your planet, has fallen under the sway of the Anti-Life Equation. I’ve never had any experiences with the New Gods, but I know for a fact that you all have. I’m sure we can use your experience and my resources to think of something,” Washu said. She created a translucent energy computer out of nowhere.

      This caught the attention of both of the heroes. “How did you create that?” Mister Terrific asked. “Do you utilize reflective lasers?”

      “No, I just willed it into existence,” Washu said as if it were an everyday occurrence.

      “I think what we need is to find out what exactly the Anti-Life Equation is,” Katsuhito contributed.

      “Before I cut the Internet, I got a glimpse of what it is. It’s a mathematical…” Oracle started. “Wait, that was in the post I put out on the Unternet. You should know all of that.”

      “I think he’s referring to what the actual steps of the Equation are. If we knew that, perhaps we could devise a ‘Life Equation’ that can bring balance to everything,” Kiyone added.

      “Perhaps…but there is no way of knowing unless we had the Equation in a way that people will not lose their free will,” Barbara countered. She stopped and looked around. “Where did your partner go?”

      An alarm sounded. Suddenly a disembodied voice cried “Doors unlocked!”

      “Doors…Mihoshi what have you done?!” Kiyone screamed.

      Mister Terrific ran to a computer terminal and pulled up a love security feed. “We have Justifiers entering the Hall of Justice! Damn it!”

      “Justifiers?” Washu asked, panicking.

      “People under the influence of the Anti-Life Equation! We have to get out of here!” Barbara yelled.

      At that moment, Mihoshi came wandering back into the room. “I’m sorry! I fell and hit the button by accident! I don’t know what’s going on!”

      Kiyone and over and grabbed her collar. “You idiot, you just damned us all!”

      The worst fears of the planet have been realized. The Hall of Justice has been breached by Anti-Life. If justice cannot overcome Darkseid, what will?

      Ch. 4: No Need for Justifiers

      “If what I’ve read about this place in my little hacking session is true, we don’t have much time before these Justifiers arrive where we are!” Washu fretted.

      Kiyone grabbed her gun from her holster and loaded it. “Tell me, are these people criminals or just poor souls who aren’t in control of their actions?”

      “Anyone can become one Kiyone,” Barbara told her. “We believe their helmets are playing the Anti-Life Equation directly into their brains.”

      “Stunning it is then,” the detective nodded, setting her gun’s settings appropriately.

      “Look, we need to get out of here now! I’ll create a doorway to my lab! We’ll be safe there!” Washu started furiously typing.

      Mister Terrific ran over to her and threw his hands up. “We need to warn the others, like Black Canary and The Ray, to avoid here! Damn it, I wasn’t even supposed to BE here for this long…We can’t leave until I send out a warning! Besides, it will be safer for you at the Castle with me or the Fortress of Solitude…”

      “Stop right there! You have no idea whether my lab is safer than your little Fortress of whatever! By arguing with me you are wasting valuable time! Either let me get Oracle out of here to a place they can’t find her so you can go back to your little Chess based organization or risk losing both of your free wills to an evil God!” Washu yelled.

      The doors and windows smashed open. Several people with silver helmets on barged into the room. Kiyone started to fire shots at the men and women descending on the group.

      “Anti-Life justifies our actions!” the Justifiers cried as one.

      “You all go, I have sensitive material here that I need to destroy before it gets into their hands! I’ll handle Black Canary and Green Arrow before I head back!” Mister Terrific told the group.

      “But Michael…” Barbara started.

      “Look, I need to teleport to Checkmate anyway! It’s my duty as White King. Don’t worry about me Oracle, that crazy girl might find something we overlooked! Keep me in the loop!”

      Katsuhito looked at Mister Terrific. “I’ll help you hold them off. Ladies, go!” The elderly Japanese man took a wooden sword from his side and started to attack the waves of Justifiers. Washu looked on in horror and admiration at the action and set to work.

      “I need a moment to reconnect to the lab’s subspace dimension. Kiyone, draw them away as best as you can! Mihoshi, don’t touch ANYTHING!” Washu ordered.

      Mihoshi turned around and started to run over to the them. “Okay Miss Washu! I won’t…wahhhh!” Mihoshi screamed as she fell down. She hit a metal table, which rolled into several Justifiers. It hit one of them in the head, knocking his helmet off his head. The helmet flew in the air and landed near the blonde. She picked it up and stared at it. “Huh? Oh, I should hold on to this!”

      By this point Washu opened her subspace door. “Get in! I don’t know how long we have so please familiarize yourself with the Hakubi evacuation procedure!”

      The Justifiers continued to pour into the room. Katsuhito was doing everything he could to stop them from coming. Suddenly, he looked very calm and sullen. “Mister Terrific, do what you must. This is not my fight to win.” With that, the former Juraian prince gave everything he got to give his friends the time they needed to escape. One simple kick later, Mister Terrific, who had been fiddling with the controls to a teleportation chamber, was thrust into it and was immediately sent away to the coordinates that he had plugged in. Kiyone, catching Katsuhito’s idea, shot the controls of the machine, disabling all of the inhabitants from following the third smartest man on the Earth.

      Oracle looked at the chaos descending upon her and made her choice internally. ‘This isn’t a good idea, but what choice do I have at this point?’ She rolled herself into the door. Close behind, she heard the sounds of Kiyone’s gun and a giant “No!” Though she longed to look back, Barbara Gordon knew it was better to move on before she would begin to doubt herself, or worse become a Justifier.

      The red headed woman looked around this new unknown place. There did not appear to be any legitimate walls in this lab. It seemed to just…exist. There were various machines that scattered the plane, but Barbara did not know how they got here, or where “here” was. She wheeled herself around, taking in everything she could. For just one fleeting moment, the Red Skies and the Anti-Life Equation left her mind and the inner child in Barbara emerged.

      “Breathtaking, isn’t it?” the voice of Washu asked.

      The three Japanese-esque women had entered the lab, sweaty and panting. Mihoshi was wailing like a baby, clutching something like a teddy bear, and Kiyone looked like a ghost.

      “Where is your friend?” Barbara asked.

      “He…he didn’t make it. They got him,” Washu said bitterly.

      Barbara gave them a look of remorse. “I’m sorry.”

      “Don’t be. There will be a happy ending to this story. I swear it,” Washu bit her lip. “We owe it to Lord Tenchi.”

      “Is Tenchi the mutual friend you all were mentioning before?” Barbara asked.

      Kiyone nodded and slunk to the floor. “Damn it, we are better than this Mihoshi! The Galaxy Police have faced worse threats than this; why can’t we get a hold of the rest of the squad?!”

      “Time,” Washu started. “It is in flux on this planet. I don’t know how he did it, but roughly four weeks have passed in the time we entered the subspace lab initially to the time we entered the Hall of Justice. If my calculations are correct, the rest of the Galaxy has only experienced maybe three days at most.”

      “How is that possible?” Kiyone asked.

      Washu shrugged. “Hell if I know.”

      “So am I right in assuming this is another dimension like the Phantom Zone or a pocket universe?” Barbara inquired, wanting to get these kinds of questions out of the way fast.

      Smiling, Washu brought up a holographic display of several different layers of reality. “What you see here is a dimensional map. We are presently in a subspace lab I created. It borrows one of your pocket dimensions and bends it to my will.”

      Barbara blinked at this development. “Wait, you CREATED this dimension? You didn’t find it?”

      “Is that so hard to believe?” the scientist laughed. “Didn’t Superman’s father create the Phantom Zone back on Krypton?”

      “Miss Washu, how did you know that?” Kiyone asked. “I thought Mihoshi was the only one with any familiarity with Earth heroes.”

      “I hacked into her boss’ computer,” Washu said, pointing at Barbara.

      “What?!” Barbara was floored. “How did…?”

      “It was simple really. I have technology that far surpasses anything developed by human hands. Your boy Wayne had some serious roadblocks in his system, but without you or his butler at the other end enabling protocols beyond the ones in place already, I managed to read it like a book.”

      Observing the angry look on Oracle’s face, Washu sighed. “Look, I could care less about your secret identities or anything like that. What does the greatest scientific genius in the universe need with Batman or Superman or even Ambush Bug? Hell, when this Crisis is over I’ll help strengthen the system. I needed to research Darkseid and your ‘Bat-Computer’ was the easiest way to do it.”

      “Thanks…I suppose,” Barbara grumbled. ‘I do not trust this woman one bit. If she were to ever change her mind…’

      “Mihoshi, stop gripping your gun like it’s a pillow and get up off the floor!” Kiyone berated.

      Wiping away her tears, Mihoshi looked up at the three women. “I’m not holding my gun Kiyone! I’m holding this thing!”

      The blonde haired woman showed the group what she had been cradling: a familiar silver helmet. Washu and Barbara’s jaws metaphorically hit the floor.

      “That’s a Justifier Helmet!” Barbara cried.

      “If we can study it and figure out how to cancel out the Equation…” Washu started.

      “We can save the Earth!” The two ladies of technology exclaimed at the same time.

      Kiyone couldn’t help but give Mihoshi a hug. “Do you have any idea what you have just done Mihoshi?”

      Thinking for a moment, Mihoshi shook her head. “Uh, no not really.”

      “You have given us the advantage we need to beat the Gods! You’re a hero Mihoshi!”

      With that, Mihoshi’s sniffling for Katsuhito changed into crying tears of joy: tears that hopefully will signal the return of miracles and the fall of evil.

      Ch. 5: No Need for Solutions

      In the depths of Washu’s subspace lab, the pink haired scientist worked as hard as she could to reverse engineer the Justifier helmet that was grabbed by Mihoshi. Barbara Gordon watched and assisted as best as she could, but the technology she was utilizing was overwhelmingly advanced.

      “Any luck with re routing the signal back in a way that won’t subject us to the Equation?” Barbara asked, passing Washu what appeared to be an advanced screwdriver.

      “No dice. I think if we find a symbol or a signal that can disrupt it, we may be able to listen to it without falling under. The biggest concern is actually testing it out without succumbing. It will be difficult to do…” Washu answered while tinkering with the helmet.

      “Is there anything I can do to help Miss Washu?” Mihoshi yelled at the other end of the lab. Washu had created an artificial barrier to prevent Mihoshi from interfering Washu’s workspace.

      Washu regarded her and waved her arms around wildly. “No…no thank you Mihoshi! You are helping by standing right there! Keep doing just that and we will be great!”

      “Aww,” Mihoshi said dejectedly.

      “Did you end up trying to contact that Mister Terrific guy yet Barbara?” Kiyone asked. “It couldn’t hurt to reach out. He might have some information about the state of the planet.”

      The red haired woman turned to Washu. “Can they track us back here if Checkmate had fallen?”

      Laughing, Washu shook her head. “Please, my subspace lab is untraceable by Earth’s technology. It couldn’t hurt to find out how they are doing.”

      Nodding, Oracle wheeled herself over to the computer outside the barrier. “I’m actually going to try the Batcave first. I’m not sure if Alfred is safe…I already know my dad has fallen,” she noted with a hint of sadness in her voice.

      “Do what you must. Hmm…these numbers might mean something…” Washu muttered to herself.

      Barbara was curious about her findings, but was resolved to reach anybody on the outside. “This is Oracle reaching out to Batcave central. Batcave, are you stable?”

      There was no answer. Barbara waited and sighed. It seemed that all hope was lost in that front. She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked to see Kiyone’s smiling face. “Don’t worry Barbara; they’ll be okay.”

      “I know. I’ve learned from the best to keep these kind of things out of focus at times like this.”

      Just then, an odd sound came out of the computer. It wasn’t a sentence, but kind of a verbal stutter. “*tt* The cripple made it out of the fire,” came the voice from the other side. A picture soon followed and it showcased a young boy of around nine with black hair. He was wearing a red and yellow costume with a cape and a domino mask. Barbara did a double take when she saw life…which then turned to a sigh when she realized who it was.

      “Damian, why are you wearing a Robin costume?” Barbara asked.

      “Who’s Damian?” Kiyone asked Mihoshi. She shrugged, clearly curious to see who this child was.

      “That fool Drake got himself caught by those Justifiers. There is an opening for the role and who better to fill it than Batman’s son? Besides, Mother left me here after Father’s run in with the Black Glove so it is time for me to claim my birthright,” Damian laughed pompously.

      “What?! Batman has a son?! Amazing!” Mihoshi squealed.

      “Gordon, what drivel are you associating with now? For that matter where are you anyway?” Damian asked with disgust.

      “Not important pipsqueak. Where’s Alfred? Is he okay?”

      The boy pointed off-screen. “Pennyworth? He’s fine and upstairs checking the grounds. Surely you realized Father was prepared for anything, including an identity-destroying virus that infected the Internet. Speaking of, have you or your Justice League fools received any word about Father?”

      Barbara shook her head. “No; we were hoping to have heard something from Alfred. Is he coming back anytime soon?”

      “*tt*, how should I know?”

      “Hey!” Washu suddenly shouted. “Since the Internet is down, do any of you know if the fraction ’10/6′ has any significant meaning? It’s embedded in the helmet but it doesn’t seem to serve any purpose.”

      The wannabe Boy Wonder laughed. “Seriously Gordon, where do you find these academically challenged fools? Have you never opened a book before woman?”

      The comment caused the scientist to burn with anger. She walked right over to the screen and pointed her finger at the boy. “Listen here kid, I don’t think you know who you are talking to. I am Washu, the greatest scientific mind in the universe! I have created several inventions in over 20,000 years and have even rewrote physics a few times! How dare you question my academic credentials, especially at your age!”

      “I’m sorry, I can’t take you and your ridiculous pink hair seriously,” Damian retorted back.

      Mihoshi, who was hanging on every word that was said, snapped her fingers. “Hey, I know what ’10/6′ is from! It’s the little card on the Mad Hatter’s hat in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland! Noboyuki owns it and I read it back when we were living with Tenchi! I liked that book!”

      Barbara processed her statement and nodded. “You’re right Mihoshi. This has Jervis Tetch written all over it.”

      Damian grunted in disgust. “You mean to tell me that an idiot with a fascination with children’s literature is responsible for the destruction of humanity’s free will? Madness.”

      “He was probably used by whoever is leading the ‘Secret Society’ this time. I doubt it’s Luthor, since he values his own mind too much…” Barbara trailed off.

      “Master Damian, what are you doing?! Get away from the monitor, you don’t know what is out there!” came a British voice on the other end of the call. An elderly gentleman walked into view and stared at the group. A smile lit his face as he raised his white gloves hand to his mouth.

      “Miss Gordon! Bless my soul; I’m thrilled to see that you are okay!” the man told Barbara.

      Barbara sighed in relief. “I’m fine Alfred! I was worried about you!”

      “Nonsense Miss Gordon. We Pennyworths have handled far more than a simple virus. By chance have…” Alfred started before Barbara shook her head.

      “We have reason to believe Bruce was taken hostage by the New Gods,” Barbara said bitterly.

      “Ah, so they’ll be in for a nasty shock, won’t they?” Alfred said with a weary smile.

      With that, Damian pushed his way into the picture. “Gordon, are you mad?! You called father ‘Bruce!’ If you weren’t already bound to a wheelchair I would…”

      “It’s okay Damian,” Barbara sighed, ignoring the boy’s uncalled for comment. “They know. These people hacked into the Bat-Computer and found out everything…” ‘As much as I hate it.’

      “Good lord! That’s unheard of!” Alfred remarked.

      “How dare they?!” Damian roared.

      Washu yawned and shot the gentlemen a look that said “Really? Right now?” “Look, I don’t have time for this. Oracle, if you want these two here, I can open a doorway and they can be safe. Otherwise, can we get back to our job? The world ain’t saving itself!”

      “More people?” Kiyone asked. “Is that a good idea Washu?”

      She threw her arms in the air. “How should I know; I can’t even think in my own lab…Mihoshi for all that is sacred and holy DO NOT TOUCH MY CLONING DEVICE!”

      The blonde haired detective was inches away from banging into a machine that had two pods. Washu ran over to get her away. At the same time, Damian was laughing.

      “This is the great genius who hacked Father’s files? The only other person who has done that was Grandfather! These people are imbeciles!”

      “You aren’t helping brat!” Washu retorted.

      “Who are you calling a brat you harlot! I demand you teleport me there at once so I may show you the night of Batman’s son!” Damian growled.

      Alfred put a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Master Damian, I don’t think that…”

      It was too late. Washu started to type on her computer and suddenly a door opened. From outside came the boy and the butler. Alfred, frazzled at the lab, took in the sights. Damian, however, was far more narrow-minded.

      “Pink haired wench; you dare disrespect me!”

      Washu hopped over to Oracle. “Listen, let me take care of small and brooding. Why don’t you call Mister Terrific to see if he has made any headway.”

      Sensing the oncoming tension, Barbara nodded and started typing numbers and letters into the computer.

      As the commotion began, Alfred Pennyworth walked over to Mihoshi and Kiyone. He extended his hand out. “This has been a most peculiar time indeed. We have not yet been introduced Ms…?”

      Kiyone accepted his hand and smiled. “Makibi. Kiyone Makibi, First Class Detective in the Galaxy Police. The blonde is my partner, Mihoshi Kuramitsu.”

      “Hello! It’s such and honor to meet Batman’s butler! That is probably the best job ever!” Mihoshi squealed.

      Alfred chuckled lightly. “That it is Miss Kuramitsu. I assume your Galaxy Police are similar to the Green Lantern Corps?”

      “Similar, except we weren’t chosen by some kind of power ring,” Kiyone explained. “You didn’t think the universe was patrolled only by guys in green spandex did you?”

      “I must confess I never gave it much thought. I tend to consider myself more grounded than most of Master Bruce’s associates. What about the other one; the one who is verbally sparring Master Damian? Does she work for the police as well?”

      The two sensible adults looked at the pair of people fighting.

      “You cow; you think I believe any of your stories about your lifespan? Even Grandfather was only 500 years old before my aunt killed him prior to his own resurrection!”

      “Sure that isn’t some terrible story your mama told you to keep you from wetting the bed, domino boy?”

      “I’ll have your hide for that!”

      “Please, that’s the most action you’ll see in your life!”

      Sighing, Kiyone rubbed her temples. “Would you believe she used to be a Galactic Academy scientist?”

      Alfred raised an eyebrow. “You don’t say? I suppose she was the one to hack the Bat-Computer?”

      “The very same.”

      “Master Bruce won’t be happy that his equipment was breached, but I believe that desperate times call for desperate measures,” Alfred explained.

      “Everybody, come here NOW!” Oracle yelled suddenly. “That means you Damian!”

      The various groups of people made their way over to the screen. Mister Terrific was in frame as was a young man in a brightly colored costume. Behind them were a variety of heroes, all in their own colorful outfits. The only thing they all had in common was the strange markings on their face.

      “Oh my, it’s the Super Young Team! This is amazing!” Mihoshi told the group.

      “We don’t care right now Mihoshi,” Kiyone scolded. “What’s this about?”

      Oracle pointed at the screen. “You know how we were hypothesizing that a counter symbol could exist to undo Darkseid’s Omega transmissions? Shilo Norman, the current Mister Miracle there, has found the symbol! It’s the Anti-Omega! This is our key to beating the Anti-Life Equation!”

      Washu took everything in. “So that marking prevents you from having your free will taken away?”

      “It does,” Mister Terrific replied from Checkmate. “It’s a weapon left by Metron, one of the remaining good New Gods.”

      “Fascinating! Between this and the discovery that the Justifier Helmets are built by utilizing your Mad Hatter’s technology, we can develop a means of turning off the radio broadcast and return the planet to the way it was!” Washu cheered.

      “*tt* You presume too much pest,” Damian mocked. “How do you know the symbol will work? I’m not about to take the word of a circus clown and call it a day!”

      “Who are you calling a circus clown?! We are all super cool! Most Excellent Superbat can vouch for Mr. Miracle!” said one of the Super Young Team.

      “Superbat?! You mock my father…”

      “As much as it pains me, the runt’s right. We need a control to test our hypothesis before we lose ourselves to the Equation…” Washu started, tapping her forehead.

      “What do you suggest Miss Hakubi?” Alfred asked.

      She paused and then smiled. “Anyone have a carrot?”

      I also drew up a cover for this. Dick Grayson might not have appeared yet, but he will in time." />

      Ch.6: No Need for a Guinea Pig

      “Are you sure this will work Miss Hakubi?” Alfred asked Washu upon returning from stately Wayne Manor with several carrots. Washu had enlisted the butler’s aid by sending him back through her inter-dimensional to raid his kitchen for vegetables.

      “Very much so. Ryo-Ohki is the only one at the house right now. Though I have temporarily severed the link from my lab to the house, I have been monitoring them as best as I could,” she explained. “It seems that those tainted by the Anti-Life Equation are sent to work at some kind of labor job to ‘Die in Darkseid’s name!’ or some crap like that. That just leaves our little cabbit friend.

      “A cat-rabbit hybrid from outer space that eats carrots? I can’t be the only person here to find that scenario preposterous!” Damian complained.

      “You are standing in the middle of another dimension in the presence of aliens who are older than our entire planet,” Barbara pointed out to her former boss’ son. “You pick the animal of all things to question?”

      “*TT* What do you know Gordon?” Damian scoffed.

      “Enough chatter from the peanut gallery!” Washu snapped. “I don’t know how long we have alone before the others get back. If Ryoko or Ayeka return, we will be in major trouble! As highly as you perceive yourself to be Mister Wayne, I do not wish for you to experience the full might of a wanted space pirate or a Jurian princess.”

      “What’s the matter Hakubi: afraid to see me massacre your little menagerie of alien freaks? I’ll sneak into the shack and get the rodent without an issue,” he boasted.

      “Master Damian, I’m not sure if…”

      “Let him be Mr. Pennyworth,” Kiyone cut him off. “If his boasting has any merit, it will be worth it. If not, then he learns a valuable lesson.”

      Washu laughed. “Spoken like a true cop!”

      “I can help!” Mihoshi offered.

      The Boy Wonder laughed. “Please, a blonde ditz like you will only get in my way!” With that, Damian opened up the newly created door and disappeared from the lab.

      Mihoshi started to sniffle. “I was only trying to help!” Her crying was met with a handkerchief provided by Alfred.

      “There, there. I must apologize for Master Damian. He lacks any proper guidance from a strong parental figure. His mother…well Talia Al Ghul was never a nurturing woman,” Alfred consoled.

      “Would anyone be mad if I left him there?” Washu asked in a completely serious voice.

      “WASHU! He might be a brat but you can’t do that!” Kiyone yelled.

      “I’m kidding! Seriously…” Washu said.

      “Were you?” Oracle asked her, eyeing her suspiciously. “It didn’t sound like you were joking.”

      “Hey, we need the runt. Without him, we can’t get Ryo-Ohki. Without Ryo-Ohki, we can’t test out our Anti-Anti Life symbol. Without that, we are screwed and damned to this pocket dimension while the universe collapses in on itself.”

      Oracle never dropped her stern gaze, but gave a small nod. “How logical.”

      “Can we get a video of the house to watch Damian?” Mihoshi asked, wiping away a tear from her eye.

      Washu punched some buttons on her air computer. “Give me half a moment Mihoshi. Let’s see what we can find…”

      In moments, the image of Tenchi’s living room appeared. It seemed to be unoccupied and was a bit disheveled. Apparently the occupants did not care that much for cleanliness; only to serve Darkseid. Washu flipped from vantage point to vantage point, searching for some sign of either Damian or Ryo-Ohki.

      “That’s funny; I can’t find either of them…” Washu muttered.

      “Wait; go back to that other screen!” Kiyone interrupted. “Look! There is something going on outside that window!”

      “Let’s increase the image by 50% and clear up the image,” Washu said to herself. Her furious typing picked up an alarming pace. Even to a trained eye like Barbara, it was impossible to see anything but a blur.

      “Is that…smoke?” Kiyone gasped.

      Washu blinked then hit herself in the head. “That fool, he let her outside! That means only one thing…”

      The group looked on as Damian ran past the window at an alarming speed. Trailing behind him was various blasts of red energy. A giant shadow engulfed the house but whatever was chasing him was out of the computer’s view.

      “What is happening Miss Hakubi?” Alfred asked; worry breaking through his tough, proper English façade.

      “Ryo-Ohki has gone and turned herself into a spaceship.”

      Alfred nodded. “Well, that would explain why she was out of frame.” He paused for a moment and considered what she just told him. “Hold on, did you say ‘spaceship?’”

      “She did,” Kiyone answered, looking intently at the screen. “Her species has the ability to alter their bodies to become spiked spacecrafts.”

      “That makes no logical sense!” Oracle countered. “Why would there exist a creature that can adjust their body mass over 100 times their original size and change their internal structures enough to not only house another living thing but to become a completely sentient star ship?!”

      “Miss Gordon, in the past several years we have met a Martian from Mars, evil Gods, magicians, a woman who can grow several times her own height, a princess born from clay, and no less than three people whose body structure has been altered into living clay. It would stand to reason that such creatures that defy the laws of physics exist in the galaxy,” Alfred reasoned. “Still, the fact that the spaceship in question eats carrots is a tad comical, if must say.”

      Barbara blinked. She looked from Alfred to the untouched tray of carrots that he brought back from Wayne Manor. She began to hang her head in frustration. “Damain didn’t grab any of the carrots at all, did he?”

      Mihoshi happily skipped over to the table. “Oh, I’ll bring them to him!” She grabbed two of them and walked through the door.

      “That boy is so stubborn. I’ll…wait, what did Mihoshi just say?” Washu said, realization dawning upon her. “Oh crap.”

      “Blast it Mihoshi; you are going to get yourself killed! I’ll go get her!” Kiyone said, running to the door. Washu got up and blocked her way.

      “Let’s just watch first before we act. I don’t want to half of us to be under Darkseid’s sway if she fails.”

      The group watched the monitor as Mihoshi waltzed into the picture. She took a moment to take off her shoes while walking through the house. When she reached the door, she put them back on and slid it open.

      “You have to love Mihoshi. Even in the face of danger, she still acts respectful in Tenchi’s house!” Washu laughed.

      “She moved out of frame. Is there a better view of outside?” Kiyone asked, worried for her partner.

      The pink haired genius shook her head. “This is the best view I have. Damn it, I wish we could hear what was going on out there!”

      All eyes were on the screen. The room was so quiet that a pin dropping to the floor could be heard. Finally, Mihoshi and Damian returned into the view. Mihoshi was carrying a small brown pile of fur. Washu stared at the screen dumbstruck and Kiyone wiped sweat off of her forehead.

      The door reopened and the unlikely duo entered the subspace lab. Damian, whose cape was singed a bit at the end, did not look pleased.

      “I told you I was more than capable of handling the beast! You should have told me she could become a flying weapon! I was unprepared for the challenge!” Damian growled. He shot a look to a smirking Barbara Gordon. “Make one joke Gordon and I’ll tear your eyes out.”

      Mihoshi handed Ryo-Ohki to Washu. “Here you go Miss Washu! She’s very angry, but she seems to be okay for now!”

      Washu studied the creature. ‘It’s true that her posture is far more defensive than any other time I have seen her, but the carrots that Mihoshi gave her have made her temporarily docile. You can take the free will away, but the soul is still in there, unable to act. Fascinating development…’ “Good job Mihoshi! Barbara, would you mind handing me the Justifer helmet and our notes from what Mister Terrific told us?”

      “No problem,” Barbara wheeled herself to the table and went to work with Washu. As this was going on, Alfred came over to Mihoshi and patted her on the back.

      “A fine display of bravery Miss Kuramitsu. I must thank you for assisting Master Damian…even if he is too stubborn to thank you himself.”

      Mihoshi just smiled and laughed. “It was nothing! I just wanted to give Damian the carrots he forgot!”

      Alfred smiled. “Well, remember this: today you saved Robin, the Boy Wonder. That makes you just as much of a hero as even Master Bruce.”

      With that, Mihoshi fainted to the floor, her life seemingly fulfilled.


      “Ok Ryo-Ohki, this inhibitor collar should prevent you from transforming into your spaceship form. Time to see what we can do here…” Washu Hakubi said, placing a metal clamp around the small animal’s head. Her eyes were pure red and her face was snarling at her pink haired friend. “Barbara, are you ready to save the world?”

      The bespectacled red head couldn’t help but give the briefest of smiles at the woman’s enthusiasm. ‘She’s growing on me. I can’t believe it…damn it!’ She thought to herself, seemingly both relieved and annoyed at the situation. “As ready as I’ll ever be Washu.”

      “Good. Let’s begin the close circuit camera and monitor the progress!” Washu said, flicking a switch. “Experiment 11381977 from the genius Washu Hakubi!”

      “You can do it Washu!” Her doll popped up from her shoulder.

      “You can do no wrong!” The other chimed in.

      “Are they quite done?” Barbara asked, her temporary relief turning to displeasure.

      Washu shot her a look and continued. “The subject, henceforth referred to as Ryo-Ohki, has been subjugated to the identity destroying virus known as the Anti-Life Equation. My colleague, Miss Barbara Gordon, and I will attempt to break the effect the Equation has on Ryo-Ohki and, with luck, all of those affected on Earth.”

      Washu scurried over to the table where the Justifer helmet was lying down. She picked it up and again addressed her camera. “This is known as a Justifer helmet. Though Apokoliptian design, it was created using technology and concepts developed by a Jervis Tetch, known on this planet as ‘The Mad Hatter.’ This is critical as it’s method of transmitting the aforementioned Equation can be remotely blocked. I further hypothesize that the origins of the transmission can be tracked once proper precautions are in place.”

      The pink haired scientist moved herself to the area where Ryo-Ohki was restrained and put the helmet on her entire body. “The subject is too small for it to be placed purely on her head, but on a typical human or humanoid being, it would do just that. The helmet is playing a constant loop of the Anti-Life Equation, thus perpetuating this state of forced living. For my first test, Miss Gordon and I will attempt to draw this ‘Life Symbol’ discovered by Shilo Norman, the current Mister Miracle, on the helmet itself to see if it will cancel out the symbol by the sheer virtue of its existence. I believe it is an old letter from the writings of the Source Wall, though I cannot confirm it given my own limited research of its design and function. Take it away!”

      Looking around to see what she was referring to , Barbara understood that it was her turn to do something on camera. She made a mental note to confiscate and edit every trace of her out of the video. She understood why this was necessary, but did not feel comfortable being so…overt. “I will attempt to draw the ‘Life Symbol’ now. As you can see, the subject is still writhing around in pain. This leads me to believe that the symbol will need to be applied to the subject directly.”

      Washu frowned and pulled off the metallic helmet. As Oracle hypothesized, Ryo-Ohki was still showing all of the symptoms of being under Darkseid’s control. “A fair observation and sadly one that is confirmed. We will now attempt to draw the symbol onto Ryo-Ohki’s skin…err fur directly. The writing utensil please?”

      After having the permanent marker handed to her, Washu began to draw the symbol onto Ryo-Ohki’s head. Every stroke was met with a struggle of resistance. When the final piece of the symbol was drawn, the struggling stopped. The symbol which covered her face shone a bright blue and the red in her eyes disappeared. Her posture switched from one of pure defense to one of tranquility. The cabbit looked around at the unfamiliar image of Barbara Gordon and the familiar image of Washu Hakubi and meowed happily. It was only then that she realized the metal clamp binding her. She started to cry as she tried to rip it off.

      “Amazing!” Barbara exclaimed. “It worked! It actually worked!”

      Washu ran over and checked over the cabbit. “Her vitals have all returned to normal! This is looking good! All that is left is one final test…”

      “The Justifer helmet?” Barbara asked solemnly. Her question was met with a nod. The woman handed over the helmet to the 20,000 year old genius and braced herself as it was placed over Ryo-Ohki’s body one final time.

      The cabbit startled to struggle. Washu and Barbara held their breath, not knowing if the Equation was working again or if she was merely trying to get out of the helmet. Miraculously, it proved to be the later. Ryo-Ohki was back to normal.

      Shilo Norman’s New God weapon worked.

      Washu proceeded to rip Ryo-Ohki out of the machine and hugged her body until she was begging for release. “I knew you would be okay girl! Barbara, we did it!”

      “This is amazing!” Barbara Gordon exclaimed, her internal misgivings of the whole affair completely dissipating. “But now we need to test it on a human itself. Ryo-Ohki is extraterrestrial in origin. We have no way of knowing if it will work on the rest of humanity.”

      The sentence gave Washu a sharp jolt . She looked at the red head sitting in front of her, knowing that she was right and had overlooked that crucial detail. “We need a human test subject then…don’t we?”

      Barbara wheeled herself over to a reflective piece of equipment. She began to draw the ‘Life Symbol’ on her face. When she finished, she grabbed the Justifier helmet. “If this doesn’t work Hakubi, just know you aren’t as annoying as I thought you were.” With that she put the helmet on her head, subjugating herself to the full force of the Anti-Life Equation.

      “BARBARA!” Washu yelled frantically.

      The genius scientist was nervous. If Oracle had succumbed and Metron’s gift to humanity failed, the world and eventually the universe would be damned to Darkseid’s will for its entire existence. Conversely, this might be humanity’s greatest moment; showcasing the triumph of humanity’s own will over the subjugation of those who would oppress it.

      This moment will define the course of the entire galaxy and it was happening in the laboratory of a pink haired scientist from beyond the stars.

      *We are getting to the end of the Final Crisis portion of this fanfiction!*

      Ch. 7: No Need for Antonyms

      Washu held her breath. The moment seemed like it would never end. For the first time in what seemed to be eons, Washu began to doubt her own scientific ability. This realm of gods was not something that Washu was used to. She was no goddess; she was merely a scientist (a damn good scientist, but a scientist nevertheless.) If she failed, the kind soul that was Barbara Gordon would be lost forever.

      Lost to Darkseid.

      Finally, a blue glow appeared from under the Justifer helmet. The formerly lifeless arms of Barbara Gordon started to move. She ripped off the helmet and threw it to the ground. Behind her glasses, Barbara gave a determined look to her genius companion.

      “Consider the ‘Life Symbol’ proven Hakubi. Hypothesis confirmed,” Barbara said confidently, the blue glow of the symbol fading.

      “I…I can’t believe it! We have a God Weapon in our possession! How does it counteract the Anti-Life Equation? How does the brain know that the skin has the markings on it? This raises so many questions!” Washu started to prattle off.

      “We can discuss logistics later. Right now, we need to put this on everyone’s faces. I managed to listen to the full Anti-Life Equation without being affected. We need to counter each step of mathematical formula to create the full ‘Life Equation.’ When we do that, I think we will be safe to transmit it on the same frequency as the Anti-Life Equation.” Barbara told her. Washu nodded her head and collected Ryo-Ohki, who was “meowing” at the pair.


      “So by wearing this ‘New God Life Pattern’ we will be safe from Darkesid’s plans? I still can’t wrap my brain around that,” Kiyone admitted while examining Ryo-Ohki.

      “Well stop thinking about it because the proof is in your hands! It worked for Ryo-Ohki and it worked for Barbara. As a scientist, I’m convinced. There is a lot we still do not understand (and honestly, without a New God I’m not sure we will), but what we DO know is the actual Equation itself! Before I bring it it, please apply the Symbol to your head thank you!” Washu said curtly.

      Damian gagged a bit. “I feel like a buffoon!”

      “That’s because you are a buffoon,” Washu muttered.

      “What was that you cow?”

      The scientist whistles innocently. “I didn’t say nuttin! Barbara, are you ready to show us the formula?”

      Barbara grabbed a piece of chalk from a chalkboard Washu willed into existence. She began to write a rather lengthy mathematical proof. Finally the board was filled with the following phrases:

      “loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding × guilt × shame × failure × judgment n=y where y=hope and n=folly, love=lies, life=death, self=dark side”

      The group stared at the words and processed what they meant. After a lengthy period of time, Alfred was the first to regain his voice.

      “If I am to understand this correctly, the first portion of the Equation is meant to bring emotional turmoil to the reader while the second half proves the futility of resisting Darkseid himself. Interesting…this raises the question that if this was the natural state of the Equation, was it brought into existence by Darkseid living or did the Equation sure Darkseid to be its prophet?”

      “Fascinating notion Pennyworth. The alternative is that the Equation was manipulated by Darkeid when he finally obtained it,” Washu posited.

      “Am I supposed to understand any of this?” Mihoshi asked innocently.

      “No, I don’t think you are Mihoshi,” Kiyone sighed. “Don’t feel too bad. I only barely get what they are talking about.”

      “Long story short, we need to either paint every person’s face with the New God symbol or we need to break this down and create an alternative Equation to restore the planet’s free will. Any ideas?” Washu asked.

      “Well,” Kiyone said, thinking about it. “We are trying to do opposites, aren’t we? The first part would be love plus friends plus bravery plus happiness plus self worth right?”

      Barbara nodded. “That sounds about right. Anyone else have any ideas?”

      “Oh! The opposite of mocking is complimenting! And freedom comes after that!” Mihoshi chimed in.

      “Following that train of thought, the next steps would be understanding, innocence, pride, success, and acceptance,” Alfred thought intently. “This is all starting to come together to make sense!”

      The genius scientist continued to scribble everything down as fast as she could. “Don’t stop guys, you are doing great!”

      “That leaves the equalities then,” Barbara said simply. “Hope would then equal wisdom…”

      “And love would equal truth…” Washu added. “…While life would have to be paired with birth!”

      “So self would equal free will!” The two ladies spoke aloud at the same time.

      “Why not ‘light side?'” Mihoshi asked. “Wouldn’t that make more sense?”

      “Because free will is the whole point of a Life Equation,” Barbara explained. “Darkseid’s will was the purpose of the Anti-Life Equation. It stands to reason that it would mean just that.”

      Damian, who had been silent up until this moment, just groaned. “Now that you have finished your antonym game, can we address the bigger question?”

      “And what, pray tell, would that be?” Washu asked.

      “How are you going to get this silly Equation broadcasted? Our Batcomputer was over a secure channel and you claimed you contacted Checkmate through that Undernet that Kuttler developed. That won’t reach every person on the planet. Did any of you even consider that?”

      Blinking, the occupants of the room looked at each other. It was apparent that this part of the plan was not fully thought all the way through. Realization dawned upon each of them. In order to save the world, one of them would have to take the journey into hell and face the source of the red sky crisis. Someone would have to go to Bludhaven, where the Anti-Life Equation was transmitted from and where, no doubt, Darkseid was waiting. Finally, it was Washu that spoke.


      *It looks like the next chapter will be the final portion of Final Crisis.*

      Ch 8. No Need for the God of Evil

      The acrid air of Bludhaven stung Kiyone and Washu’s lungs. The two women waded their way through the destroyed American city cautiously. They knew deep down that they were probably the only two people, Earthling or otherwise, that remained unaffected by the Anti-Life Equation in the area.

      “This place gives me the creeps. I have been on space pirate barges that were more inviting than this place. What happened here?” Kiyone asked as they followed Washu’s tracking device.

      “A bunch of criminals nuked it with a being made up of living chemicals and toxic waste. I don’t know; American crime stories make no sense to me,” Washu admitted. “You know, the signal is getting stronger. You didn’t have to accompany me here.”

      Kiyone kept moving on, determined as ever. “Please, I wasn’t about to let you come here alone and I was not about to let the kid make a move.”

      “I knew he would try to follow us. He’s almost as stubborn as Ryoko,” Washu conceded.

      “That’s why you opened your door first to Wayne Manor and then to this godforsaken place?” Kiyone asked.

      “Precicely. Odds are, Damian ran after us and is presently trapped in Wayne manor with no way out. Our doorway was sealed immediately. I was not about to let a child, no matter who’s son he is, anywhere near this place,” Washu said as her device started to make a sound. “It seems like the origination of the Anti-Life Equation came from that bunker down there. Are you up for the task First Class Detective Makibi?”

      The green haired GXP officer nodded. “I’ve got your back. Let’s get in and out before anyone notices we are here…hold it!” Kiyone said suddenly. “Did you hear that?”

      “A better question is did you FEEL that?” Washu retorted. “It’s like a miniature earthquake coming from the other side of the city. Get a good hiding spot and take cover!”

      The two took refuge under separate piles of rubble. Washu peered out of the rocks to see a most interesting sight. It seemed like several different women were patrolling the city along with what appeared to be giant dogs. Of note, one of them was a literal giantess; no doubt the source of the aforementioned tremors. The leader, however, sported a costume that was familiar to the genius scientist. ‘It’s Wonder Woman…the princess of the Amazons!’ she thought to herself. ‘Even she fell under Darkseid’s thrall. This is not good…’

      “Wunda!” the giant one cried out. “Something wrong!”

      “All is as it should be Gigantrix,” the former Wonder Woman told her. “We will continue to patrol the perimeter of Command-D. If we see something that does not conform to Darkseid’s way, we will stamp it out!” She pointed to a woman with a whip who was wearing a skintight leather cat outfit. “Lashina, take the south perimeter.” She then pointed to another woman in a dark outlandish outfit. “Bat Harriet, the west! I will scout the rest of the city. Gigantrix, guard Command-D. Kill any hero that tries to enter it!”

      “Gigantrix will stomp!”

      The various women departed leaving only the giant red head as the only obstacle between Washu, Kiyone, and Darkseid.

      “What are we supposed to do about that woman?!” Kiyone asked quietly, clearly in a panic. “She is five times our height!”

      “Did you not notice her speech pattern? Either she was an idiot before this Equation hit or she was dumbed down significantly. She is all brawn and no brains. Thankfully, you and I have plenty of brains between the two of us.”

      Kiyone shot her a look. “Okay Washu, what’s your great plan?”

      The pink haired woman considered it for a moment. “Well given how tall she is, we might be able to sneak right by her.”

      “If that doesn’t work?”

      “How the hell should I know?! I’m a genius, not a strategist!” Washu roared.

      “What that?” the woman bellowed.

      The two girls blinked and gulped. “I hate you Washu,” Kiyone muttered.

      The scientist and the cop ran for their lives and they passed underneath the woman’s legs. The woman squatted down and tried to grab them, but her slow movements allowed them to get by without a scratch. They moved as fast as they could, reaching the door to the underground bunker that Gigantrix was trying to protect. As they closed the door, they could hear the woman scream in frustration.

      “The run deperatly technique,” Washu panted. “A key part in any crappy escape plan.”

      “Funny, they didn’t teach us that one at the academy,” Kiyone sighed, clutching her chest. “So what next fearless leader?”

      Washu collected herself and looked around. The hallways were sterile and dark. There did not appear to be a single living person around them. She motioned to keep moving along the winding passage. The two women passed cages that were empty and every now and then found a dead body. Kiyone looked mortified at the death and despair accumulating around her, but Washu pressed on. If she was feeling any sense of disgust, she kept it to herself.

      Further down the hallway, they came across a separate room that was billowing smoke. Curiously, the two entered the room and were met with a most disturbing sight. Several dozen mauled naked bodies were lining the floor. The computers and machines were destroyed and broken glass lined the floor. It appeared that someone was trying to destroy all of the evidence in the room, but had failed to complete the task, Kiyone bent down to investigate.

      “Judging by the trajectory of the glass, these bodies were all inside those tubes. They escaped somehow…but died. I wonder if we could…oh my god!” Kiyone gasped as she turned over one of the bodies.

      Washu peered closer. The man had his own eyes ripped out of his face. It appeared as if he clawed them out himself. She then proceeded to stare intently at each of the bodies. Recognition shone on her face. “These are all clones of the same man…I think it’s Bruce Wayne!”

      “Wayne?” Kiyone inquired, collecting herself while studying a giant fried pink mass that was collapsed amidst the pile of corpses. “You mean Damian’s father?”

      “Yes. We need to let Barbara know she was right: Batman was abducted by Darkseid’s minions…if I were to guess, they tried to create an army of Batman clones, but the clones would not take. These clones killed themselves…” Washu deducted. “I’d be fascinated if I weren’t so repulsed.”

      “Repulsion is natural in Darkseid’s path,” a low gravelly voice bellowed. “Stop playing with toys and embrace my will.”

      A form limped into the doorway. It was a shirtless man who appeared to have grey skin and blood red eyes. His chest was bleeding out and a blue helmet was crowned on his head. Blood dripped from his sneering mouth. In his hands was a pistol that did not look like anything developed on the planet. Washu and Kiyone stood horrified at the sight of the god of all evil.

      “Darkseid we meet at last,” Washu confidently told him. Kiyone grabbed her gun and pointed it at him.

      “Your weapon is useless against me. It matters not. I have been shot once already and the darkness is already beckoning my name…but I will not fall so easily. Though this frail form will wither away, I will continue to be,” the darkness told them. “I admit surprise. Darkseid does not usually get visitors that he knows nothing about, though your marking betrays your purpose. Metron chose poorly if you are to be his champions in the place of Shilo Norman or even the Son of Krypton.”

      “I know nothing of Metron or why you would consider us to be his champions, but we are here to bring order back to the planet, “Washu retorted back. “Where is Batman? These clones are all of him, aren’t they?”

      Darkseid gave a hearty laugh, followed by coughing up blood. “He is dead at my hand. The Omega Sanction is the death that is life. Even Batman could not outrace it, but would you like to try? Darkseid is happy to oblige you ladies.”

      His threat was met with a confident laugh. “You don’t scare me. I am Washu Hakubi, the greatest scientific genius in the universe! I have built galaxy destroying weapons and have had entire systems tremble at the mere mention of my name!”

      “Don’t goad him Washu!” Kiyone argued.

      “Washu Hakubi…your hubris clouds your judgment. I have murdered this planet by merely existing. You think you can quell evil with an archaic letter from a dead civilization? I am fear personified. By attacking me you are attacking the pathetic three billion inhabitants of this planet. Darkseid is everywhere. Darkseid is your friends. Darkseid is your enemies. Darkseid is your family. Submit to me, and I can end it all. Defy me, and I will show you agony unlike any that you are familiar with. I may allow you to live to see my triumph and when your hope is diminished, perhaps then I will end your life.”

      “Did you write that yourself or was one of the dead bodies on the floor your speech writer?” Washu mocked him.

      The Evil God’s eyes burned red. “Ask yourself that in oblivion.”

      Suddenly, the walls began to shake. Debris fell everywhere and the bunker started to implode on itself. Darkseid looked around, momentarily confused. Washu grabbed Kiyone’s hand and pushed her away from some falling concrete. Finally, a red energy beam surged through the ceiling. A man slowly flew down from the sky. He was dressed in blue spandex with a flowing red cape. He turned his eyes toward the wall and sped at lightning fast speed through it. At last, the man set himself down, carrying a corpse that he procured from his other destination.

      Superman had arrived and had discovered the corpse of Batman.

      “I don’t know who you are, but get out of here now!” Superman barked. “This is between me and Darkseid.”

      “But we still have…” Kiyone started before getting cut off by Washu.

      “Move Kiyone. We have our mission, he has his.”

      The two ran to leave the area, allowing Superman to block the path so Darkseid could not follow them. Washu pulled out the tracking device and began to follow it again. “We need to upload this thing now before those two destroy the place!”

      “What is the place comes down with us in it?” Kiyone asked worringly.

      “Then we die staring evil down in the face; never backing down and never surrendering,” she said grimly.

      “When did you get so morbid?”

      She shrugged as she ran. “I’m not, it just seemed fitting for the moment!”

      At last, the two women made it to a series of computers. Cigarette ash littered the keyboards and a monitor was blinking unresponsively. Washu typed on her own screen as fast as she could, trying to revive their last chance to save humanity.

      “Come on…work damn it! Work!”

      The screen finally turned on. Washu pulled out her design of the “Life Equation” and scoured the browser to find the program that killed the Earth. After several tense minutes, the genius scientist pulled up something that made her cheer a silent cheer.

      “This is it Kiyone…if this works we have potentially saved most of existence. If it doesn’t…Darkseid wins unless Superman can stop him,” Washu whispered. “With this click of the mouse, let the world survive!”

      Kiyone and Washu held their breath as the screen loaded. After what seemed like an eternity, the message was sent to every technological device on the planet. The green haired woman turned to her pink haired companion. “What now? How do we know it worked?”

      Washu pointed to the exit. “We get the hell out of here and see what the people are like.”

      The pair sprinted out as fast as they could. They could hear the voices of Superman and Darkseid verbally spar with each other. “Kill me and you’ll kill everything! It is already over. The sun has set forever. There is a black hole where my heart should…wait…something has happened…”

      When Kiyone and Washu made it to the origin of the sounds, they saw a most interesting sight: Superman was held back by several dozen people. Old, young, male, female, the Anti-Life Equation did not discriminate at all. In essence, all of these people were now extensions of Darkseid. All of them wanted to see Superman die.

      The decrepit signs in Bludhaven began to flash with life. The signs that portrayed the Omega symbol were replaced with the New God pattern provided by Mister Miracle. The formula developed by the lone group of heroes scrolled underneath it. The various people who had grabbed Superman started to let go. It seemed like the Equation was being overwritten before their eyes.

      “How did…Hakubi. You did this…” Darkseid cursed as he turned his head to where Washu and Kiyone stood. “The genius scientist and the God of Evil….you think you have won? My mere existence will damn your planet and all of life will cease to be! No matter, my time has come.”

      Darkseid pulled out the weapon he brandished earlier and pointed it at the pair. “From here, where he no longer exists, Orion cannot see me. All of time has become one, the time has come to strike. This radon bullet will rip your heart out Hakubi while it races back to my wayward son.”

      He fired his gun at Washu. She found herself unable to move. The bullet would certainly kill the 20,000 year old scientist. It was by mere chance, however, that a rift opened up directly in front of the woman. Seemingly from nowhere, two men dressed in near identical red outfits sped past Darkseid, running away from twin red beams.

      “Barry Allen?” Superman whispered.

      “What is that? A black knight on skis?” Kiyone asked in shock, peering into the vortex that appeared in front of them.

      “It is death,” Washu replied. “The Black Racer, the New God of Death.”

      “THE TERMINAL MOMENT IS HERE,” the Racer bellowed. “I COME TO ALL! EVEN YOU!”

      With that, the figure stabbed Darkseid in the chest as he fired his bullet into the void of time. It seemed that in the end, Darkseid was killed not by Superman or Washu, but by the twin blurs of the Flash, the two fastest men alive.

      After conferring with the two Flashes, Superman flew over to Washu and Kiyone. “Are you two okay? I admit, I’m at a loss at who you both are. Have we ever met?”

      Kiyone, who was still reeling in shock from the events that transpired moments prior. “Yeah…I mean yes…I mean no! I mean…”

      “That you are okay but we never met?” Superman smiled. “Well allow me to introduce myself. I’m…”

      “Superman aka Clark Kent. The Big Blue Boy Scout. The Man of Steel…the list goes on. How do you do Name’s Washu Hakubi, greatest scientific mind in the galaxy. That’s Kiyone Makibi, First Class Detective in the Galaxy Police.”

      “How did you…?” Superman asked, amazed at their knowledge of his name.

      “We hacked Batman’s computer. Speaking of, his son is probably trapped in Wayne Manor while Alfred and Barbara Gordon are stuck in my subspace lab…we all worked together to find the pieces of the Life Equation. Still, I don’t think we are done here…” Washu said grimly, her eyes falling on the discarded corpse of the Dark Knight.

      Superman understood what she meant and sighed. “No…no we are not. I invite you to bring everyone to my Fortress of Solitude. Darkseid has doomed our planet, but I can fix it. With a scientific mind like yours, you might be able to help. Interested in building a Miracle Machine?”

      Washu’s eyebrow raised in anticipation. “Tell me more Kal-El.”

      Man,I haven’t posted a lot of my chapters to this here. If you are liking what you are reading, let me know! I love feedback!

      Ch. 9: No Need for a Miracle

      Stately Wayne Manor was silent when Kiyone and Washu returned to it after finalizing a game plan with the Man of Steel. Though they had visited it prior to the final confrontation with Darkseid, the two never got a good look at the house. Looking around for Damian, whom they suspected to have followed them, the pair were drawn to various Wayne portraits left on the floor. It appeared that this section of Wayne Manor had seen some kind of action. A card remained on the floor. Kiyone bent down to pick it up. A skull wearing a sombrero adorned it.

      “‘Death Traps by El Sombrero?’ What the hell happened here?” Kiyone asked herself. Washu took the card and examined it.

      “Obviously Wayne Manor here was infiltrated by this El Sombrero at some point prior to the Darkseid crisis. See here?” Washu pointed to a collection of family portraits that have collapsed on the floor. “This place was rigged to kill someone. Hopefully it didn’t hurt anyone…”

      “Well, Alfred did a good job of getting rid of the damage, but he didn’t get around to a few places,” a male voice said. The two girls turned around and were met with a pleasant sight.

      A young man was standing behind them in his own costume. He had spiked black hair and wore a black and blue form fitting spandex costume. On his face was a domino mask that was similar to Damian’s but pointed at the edges. Behind him was the boy in question, tied up and gagged.

      “I take it you are the ‘pink haired wench’ Dami here screaming about when I found him racing toward Bludhaven?” the male asked.

      Washu rose an eyebrow. “That would indeed be me. Told you he’d follow us, right Kiyone?”

      Kiyone, who found herself staring at the man, blinked out of it and nodded. Washu noted the look and smiled to herself. “Aaaany way, my name is Washu Hakubi, the greatest scientific genius in the galaxy, and this is Kiyone Makibi, a detective in the Galaxy Police. Judging by the age and outfit, I’d say you are the first Robin, Dick Grayson.”

      If Grayson was surprised, he didn’t show it. “Clever, though I technically go by Nightwing now. Damian was telling me that you hacked into the Bat-Computer. Gotta say, I’m surprised. Why would an alien scientist and a cop want the aid of superheroes in America?”

      “You know, I’m still getting used to the fact that nobody seems to care or find it weird that we are aliens,” Kiyone said annoyingly, speaking up at last. “We have always been taught that Earth isn’t ready to join the greater galaxy.”

      Dick shrugged. “Hey, I don’t care. I was engaged and almost married to an alien princess. In our kind of work, it’s rather common.”

      “You don’t say?” Washu said, impressed and intrigued. “Regardless, your pal Barbara Gordon sent out a message that I was able to decipher throughout all of the Anti-Life crap that we have been dealing with for what seems like weeks even though it was really only days. We picked her up and brought her to my subspace laboratory.

      Nightwing nodded. “Got it. Interdimensional doorways…makes sense. I assume it was there that you contacted Damian and Alfred?”

      The level of comprehension that Dick Grayson was showing made Washu smile uncontrollably. “Right in one. Damn, it is good to talk to someone who isn’t completely lost when I explain things!”

      “When you have visited the Fortress of Solitude and spent a weekend palling around with the likes of Cyborg and Raven, you tend to pick up some things,” he admitted.

      The comment caused Washu’s eyes to expand. “And you, good sir, have just gotten me back on track! Superman has requested our presence in the Fortress of Solitude. I was going to collect the others. Want to tag along and bring bound and beautiful over there?” Washu asked, pointing to a struggling Damian.

      “Why not? I’ve got nothing better to do. It’s not like we have a choice since it looks like the planet itself has basically been murdered. I’d ask why you two went to Bludhaven, but I assume you are waiting for an audience.”

      “I like him,” Washu said, pointing to Nightwing. “He hasn’t met me for longer than ten minutes and he has me figured out. Ready squirt?”

      Damian made a muffled sound that sounded like “I’m going to kill you!”

      “Atta boy!”


      The tension in the subspace lab could be cut with a knife. Mihoshi paced around while Oracle scoured Washu’s computer for any hint of information on her new allies. The only one who seemed calm and composed was Alfred, who went around observing the lab as if nothing life threatening was happening with Ryo-Ohki on his shoulder.

      “I miss Kiyone!” Mihoshi wailed. “I don’t want her to die or lose her soul!”

      “Have faith Miss Mihoshi,” Alfred told her comfortingly. “We haven’t heard any negative news at all. That means there is still hope.”

      “Meow!” Ryo-Ohki purred encouragingly.

      “My, you are a smart one, aren’t you?” he chuckled to himself. “Though, I must say that if we do not hear anything from Miss Washu or Miss Kiyone then one of us will have to attempt to open up the doorway to Wayne Manor again.”

      Oracle grunted in frustration. “I’ve been trying Alfred. I’m a hacker, not a miracle worker. This system is beyond anything I have ever encountered…at this rate, by the time we can get the doorway working we will have starved to death and Damian would be who knows where!”

      “Again Miss Gordon, I believe in you. You just need confidence,” Alfred told her. “Enough of that negativity nonsense. After all, we need to save some energy to scold Master Damian for his little ‘escape escapade.'”

      “I look forward to that conversation,” Barbara allowed herself to smile. “‘Pennyworth, I had every right to follow that pink haired harlot to my father’s house! She defiles it by even being there!'”

      “Good impression Babs. Sounds just like our Boy Wonder wannabe here,” a new voice said.

      As she was speaking, the door they were longing for finally appeared and opened. Out from the shadows came the all too familiar forms of Washu, Kiyone, Damian, and Dick Grayson. After making his comment to Barbara, Nightwing started to look around and take in his surroundings. “Wow, nice place you have here. What did it take you to design it? 1,000 years? 2,000?”

      Washu shrugged and blushed. “Well actually this iteration of it was developed in mere moments, but my collection has been steadily growing since that time. I was even able to reclaim several items of mine that were confiscated before my own banishment.”

      “No kidding,” Nightwing said.

      Any further quips by the former Robin were interrupted by Barbara making her way to him and giving him a hug. Alfred joined her embrace to greet him. “Master Richard, it is good to see you!”

      “Thanks Alfie. Happy to see everybody safe and sound. Where’s Bruce? Is he meeting us here?”

      A loud coughing sound was heard by all. Damian had managed to remove his restraints and get the gag out of his mouth. “Grayson, I will…I will kill you for that,” Damian panted. “But your question has merit. Hakubi, where is my father?”

      Kiyone, who was trapped in her own embrace by Mihoshi, pried the woman off of her and bent down to Damian’s level. “Damian…when we were in Darkseid’s bunker…we…found something…”

      “Stop playing around woman!” Damian barked. “Where. Is. My. Father?!”

      “He’s dead,” Washu whispered. “He mortally wounded Darkseid and was killed for it. Superman found the corpse and will examine it after all of this is over. I’m…so sorry to have to tell you.”

      The room was still. It took the Bat Family a few minutes to process what they had just heard. Barbara was the first to shed tears, followed by Alfred. It was impossible to comprehend what was going on in their heads. Bruce Wayne, the man that brought them all together, was killed by the God of Evil.

      “That’s impossible!” Damian roared. “I refuse to believe my father is dead! We are going to the Kryptonian’s and I will give him a piece of my mind!”

      “That can be arranged. Superman wants everyone to come to his Fortress of Solitude. Though Darkseid is dead, it seems that he is bringing the planet with him. The planet has become unstable and if I didn’t know any better, the Multiverse as well. We only have a short amount of time before the planet dies!”

      “What’s a Multiverse?” Mihoshi asked innocently.

      “Beyond your comprehension.”

      “Wait,” Barbara asked. “You haven’t told us anything. Did it work?”

      Washu forced a weak smile. “You can see for yourself. We need to pick up Tenchi and the gang before we head over. Into the doorway everyone.”

      As the people entered the doorway, abet unwillingly to a degree, Damian locked eyes on Washu. “If you ever try that locking me out crap again, I will kill you where you stand.”

      She blinked and nodded. ‘Now’s not the time to attack his ego. He just lost a father and all guidance in his life. I’ll let it slide…for now…’


      Tenchi Masaki blinked.

      He looked around his house and surveyed the surroundings. The last thing he remembered was sitting down to watch TV with the girls. Now he was standing up with in a different area of his house with the TV playing a string of words on loop in the distance. He also noticed that he seemed very physically tired and hungrier than he had been in ages.

      “What just happened? Where are Sasami and Ayeka, or Ryoko for that matter?” Tenchi asked himself.

      The youth started to move around the house, looking for any clues that might tell him where his friends were. He noted that the door was destroyed…again… and was planning on investigating it. From outside he could see that the sky was still as red as blood. As he moved by a mirror, he had the shock of his life. He was no longer wearing his casual clothing but rather a dingy uniform with what appeared to be a lowercase “N” on it. “Whaaaaa? I don’t…what’s going on here?!”

      “Trust me Lord Tenchi,” a familiar voice called out. “It is a long story.”

      Tenchi turned to see Washu, Mihoshi, Kiyone, and surprisingly a host of other people he had never met before appear from the remnants of his closet. “Washu, why am I not surprised that you are behind this. And…”

      “Shhh,” she said, putting a finger to his lips. The genius scientist seemed more distant and haunted than usual. “That can wait until the others return. I expect they should be arriving soon, probably from whatever factory the Anti-Life Equation willed you to work at.”

      Tenchi opened his mouth to protest, but closed it after realizing that he was beyond confused. Thus, he turned his attention to the costumed individuals who were standing around admiring his living room. “I’m not even sure if I want to ask at this point, but who are these people?”

      The older gentleman, balding with a small mustache, started to speak in what Tenchi believed to be English. As he was not naturally fluent in the language, Tenchi had no idea what he was saying. Washu noticed this and started typing on her keyboard.

      “Sorry Tenchi! Here, put this in your ear. It is a universal translator, that allows them to understand you, and you them,” she said, handing him the small device.

      As he was putting it in his ear, he found himself stuck in a giant embrace. Mihoshi was squeezing him with all of her might. “OhTenchiIwassoscaredIthoughtyouwouldnevergetbetter!” she was crying at a mile a minute.

      ‘Just another typical day of my life,’ Tenchi thought to himself. ‘Always two steps behind everyone.’

      “I…can’t…breathe!” Tenchi managed to get out.

      “Mihoshi, please! Tenchi is probably malnourished and exhausted. You are doing more harm than good!” Kiyone exclaimed, trying to pry her off.

      “*tt* If that’s all this rube is going to say then why bother with a translator at all? At least I can speak fluent Japanese…” the caped boy started out.

      “Damian, you aren’t the center of the world, despite what your Al-Ghul half tells you,” the man who looked only a few years older than Tenchi replied. Though he was clearly joking, he sounded so…defeated.

      “Let’s put it like this: I don’t know if there will be a world for the kid to be the metaphorical center of. Darkseid’s death is destroying all of time and space around this planet. If Superman can’t create his Miracle Machine then…”

      “Hold on a minute! Where are the girls, or Dad or Grandpa? Why are there Americans in my house? And what am I wearing?” the lad cried out.

      “Buddy, why don’t you sit down and breathe. My name’s Nightwing and I’m…did anyone else just feel that?” the young man started.

      Tenchi looked over to the window. He did indeed feel a rumbling from his feet and knew exactly where it came from. “Well that answers one question,” he sighed. “Brace yourselves!”

      A large explosion filled the room. From the ashes of the wall came the familiar spiked hair of Ryoko and the purple hair of Ayeka. Both ladies were dressed in similar clothes to him and looked like they would kill everyone in the room.

      “TENCHI, WHERE ARE YOU?!” Ryoko roared.

      “STAY AWAY FROM HIM YOU DEMON, HE’S MINE!” Ayeka retorted, panting at the energy used to keep up with her foe.

      Nightwing took a step back and went to grab his escrima stick. “Did we miss some of Darkseid’s minions?!”

      “No,” Washu hung her head low. “They would be with us.”

      He blinked and observed the situation. “Are you sure? They look like they are about to kill your friend over there.”

      The group looked at the sight of two women nearly tearing the arms off the poor Japanese lad whose house they were currently in. Damian made a dismissive notion and slammed a wall. “Listen you simpletons; we are on a tight schedule here! If your impromptu mating ritual is over we need to figure out what happened to my father!”

      Ryoko and Ayeka stopped their bickering and noticed the plethora of new guests in the house.

      “Who’s the brat and why is he dressed like a Sentai character?” Ryoko asked.

      “*tt* Goodie, another Japanese idiot.”

      “You come in to MY house and call me an IDIOT?!” Ryoko roared, making her way to the child.

      “Well technically it’s my…” Tenchi started before being knocked over by Damian.

      “Listen to me you pathetic wretch, I have just lost my father today and right now, I REALLY want to shed blood. Shall it be yours?” Damian got into her face. “Please say it will.”

      With a flick of a wrist, Damian brought out a batarang. At the same time, Ryoko created an energy sword.

      “Ryoko, calm down!”

      “Master Damian, Master Bruce would not want you behaving in such a manner as this!”

      After a tense moment, the two prideful beings let their guards down. Damian scowled and started to leave. “If you fools are not going to take this seriously, I’ll find my own way to the Kryptonian’s Fortress.”

      “Grow up Damian,” Nightwing offered. “You can’t get to the Arctic from Japan just by walking.”

      “At least I’m doing something Grayson!”

      Tenchi blinked and tried to process all of that information in between Ayeka scolding Ryoko and her retorts back. “Wait, the arctic?! This is raising even more questions!”

      “Jeez, you are confusing the poor kid!”

      “Shut up Grayson!”

      “Ayeka,” Washu turned to the Jurian princess. “Where are Sasami and Nobuyuki? Were they with you?”

      Looking incredibly grateful to answer a question that she knew something about, Ayeka smiled, but then turned to immediate shock. “Oh my goodness; we ran off without them! We were in the city! We left them in the care of Azaka and Kamidake.” She turned to the small animal on Mihoshi’s shoulder. “Ryo-Ohki, would you please go find my dear sister? There are several carrots in it for you!”

      “MEOW!” She hopped off the blonde and through the hole in the wall. Once she made it outside, she transformed into her spiked spaceship form and sped off.

      Grayson looked at everyone in the room with amazement. “Nobody is going to question the small animal that turned into a spaceship? Nobody? Not even you Babs?” He shrugged. “Oh well; guess that I’m alone on this one.”

      Barbara cocked an eyebrow. “Please tell me we can explain everything on the way North once everyone gets here, assuming Azaka and Kamidake are people too.”

      Washu nodded. “Ancient alien knights actually. And sure; no problem. Hey all of you grab anything you immediately need! We have a schedule to keep!”

      “What ARE you babbling on about Miss Washu?” Ayeka asked. “What could we possibly have missed while we were…well doing whatever we were doing?”

      “Oh, you guys lost your free will and we helped Superman kill the God of Evil!” Mihoshi explained.



      “Incredible! Dad is somewhere out there after being mind controlled by this Darkseid God guy?!” Tenchi’s father exclaimed.

      “It sounds like our foe was fearsome indeed!” the Knight named Kamidake exclaimed. “I feel ashamed we missed the battle and lost Lord Yosho.”

      The group had finally joined back together and all of the occupants of the house, guests included, made their way to the Arctic Circle. As promised, Washu, Kiyone, Barbara, and Alfred were attempting to fill those affected by the Anti-Life Equation in on what they missed.

      “Well we know he was somewhere near the Hall of Justice, but that was weeks ago. He could be anywhere,” Barbara offered.

      “Supes will make sure he is okay. That’s what he does,” Nightwing added. “Seriously, if Superman is involved, expect a happy ending.”

      “Phrasing Grayson,” Damian scowled.

      Dick patted the boy’s back. “See; he made a joke! He can be taught!”

      “So when did you two lunkheads get back to Earth? You weren’t at the house or the shrine when the Equation hit,” Washu asked the two Guardians of Jurai.

      Azaka looked to his partner and hung his head in shame. “We had gotten the signal that there was a galactic upset on Earth and made our way back here. I believe we just barely managed to land before the time distortion took place. We arrived at the house to collect you all but it was too late and we were done for.”

      “We should have prepared ourselves better! We are Knights of the Planet Jurai! We are above such failings! Forgive us Lady Sasami!” Kamidake bowed in shame.

      The young girl simply smiled. “You couldn’t have known silly! Don’t worry about it! You are here now and that’s what matters!”

      “I just can’t believe we got caught up in another intergalactic conflict. Even Father knew better than to get involved with the conflict on New Genesis and Apokolips,” Ayeka stammered. “I wish I could have showered before leaving; my hair is atrocious!”

      “Just your hair?” Ryoko chided.

      With that, Ayeka and Ryoko reignited their feud once more, subjecting all parties involved to hear their squabbling.

      “Do these women do this every day over you?” Damian asked Tenchi.

      Tenchi scratched the back of his head and chuckles nervously. “Yeah; it’s the story of my life I suppose.”

      Looking at the sight of two grown women trying to kill each other, the young lad shook his head. “Then you have my condolence.”

      Barbara observed the carnage with intense curiosity. ‘These two women have just as much power as Firestorm or maybe even Power Girl. Who ARE these people and why haven’t they attracted more global attention before? Is Washu just that good at covering their messes?’

      “Babs, is everything alright? You seem worried,” Dick moved over to his on again/ off again girlfriend.

      She cocked an eyebrow in response. “Worried? Why would I be worried about sharing a small cockpit area with two aliens trying to kill each other? It’s just another normal day for us, isn’t it?”

      “I know, right?” Dick laughed. “To think, not too long ago I was nearly lobotomized by a hunchbacked dwarf. That was something. This? This is a typical Tuesday.”

      Barbara could not help but smile. “Only you, Richard Grayson, would call this typical.”

      He shrugged. “What about Supes? Or Kara? Or Hal? Or…”

      “Okay, okay you made your point!”

      “Ah, young love~!” Washu whispered in a sing song voice. “Even in the face of the end of the world it still shines through!”

      “…I hate you,” Barbara grumbled, her face becoming as red as her hair.

      “Listen up all of you,” Kiyone yelled from the helm of the cabbit ship. “We are coming up on your coordinates. We should be at the Fortress of Solitude momentarily.”

      “Thanks captain obvious,” Damian grumbled.


      For a palace of solitude, the Fortress was full of life. Several beings, both in costume and out of it, were rushing around to either be aided to offer assistance. It was a bit much for the alien guests from Japan.

      Well, not all of them.

      “This is incredible! Actual Kryptonian architecture! It has been so long since I got to observe it up close!” Washu blurted out in overzealous excitement.

      “So this Krypton was a planet that exploded?” Noboyuki asked, scratching his head. “This space stuff is too far out for me. Still, the design is incredible!”

      “Dad’s an architect,” Tenchi explained to the others.

      Damian grunted. “I really don’t care.”

      Just then, a big blue blur appeared in front of the crowd. However, this blue and red adorned figure was not the Son of Krypton. Rather, it was a young woman with long blonde hair. She squealed with delight and gave Barbara a hug.

      “Barbara! Kal told me you would be here soon! I’m happy to see that you got here okay! Uncle Alfred too!”

      “It is a pleasure Miss Zor-El, though I do wish we could have met again under better circumstances,” Alfred chuckled.

      The blonde eyed the Masaki clan. “Hey Barbara, who are they?” she whispered.

      “For better or worse, they are friends…I guess,” she replied. “The pink haired one is the one who brought down the Anti-Life Equation.”

      “Oh!” Supergirl exclaimed. “You must be Washu! I’m Supergirl, but you can call me Kara! My cousin told me about you! I have to direct you to the tech lab! That’s where the others are working on the device.”

      “Nice to meet you Miss Zor-El! Lead away; I’m curious as to what your cousin has in mind,” Washu said, clearly humbled by the praise.

      “Hey, what about us?” Ryoko growled. “What are we supposed to do?”

      “And where is your cousin Kryptonian?! I need to give him a piece of my mind!” Damian roared.

      The blonde haired Kryptonian studied the boy and cocked her head. “Who are you again?”

      Damian screamed in rage. “I’m Damian Wayne Al-Ghul, son of Batman and grandson of Ras al Ghul! The pink haired whelp told me some ridiculous fairy tale about the death of my father. I’m here to beat the information out of him! Where. Is. He?!”

      As he finished his rant, the man himself flew in. Superman surveyed the group of people and tried to smile. However, a perceptive mind like Kiyone could see that it was hiding a great sadness.

      “It’s Superman! Wow!” Mihoshi exclaimed.

      “I do not have long Damian, but I could hear you from my study. If you are here for answers, I am happy to give them after the…”

      “NO! It is a simple question Kryptonian! What happened to my father?” Damian cut him off. Though they were obscured by his domino mask, his eyes were begging for an answer. The sudden display of passion caused Kiyone, Mihoshi, Ayeka, and Sasami’s eyes to water.

      The tears started to flow when Damian was handed a burnt cape and cowl.

      “Damian…I….” Superman started. Damian held up his hand and walked away. The man of steel made a motion to follow him, but Alfred shook his head.

      “The lad needs to adjust to this himself,. You did everything you could Master Kent,” he explained.

      “It doesn’t make it any easier Alfred. We failed him.”

      Kiyone put a hand on his shoulder. “He died a hero Superman. It’s more than most people could ask for.”

      Superman nodded. “All of you, I wish I could have the time to talk and get to know you, but time is of the essence. Our Earth is about to crumble into an abyss and I need to brace the Fortress.”

      “Crumbling? Do we have a way to move the Fortress to my subspace lab?” Washu asked. “I have resources there that can aid in the creation of the ‘Miracle Machine.”

      Superman blinked and then nodded. “We need to find Shilo Norman. His Motherboxx could ping the entire compound there. Come with me and then you can help Luthor, Caulder, Silvana, and the others. Our existence depends on it.”

      “Oooh! Our very existence in the palm of my hand! This is the best day ever!” Washu cheered and she grabbed Superman’s hand. The two flew away in a blink of an eye,

      Barbara just shook her head. “She is the only one I know that would have that kind of response to a life or death situation like this.”

      “Sister,” Ayeka sighed. “I could tell you stories.”

      Nightwing looked around. “Say, where IS your sister?’

      “What are you talking about? She is right…” Ayeka stopped and frantically started to run around. “SASAMI?!”


      Damian Wayne sulked in the corner, hidden from all of the people that remained in the Fortress of Solitude. Though he heard Superman’s cryptic warnings about the death of the Earth, he cared little for it. All that mattered at that moment was the object in his hand: his father’s cape and cowl.

      “She wasn’t lying. Father is dead,” Damian whispered to himself.

      He punched a wall and observed the crack in the ice expand. With that, he started to repeatedly punch the wall. “I wasn’t there for him! I could have helped! If only that Hakubi woman didn’t lock me in I would have…”

      “Would have what?” a soft voice asked curiously. Damian spun around and found himself staring into the innocent pink eyes of the youngest Jurian princess.

      “None of your concern ‘Princess.’ Leave me be,” the boy muttered, clearly annoyed at being discovered.

      Sasami paused and then sat down beside the troubled youth. “You know, my mommy died when I was very young.”

      Damian turned his head slightly in recognition and then shrugged it off. “I’m sorry for not giving you my condolences, but I hardly see the…”

      “It was hard to get over it. I cried and cried every night. My daddy and Ayeka were a wreck too, but it was hard to get through to him. I only had Ayeka. But you know what?” Sasami asked, maintaining a cheerful smile.

      “I’m going to assume you are going to tell me even if I don’t ask, so what?”

      “Ayeka was all I needed! She was there for me, and I was there for her. We got through it together! I took up my mommy’s love of cooking as a way to get closer to her. Now every time I cook, I feel like I’m cooking with her!”

      “That’s all well and good, but she is still dead! Just like Father is still dead!”

      “But you still have Alfred…and Nightwing…and…”

      “*tt* The servant and a circus clown. What use do I have of them?” Damian sneered.


      Damian recoiled and put a hand to his face. It was burning red. “You…you slapped me! Are you mad woman?!”

      It was then that he looked into her eyes again. He could see the girl’s pain behind the cheerfulness. He could see her empathy toward his situation. He could see her disgust at his attitude.

      “Family should always stick together! How can you say that about them? You should be ashamed!”

      “Should I?!” Damian countered back. “These people were never there for me in my life! My mother raised me to be an assassin who can kill without mercy or regret! I never met my father until roughly a year ago! My grandfather tried to kill me so he could return to life in my body! My mother…”

      “Isn’t here,” Sasami said curtly, tears in her eyes. “If your mother loves you so much, why isn’t she here? “

      “The Anti-Life Equation…”

      “Do you really believe that?”

      The question pierced Damian’s soul. Doubt began to set in and it truly dawned upon him: he was alone…and yet had Grayson and Pennyworth by his side. ‘If Father trusted these buffoons…maybe….’

      “I…I honestly can’t say,” Damian managed to get out. “What do you suggest I do then?”

      Sasami paused and thought about it. A smile appeared on her face and she hugged him. Damian began to try to pry her off. “Get off of me or I’ll cut your hand off!”

      The blue haired princess laughed. “I’ll let go if you come back with me! Stop sulking in the shadows and join the whole group! The world needs a Boy Wonder and you seem dressed for the part!”

      “Are you always this optimistic? Seriously, it is sickening.”


      “Miss Washu, you made that seem so…easy. I have never seen a dimensional hop on this scale done so fast!” Superman told the pink haired scientist. Using her computer and Shilo Norman’s Motherboxx, the pair managed to transport the entire Fortress of Solitude into a pocket of her subspace lab. Various heroes were bringing technology that Washu possessed into the area where the world’s greatest minds were working on the Miracle Machine.

      Washu laughed as hard as she could. “Oh Son of Jor-El, it was easy enough for the Greatest Scientific Genius in the Galaxy!”

      The ever familiar form of Washu’s doll popped on her shoulder. “Washu you did it!”

      “Washu you saved the planet!” the second doll appeared.

      “My, how narcissistic,” a jeering voice said from behind. Washu observed a bald man walk toward the two of them. He was wearing green and purple power armor and staring incredulously at the scientist.

      Raising an eyebrow, Washu paused a moment. “Ah, you must be the former American president, businessman, and criminal genius Lex Luthor!”

      “I am. It’s nice to see my reputation precedes me. However, I must say I have never heard of you before little girl. You give the air of an older woman, yet you look like you are nine. You created an entire dimension in an instant, something that even a being like Braniac could not do…as far as I am aware of. Tell me, who or what are you?” Lex Luthor interrogated.

      “Lex, is now a good time…” Superman started before Washu put up a hand.

      “I got this Supes. We will get your machine up and running in no time. I am just who I said I was: Washu Hakubi, the greatest…”

      “Spare me your dolls child. I know your name and your ridiculous boasting! I want details!”

      This caused Hakubi to smile. “I like him,” she told Superman. “I’m a 20,000 year old alien scientific genius who has invented so many things, from weapons to tools. I was even a member of the Galactic Academy before I was banished to this planet oh so many years ago. Hell, I even cancelled out the Anti-Life Equation.”

      “That was you?!” Luthor roared. “You beat me to the chase! I managed to create a device to block out Tetch’s equipment to hijack that Equation! You wasted my time!”

      “Feh, who cares Luthor? She got my daughter back to her senses. So what if she showed us up?” another bald scientist called over. “I am Doctor Thaddeus Bodog Sivana and I do, uncharacteristically I might add, thank you for that.”

      Washu bowed in respect. “No problem Silvy! Now, tell me how this puppy works!”

      As Superman moved over to explain Washu’s portion of the project, Luthor curled up his hand into a fist. “Damn cocky aliens…I’d love to go to your Galactic Academy and show them who the ‘Greatest Scientific Genius in the Universe really is…'”

      “Keep dreaming Lex!” Washu shouted from the other side of the room.



      “Come on folks, move along this way!” Kiyone yelled, directing people down a hallway.

      After parting ways temporarily with the American heroes, the Masaki clan was enlisted to direct the entire population of Earth to an area where Superman had them shrunk and frozen in order to reawaken on a fixed, healthy Earth.

      “I don’t get this plan at all,” Ryoko complained. “It seems stupid as hell to me.”

      “Well if something were to go wrong with whatever Miss Washu is helping Superman build, this way the people of this planet could be restored off world!” Mihoshi explained. “Oh, this way please! Single file!”

      “I hate to say it,” Ayeka moaned. “But I agree with Ryoko. This seems rather much. I don’t like the idea of being a beautiful woman stuffed in a refrigerator. It seems unnatural and unfair!”

      “Come on, he’s Superman! He has to know what he is doing!” Sasami pointed out. “Isn’t that what he is known for?”

      “Hell if I know? Hey you!” Ryoko yelled at a brown haired man in a black suit. “Why are you trying to leave the line? The big blue boyscout says that everyone has to do this so he can save the planet or some crap.”

      The man observed Ryoko. Something about him made her feel uncomfortable. He looked like a middle age man, but his eyes were hardened and dark, much like the black gloves he wore. He moved himself back into the line and put his gloved hand out.

      “I do apologize. I must have just been careless. Which way do you want me Miss…?” he asked, clearly inquiring about Ryoko’s name.

      ‘Dirty old perv.’ “Ryoko. Get over there and don’t cut in line.”

      “I assure you; you will see no further trouble from me today,” he said with a chilling smile.

      Ryoko made a note to put that face on her list of people to avoid, or more accurately to castrate if they got on her bad side.

      “Hey Ryoko! Earth to Ryoko! We have to get the line moving! Who was that guy?” Mihoshi asked.

      She looked back at the man one final time. “I don’t know Mihoshi, but I don’t like him.”


      “Well folks, I think this baby is ready to rewrite the laws of physics!” Washu cheered. “Nice work Lexy! You are smarter than I gave you credit for.”

      “Ignorant cow,” Luthor muttered under his breath.

      “I’d like to thank each and every one of you for all of your contributions to this project,” Superman announced to the assembled scientists and doctors. Behind him, the completed Miracle Machine stood. “For this to work, you need to be able to trust me enough to keep you safe.”

      “You mean shrink us down like the other lost souls?” a blue skinned man in a helmet asked.

      Superman nodded. “Yes Victor. It is the only way to ensure your safety.”

      Surprisingly, it was Luthor who made the first move to the shrinking device. “Listen to me alien, you know once we are restored, our historic team-up is over. All bets are off and I swear I will dedicate every ounce of my vast resources to seeing you brought down before me. Are we clear on that?”

      “Understood Lex,” Superman responded with a weak smile. With that, the members in the room were shrunk down one by one. Finally, all that was left was Washu. “Funny, I thought ladies were supposed to go first.”

      She shrugged. “I just wanted to make sure these clowns wouldn’t do anything foolish. Are you sure you do not want my help? I mean, I’ve built galaxy destroying bullets and…”

      “I’ll be fine Miss Washu. Don’t worry, it will all work itself out.

      “Do me a favor, would you?” Washu asked on her way to the giant laser. “Don’t let your guard down and feel free to use my lab’s resources to assist you.”

      The Man of Steel shook her hand and put his hand on the switch. “Don’t worry about your friends; Kara took care of them already.”

      “Good. Nightwing said to expect a happy ending from you. I’m holding you to that.”

      With that, the world of Washu Hakubi went dark.


      “Pass the bread please! This is delicious!” Mihoshi begged.

      Superman had did it: the world was fixed and the universe was back to normal. Time and space had readjusted to its original flux and all of the damage was fixed though the combined effort of nearly every able bodied person, be they super or not.

      Well, almost all of the damage.

      “Do you really need it you blonde buffoon?” Damian asked tauntingly. The comment caused Ryoko to laugh at her side of the Wayne dining room table. The younger Wayne shot her a look. “I don’t know why you are laughing. You are a bigger buffoon then she is.”

      “Cut it out Damian!” Dick Grayson scolded. “I don’t want this dinner to turn into a giant fight!”

      “Bring him on!” Ryoko growled. “I’d prefer a fight to all this lounging around. There isn’t even any sake here!”

      Damian flashed a sinister smile. “I seem to recall telling you I wanted to shed blood Space Pirate. That urge has not subsided.”

      “Oh yeah half-pint?!”

      “Oh yes!”

      “Ah, the sounds of a traditional Wayne dinner. I missed those sounds ever so much,” Alfred quipped as he brought in a giant turkey while Sasami brought in the trimmings. “I’ll have you all know, if I see a single knife thrown then you will not be able to sample any of Miss Jurai’s stuffing. I thought I had tasted it all. Clearly I was mistaken.”

      Sasami began to blush. “Aw, stop it Mr. Pennyworth!”

      “If Alfred says it, you know it has to be true. His food is to die for! Why do you think nobody else has ever tried to cook?” Dick laughed.

      “Now Master Richard, you know that your attempts to cook have almost destroyed the Manor almost every time. Master Bruce was even worse,” he chuckled.

      The group was sitting down for a meal to celebrate the death of Darkseid and to honor the sacrifice of Batman. Alfred insisted upon it and managed to tidy up the dining room for one final meal before the Manor needed to be vacated to clean up the Black Glove’s mess. Once the meal concluded, the two sets of families would part ways and return to their daily lives, or so it seems.

      “Has anyone heard from Tim yet?” Barbara asked. “I know he went to check in with the Titans, but I thought he was going to arrive before dinner started.”

      “Master Timothy…isn’t handling the loss of Master Bruce well. I think he needs some time to himself before he returns and I intend to let him have it.”

      “So what is going to happen to the city?” Mihoshi asked earnestly. “What happens to Batman and Robin?”

      Dick and Alfred shared a look. “It is still far too early to say Miss Kuramitsu. Let us focus on celebrating Master Bruce’s life and our victory against the forces of all evil.”

      Noboyuki grabbed his glass and raised it up. “To Bruce Wayne, savior of the universe.”

      The others followed his lead. A moment of silence followed, allowing all of those present to reflect on the events of the last few weeks of their lives.

      “So Lord Katsuhito, where did you end up anyway after the Equation was cancelled out?” Washu asked curiously. The group had only just been reacquainted with Tenchi’s grandfather, who was brought over by Superman as a thank you for all of the help they gave at the Fortress.

      The former prince of Jurai drank deep from his glass. “Well when I came to I was in a giant American city…Metropolis I think. I met a very nice man named Bibbo and the two of us went to the pub for a nice soft drink called ‘Soder.’ You Americans have such interesting products here; it astounds me.”

      “Wait, instead of coming home you went to a bar?” Tenchi asked incredulously. “Did you even think about us?”

      “Tenchi, you know that I do not know how to fly or teleport. How did you expect me to get back to Japan without any currency?” Yosho asked. “Besides, never question your elders Tenchi.”

      “…the only one here who isn’t my elder is Damian,” Tenchi muttered under his breath dejectedly.

      A ringing noise filled the dining room. All eyes turned to Barbara, who took a quick glance at her phone. “It’s my dad. I have to take this. I’m sorry for being rude Alfred.”

      “Go on Miss Gordon. We do not want the Commissioner to be kept waiting. He is no doubt just as worried about you as you are for him.”

      Barbara excused herself from the table. Ryoko leaned back on her chair to try to listen in, but was knocked back by Ayeka. “Hey! What was that for?!”

      “You know it is rude to eavesdrop Ryoko! It is not nice to disrespect the head of the house!”

      “Well I didn’t know the redhead’s dad was a cop! Old space pirate habit, no offense Kiyone,” Ryoko explained. The Galaxy Police officer sighed and continued her meal.

      Barbara wheeled back after her phone call was done and made herself known. “Dick, Alfred, I have to go. Dad wants to have a quiet night, just the two of us. Call me if you need anything. I’ll stop by in the morning.”

      Dick got up and gave his friend a hug. “Great seeing you Babs. Tell your dad I said hello.”

      She spotted Washu in the corner of her eye and sighed. “Hakubi, you are a real piece of work, you know that?”

      “I do try ‘Oracle,'” she smiled. She put out her hand. “It was an honor and a pleasure Barbara.”

      Though she hesitated for a half a moment, Barbara couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah, I guess it was. Just do us a favor and try not to get involved anymore.”

      “Oh now you are just tempting fate!”

      Barbara bowed slightly to Mihoshi and Kiyone. “Thank you all for your help with this. We couldn’t have done it without you.”

      Tears streamed down Mihoshi’s face as if she were saying goodbye to a family member. “I’ll miss you so muuuuuuuuch! Come visit us agaiiiiiinnnnnn!”

      The bespectacled redhead blinked in confusion and smiled. With that, Barbara Gordon returned to the city she defended to spend her night with the man she loved above all else.

      “So what comes next?” Noboyuki asked once she left. The table all turned to him and pondered the question. “I mean, do we just go our separate ways at this point?”

      “That’s a good question. Would you all want to keep a continued line of communication open? We can call it a Bat-Phone if you want to keep the theming going?” Washu offered. Dick turned to Alfred and started to laugh. “Let me guess; you have a Bat-Phone.”

      “Bruce had it in our study. It was an early way to contact Barbara’s father directly when the Bat-Signal couldn’t be used,” Dick sniggered. “That was back in the good old days where I think Bruce was actually having fun when he went on patrol.”

      “Getting back to the matter at hand,” Alfred interjected, coughing slightly. “I see no harm in keeping in touch if the situation requires it. However, we all have our roles in life. Ours is here in Gotham, and yours belongs in the stars,” he said looking to Mihoshi and Kiyone. “And yours in Japan. It truly was an honor to work together to save the planet, but at the end of the day we all have our roles to play.”

      “Spoken like a true Shakespearian thespian!” Yosho cried. “Alfred speaks the truth. There are enough superheroes and costumed characters in this city. I have our family’s shrine to tend to, Noboyuki has houses to design, and Tenchi has to continue his studies.”

      “What about us?” Mihoshi asked earnestly.

      “We need to pay the rent,” Kiyone reminded her, causing both of their heads to hang low.

      “Well, in the end, we all know how to reach each other,” Alfred pointed out. “May the next time we meet be under better circumstances!”

      And thus, with the God of Evil slain, the genius scientist and her family returned to Japan. But evil always finds a way to sink back into the picture.

      The only question is when it will happen.

      Ch 10: No Need for Reunions

      Six months after the “Final Crisis of Mankind,” Gotham City had found itself a new protector in the cape and cowl. Dick Grayson had, as expected, taken up his mentor’s mantle as the Batman. By his side was another familiar face: Damian Wayne, who had achieved his dream of being Robin, the Boy Wonder. For a gleaming moment, it seemed that the status quo would return to the wayward city.

      However, fate has a way to make life in Gotham City unexpected.

      In the short time between Bruce’s death and Dick’s first night, several of the usual members of their Rouges Gallery had either left the city, joined a protective racket with a new Black Mask, or even taken up the right side of the law. Of course, the face that Dick feared the most, the Joker, had been missing for months.

      It was the new faces that had Dick worried.

      Almost immediately, Damian and Dick found themselves wrapped up in a mystery, a mysterious Domino Killer, and a new breed of super villain in the form of Lazlo Valentin. Valentin was a former circus performer who reinvented himself into a killer known as Professor Pyg. Though he seemed crazy, the court deemed him safe enough to go to Blackgate Prison, no doubt due to the destruction of Arkham Asylum. Pyg was only the beginning of a series of seemingly interconnected murders and crimes that culminated with Damian becoming paralyzed from the waist down.

      This is where we rejoin our heroes.

      “Alfred, I’m not about to send Damian back to his mother!” Dick angrily told the butler.

      “Master Dick, may I remind you that we have reached out to Dr. Mid-Night and he could do nothing. We have no other choice! We cannot let Master Damian stay paralyzed! His mother is our last hope and she will not be kept waiting. I’m just amazed her paramedics have not come knocking on our door yet. You already said it was quite hard not to have them take him to her right off the bat.”

      Dick punched a wall of the Wayne Penthouse. As the Manor had not been fully cleared of booby traps left by El Sombrero, the trio of men decided to call one of Bruce’s old penthouses their home. Thankfully, said penthouse also included a Bat-Bunker of its own: perfect for any Dynamic Duo.

      “Call me crazy, but I just don’t trust Talia to just heal her son using harvested organs. I don’t think she is happy how I am ‘corrupting’ her son and she will no doubt try something to get ‘revenge’ on us.”

      “Don’t I have a say in this Grayson?” Damian finally interjected from a nearby bed. His paralyzed form laid still, waiting to see what would happen. “Mother harvested those organs specifically to deal with cases like this. Spit it out, this has less to do with me and everything to do about Todd.”

      Dick spun around. “I don’t know what you are talking about Damian.”

      “*tt* You know damn well what I’m referring to. You want to resurrect Father with that Lazarus Pit in England. It’s a stupid idea and you’re an idiot for giving it thought. This is why you need to get me back in action; you’d never get by without me,” Damian weakly told him, his smugness shining though.

      Alfred looked at both of his charges and sat down. “Did you reach out for Miss Gordon? She might be able to find someone who we have overlooked?”

      He shook his head and sighed, clearly bothered by Damian’s words. “Babs and I are still not talking. I don’t approve of her bringing the Brown girl back into this lifestyle. If she wants to let her be Batgirl, that is on her but I will not be a part of it.”

      “‘Don’t approve?’ Hmm…perhaps that might be our answer Master Dick.”

      Dick raised an eyebrow. “I don’t follow.”

      “Well can you not think of a person who Miss Gordon would disapprove of who has unlimited access to scientific resources, including, no doubt, the material necessary to heal our boy here?”

      “No…no, I will not allow it!” Damian protested as he tried to move any part of his body. “I do not want that harlot coming anywhere near me!”

      “‘Harlot?’ You don’t mean…?”

      “I do. Shall we prepare the supersonic Bat-Plane?” Alfred asked.

      “Isn’t it a bit rude to come over unannounced?” Dick questioned. “That isn’t in your character Alfred.”

      The gentlemen chuckled. “That would be the case, but we have an hour flight ahead of us. That gives us more than enough time to make sure she is available, or alternatively to bring Damian to his mother.”

      “…nice thinking Alfred! What would we do without you?” Dick asked grinning.

      “Kill me now Grayson,” Damian moaned.


      The Bat-Plane flew across the familiar house and shrine in the heart of the Okayama woods. It was small enough that it could land safely right beside the giant lake that the house was built by. Dick, still in costume, could see a lone figure standing by the water. Her pink hair made her unmistakable.

      “Miss Washu is very prompt indeed,” Alfred said to himself.

      “Hear that Dami?” Grayson told his ward. “She’s rolling out the red carpet for you.”

      “I’m thrilled,” Damian groaned.

      The plane set down and the cockpit door opened. The three men found themselves face to face with the mad scientist who had helped save the planet and earned the ire of Barbara Gordon.

      “Miss Washu, may I say thank you for seeing us on such short notice.”

      The genius scientist bowed in respect. “No problem. You made the right call. As the greatest scientific mind in the galaxy, this kind of a project will be a piece of cake.”

      “I’m not a damn project Hakubi!” Damian snarled.

      Washu peered in to get a better glimpse of the boy. “Hello to you too sunshine. Listen, I’m taking Funshine Bear here into my lab. You two make yourselves at home. I need to be undisturbed. Dick, help me bring him down will you?”

      The two brought Damian down on a stretcher that Washu materialized. “Atta boy.”

      “So where are Kiyone and the others?” Dick asked, looking around.

      “I dunno, something about going to get supplies. I don’t know, I keep to myself a lot. Now you stay put; come along Boy Wonder!” Washu laughed maniacally.


      “Sasami, are you sure you don’t need help carrying those bags into the house?” Ayeka called out to her sister.

      “I’ve got it okay Ayeka! I’m so excited to try this recipe that I’ve got extra strength!” Sasami laughed without care. “Wednesday’s are the best day to cook since we are all together!”

      “Joy,” Ryoko groaned. “The one day of the week that Mihoshi and Kiyone come and eat all of my food. At least those two knights aren’t around or I’d never eat anything.”

      “‘Your’ food?! That food happens to be made by Sasami! I don’t seem to recall you setting foot in the kitchen!”

      “Hey, I’d cook for my Tenchi every day, but you all banned me from cooking, remember?!”

      “Oh, silly me. I forgot. I’m so used to eating EDIBLE food that I…what is that thing?” Ayeka stopped and asked.

      The trio of girls, and a cabbit, had finally returned to the family house and were met by the startling sight of a black vehicle. Ryoko circles around it, trying to activate any kind of defense system.

      “I thinks it’s one of those flying things…a plane! Yeah, but it’s armed!” Ryoko announced, causing Ayeka to adopt a battle stance. “Hold your horses princess; I don’t think it is set to attack us. It’s not automated…yet.”

      “Could it be an invention of Washu’s?” Sasami asked curiously.

      “Well that would make sense…we’ve better check the house to make sure she hasn’t killed anyone or something,” Ayeka sighed.

      Ayeka opened the door and was face to face with a man in a bat costume sitting on the couch. She immediately screamed. “AZAKA! KAMIDAKE!”

      Two giant logs appeared out of thin air. One had blue Japanese characters on it, the other red. The cloaked character got up and started to speak before he was trapped in a force field. “We have him ma’am!” the log named Azaka, after the Knight of Jurai, told her.

      “Interesting. I never met these two before,” the man spoke from inside the field. He touched the wall and was instantly shocked. “Electrical shocks. So this is what the Planet Jurai uses for defense.”

      “How do you know about Jurai you criminal!” she bellowed.

      Sasami looked at the masked figure and then at his chest. Suddenly, recognition filled her eyes. “Oh no! Azaka! Kamidake! Let him go! That’s Batman!”

      Ayeka turned around sharply. “What? The American superhero? But I thought he died!”

      “Bruce might have died…but I didn’t Ayeka!” Batman responded.

      “My word! Guardians, release him! Do as Sasami says!”

      “Yes ma’am!” both Guardians said at the same time. With that, Batman was set free. He knocked on the wood and smiled.

      “Nice job you two. Never met you the last time I was here, but you can do a good job protecting these guys.”

      “Thank you sir!” Azaka told him.

      “Cut the crap Grayson. We know it’s you under there,” Ryoko grinned.

      “You knew before they did?” Dick said, removing his mask.

      She nodded. “You can change outfits pretty boy, but you still have the same stance.”

      “Huh,” Dick grinned, clearly impressed. “Hear that Alfred? She met me once six months ago and she knew my stance. Go figure.”

      “Alfred?” Sasami asked looking around. “I don’t see Mr. Pennyworth…”

      “I’m in the kitchen Miss Sasami,” the elderly British man said, entering the kitchen smiling. “I hope you don’t mind me using your kitchen, but I was hoping for some herbal tea. I also heard Ryo-Ohki here so I brought her a carrot!”

      “MEOW!” Ryo-Ohki wept for joy.

      “You came all the way to Japan for some of Sasami’s tea?” Ryoko asked. “And in costume no less!”

      The butler of the Batman looked confused. “Did Washu not let you know that we were coming? I do apologize for our rudeness, don’t we Master Dick?”

      “What? Oh yes, we do,” Dick said bowing down. “Please excuse the costume, if someone were to see someone other than Batman flying the plane, it would raise questions.”

      “But having an English butler wouldn’t?” Ryoko continued to pry. “This has ‘last minute plan’ written all over it. Why do you need that damn scientist’s help?”

      “Master Damian had an…accident involving a criminal called the Flamingo. He is paralyzed and Miss Hakubi offered to look at him before we resorted to other methods.”

      “Other methods?” Ayeka asked. “I’m sorry, but I don’t quite follow.”

      “Alfred is dancing around the fact that his mother runs a criminal empire and happens to hate me for ‘bringing Damian out of the dark’ or something like that,” Dick dryly laughed to himself. “I swear, I don’t know how Bruce did it.”

      “With his…” Ryoko started before she got hit by Ayeka. “I’m joking Princess! Cut me some slack!”

      As the two women bickered, Sasami, Dick, and Alfred sat down for tea. “How long has Damian been in there?” Sasami asked gently.

      “About two hours. We have until the end of the night before the League of Assassins comes looking for him,” Dick explained. “The last thing I need is Talia entering the equation. We’ve had enough issues going on.”

      “Like what?”

      “A scary guy with a pig mask, the return of Jason Todd…”

      “Oh!” Sasami said. “He was the second Robin right?”

      “Right in one,” Dick nodded. “There’s also that Flamingo guy and a Domino Killer.”

      “There is also the little issue of Master Bruce’s corpse,” Alfred reminded him. The comment caused Dick looked away in shame and anger.

      “Was it stolen? That means that Mr. Wayne can’t rest in peace!”

      “No, child,” Alfred waved her concerns away. “In their confrontation, Master Jason brought up the fact that we could resurrect Master Bruce using a Lazarus Pit. Master Dick wished to do it, Master Damian is against it, and I am not sure what to believe.”

      Sasami shuffled around in her seat. “I don’t know if that is a good idea. It’s been months, right? Couldn’t something bad happen if you brought him back?”

      “That’s been the debate,” Dick admitted.

      “Debate eh? Tell me more about these Lazarus Pits,” a familiar voice requested.

      Everybody looked to see Washu in a nurse’s outfit on wiping blood off of her hands. Dick and Alfred stood up. “How…?”

      “The kid is fine,” she smiled. “I repaired his spine and made sure there would be no lasting damages. He’s knocked out, so give him the night and he’ll be okay.”

      “Astounding Miss Washu!” Alfred told her. “You truly are a genius!”

      “THE genius, Mr. Pennyworth!” Washu laughed. “Since we have some time before the Boy Wonder wakes up, tell me about Lazarus Pits.”


      Later that night, the Masaki household sat down for dinner with two extra places set. Dick, who was wearing civilian clothes at this point, and Alfred were invited to one of Sasami’s famous meals. While the food was delicious as usual, it was the discussion that was the most notable.

      “I’ve given it thought and I think I’d like to examine the corpse!” Washu announced.

      Kiyone and Ayeka both choked on their food for a a moment. “Miss Washu, that is incredibly disrespectful!”

      “You all heard their explanation about the Lazarus Pits and the concern about resurrecting the original Batman. If the concern is body decay, I might be able to test that before Mr. Grayson does something he will regret,” she explained. “That is my question to you both: may I come to Gotham City with you tomorrow when Damian is back on his feet?”

      Dick and Alfred looked to each other. Dick shrugged and said “Well, I don’t see the harm in it. It’s better to know what can be done before we decide what should be done.”

      “Can I come too?” Sasami asked earnestly. “I’ve never been to America! I’d love to see the sights!”

      “But if you go, who will cook for us?!” Noboyuki cried. “I can’t go back to take out and steamed rice!”

      “Why don’t we all go? Let’s make a vacation out of it!” Mihoshi pleaded.

      “Hey,” Dick said. “I didn’t say…”

      The elder Masaki shook his head. “I’m afraid I have to put my foot down on that one. Tenchi has school and his training. It was hard enough to get him to reenroll after the Kagato incident, but I don’t think we can manage another excuse.”

      “But Grandpa!”

      Ryoko laughed. “It’s okay Tenchi. I’ll stay and keep you company while Ayeka takes Sasami to America.”

      “YOU WILL DO NO SUCH THING SPACE PIRATE!” Ayeka yelled, getting in her face. “If you think I will leave you alone with Lord Tenchi you have another thing coming!”

      “We can watch Sasami!” Mihoshi offered. “Come on Kiyone, it will be fun!”

      “Mihoshi, we have jobs and rent…”

      “Actually,” Dick interjected after eating another rice cake. “After thinking about it, I could use your help Kiyone.”

      “What?” asked a clearly off-guard Kiyone. “I don’t understand.”

      “I don’t have the kind of pull at Blackgate Penitentiary that we did at Arkham. There is a prisoner there who we would love to question, but I can’t get to him. Would you be interested in an interrogation?”

      She thought about it. “What about our jobs? We need to pay our rent and…”

      “The funny thing about entering Bruce’s life,” Dick smiled. “Is having access to his funds. I’ve got you covered with rent money and I’ll see what I can do about your job. This guy is almost as bad as the Joker and might be even crazier.”

      “Whose the perp?” Kiyone asked.

      “Professor Pyg, a low rent circus performer who created an identity destroy drug that comes in the form of a virus. I just can’t read this guy and the Bat-Computer is still analyzing his toxin.”

      “A professor, eh?” Washu smiled. “This sounds right up my alley. I’m in too. I will help you break him.”

      “Now hold on!” Kiyone argued. “He’s a prisoner! He has rights!”

      “I thought Batman operates outside the law,” she countered. “As long as nobody is killed, right Batsy?”

      “Is this typical dinner conversation here Mr. Masaki?” Alfred asked Tenchi as the rest of the table got into the semantics of Batman and the protocol for the “vacation.” The lad nodded and laughed to himself.

      “Actually, this seems a bit saner than usual.”

      “Ah,” Alfred said, sipping deep into his cup. “This really is good tea.”

      Ch. 11: No Need for Pyg

      Once Damian had woken up, and yelled at Washu for good measure, Sasami, Kiyone, Mihoshi, and Washu packed their bags to prepare for the trip across the Ocean to the Land of Opportunity. Though Noboyuki desperately begged them not to leave, the girls waved goodbye as they sat down in the back of the Bat-Plane.

      “Yes Mother, I’m perfectly healed now…it was some alien scientist named Hakubi…yes Mother…Mother, I have a job to do. If you need to talk about something, come to America and tell me directly. Goodbye Mother,” Damian talked into a cellphone. He hung up and threw his hands in the air. “I’m ten years old and she things that I’m three!”

      “That sounded intense Damian,” Dick told him from the cockpit. “Did you really need to give the Daughter of the Demon a reason to come to the house? I really could have done without that.”

      “Grayson, you know my mother. She is an Al-Ghul. She will never stop until she gets what she wants. What she forgets is that I have Al-Ghul blood in my veins as well.”

      “How cute! He wants to continue playing dress up!” Washu goaded from the back of the plane.

      The boy’s eyebrow twitched. “You are lucky I refrain from killing out of respect for my father, harlot. If I was not honor bound to do so, I would gladly end your life.”

      “And hit the beautiful face of the girl who saved your life?” Washu mockingly looked hurt. “How could you?!”

      “How much longer Mr. Grayson?” Sasami asked excitedly. “I can’t wait to see Gotham City!”

      “Only about twenty minutes Sasami. Don’t get yourself too excited, though. Gotham isn’t all that different from a city like Tokyo.”

      Kiyone shuffled in her seat. “I really want to thank you again for your help with the rent Dick. It’s not that often that I accept charity.”

      “Don’t worry about it,” Dick waved it off. “Honestly, consider it payment as opposed to charity. Pyg is one hell of a customer.”

      “I’ve been a Galaxy Police Officer for years now. I’ve seen scum from one side of the universe to the next. This pig guy can’t be that bad.”

      Damian chuckled to himself. “When you see that tub of lard, you’ll eat those words.”


      Upon landing in Gotham, Alfred took the liberty of taking the long way back to the Penthouse so the tourists could see the sights. Though Damian was getting bored by the extraneous travel, Sasami was clearly thrilled beyond belief about it.

      “Wow! I’m actually in America!” Sasami exclaimed. “It’s so…big!”

      “*tt* You are hopelessly childish Jurai,” Damian chided.

      Sasami turned up her nose. “You just don’t see the beauty of what you have in front of you.”

      “You might be the first person to call Gotham City ‘beautiful’ and not be a crazy killer,” the Boy Wonder laughed mockingly.

      “Now Master Damian, I can think of at least one other individual who would disagree with you,” Alfred said from the driver’s seat.

      “Who? The Kryptonian? The Amazon?”

      “Your father.”

      Damian opened his mouth to comment on it, but he closed it and kept to himself.

      “Most of the city was actually built by Master Bruce’s ancestors. Would you like to hear about how Solomon Wayne commissioned the area that would eventually be this city?”

      “Would I?!” Sasami asked in wonder. “Tell me everything!”

      “Ugh,” Damian hung his head. “Somebody get me an Advil. This is going to take awhile.”


      “So what is our game plan?” Washu asked, taking a bite into a burger. “Hey, this isn’t half bad!”

      “If you come to America, you have to at least try a burger,” Dick laughed. “This place makes the best in Gotham.”

      Alfred had stopped at a Burger Fool restaurant at Dick’s request. Though they were all eager to visit the Penthouse, Dick was very adamant about giving the Japanese visitors the true American experience.

      “Don’t generalize Grayson. Not everyone is as in love with the prospect of eating cow beef like you,” Damian countered while eating his salad.

      “Aaaanyway,” Dick said, switching gears. “I think Pyg might be the bigger issue, though I don’t like to admit it. I have no idea how long your analysis of Bruce could take, so I think we should reach out to Commissioner Gordon after lunch.”

      “Barbara’s father?” Kiyone asked. “Does he know who you are?”

      “I wouldn’t put it past Commissioner Gordon to know about the night time activities of the Wayne family,” Alfred responded. “However, he knows he cannot legally acknowledge that fact. He’s a very smart man.”

      Mihoshi looked around while she drank her shake. “Hey, you said Mr. Wayne was dead, right?”

      There was a silence as everybody looked at Mihoshi as if she had three heads. “…yes Mihoshi; that is why we are here.”

      “Then who is that?” Mihoshi asked, pointing at the restaurant’s television.

      The group immediately watched the television in earnest. Sure enough, a reporter named Vicky Vale was interviewing a man identified as Bruce Wayne. The jaws of Sasami, Washu, and Kiyone hit the floor. Damian’s fist tightened and focused back on his salad.

      “I want to kill that fool Elliot so badly,” Damian said to himself. “If not for the fact he was doing us a favor he’d be dead already.”

      “‘Elliot?'” Kiyone asked. “Who…?”

      “One of Bruce’s enemies who actually knows his identity,” Dick explained, clearly as disgusted as Damian. “He’s a surgeon who literally changed his face to resemble Bruce’s.”

      “That’s sounds weird,” Sasami said.

      “Tell me about it,” Dick agreed. “However, it’s working out well. The public thinks Bruce is alive and well and we have him right where we can keep an eye on him.”

      Washu shook her head. “You Americans are so confusing.”

      “Hey, when are we going to see Barbara?” Sasami asked. “Is she around?”

      Dick shuffled in his seat. “Well, Babs and I aren’t exactly…it’s hard to explain.”

      “You…you didn’t let her know we were here did you?” Washu pried. “Trouble in paradise eh?”

      “…I’ll explain later if you ladies are really concerned. Let’s just focus on finishing lunch so we can get this unpleasantness out of the way.”


      After stopping home and switching into costume, Batman and Robin directed Kiyone and Washu into Blackgate Prison. Waiting for them there was a grey haired, mustachioed man with glasses. He extended his hand for Batman to shake.

      “I have to say Batman, this is a bit direct and forward for you. Well,” he dropped his voice into a whisper. “Both you and him. You know…the other Batman.”

      “Desperate times Commissioner. These two women actually helped shut down the Anti-Life Equation in Bluddhaven. Don’t take them lightly,” Batman countered. “Commissioner Gordon, meet Washu Hakubi, the brilliant scientist, and Officer Kiyone Makibi.”

      “Pleasure to meet you both,” the man told both ladies. “Hakubi…hmm I seem to recall Barbara mentioning something about a pink haired girl named Hakubi. Would you happen to be her?”

      “Ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies Commissioner!” Washu winked. “Does Mr. Valentin know he is going to have company?”

      Gordon shook his head. “I managed to keep this quiet. I had to pull a few strings to get this to even happen.”

      The pink haired woman bowed slightly. “The privacy is greatly appreciated.”

      “I don’t know what you two think you can do. Pyg hasn’t talked to anyone at all except to ask for his mask. The guards report that he is always speaking in some kind of gibberish to himself.”

      “Leave that to us Commissioner,” Kiyone reassured him.

      “Where did you say you were a cop Miss Makibi?”

      “I didn’t,” she said with a smile.

      The group walked past several doors until they got to an interrogation room. There was a window in the wall that showed the lone occupant: an overweight dark haired man. He did not look up from the table, but Kiyone noted his mouth was moving. She tried to listen in and was met with a strange string of babble.

      “The penitent one will descend upon the goat head in the big blow out. Then Piggy will be released from his sty. But before the beautification, my face must be claimed from the rats,” he muttered to himself.

      Gordon looked to the Dynamic Duo and waited to hear if they understood his ramblings. Finally Dick spoke: “He said ‘big blow out.’ That may be circus speak for the finale of a show.”

      “Which would be his ‘beautification,'” Kiyone nodded to herself. “What about his ‘penitent’ comment?”

      “El Penitente is some big time crime lord in Mexico who sent Flamingo to Gotham. *tt* Makibi, didn’t you do your homework?” Robin sneered.

      “Hush you. Everything he is saying is a clue. I think it’s time we entered in,” Washu told Kiyone. “I think you being in the room may be counterproductive Batman. Any objections?”

      The Dark Knight shook his head, but Commissioner Gordon spoke up. “Keep your guard up, but don’t sink to his level.”

      “We won’t,” Kiyone reassured him. With that, the two ladies entered in the room with a babbling madman all alone.

      The two women sat down and waited for Lazlo to notice their arrival. After about a minute, Kiyone made the first move. “Mr. Valentin, my name is Officer Makibi. How are you doing?”

      There was no response. Washu tapped her finger on the table in irritation. “This isn’t going to get us anywhere, but I know what will.”

      Washu created her computer and started to type furiously. “Okay, a Gotham Gazette report about Professor Pyg. Says here you created something called ‘Dollotrons.’ I’m both impressed and disgusted. As a fellow professor, I think I know what the problem is. We can’t work if there isn’t the proper equipment. Will this do?” After a few keystrokes, Washu managed to create a plaster mask that resembled a pig.

      Lazlo finally looked up at the mask and started to smile. “My face…it’s perfect!”

      “Perfection is the first step to beauty,” Washu reasoned.

      “The pink haired one speaks the truth,” Professor Pyg agreed. “You are so close to perfection, but your face is lacking. You need work to become wonderful!”

      “Perhaps I do, but what are you?”

      “Pyg is not perfect, but Pyg will MAKE everything perfect. Then Mommy will love me again!”

      “How will you make us perfect Professor?” Kiyone asked, catching on to what Washu was doing and realizing it was getting a response. “We have so many problems.”

      Pyg looked at both of the women and seemed to think about it. “You need a bad operation. You more than her,” he said, pointing to Washu, who blushed. “To be imperfect is to be ugly. All the top names rid their ugliness through one bad operation after another. The germ is the only way to bring results.”

      “Does El Penitente have the germ?”

      After making a squealing sound, Valentin found himself shifting uncontrollably. “Dr. Johnny B. Damned will come in time! Mommy told me so.”

      Kiyone and Washu stopped talking and tried to process what they were hearing. Finally, it was Kiyone who spoke. “Is El Penitente your Mommy?”

      Pyg started to laugh and cry at the same time. “Dr. Johnny B. Damned, my Mommy? In her gown of nails, Mommy can be cruel. In the morning she is Kali, at lunch she is Mormo, and at night she sees red. ALL WAYS LEAD TO HER!”

      “So El Peniten…I mean Dr. Johnny B. Damned is coming from Mexico? Do you work for him?” Washu asked earnestly.

      Kiyone reflected inward. It was amazing that these two women managed to keep their cool around this man. They knew the risk of giving him back his mask. ‘If we play this the right way, we’ve got him!’ Washu had told her. ‘If we say anything to offend him, he will try to kill us. This is a cold and calculated game you and I have to play Kiyone. I hope you can keep a poker face. Be prepared for ANYTHING.’

      “The Doctor pulled me from the Spyral Sink and showed me the path to perfection! With the germ in place, I can make lovely ladies anywhere I want! All my collection, mint in package! Pristine to the last curve. If even a speck of dust is found, the Dollotron is ruined!”

      “The germ…what is it?”

      A smile crept on the visible portion of Pyg’s face. “The milk from mommy’s nursing embrace is addictive and its in you all. It’s addiction you catch! Pyg gives you hunger, Pyg offers you salvation! Salvation through perfection! Once you accept the drug, your reason will leave you and you will be mine!”

      With that, Professor Pyg got out of his chair and lunged for Kiyone. The girl dodged his attempt and punched him in the gut. However, the behemoth of a man kept advancing. As this was going on, Washu furiously typed on her computer. “Did you really think I would give a clinically insane man the object of his desire without a way to curb your instincts?!”

      One keystroke later and Lazlo Valentin started to writhe in pain. At once, he toppled to the ground: fainting from being electrocuted. With this development, Batman, Robin, and Commissioner Gordon ran into the room.

      “What the hell was that?” Gordon asked furiously. “You electrocuted the man!”

      Washu shrugged as Kiyone panted. “He was trying to kill us. I was merely applying self-defensive strategies.”

      “I can see that, but WHAT did you do?”

      She handed the lawman the mask. “The mask I created had the ability to give off a low level electrical shock if the wearer displayed any negative behavior. Nothing lethal mind you.”

      “Fascinating,” Gordon said, clearly impressed.

      “That’s all well and good,” Robin growled. “But we didn’t get any information we didn’t know or couldn’t surmise on our own.”

      “Ha,” Washu laughed. “So you think Baby Bird; but this mask did far more than just act as an incredibly unsettling facial disguise. It was probing his mind to get any snippets of his past that can be reached beneath the layers of madness that he possesses.”

      Batman considered it. “Basically, you developed a USB flash drive for the human mind?”

      “In so many words,” Washu announced. “Just another win for the GREATEST SCIENTIFIC GENIUS IN THE UNIVERSE!”

      “Oh no,” Damian uttered, putting a hand over his face. “Here they come…”

      As if on cue… “You did it Washu!”

      “Your genius knows no limits Washu!”

      Commissioner Gordon blinked a few times and turned his attention to Kiyone. “Are you alright Officer Makibi? You look a bit shaken.”

      “I’m fine Commissioner,” Kiyone said, catching her breath. “I was caught off guard for a moment. Don’t worry about me.”

      “You did well in there,” Gordon said reassuringly. “Batman, I hope that you can find something that can stop whatever he is planning before it starts.”

      “I hope so too Commissioner,” Batman nodded.

      Ch. 12: No Need for Tomorrow

      The sun around Gotham City was shining off of the Wayne limosine. Inside the elongated car were three people: the enthusiastic Mihoshi, the young and impressionable Sasami, and the humble Alfred. Tagging along for the ride was the group pet Ryo-Ohki. Alfred had decided to take the girls on a nice tour of the city to get them out of the manor while the others were out. They had just finished watching a rerun of Fantasia playing at a movie house and had retuned to continue their day.

      “Are all American movies like that? It was so…expressive!” Sasami asked enthusiastically.

      “I must have a word with your sister Miss Sasami,” Alfred shook his head. “To think a child such as you have been deprived of such American cinema for so long.”

      “But Mr. Pennyworth, Ayeka and Ryoko typically watch the television that would get those channels! I have my small television so I can watch my cooking shows in the kitchen.”

      “That is just more of a reason to speak my mind to those young ladies. Though your work habits are to be commended, you really should enjoy some of the entertainment Earth can provide for you.”

      “Did Bruce like movies very much Alfred?” Mihoshi asked.

      Alfred fell quiet for a moment. “Movies were one of the few escapes Master Bruce allowed himself. Oh, he was quite fond of films and shows like The Grey Ghost and Magnificent Seven. However, he would keep The Mark of Zorro close to his heart. I’m not sure if it was for the right reasons or the wrong reasons, but there is no doubt that Zorro will forever be linked to his life.”

      “What is ‘Zorro’ Mister Pennyworth?” Sasami asked innocently. “Is that an animal?”

      There was a pause while Alfred stopped to think of an answer. “He was a hero, Miss Sasami.”

      “Let’s watch Zorro then!” Mihoshi suggested. “Is it playing in one of those things you took us to…a theater?”

      “I was actually going to take you to the Gotham Theater to watch a play. You don’t want to waste away in front of the television, you know. The Gotham Players are putting on a production of Annie which I think you both would enjoy. An old friend, Leslie Thompkins, is volunteering her time there to let some of her charges experience the stage at least once in their life. But yes, Miss Mihoshi, we can indeed view The Mark of Zorro before you leave,” Alfred decided. “But since we have some time, I think we can enjoy some art. The Flugelheim Museum is not too far from here. I hope you both are up for an exciting day.”

      “Are we ever? Do you think we can bring back souvenirs for Tenchi and Ayeka and Ryoko?” Sasami asked sweetly. “I want them to have a piece of America since they couldn’t come!”

      With a light chuckle, Alfred responded “Of course we can.”


      The Batmobile set down on a docking pad in the Bat-Bunker. Washu and Kiyone hopped out and started to look around the area. It was a lot more sleek and modern than the Bat-Cave, but it still kept the motif going. There were barely any trophies or displays out here; only a giant computer. Washu assumed that is was connected to the same system as the Bat-Computer in the cave.

      “Nice place you have here sport,” she said with a whistle. “Though I do miss the giant mechanical dinosaur.”

      “I do too. Rex was always my favorite display,” Dick agreed, taking off his cowl. “Do you really think your data can shed some light on this whole case?”

      Washu sat down at the computer and cracked her knuckles. “I can’t say Batsy. That Pyg fellow seemed to have one crazy, messed up mind. I have no idea what kind of damage it suffered in whatever turned him from a circus performer to…well that!”

      “Don’t call him Batsy,” Damian growled. “That’s what HE called father.”

      Kiyone looked confused. “Who are you talking about Damian?”

      “The clown. I’ve never met him, but when I do, I’ll beat that smile right off his face.”

      “Clown? I wish Mihoshi were here; she would catch me up without looking like a fool,” she sighed. “It’s not right for a Galaxy Police detective to be so unprepared.”

      Damian made a mocking laugh. “Your words, not mine, even though I agree with them. How can you come to Gotham City and not even know about the Joker!”

      A fast furious typing sound echoed the cave. The pink haired scientist had turned on the Bat-Computer and started to pull up files from the archives. At once, a picture of a pale, green haired man in a purple tuxedo filled the screen. A rap sheet followed shortly, which Kiyone read with great interest.

      “‘The Joker…real name unknown. Aliases: The Red Hood, Liam Distal, Joseph Kerr, and Jack Napier. Known associates: Harleen Quinzelle, Oswald Cobblepot, and Edward Nygma…'” Kiyone muttered to herself as she got caught up on the history of the Clown Prince of Crime. “This is the guy who killed that Jason Todd guy you were telling us about in Japan! He paralyzed Barbara! He almost killed several newborn infants! This monster is reprehensible; worse than nearly any criminal I have ever come across in the far reaches of the galaxy.”

      “Thank you for filling us in with information we already know ‘detective,'” Damian rolled his eyes as he took off his domino mask.

      “Now that you mention it,” Dick said, starting to get lost in thought. “He has not been seen since the Arkham incident with the Black Glove. I’ve got no doubt he is waiting in the shadows…preparing his next routine. Unless…”

      “Unless what?” Kiyone asked.

      “Hmm…” Dick was quiet for a few moments. He picked up a newspaper describing the death of an oil sheik and stared at it intently. “I may need to talk to Oberon Sexton. This might be nothing…might be everything.”

      Robin cocked an eyebrow. “The writer? Why would you ever need to see him again?”

      “I don’t know…there’s something funny about all of this.”

      “Well this is all fun and dandy,” Washu announced loudly. “But I am going to need some alone time to dissect this information. Is that okay Caped Crusader?”

      “Yeah,” he nodded. “Take as much time as you need. But remember, I’d like you to take a look at Bruce’s corpse before you leave.”

      “I haven’t forgotten your request Mister Grayson. I am a woman of my word. Now shoo! Skedaddle!”

      Damian started to say something, but Dick held him back. Kiyone looked at the livid look on his face and fought back a grin. “Why don’t you two get me caught up on all of your known criminal associates? I need to be more prepared and not have to rely on Mihoshi for everything.”

      “Spoken like a true cop. Say, where are they anyway?” Dick asked. “I haven’t seen Mihoshi, Sasami, or Alfred since we have gotten back.”

      “Pennyworth is probably out doing his job as a chauffeur. Lord knows I wouldn’t want that blonde fool staying alone in the penthouse.”

      Kiyone was going to argue in her partner’s favor but decided against it. She knew there was no point in fighting the boy, no matter how rude he might be. ‘Still…he did have a point. Mihoshi probably WOULD have destroyed a good deal of the penthouse…’ Kiyone thought to herself. ‘But I would never tell HIM that.’


      Once the play concluded, Alfred stood up to give his applause. He quite enjoyed the production and it made him look back on his own days on the stage. He turned over to Sasami and Mihoshi and were surprised to find them smiling, but not applauding like the rest.

      “Alfred, did you find the play bad?” Mihoshi asked. “Why are you all clapping?”

      “Err…Miss Mihoshi, in America when you find something well done, you applaud it…oh that’s right! The Japanese culture dictates that silence is the highest compliment you can give!” Alfred smiled.

      Sasami nodded. “Yes, that’s true. Tenchi’s father told us about that when we saw A Midsummer Night’s Dream last holiday.”

      “Well I am just happy that you had a good time,” Alfred said. Suddenly his eyes widened. “Ah, there she is!”

      “Who are you talking about?”

      “My old friend. Come, I’d love to introduce you to her,” Alfred said, waiting for the two ladies to rise. They made their way down the concert hall and reached an older woman with grey hair. She turned to the man and looked surprised. Clearly this was an impromptu visit. She smiled and hugged the man.

      “Alfred Pennywoth, this is a surprise! What brings you my way?” she asked.

      Alfred smiled and acknowledged the two ladies he was taking care of. “I am showing these two lovely young ladies around. It is first time in America when there is not chaos and destruction going around and I wished to give them a proper tour of the city. I heard you were involved with the production. I have to say, it turned out marvelous.”

      The woman blushed. “Well, I thought it would do some of my patients some good to get some confidence back in their lives. But enough about me, who might you two be?”

      Sasami bowed slightly. “My name is Sasami. Thank you for putting on such a fantastic show for us to attend. I had a great time.”

      Emulating Sasami, Mihoshi did the same. “Thank you as well. My name is Fir…Mihoshi!”

      Leslie Thompkins, catching on to the Japanese nature of the two ladies, bowed in respect. “It is a pleasure to meet you both. My name is Dr. Leslie Thompkins.”

      “Wow!” Mihoshi exclaimed. “You are a doctor! What do you do?”

      “I presently run a clinic to help young people cope with their disabilities and get readjusted in the world. Some people need a little push…sorry, wheelchair humor. I’ve already said good-bye to my charges or else I would have loved to introduce you to them. However, I do know at least one person Alfred here would love to see.”

      “You do?”

      “I do. She came to support Wendy Harris, whom I enlisted to help run the stage crew. Ah, there she is now.”

      The trio of people, and one cabbit, were directed to a woman wheeling down to where they were from a higher seat. Her red hair and glasses were unmistakable. “BARBARA!” Mihoshi yelled as she ran over to her.

      “Oh no,” Alfred whispered. “This cannot end well for Master Dick.”

      The look the bespectacled Gordon gave the blonde detective could be described as a mix of shock and horror. Clearly this was the last place she ever expected to see any of the Masaki Clan.

      “Mi…Mihoshi! It’s…good to see you again! Please…I can’t breathe!” Barbara wheezed.

      “Barbara I can’t believe that I get to see you! I heard you and Dick were fighting! I hope you are okay!”

      “You heard all that?” she asked cooly, giving a side glance to Alfred, who looked incredibly guilty. She also noted the younger Jurain princess. “Little Sasami, I am pleased to see you again,” she said with a bow.

      “Hello to you too Miss Barbara! I’m sorry for Mihoshi; she knows better than to pry.”

      The blonde haired detective looked flustered and bowed again. “I was being rude wasn’t I? I’m so so so sorrrrrry!”

      “It’s okay Mihoshi…aren’t you going to greet me Alfred?” Barbara asked playfully. Though she had no reason to be angry at the man, she knew that he knew that she did not like this situation.

      “Miss Gordon, I’m outraged that you would say such a thing!” he responded in a composed form. “It has been far too long.”

      “Indeed it has. Leslie, the show was great. Thank you for inviting me.”

      The kind woman smiled in return. “Thank you for supporting Wendy. She seems to have gotten a bit more determined since her accident, thanks no small part to you.”

      Barbara sighed and grinned. “She’ll find her place soon. I know it. Mind if I step in with this dashing young man and his two lady friends?”

      Leslie chuckled and said her farewells to the trio. When she left, Barbara adopted a serious look. “She’s here too, isn’t she?”

      Alfred gulped.


      Kiyone was getting a good history lesson by Dick Grayson in the living room of the Wayne Penthouse. The skylight was filling the room with light. While Washu was far underneath the ground, they were far above several of the buildings that surrounded it. Kiyone found the various costumed criminals and cases rather interesting. It really was like something out of one of Sasami’s shojo mangas about magical girls.

      The detective was sharp enough to see that she was not the only one entertained by this discussion. Damian was deeply involved in the conversation, asking even more questions than Kiyone was at times. It reminded her that he really was a boy dealing with the loss of a parent, abet one whom he only knew personally for about a month at most. It really humanized him and caused her to sympathize with him.

      “So Joker up and kidnapped Robin and forced him to watch him kill Christmas shoppers?” Kiyone asked with great interest. “That sounds terrible! How did he get out?”

      “A Marx Brothers quote…do you have any idea who they are?” Dick asked, laughing to himself. “Pair of comedians…I’ll have Alfred pull out some of their work. It might be a nice distraction.”

      “Please,” Damian scoffed. “All that story shows is that Drake was a fool for hopping into a strange car without thinking.”

      “Think about what would have happened if he didn’t have that lapse in judgement,” Kiyone countered. “He stopped that madman from going on a worse killing spree than what he did!”

      “*tt* Details, details!”

      It had been about two hours into the conversation when Kiyone decided to ask a lingering question that was weighing on her mind. “Alfred briefly told us about what happened before the Crisis, but perhaps you can shed some light on this: what IS the Black Glove?”

      Dick adopted a serious look. He sunk into his chair and considered his words carefully. “That’s a loaded question. You see, the Black Glove can be either a person or a group…”

      Kiyone tilted her head in confusion. “I don’t follow…yet. Are the two related?”

      “Oh yes, they are. The Black Glove is a group of corrupt gamblers who meet once a year to gamble on human lives, or at least that’s how Alfred put it. Tim and I were busy fighting the Club of Villains, a bunch of criminals who were either part of the Black Glove or hired by them…it was never really made clear,” Dick explained. “Two of the members, a scorpion woman and a hunchback named Le Bosseu tried to lobotomize me to keep me out of the picture.”

      “You said that when we first met,” Kiyone said as realization dawned upon her.

      He nodded. “The other members aren’t really important except for their leader: Doctor Hurt. He’s the link between the two organizations and the man who adopted the name Black Glove as his own.”

      “I get it now!” Kiyone interjected. “So that’s the guy who is responsible for hiring that Sombrero guy to ruin Wayne Manor!”

      “Give the girl a prize!” Robin taunted. “Seriously, are you going to let Grayson finish or are you going to butt in every two seconds?”

      “Damian, stop being rude!” Dick remonstrated.

      “It’s okay Dick,” Kiyone agreed. “He’s right. Please continue.”

      “Well,” the former circus acrobat tried to remember his place. “Hurt set up a whole elaborate trap designed to break Batman. However, he didn’t count on two things: Bruce’s determination and the Joker.”

      Kiyone cocked and eyebrow but did not say anything. “Hurt tried to hire the Joker as a servant to kill Bruce in his name, but all that did was offend him. I don’t know the details of the conversation, but I gather it wasn’t pretty. Here’s the kicker: Alfred said that he was going around claiming to be Bruce’s father.”


      “*tt* Not even five minutes,” Damian sighed to nobody in particular. The two conversing adults ignored the interjection.

      “I know. We haven’t heard anything from him since they first battled right before the Crisis. Right after that, Bruce went to investigate Orion’s death which lead to his…his death.”

      “Could he be involved somehow?”

      “I’m not ruling out anything,” Dick stared out the window deep in thought. “But there is nothing that links him here yet.”

      As the words left his lips, a door slammed open, which caused the blue hair detective to jump. The familiar young form of Washu Hakubi was panting in the doorway.

      “You…you need a better elevator,” Washu panted.

      “Did you find anything of valuable, harlot?”

      “I can’t say to be sure, but come on down Dumb Dumb. You all need to see this!”

      Dick managed to smile to himself before he adopted his serious role yet again. Unlike Barbara, he found their company enjoyable. These aliens were amusing yet very grounded. It brought back good memories of when he first met Kori, the aforementioned alien princess. “Lead the way Great Gazoo!”


      “I want to preface this with a warning,” Washu explained and the four people crowded around the Bat-Computer. “What you are going to witness is incredibly disjointed and disturbing. Whatever happened to our little piggy did a number on his view on life. He remembers his past in fragments…and barely coherent ones at that. This entire time I have been trying to put his thoughts in a narrative order.”

      “Well if anyone could have done it in this short of time, it had to have been the greatest scientific genius in the universe,” Dick smiled.

      “Don’t indulge her Grayson!”

      Washu batted her eyelashes at Dick, who laughed uncomfortably. “No, don’t stop indulging me Mr. Grayson!”

      The eyebrows of Kiyone Makibi started to twitch. It started in low, then it started to grow. “*cough* I thought you had something to show us?”

      “Always business with you Kiyone. The Galaxy Police is lucky to have you!” Washu laughed it off. “No seriously Dickie, you can tell me more later,” she whispered with a wink, causing Damian and Dick to shudder.

      “Sit back and relax kids. In all my years I have never met a more depraved individual. Now you get to know why! Presenting in HD Professor Pyg: Who He Is and How He Came to Be!”

      With the press of a button, a series of small clips started to play. The first clip showed a blurred face of a woman talking to him. She looked middle age with dark hair, but it was hard to tell. Clearly it was straining the Professor to think that far back.

      “Can you…Lazlo the circus…Kolossal…” the mystery woman was telling him.

      “Again, this is going to be very fragmented and disjointed,” Washu explained. “Hmm? What’s wrong Dick?”

      Dick was looking intently at the woman. “That woman…she reminds me of someone…I wish I could see her face…”

      “Who do you think she is?” Kiyone asked, trying to take in as much information as she could.

      “She reminds me of this woman named Kathy Kane. She was a circus performer who dressed up as Batwoman for awhile. Her and Bruce were very serious, but she died a few years back…”

      “Are you sure about that?” Washu asked. “That may be important.”

      The young man bit his lip and stared intently at the woman. “I’m not sure Washu. Does this woman appear again?” The pink haired scientist shook her head in response. “Then it’s not important…yet.”

      The scene then changed to a dark office. The room was blurry except a bright red symbol. It looked like a spider-web with an eye in the center.

      “That,” Washu pointed out. “Is the symbol for Spyral, according to Damian’s father’s databases. There wasn’t much on there but from what I gather it’s some kind of offshoot of Britain’s MI6 I believe.”

      “Wait, that would make him a spy then!” Kiyone exclaimed. “I only really watch court tv here and that name has been banded about!”

      Damian grunted. “That idiot: a spy? I can’t see it…not after what he did to Sasha.”

      “Keep watching. We are about to come to the climax I believe…”

      All eyes returned to the screen. They were viewing a first person perspective of the man who would be Pyg running down corridor after corridor. Another voice was heard, this time a male, but it was far clearer than that of the woman.

      “Agent Valentin, descend the Spyral Sink! You…breathe deep and then…see what is beyond…door!”

      The comment caused Kiyone to snap her fingers. ” Spyral sink! He was ranting on about that when we interrogated him!”

      Dick nodded approvingly while not taking his eyes off the monitor. “Good observation Detective.”

      The screen suddenly flashed white and a most interesting sight appeared: a series of wires made into the shape of a woman. It was the most clear image thus far and it overpowered the vision of the observers. At this point, Lazlo Valentin could be heard whispering “Mommy…Mommy I’m sorry…I’ll be better…”

      “Your pharmaceutical agents work Agent Valentin! See how you fade away…”

      “I need a bad operation…I need to operate!”

      “This is how you escape the Labyrinth of Dedalus! Embrace your true nature!” the disembodied voice laughed.

      There was no commentary now, just horror and pity. Though it was unsaid, they all realized Professor Pyg was not born this way, but created by whomever was speaking to the former Agent of Spyral.

      “Lazlo Valentin is it?” a new voice spoke. The picture changed to a dark haired man in a white suit. He was not as blurry as the woman but not as clear as the wire mother.

      “Blessed is the ground which the worms crawl…” the voice of Valentin replied.

      “And so they shall. I’ve heard so many things about you…my cartel has use for you…”

      The group watched as various images played on the screen. Hands were adjusting a test tube…women were being forced to drink substances…the same hands creating a skin like material…and finally an image of several women lined up in a row.

      “Soon my dollies will be perfect! I can make you more than human…”

      “I have no doubt of your work. It is a masterpiece by design!” the dark haired man was saying. “You need to give a signature to this piece Valentin. How will you sign it?”

      “My Mommy made of nails tells me all! It sees me not as a pig to be slaughtered but a pig to slaughter!” The screen showed his “mommy made of nails again.” The man was in view, but upside down now. He was laughing.

      “Through your crucifixion, you will be absolved of your freedom, absolved of the burdens of life! Now and forever more, you will be Pyg!” the man gloated. “Now that you are impure, we can outline your vision for Gotham!”

      It was here that the video stopped, leaving the room deathly silent. Damian looked angry and started to crack his knuckles, Dick tapped his fingers to his chin, Kiyone looked like she was trying to keep herself together, and Washu looked as though all color had left the world.

      “That man had to have been El Penitente,” Kiyone whispered. “He mentioned a cartel…”

      “It’s worse than that, detective,” Batman replied. He motioned to Washu to let him sit down at the computer, which she obliged. He pulled up three pictures: one of the dark haired man, one of Bruce’s father, and one of an old newspaper clipping discussing a missing doctor…a doctor named Hurt. “Look at them; Dr. Hurt is El Penitente…or maybe was.”

      “We have no idea how long ago this conversation happened,” Washu explained. “It might have been right before you first encountered him or before your little Black Glove incident. Do you have any confirmation that the man died fighting against Bruce?”

      “None whatsoever. It’s an old saying, but unless there is a body, always consider them alive.”

      “Why is nobody getting to the real issue: we learned NOTHING!” Damian yelled angrily. “You were supposed to give us a clue or anything that could help us, but you found nothing! Who cares about Spyral or his backstory, it does not change that we have no idea what that bloated bufoon’s endgame was!”

      Dick got up and turned toward him. “Damian, calm down and think! We know he is in league with the Black Glove! We know that his ‘wire mommy’ is a weakness we can exploit! We can still collect the old one from police headquarters! All we have to do is ask Jim…”

      “Ask him what?” a familiar female voice asked. From the shadows of the Bat-Bunker came the familiar faces of Alfred, Mihoshi, Ryo-Ohki, and Sasami. Trailing behind them was the one face Dick was not expecting: Barbara.


      “You’ve got a lot of nerve Mr. Grayson!” Barbara yelled as she rolled up to him. “You kick me out of the cave and yet don’t keep in touch at all! You don’t even ask for my help with this matter, but go to a known intergalactic mad scientist!”

      “She’s got you there Sonny Jim,” Washu shrugged. “How are you doing Barbara? Long time!”

      “How does it look like I’m doing Hakubi?” Barbara shot her a look on contempt.

      Washu jumped back slightly. “Yikes! I think we should leave those two to themselves. Come on guys and gals. Perhaps Alfred here can whip up some lunch.”

      “Yes…that seems appropriate.”

      All of the occupants in the Bat-Bunker, Damian included, started to move away from the two quarreling people. Everyone, that is, except Mihoshi.

      “I know that guy!” Mihoshi said, pointing to the computer screen. All eyes fell on her.

      “Mihoshi, how could you possibly know who that is? That man is presumed dead.”

      “But Kiyone, I met him! Well, actually Ryoko met him, I only saw him talking to her.”

      “Mihoshi, I need to ask you a very serious question,” Kiyone asked her, knowing full well that all of the denizens in the Bat-Bunker were acknowledging her. “Where did this happen?”

      “At the Fortress of Solitude! Ask Ryoko, she would know better than I would!”

      Dick gave Washu a look. “Can you contact her? It’s not that late in Japan right now…in fact it’s early morning there.”

      A door suddenly appeared in the center of the room. The pink haired scientist bowed to everyone and opened it up. The group of people looked perplexed as they wondered whether Mihoshi Kuramitsu might have stumbled upon the man behind the Pyg or if she was deceiving herself.


      Ayeka and Ryoko lounged on the couch watching their soap opera. It was a dull day to be sure, since Tenchi had to return to school, but this made it all worth it. A plate of rice cakes sat between the two women and they sat back and relaxed their cares away.

      “You know something Ayeka, without the others here, it is actually easier to do chores.”

      “I know exactly what you mean Miss Ryoko. Here it is, midday, and we have finished our daily routine. I’m sure if Mihoshi or Washu were here, they would bungle it all up.”

      “I’ll drink to that,” Ryoko laughed. She took a gulp of her tea and sighed. “Still, this doesn’t taste as good as Sasami’s tea.”

      Ayeka hung her head in shame. “And I’m so lonely! Lord Tenchi is at school, the others are in America, Father is working, and Lord Yosho is tending to the shrine! Do we do ANYTHING to pass the time besides argue Miss Ryoko?”

      The spiky haired woman thought about it for a minute and rubbed her head. “I refuse to believe that we do NOTHING but argue! No, I can’t accept that. Let’s think for a minute here, what do we do all day?”




      “Avoid chores.”

      “Bathe,” both women said at the same time. They turned their heads down dejectedly at their tea glasses.

      “This just won’t do Miss Ryoko! We need a hobby…or something fun to pass the time!”

      “We now return to Popoko!” the television announcer spoke through the television. At once, the two lamenting ladies returned to their previous positions and continued to watch their show in peace.

      “‘scuse me!” an all too familiar voice announced from behind them. Ayeka and Ryoko turned around to see Washu standing next to the couch with her hands on her hips. “I know you two are so ‘busy’ but I have need for Ryoko.”

      “Now wait just a damn minute Washu!” Ryoko got up and growled. “Why do you need me help, and why are you here in Japan?!”

      Ayeka got up and joined her rival. “Miss Washu, did something happen to Sasami?!”

      The scientist held her hands up to calm them down. “Hold your horses princess! We just need Ryoko to identify a person and then we can have her back here as a productive member of the house!”

      “Why you…” Ryoko boiled. She sighed and relented. “Fine, but you owe me one! This show is starting to get good!”

      “Surrrrre it is. Tootles!”

      In an instant, Lady Ayeka Jurai was all alone. She looked around the house and at the remaining tea cup and sighed. “Now I have nobody to argue with either…”


      “So how did it go Damian?” Sasami pried curiously.

      Alfred had left the group to prepare some tea once Dick and Barbara started arguing. Kiyone was catching Mihoshi up on the situation as best she could, leaving Damian and Sasami to talk amongst themselves.

      “*tt* How should I know? All we have learned is that Professor Pyg needs to be put down like a horse with a broken leg.”

      Sasami looked horrified at the response the boy gave her. “That is a terrible thing to say! I thought you liked animals!”

      “What I like or dislike is inconsequential. It is an Earth saying, nothing more.”

      “But that’s still a mean thing to say about a person,” Sasami expressed her concern. Damian gave her a look of anger and regret.

      “You’ve never met that monster. He disfigured a girl no older than…well regardless!” Damian bluntly put it. “I failed to save her when I promised to! Whoever that man was is gone. All traces of humanity have been ebbed away by El Penitente and that labyrinth fool! When you experience such things Princess, then you can tell me when something is mean!”

      The blue haired girl put a hand to her mouth and tears started to flow. Damian, clearly not expecting this, reluctantly patted her back. “I’m sorry…I wasn’t trying to make you cry. This planet does not always have kind natured fools like that Masaki fellow you cling to. I should know; I’m one of them.”

      Sasami sniffed her nose and stared deeply in his eyes. “You are only what you believe yourself to be Damian! Just because something hurts today doesn’t mean you should bring it into tomorrow!”

      At once a lightbulb went of in the young Jurain’s head. “Have you ever seen the musical Annie?”

      Damian looked offended by the question. “What purpose would an heir to the Al-Ghul family have to watch a musical about a red headed orphan?”

      “You could learn a lot from it Damian.”

      He forced a laugh. “What; how to do a box step?”

      “The message of the play is that you have to find hope in every situation,” Sasami explained. “The sky might be grey and you might feel lonely, but good things will come! Tomorrow; it’s only a day away!”

      The child assassin blinked a few times. “What are you talking about? Why can’t you just make sense?!”

      “I’m saying cheer up and look on the bright side of things!” the Princess smiled. “You have to think of the good things you have and remember that no matter how bad it might be, it’ll pick up!”

      “Why should I believe you, girl?” Damian asked. “Why should I listen to a stupid song from a stupid play?”

      “Because silly, Professor Pyg might be a bad guy, but you’re not! You tried to save that girl! You are a hero Damian, don’t let anyone say otherwise! Mr. Grayson really brings the best out in you!”

      “Yes,” Damian chuckled. “Yes he does.”

      “Do you like being Robin Damian?” Sasami asked curiously.

      Damian thought about it for a minute. Between admitting that Grayson was a worthy mentor and this question, what was Sasami driving at.

      “Being Robin is the best thing about my life,” Damian explained with a sigh, staring at his domino mask. “I never thought about this life, but this truly is the path I have chosen for myself. I have Grayson and Pennyworth to thank for that.”

      “See?” Sasami jumped up excitedly. “It got better for you Damian! Just like before! You need to give yourself more credit buddy!”

      “What is it about you?” Damian began. “That makes it near impossible to brood around?”

      Sasami shrugged and smiled again. This time, however, it was returned by a ten year old boy in a cape…a boy who truly smiled for the first time.

      Ch. 13: No Need for Choices

      The Bat-Bunker was far tenser than it was when Washu left. It seemed as if it were abandoned except for the two line figures arguing in the shadows.

      “I told you Dick, she’s proven herself to me! Shouldn’t my blessing be enough? She needs to do this, we talked about it before! Stephanie has done great things for this city while you have been busy with Jason and those human dolls! Just because our city is throwing around new criminals does not mean that you can just pull her out! It’s not like you and I haven’t talked since then, but I know you have been avoiding the subject!”

      “Barbara, you know my problem with her was mainly due to the fact that Black Mask returned. She did well enough with the fight against Ras Al Ghul and she did earn my trust, but I still have doubts if she can keep up in this environment. I’m sure Tim feels the same way. I haven’t even brought up her recklessness!”

      “Were we any less reckless when we were her age?! I seem to recall a certain someone patrolling every time Bruce went out of town! You are trying to bring Damian to the light? I’m trying to give Steph some purpose in her life! Can’t you understand that?”

      “I…damn it Babs. I’m sorry. It’s been getting so damn rough in the city, you know? With Bruce gone, it’s been hard to keep up with everything and train Damian at the same time. What did you call him… ‘a murderous twit?'”

      The two heroes were laughing together like the old friends they were when Washu and Ryoko stepped through the door. Ryoko went to say something, but Washu stopped her. However, it was too late: the pupils of Batman were trained well enough to spot when they were not alone.

      “It’s okay Hakubi; we know you are there.”

      “Aw phooey; we’re sorry for ruining your moment. Right Ryoko?” Washu said with a nudge.

      Ryoko kicked the ground. “Yeah, sure, whatever. Now could someone please tell me why I was dragged out of the house and into another country! Vague explanations, no choice…you really grind my gears Washu!”

      “Hold your horses girlie; I’ll get you back to Ayeka in two shakes of a cabbit’s tail!”

      The space pirate rolled her eyes. “Sure you will. I’ve got no doubt you will try to rope me into whatever harebrained scheme you are planning! Let’s just get this over with.”

      “Ryoko, for what it’s worth, I’m sorry we asked you here so suddenly but this is serious,” Batman told her.

      “Asked, feh,” Ryoko grunted. “So what’s the problem? And where’s the junior princess anyway?”

      Dick blinked for a moment. “Junior…you mean Sasami? We asked them to leave for a moment while we talked. If you excuse me a moment ladies, I’ll corral them back in.”

      With that, the three ladies were alone. Ryoko took it upon herself to wander about and make jokes about the decor, leaving Professor Washu and Barbara Gordon to talk at last.

      “So…I hear you took on a protege!” Washu said, trying to break the ice.

      “I did. Maybe you’ll meet her one day…but probably you won’t.”

      The scientist sighed and sat down for a moment. She turned her attention back to the red head and adopted a serious face. “Look, I thought you and I settled the whole ‘trust’ thing already. Why act so cold? I assume your hostility with our Dark Knight is not just purely because of your new Batgirl, am I right?”

      “I’m not happy with his choice in allies, yes! ‘Cold?’ I’m acting ‘cold’ because I took it upon myself to do some research about you when we parted ways!” Barbara coolly told her. “I have friends in the Green Lantern Corps. who had no issue looking through your record.”

      “And I’m sure you’ll see that the galaxy hailed me as a hero for the Kagato incident on Jurai!”

      “Yes, it did, but there were other curious things too. A dimensional cannon, a universal bullet…you created weapons of mass destruction!”

      Washu hand-waved the girl. “Please, I did no such thing. I created scientific advancements! It’s not my fault if my material can be dangerous in the wrong hands. I think the same can be said about your boy Bruce.”

      “Do NOT put Bruce Wayne and you in the same category!”

      “I just did! I had hoped as an intelligent woman you would understand the type of person that I am, but I see that I was mistaken,” Washu said, obviously trying not to look hurt. “I try to save the galaxy on more occasions than anyone in the Galaxy Police could ever know. What do you think I’ve been doing in the past six months?!”

      There was a silence in the room as the two ladies regarded each other. Ryoko, on the other hand, was hiding in the corner taking in every word. ‘This makes this all worth it!’ she thought to herself, wishing that she had some sake to make it interesting.

      “While you have been here with your new Batgirl, I’ve had to literally send the girls back in time to clean up a lingering mess from Darkseid’s machinations! Because he nearly ruined all of time and space, subspace was thrown out of whack. When that happened, a major criminal named Kain destroyed Galaxy Police Headquarters and went back in time to mess with the past! We were the only ones to notice the anomaly and saved the timeline…at the cost of Tenchi’s mother…” she roared bitterly. “I may have created things that I’m not proud of, but I will never regret the technological advancements I have made. You may see me as another ‘mad scientist’ to lock up in Arkham Asylum, but I’d like to think I’m more than that. I expected more from you Barbara Gordon.”

      Barbara looked stunned at the passion of Washu’s words. She really did write Washu off as an intergalactic criminal and nothing more. In fact, Barbara realized she focused more of her prejudices at her than the ACTUAL space pirate who was in the room. “I suppose…I suppose I haven’t been entirely fair to you Washu, even after you helped save the planet. I’m sorry for not being trustworthy, but you have to understand. I’m the daughter of a police commissioner and a pupil of the Batman. It is second nature.”

      “As it should be. Look, I’m not asking you to be my best friend and go out on movie nights together or anything. I just want your trust. Nothing more, nothing less.” With that, she stuck out her hand. “I’ve already had you shake my hand before. Willing to try again?”

      She looked at the hand and had to force a smile. She took it and shook. “See, was that so hard? You can stop eavesdropping now Ryoko!”

      “Oh good, you two kissed and made up?” Ryoko mocked laughing. “You all are nuts.”

      Barbara raised an eyebrow. “Don’t think I haven’t looked up your crimes too Ryoko!”

      “Ack! Hey, that’s no fair! Why involve me in this?!”

      “You involved yourself!” Barbara smiled.

      “This is why I like you Gordon!” Washu laughed, patting her on the back. “You can play with the big leagues and never back down! I love it!”

      “You all repulse me,” the voice of Damian Wayne echoed from the elevator. The Boy Wonder was followed by Sasami close behind him and everyone else trailing behind.

      “Damian!” Sasami chided. “That’s not a nice thing to say! Remember what we talked about!”

      “…yes Princess,” he sighed. Alfred and Dick turned and looked at each other. Alfred raised an eyebrow while Dick started to grin. Mihoshi, however, did not notice anything and ran to hug Ryoko.

      The blonde beauty wrapped her arms around the space pirate and squeezed. “Oh Ryoko, welcome to America! You missed it! We saw a great musical about a girl and a dog and a bald guy!”

      “Hey, let me go! Down girl! Heel!”

      “Oh Mihoshi, quit it!” Kiyone ordered. With a whimper, Mihoshi let go.

      “Golly Kiyone, I was just so excited to see Ryoko! You didn’t have to yell!”

      Rubbing her temple, Kiyone refrained from responding. “Let’s get this over with, shall we?”

      “Best idea I’ve heard yet! So why ask a beautiful lady like me to come to a country like this?”

      Batman acknowledged the computer. “Mihoshi mentioned that you met a person a few months back. Not that I don’t doubt Mihoshi, but I’d like secondary confirmation.”

      “Yeah, sure,” Ryoko shrugged. “If that’s all you need, let’s do this.”

      Dick pressed a few buttons and the picture of Doctor Hurt appeared on the screen. Ryoko studied his face and realization dawned upon her. “Hey; that’s the pervert at that Fortress place!”

      “Pervert?” Kiyone asked. “What made him a pervert?”

      “He gave off this weird vibe, like Noboyuki back in the day, but not as innocent…if you can call Noboyuki innocent. He wanted to know my name and was super interested in me…” Ryoko explained. “Who is this scumbag?”

      “Not as dead as we thought, apparently,” Batman said glumly. “This confirms that the Black Glove is still active.”

      “What kind of crappy name is that?” Ryoko snorted.

      “I have a question!” Mihoshi asked.

      They all waited for Mihoshi to speak. “So who is this guy?”

      “MIHOSHI! We discussed this already!” Kiyone yelled.

      “He claims to be my grandfather,” Damian scowled. “He’s an ant that needs to be stepped…” He stopped and saw that Sasami was shaking her head disapprovingly. “…he’s a criminal that needs to face justice to clear my family name.” The pink eyed princess was now smiling that infamous smile of her’s.

      Ryoko tried to hold back laughter but failed to do so completely. “This is rich!”

      “What is Ryoko?” Mihoshi asked.

      “I’ll tell you when you are older!”

      Damian flashed Ryoko a death glare. “Say ANYTHING of that nature and I’ll bash your face in!”

      “Aaaaanyway,” Washu said, trying to change the subject. “So your boy Hurt is alive…saved by Superman in his effort to allow humanity to survive apparently. Guess that narrows down who El Penitente is and who’s behind that viral attack you were talking about. I’ll take a look at that after I do what you all asked me to do. Where is he?”

      “Wait, was that all you needed of me? Damn it Washu, I thought you might need me to bust some heads or something!” Ryoko complained.

      “Shut up Ryoko, I’m working. When I finish examining the corpse, I’ll bring you back. Don’t worry, Tenchi hasn’t come home from school yet.”

      “Since you will be here for some time Miss Ryoko, would you like some tea?” Alfred asked. “I prepared some upstairs and can easily make you a cup.”

      “Sure Jeeves, why not?” Ryoko sighed. “Might as well show me around. It’s not like I had plans for today or anything.”

      “I can help too! I love helping with tea!” Mihoshi chimed in. Nobody disagreed.

      The three individuals left together on the elevator while Batman opened up a secret compartment in the corner of the Bunker.

      “Boy, she’s a barrel of sunshine,” Barbara commented.

      “I can tell you stories,” Kiyone whispered.

      “Sealed vault!” A mechanical voice echoed off the walls. “Speak the password carefully!”


      A metal door creaked open as the contents of the vault were revealed to all of those present: a corpse dressed up in a most familiar costume:

      The corpse of Bruce Wayne.

      A collective chorus of gasps filled the air as the ladies laid eyes on the deceased body. Damian, who had seen the corpse before, merely turned away. It was clear he did not want to see his father like this.

      Washu went up to the body and started to type on her portable computer. “Now then Mister Grayson, Brucie here managed to leave a very detailed map of his body on the Bat-Computer. I can see why you called him ‘crazy prepared.’ If there is no damage to Bruce Wayne’s corpse, he will no doubt pass every test that I throw at him.” She gave Mihoshi a long look. “I will require some semblance of silence while I work. You all do not have to leave, but please at least be considerate.”

      Dick stared intently at the woman as she started to work diligently. Kiyone wished that she could do something, anything to make this easier for him. Then she turned to look at Damian and was surprised at what she saw. Sasami was talking to the boy, but in a consoling way. Damian, amazingly, was receptive to it and seemed to be taking it rather well. ‘Sasami…’ Kiyone thought to herself, smiling at the young girl. Finally, she turned to Barbara, who was also watching the display with great interest.

      “I have never seen him act this way,” Barbara whispered to herself.

      “Sasami has that effect on people. She’s probably the most genuinely kind person I know in all of the galaxy.”

      “I wouldn’t doubt it.”

      “Hmm…” Washu muttered. “Dickie, you just wanted me to check on the condition of the corpse, correct?”

      “Yes Miss Washu, I did.”

      The woman stared at her computer and then again at the corpse. “This data is very interesting…very interesting indeed.”

      “Stop with your games woman!” Damian interjected. “What is wrong with father?”

      “Superman was right; this corpse does have the DNA of Bruce Wayne. He has every broken bone and injury that he had. The problem comes from the actual chemical makeup of the corpse.”

      “I don’t follow.”

      Washu pulled up a genetic map of Bruce Wayne, followed by the genetic map of the corpse. “If I were to overlap these two together, they would be identical. The issue is not about genetics, but rather a rare chemical. Kiyone, do you recall our little adventure to Bluddhaven?”

      The officer nodded her head. “It’s kind of hard to forget.”

      “What did we encounter there besides Darkseid and the computer terminal?”

      She thought about it for a moment. Finally, realization set in and she opened her mouth in surprise. “You don’t mean…?”

      “Mean what Kiyone?” Sasami asked.

      “There were clones,” Kiyone whispered. “Clones of Bruce Wayne…are you suggesting?”

      “Bingo!” Washu announced. “I took a small sample of the clones for testing and there was an oddity in the genetic makeup of the brain. It is only visible if you were to look for it. Kal-El probably has never encountered it before and glanced over it. He was looking for the bruises and injuries and would have chalked the anomaly to remnants of Darkseid’s attack. Those clones killed themselves, and were not killed by Darkseid, thus that anomaly would not be present if it were brought about by Darkseid.”

      The silence in the Bat-Bunker was intense. Dick nearly collapsed in to the floor, but caught his balance before he looked like a fool. “I would have done anything for Bruce…for Batman. You’re saying this isn’t him?”

      “That is exactly what I am saying,” Washu explained. “If you had put this…clone into a Lazarus Pit, he would not have become Bruce Wayne, but rather the monster that killed himself.”

      “Father…is alive?” Damian asked, clearly in shock. “But where is he? Why was he not in Bluddhaven?”

      “Tim Drake theorized he was stuck in time,” Dick reminded him. “I guess he was right.”

      “You would believe the rantings of a fool in mourning?! What evidence did he present? A cave drawing? Come on now!”

      “Hold on,” Washu interjected. “You said time? You think he was forcibly sent to the past?”

      “That’s what Tim Drake said,” Dick elaborated. “He went on a worldwide trek to prove that point. He only returned recently, but we only barely talked. We were kind of attacked by ninjas. True story.”

      “Ninjas?” Sasami squealed. “That sounds amazing!”

      “We were pretty amazing, if I do say so myself,” Damian smiled smugly. “Grandfather didn’t know what hit him.”

      “If we were to check the area in Bluddhaven where Darkseid was killed, we might be able to find additional proof. If there is a concentration of tachyons in the air, it might suggest time travel. It is hard to say with New Gods,” Washu was saying to herself. “Damn it, I guess this is a job for Superman.”

      “What?” Kiyone asked. “You don’t think that you can handle this by yourself? That’s not like you!”

      “Traveling back in time, no problem. We all know that I can manage that. The question is where and why. I don’t have access to that data, but if anyone could, it would be Superman.”

      “You know you don’t have to…” Dick started, but Washu cut him off.

      “I don’t HAVE to do anything,” Washu waved her finger. “I promised you I would help out no matter what. This is just the next logical step. What can I say? I’m a woman of my word. Right Barbara?”

      “I suppose you are, Professor Hakubi.”

      “Atta girl!”

      “But wait, what about us?” Kiyone asked earnestly. “Are we all going back in time again too?”

      “Heavens no! I’ll relay the information and will probably be back here in a jiffy. I guess I’ll bring Ryoko back too, just to keep her happy. Do you all want to join her?”

      “No!” Sasami cried. “I like it here! We didn’t even see Zorro yet!”

      Dick cocked his head slightly. “Zorro?”

      “Mr. Pennyworth told us we could watch it,” Sasami explained meekly. “He told us it was Mr. Wayne’s favorite movie!”

      “That is was Princess that it was.”

      A clicking sound was heard and the sound of metal on metal flowed through the Bunker. Alfred had returned with Ryoko, clearly bringing tea with him. He distributed cups to everyone who wanted it and started to pour.

      “Sasami, Jeeves here might have you beat with tea!” Ryoko drank deep. “That’s some good stuff!”

      “Earl Grey straight from England Miss Ryoko,” “Jeeves” told her. “My personal favorite if I had to say.”

      “Alfie..we need to talk…” Dick started slowly. As the words came out of his mouth, Alfred was thankful that he was no longer holding any tea cups in his hand as he dropped his tray. Dick, using his keen reflexes, grabbed it before it hit the floor.

      “You must forgive me Master Richard. That is most unbecoming for one in my profession. This is quite the shock!”

      “Don’t have a heart attack on us Pennyworth,” Damian chided.

      Ryoko downed her tea in one final gulp. “So good for you all, but what about me? I don’t want Ayeka to have even a second with my Tenchi all to herself!”

      “Spare me,” Damian gagged. Sasami giggled to herself.

      “I’ll get you back Ryoko, don’t worry. What about you all?” Washu asked earnestly. “You all don’t have to return back just now, but the offer still stands.”

      “Don’t leave on our account,” Dick reminded them. “You all have been a great help so far. It’s good to get a new set of eyes on the situation. Do you have any objections Damian?”

      The Boy Wonder thought about it for a moment and rolled his eyes. “If you must keep all of these horrible people around, I suppose I will allow it.”

      “Yay! We get to stay!” Sasami cheered. She hugged Damian, who tried to push her off. “Unhand me woman!”

      “It IS nice to have some new blood around,” Alfred admitted. “What are your thoughts Miss Barbara? You are just as much family here as Master Richard.”

      The red head smiled. “I don’t have a problem. I’m sure we can find something to keep you all occupied. It can be fun.”

      “Then it’s decided!” Washu clapped her hands. “Come on Ryoko, let’s go! I’ve got to go to the Arctic and talk to a Kryptonian.”

      After petting Ryo-Ohki for a moment, Ryoko gave a simple wave and wandered through the doorway created by Washu. With that the pair vanished and the Bat-Bunker was now unusually quiet.

      “So…what now?” Kiyone asked.

      The various people in the Bunker waited for someone to think of a good idea. Dick looked to Alfred and threw his hands up. “Ice cream and a movie? We can even call Tim over to tell him the good news.”

      “Yay…but who’s Tim?”


      Back at the Masaki house, Ayeka was in the kitchen struggling to read a cookbook. “Now let’s see, if I was to add these pieces of meat to these noodles, the balance would be perfect and the broth would taste heavenly!”

      She started to chop up meat and stuck it in her bowl. She then poured a bunch of noodles on top of it and began to add hot water. Humming to herself, the Princess broke her set of chop sticks and stirred it around. Finally, she set her bowl down and knelt on her placemat.

      “This looks perfect! I will test its taste to make sure Lord Tenchi will love it!” Ayeka seemed rather pleased with herself. She took her chop sticks and brought some of the noodles and meat to her mouth. At once, she started to gag uncontrollably. “What did I do wrong?! I followed the instructions perfectly!”

      “Did you actually cook the meat?”

      Ayeka was not surprised to hear Washu and Ryoko return but was annoyed that they chose this time to interrupt her, especially as she was hoping to use this time to get the advantage in her quest to make Tenchi her beloved. “Oh, it’s you. How was your American vacation Ryoko? See the sights?”

      “Oh I saw sights all right. Sights that would turn your purple hair grey,” Ryoko teased.

      Ayeka looked intrigued and was willing to take the bait. “I don’t suppose you would be willing to share said information now would you?”

      “Would you believe that Sasami might have found a boyfriend?” Ryoko smiled like a cheshire cat.

      “Preposterous! She has not been there long enough for such behaviors to occur! Who is this boy?”

      Ryoko started to chuckle and laugh. “The Boy Blunder!”

      Ayeka’s eyebrow twitched as she realized exactly what her rival had told her. “I will not allow it! Miss Washu, send me to America RIGHT NOW!” she ordered. However, Washu was nowhere to be found. “Miss Washu? Miss Washu!”

      “Looks like your ride is cancelled Princess!” Ryoko roared with laughter. “This is great!”

      “Miss Ryoko, this is nothing to jest at! If you think I will allow my sister to get involved with a boy who wields knives as playthings you have another thing coming to you! We are returning to America post haste!”

      The space pirate wiped away a tear. “And how are you going to get to America little princess?”

      “We will do as the Earthlings do and take a plane!”

      “Do you have any idea how you will do that? You don’t have any Earth money!”

      Ayeka was at a loss for words.


      “So you are saying that the corpse I found was one of Bruce’s clones? Why would he do that?” Superman was asking the pink haired scientist. The two had remained on friendly terms, as that had been Superman’s way all of his life, but this was the first time the two worked together directly on a case.

      “Not sure big guy. Perhaps Brucie being sent back to the past was some kind of trap to destroy the planet if Darkseid lost,” Washu postulated.

      The Man of Steel nodded. “You are suggesting that Bruce was his backup plan. Darkseid would be the kind of God who would attempt to make sure there would be no flaws in his plan. He considered every possibility. What do you suggest we do?”

      “Honestly? I suggest we go and check out the area where Bruce was ‘killed.’ There might be an tachyon trail that can pinpoint us at least to the general time that he was sent to. It’s a long shot, but it may work.”

      “Good idea. I’ll get a few people to work on this. I’d appreciate it if you came along as well Professor.”

      “You want to assemble a team of Time Masters and think to include little old me? I’m flattered!”


      “I’ve heard about you all but I’ve yet to meet any of you. I have to say, you are all a lot different than what I was picturing,” Timothy Drake was telling the girls.

      The former Boy Wonder had managed to come by the Penthouse per Alfred’s request. He hard dark hair and was slightly tall, but not as tall as Dick. He did not wear his costume at this time and was lounging around in a pair of jeans and a tee shirt.

      “Sorry to disappoint you!” Mihoshi bowed. Kiyone elbowed her. “What’d you do that for Kiyone?”

      “He was just being polite!”

      “So,” Tim started as he passed a bowl of popcorn to Sasami, who eagerly tried it with great curiosity. “I hear you all have finally realized I was right.”

      “Don’t brag Drake,” Damian jeered. “It’s not becoming of you.”

      “Smooth words for a killer,” Tim shot back.

      “Boys, this is a celebratory night, not one for bickering!” Alfred curtly told them, diffusing the situation. “We now have proof that Master Bruce is alive! This is marvelous.”

      “How did you know he was still around Mister Drake?” Sasami asked.

      “A portrait,” Tim explained. “One of the Wayne portraits looked exactly like Bruce. I knew it had to be him. I knew he had to be there. Finding the paintings in the caves was just the confirmation I was looking for!”

      “Tim, you mean at the manor?” Dick inquired. “Which picture?”

      “The one labeled Mordecai Wayne. I did some research and it was a later addition to the gallery. That tipped me off.”

      “Let’s assume that your crackpot theory were true Drake,” Damian started. “Couldn’t Father have fought his way home and is in the present? Perhaps he is changed or disfigured!”

      “There is that possibility, I’ll give that to you,” Tim acknowledged. “But I wouldn’t be too sure.”

      “Why don’t you all just look at the manor then?” Mihoshi asked absentmindedly while eating every last bit of the food.

      “What? What did you say Mihoshi?” Dick countered.

      The blonde started to twirl a braid of her hair. “Well, why haven’t you gone to check the mansion yourself? Maybe you can find a clue or something?”

      “Damn it! I hate it when she’s right!” Damian cursed.

      “Mihoshi, you are a genius!” Dick exclaimed merrily. “That’s a fantastic idea! If Bruce is stuck in the past and was aware enough to leave behind a prehistoric Bat-Signal, perhaps he left clues elsewhere!”

      Alfred rubbed his chin and considered it. “Wayne Manor has been in use for over 200 years and the caves below are believed to have been around since the Stone Age. It stands to reason that Master Bruce could have had a hand in its design, if these theories were true.”

      “Well what are we waiting for? Let’s go to Wayne Manor!” Damian said, punching his hand into his fist.

      Dick shook his head. “We aren’t going anywhere Tiger. We promised these ladies a movie night and I intend to keep that promise. I also don’t think a potentially booby-trapped mansion is the safest place for a young princess.”

      “Or Mihoshi,” Kiyone whispered to herself.

      “Besides, don’t you have a big meeting tomorrow morning with Lucius Fox and the Board of Directors at Wayne Enterprises?”

      Damian’s eye twitched. “You mean the incongruities with the finances? Fine, I am merely impatient. Still, it is better that I get my rest. I will also be taking the time tomorrow to challenge Drake’s claim as Father’s legal heir.”

      “Good luck with that!” Tim goaded.

      “I can kill you where you stand Drake!”

      “Not in front of your girlfriend you won’t!”

      “SHE’S NOT MY…!”

      “Whelp,” Barbara said, finishing her cup of tea. “This night is turning out just like I expected it.”

      Dick started to rub his temples. Clearly he was stressed out, but yet, he could not help but smile. ‘Bruce is alive!’

      ‘But will we find him?’


      Sasami yawned as she woke up in a guest room the next morning. She had such a great time the night before that she didn’t mind waking up early. She turned and saw a sleeping ball of fur beside her.

      “Wake up Ryo-Ohki! Mr. Pennyworth told me I can cook any time I want! I want to surprise everyone with a good breakfast!”

      The cabbit wiped at her eye and meowed softly. “Get up sleepyhead! Let’s go!”

      She ran down the stairs and made her way into the kitchen. She started humming to herself but stopped dead in her tracks. Ryo-Ohki cocked her head around as well. “Hello? Is anyone there?”

      “A most perceptive child. It is amazing how easily the circus acrobat can find strays,” an older female voice stated from the shadows. “Please don’t scream; it’s far too early.”

      Sasami approached the voice cautiously. She made sure to mask her Juraian energy and found herself facing a mysterious woman. She had dark brown hair and a different complexion than most of the other Earthlings she encountered. Innocently, she put on a happy face. “Hello; I didn’t know company was being expected. My name is Sasami, who are you?”

      The woman smiled and Sasami felt her eyes piercing her body, examining every inch to discern who she was. “You have good manners young Sasami. You may address me as Lady Talia.”

      “Talia? Oh! You are Damian’s mom!” Sasami bowed in respect. “It is an honor to meet you.”

      Talia returned it. “A young Japanese woman…are you part of that unnatural superhero community as well?”

      “No Lady Talia, I am merely visiting as a friend of your son.”

      “A friend?” Talia raised an eyebrow. “As a courtesy of your respect, I will gladly explain to you the simple truth: you must know that Damian has no time for friends. All of this is merely a phase that will pass in time. Damian will do great things in this world as a new Alexander.”

      The words hit Sasami like Tenchi’s boken. She had come to consider Damian as a friend, one of the only Earth boys she knew. Her mind drifted to the first time she met him, upset about how the most important person of his life was not there for him. She could tell he was crushed.

      Yet, here she was and Sasami knew he would be crushed to see her.

      “Honorable Lady, I don’t understand.”

      “Nor would I expect you to child. Damian belongs to another world than you do. He is too big for you.”

      “But you don’t even know me! How can you think of me like that? I just want to be his friend!”

      Talia gave the girl a venomous glare. Clearly her opinion of Sasami had plummeted. “My Damian was bred to genetic perfection, not to some Japanese Shinto priest!”

      The elevator door suddenly opened. The two women looked to it and listened intently to the conversation that was taking place.

      “Pennyworth, I can assure you that my attire is up to company standards. This is a board meeting, not a circus. I…” Damian Wayne stopped and observed Talia and Sasami engaging each other. “Mother…what are you doing here?”

      “You invited me here, my son. Don’t you remember your call, when you refused my medical aid? You had me so worried,” Talia soothed. “I was just talking to this girl who seems to think that you are friends. Where do you think she got this childish notion?”

      “Mother, who I choose to associate with is of my concern and my concern alone. Do you not confer with assassins and Nazis and other war criminals?”

      “My choice of business associates is not the matter at hand here. The matter is you squandering your potential here in this city playing in tights with a circus oaf when you should be striding across the world like the conqueror you were born to be!” Talia ordered. “It breaks my heart to see you this way.”

      Damian strode up to her and stood his ground. “This girl is not the issue here Mother. I choose to spend my time with Dick Grayson and Princess Sasami then I will do so!”

      Talia set her gaze back to Sasami. “Princess? I have heard of no such princess…”

      “She’s an alien mother! Does it really matter? Does MY choice matter? Don’t you care about what I want?”

      The Al Ghul woman chuckled. “Oh Damian, this is all about me and what I want. I’m too much of a perfectionist to be any different. I just want you to want what I want, can’t you see that? These people do not care about you, the real you. They want to hold you back and brainwash you into being their mindless puppet.”

      The boy sighed and collected himself. Sasami wished more than anything to reach out to him, to tell him that people did care about him, but she knew that this was Damian’s fight. Alfred, who had remained silent throughout the entire conversation, put his hand on her shoulder to tell her the same thing. “Isn’t that the same thing you want for me?” he finally said. “There is nothing more to be said Mother. This is the life I have chosen and these are the people I have allowed to surround myself with. Even if Father comes back and asks me not to be Robin anymore, I will still take pride in what I have done. Can’t you just be happy for me?”

      Talia’s eyes narrowed into slits. “No Dami, I cannot. I would have given you the world, but if that is your choice, so be it. I will always love you in my own way, but you will consider yourself an enemy of the House of Al Ghul.”

      The pain in Damian’s eyes could not be hidden as he was not wearing his domino mask. He returned her gaze and nodded. “Very well Mother…I hope I can be a worthy one.”

      With that, Talia got up and walked toward the elevator. “Mr. Pennyworth, I will allow you to see me out.” She passed Sasami without even acknowledging her and waited for Alfred to escort her off the premises.

      “It would be my pleasure Miss Talia. Damian, when I return I will prepare a hearty breakfast so you will be well nourished for your meeting.”

      It was only when the elevator door closed that Damian allowed himself to collapse in Sasami’s arms, letting out the tears that he held back for so long. Sasami could not do anything but pat his head and be there for him.

      Ch. 14: No Need for Feelings

      “He said that? Damn, she’s not going to be happy,” Dick Grayson said after nearly spitting up his coffee.

      Dick and Kiyone had finally rolled out of bed a little after Damian had left with Alfred for his meeting. In order to keep herself calm, Sasami got Alfred’s blessing to cook a hearty breakfast. She had finally finished making her first ever omelets and sat down with her two companions.

      “She didn’t seem happy about it, no she didn’t,” the young girl moped.

      “Sasami, try to understand that Talia is crazy. She comes from a world where human lives are merely some kind of ladder to further her own agenda. Damian is just one more step on the ladder,” Dick tried to explain. “Don’t take it personally.”

      Kiyone gave her a quick one armed hug. “Please kid, you don’t have to worry about anything. I guarantee he doesn’t think less of you. Honestly, it’s pretty obvious that he’s got it bad.”

      “Got what bad Kiyone?” Sasami asked innocently.

      “You know…’it.’ He’s got a crush on you!”

      The comment caused Sasami to stop attempting to use a fork, which intrigued her, and to blink for a few seconds. Then she started to giggle and blush. “He can’t have a crush on me! We are just friends…could he?”

      Dick threw his hands up theatrically. “The young are so blind! Since he met you, he’s calmed down on his angry instincts a lot. The past day he seems like a whole new person. You got through his walls Princess and showed him what life could really be about…or I’m just misreading this and should be very embarrassed.”

      The trio laughed at the comment and returned to their breakfast. Kiyone, noticing Sasami staring out into space, figured it might be a good time to discuss some important matters. “So what is the game plan tonight?”

      “I don’t make plans,” Dick admitted. “I’m more of an improv guy. You know, circus roots. Still, I talked it with Barbara and I’ve got a good idea for what our Sasami here can do tonight.”

      “Really? What is it?”

      “I think it’s time that you experienced a good old fashioned American sleep over.”


      Later that day, Damian had returned to the Penthouse a different man. His meeting with the board of directors allowed him to discover several possible leads to the incongruities, including something most disturbing:

      “Between my suggestions and Fox’s resources, we pinpointed the problem. There was an accident fund set up for railroad victims in the name of Thomas Wayne,” Damian was explaining to Dick Grayson in a private meeting down below. “Ring any bells Grayson?”

      He nodded bitterly, piecing the clues together. “Railroad…as in a Mexican Train. Dr. Hurt practically signed his handiwork. Amazing; the Black Glove is actually financed by Bruce’s money. He’s going to be livid once he finds out the truth.”

      “We will savor that moment when we discover Father. I don’t see Drake anywhere so there is at least something to be thankful about today,” he forced a laugh, but was clearly not into it.

      Dick squirmed around in his chair as he chose his next words carefully. “Heard about your mom. That couldn’t have been fun to hear.”

      “*tt* Mother…if she cannot accept me for who I am then what kind of a Mother is she anyway? I wasn’t even formally introduced to her for years. I’ve gotten more parenting from Pennyworth than her.”

      “To be fair, I think we all can consider Alfred the parent of the century. You holding up okay?”

      Damian looked up at the ceiling of the Bat-Bunker and nodded. “What do you think will happen when Father returns? We can’t be Batman and Robin anymore, can we?”

      The current Caped Crusader breathed in and let out a big sigh. “Hard to tell. Odds are I’ll go back to being Nightwing. Still, that doesn’t mean you can’t be Robin. Father and son fighting crime…criminals are doomed!”

      “I appreciate the sentiment Grayson, but I’m being serious,” Damian looked to him. Dick could see the fear in his eyes, the sadness and the deep settling anxiety. “I’ve given up everything for this life. What happens if Father returns and I have nothing?”

      “What about her?”


      “Stop playing around; you know who I’m talking about. Ye big and blue pigtails? Has a triforce on her forehead?”

      Damian crossed his arms and scowled. “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

      “Damian, remember that I’m playing the part of ‘World’s Greatest Detective.’ It’s kind of my job to be observant. Have you even talked to her yet?”

      It was now Damian’s turn to blush. “The Princess is…is someone who I trust. Nothing more.”

      “Sure about that?”

      “That is between me and her Richard!” Damian quickly shouted. The use of his first name was not lost on Dick: he struck a nerve. “Besides, she is an alien princess, I am the partner of a circus clown. You know that she has her responsibilities to uphold and I would not fall into that category.”

      “Tell that to Tenchi.”

      “He has royal alien blood!”

      “Ayeka didn’t know that before she professed her love…or so I’m told,” Dick pointed out.

      His eyebrow twitching, Damian made the move to walk away. “Don’t you have a meeting with that writer?”

      “I do. I guess I’ll leave you be. Meet me at the Manor later. I’m sending Sasami with Barbara for the night, so don’t worry about her.”

      Damian nodded as Dick put on his costume and headed toward the Batmobile. “Grayson!”

      “Yes Boy Wonder?”

      “Do…” He started. “Do you really think she would forgive me for Mother’s attitude?”

      The Batman smiled. “Undoubtedly old chum.”


      As the day progressed, Mihoshi finally joined the others in the land of the living. It was clear she was getting used to the time zone adjustments, but Kiyone could not help but be embarrassed.

      “Do you have any idea what time it is here?” Kiyone grouchily told her and she raised the fridge.

      “I told you Kiyone, I’m sorry! I don’t set an alarm and these beds are so much comfier than our futons!”

      “True as that may be, you’ve wasted half of the day already! It’s rude and frankly I’m embarrassed! How can you call yourself a Galaxy Police Officer?”

      Mihoshi laughed. “Silly Kiyone, you know I’m a Galaxy Police Officer! That was a silly question!”

      “I’m serious! Mihoshi, we have to be able to rely on each other! If I can’t rely on you, what kind of partners are we anyway?”


      “I’m sorry Mihoshi, but we’ve been roped into a very serious case with very different criminals than even we are used to. This is something out of a manga! If I can try to learn more about this culture that you find fascinating, I would hope that you would try to take this more seriously!”

      Tears started to form in Mihoshi’s eyes. Kiyone knew she was reacting a bit harder than usual, but between the stressful day the day before and feeling bad for Damian, her ability to sympathize was wearing thin.

      “Mihoshi, how about this: why don’t you go to Yagami and patrol for me? The subspace linkup can connect to here so you don’t have to worry. It’ll do you some good.”

      “But,” Mihoshi sniffled. “But I go on patrol with you…as partners!”

      “I’ve got to help Dick check for clues at the old mansion. You might set off one of El Sombrero’s traps. It’s only for today!” Kiyone tried to explain.

      “But what if you set off a trap Kiyone? Who will look after you?”

      The detective put a smile on her face. “Hey, I’ve got Batman to back me up. I think I’ll be okay. When this is all over Mihoshi, we can go to our favorite karaoke bar…and I’ll buy you that stuffed dog you always see in that dingy toy shop in Tokyo.”

      Smiling through the tears, Mihoshi nodded and saluted. Kiyone returned it. The blonde started to mess with her control cube, which she carried on her at all times, and managed to change into her uniform.

      Kiyone brought her down into the Bat-Bunker where she knew there would be a good place to link to Yagami, their patrol ship. They passed Damian, who seemed lost in thought.

      “Oh, it’s you. Where are you going?” He asked. It wasn’t an attack like usual; rather, he seemed genuinely interested.

      “I’m going on patrol in space!” Mihoshi put on a big smile.

      He blinked and shook his head. “Aliens…”

      Kiyone took the control cube from Mihoshi and turned it a few times. With a “ping,” a glowing hole appeared. Inside the hole was the cockpit of their ship.

      “I’ll…miss you Kiyone!” Mihoshi was clearly doing her best not to cry. Again.

      “I’ll miss you too. If you are hungry, we should have some of Sasami’s soup in the storage container. Don’t eat it now! Save it for later!”

      “Okay! Good bye Kiyone! Good bye Damian! Don’t fall into any traps!” She cried as she went through the door. The portal closed behind her, leaving only Damian and Kiyone in the Bunker.

      “Where’d Dick go? I thought we were going to the Mansion in a few hours.”

      “Grayson is visiting Oberon Sexton,” Damian explained nonchalantly.

      “That writer he was talking about last night?”

      “The same. Calls himself ‘The Gravedigger,’ or something like that.”

      Something about that name bothered Kiyone. ‘Oberon…where have I heard that name before?’ “Mind if I use the Bat-Computer to do some research? I want to be prepared for later.”

      “Be my guest. Say, have you seen the Princess around?”

      “Oh, Barbara is coming any minute now to pick her up. If you want that goodbye kiss, now’s the time!”

      “Officer Makibi, you make my blood boil sometimes, you know that?” Damian informed her as the he made his way toward the elevator.

      Kiyone couldn’t help but smile at the boy. Dick was right: he really had changed in six months. ‘I wonder how much of that is Sasami and how much of that is Dick?’ Kiyone thought to herself. Alone in the Bat-Bunker, she cracked her knuckles and started typing.

      “If I’m going to be a part of this world, it’s high time I start thinking like it. Let’s see what I can find about the name Oberon…”


      Waiting for Barbara to pick her up at the Wayne Penthouse, Sasami could not help herself but swim about in the several thoughts that were floating around in her head. She had been caught off guard earlier when Kiyone and Dick told her about Damian and she really did not know what to do about it.

      ‘On one hand, Damian may have a crush on me, but is that just because I was here for him when his mother wasn’t? On the other hand, do I just like Damian because I see that he is a good person on the inside, or do I really LIKE him?’ She asked herself.

      ‘Does he know anything about me at all?’

      “Still here I see,” a voice caused her to snap out of her thoughts. Unsurprisingly, it was the object of her concern.

      “Hello Damian,” Sasami replied. “Are you okay?”

      “Yes…” Damian replied very fast. “Princess Sasami, I would like to apologize for…”

      “Stop it! You defended me and you want to apologize?” Sasami chuckled. “You are a weird boy aren’t you Damian?”

      “*tt* I’ll never concede to that Princess,” Damian said with a slight smile. “May I ask you a question?”


      “You once asked me if I enjoy being Robin. Here is my follow up question: do you actually enjoy being a princess?”

      “It’s not what you would expect it to be,” Sasami admitted. “I always have to be so proper and polite all the time.”

      Damian looked genuinely surprised. “So I was wrong about you? You aren’t naturally this peppy all the time?”

      “No silly, I am! But I have to be held to a higher standard to others on Jurai. I used to cut school all the time to play in the gardens, but the nobles would always find me and scold me,” she elaborated. “I think that’s why Ayeka and I like Earth so much. We can be who we really are here without having to be judged.”

      The Boy Wonder started to laugh. It wasn’t a condescending laugh like he typically would do, but a genuine one. Sasami was slightly taken back by it. “What’s so funny?”

      “You! I would never have pictured you to defy your parents’ orders! It’s…it’s refreshing. I was afraid there wasn’t anything beyond the surface besides smiles and sunshine,” Damian grinned. “You are a good person Sasami Jurai.”

      “So you think you know everything beyond the surface of me?” Sasami playfully asked.

      “Not even close. Maybe when all of this is over you…” Damian stammered, sweat forming on his brow. “What I mean is…would you permit me the honor of discussing it over dinner and a movie? Maybe in Japan.”

      The air from the room left in an instant. Sasami turned bright red. Damian turned a brighter shade of it. It was impossible to read the girl, but Damian was starting to panic. It was clear he had never been this open about his feelings before.

      “That was stupid…” Damian Wayne started to whisper to himself before she put her finger on his lips. The girl nodded and smiled.

      “It’s a date.”

      “A…yes a date. We will discuss it with Pennyworth when we bring down Dr. Hurt. A pleasant talk Sasami,” Damian said with a nervous bow. “Enjoy your evening with the cr…with Gordon. I must be off and meet Grayson at Father’s mansion.”

      With that, the boy ran out of the room, leaving a blushing Sasami at the door. A moment later, Alfred walked through the door and saw the sight.

      “Miss Sasami, are you well? You look like you are going to faint?”

      Sasami started to laugh like a little Earth girl. “No I’m fine Mr. Pennyworth. It’s…well…”

      “I do not need to pry Miss Sasami,” he smiled knowingly with a wink. “Miss Gordon will be pulling up any moment. I believe a night of revelry is planned between you and Miss Brown.”

      “You mean Batgirl, sir?”

      “The same. Master Dick did say he wanted you to experience a true American sleepover.”

      She left the room to collect her bags. With a smile, she started to call Ryo-Ohki. She couldn’t wait to tell her everything that just happened.


      “Miss Makibi, how goes your research?” Alfred asked as he stepped out of the elevator into the Bat-Bunker. He made his way toward the detective sergeant, who had notes sprawling everywhere on the computer desk. “It seems as if you are making quite a mess. I suppose my job will remain secure.”

      “Alfred!” Kiyone jumped, sending her papers every which way. “I didn’t hear you come in!”

      “If there is one thing that I am used to, it is heroes deep in thought. You fit right in here.”

      “You mean that?” the frazzled detective asked. “I mean, I’m not a hero; I’m just doing my job.”

      “And doing a bloody good job at it I’d imagine. What are you researching? Wayne Manor? That awful Hurt fellow?”

      “Actually, Oberon Sexton. You know, the writer.”

      “Indeed? That is surprising. What exactly are you researching?”

      Kiyone searched through her notes for a piece of paper. While she searched, she started to speak. “You were an English actor, were you not?”

      “I was.”

      “Are you familiar with the works of William Shakespeare? Damn it, where is it!” she added to herself.

      “I would hope that I was!”

      “Well last year, Nobuyuki took the house to see a play as a favor to one of his coworkers. It was called A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Shall I assume you are familiar with the tale?”

      “Assume away, though that comedy has become rather amusing in hindsight after actually meeting Queen Hippolyta and her daughter.”

      “I’d imagine. Anyway, the fairy king is called Oberon, right? I knew I heard that name somewhere and here it is!” Kiyone enthusiastically explained. “I’ve been research Oberon himself and discovered something interesting. Did you know that another word for fairies is actually fey?”

      “I did. What is the significance of that?”

      “This is the big clue!” Kiyone told him. “If he is the King of the Fairies that would make him the King of the Feys!”

      Alfred blinked and thought about it. “A Fey King? I don’t follow.” Suddenly, everything came to him at once. “A Fey King! As in ‘faking!'”

      “Exactly! And according to various interviews, our writer calls himself ‘The Gravedigger.'”

      “And gravediggers in Shakespearean plays are called fools or clowns! My word!”

      “There is only one issue with your little theory,” the voice of Damian called out. The boy was now in costume, waiting to leave for his father’s house. “He’s an established writer! He published books! His wife was actually killed!”

      At once, Kiyone’s smile dropped into a frown. “But isn’t this the kind of convoluted clue that your enemies would typically do? It was perfect! I even had a theory that HE was actually that Domino Killer you are after because of his close connection to the case and the sick joke of your domino mask!”

      “The theory does seem logical Master a Damian,” Alfred pointed out. “It is the sort of thing that madman would do.”

      “Well, then what’s his endgame? He’s literally talking to Grayson right now. What possible reason would he have to laugh at us like that?”

      Kiyone swiveled the chair from side to side in thought. “The Black Glove!”

      “Excuse me?”

      “All the murders in your domino case prior to coming to Gotham were wealthy businessmen. I’d bet anything they were part of The Black Glove! You all said that he is on bad terms with them; maybe this is his elaborate revenge!”

      “You are far more excited than you have my reason to be Makibi. Your theory relies on too much coincidences…” Damian told her, but it didn’t sound like he bought it completely.

      “Well, we can run it by Dick later and see what he thinks. Don’t we have a mansion to search?”

      “Indeed we do. Are you all prepared to go?” Alfred asked.

      “I’m driving,” Damian said without hesitation.

      “You most certainly will not!”


      In deep space, Mihoshi mad managed to arrest an intergalactic biker gang all by herself and had even helped catch a pet Mitsuki that was dropped out in an escape pod accidentally. Though Mihoshi felt proud of doing all of these things on her own, it just was not the same without Kiyone.

      Alone in space, Mihoshi was lost in her own set of thoughts and feelings. ‘Oh what am I going to do? Kiyone is mad at me and thinks I’m an embarrassment! If only she saw that I did all of these things today!’

      She looked at a picture she kept of the two of them on her controls. She never noticed it before, but Kiyone looked a little annoyed in it. Mihoshi had always thought that it was a nice picture of them, but now she second guessed herself.

      ‘What can I do to make her happy? Should I leave her alone in Gotham to enjoy herself?’ she thought.

      It made sense. Mihoshi could clearly see that Kiyone was just starting to finally get into the world of heroes like Mihoshi was. However, Mihoshi enjoyed them at a fan level, while Kiyone seemed to just view it as another case. Why couldn’t she just see the world as Mihoshi did?

      “Wait, I am a Detective Sergeant in the Galaxy Police! I bring down wanted criminals all the time, including without Kiyone! I’ll show her that I’m not an embarrassment! I will go and help her out! I…I…I’ll just get in the way!” she started to break down again. “What do I do? What do I do? I wish I could talk to someone about this, like Tenchi’s grandpa or…”

      Suddenly, an idea popped in her head. “I know what to do!” With that, she punched in a few coordinates and made her way to the planet Earth. She was a woman on a mission: Mihoshi had a plan and was going to stick to it…no matter the cost.

      *With this chapter, we are about to enter Batman and Robin Must Die and Return of Bruce Wayne territory*

      Ch. 15: No Need for Wayne Manor

      The sun had started to set when Dick Grayson saw the familiar headlights of the Batmobile. Inside he could make out the forms of Damian, Kiyone, and Alfred. He was confused as to why Mihoshi was not there but he assumed there was a good reason for it. He had only just arrived from Oberon Sexton’s apartment and his mind was already filled with questions.

      “Find the place okay Alfie?” Dick asked with a smile.

      “It’s always hard to tell one ancestral home from another Master Dick. Was your meeting productive?”

      “Honestly, he was saying things that made me start thinking. I’m not sure if he is on the level with us…”

      Kiyone jumped on that thread immediately. “I agree! I was doing some research and I think that I know who he actually is. I think he’s…”

      “We will talk later Kiyone. I’m fairly confident you and I have come to the same conclusion but perhaps from different angels. I’m looking forward to it, but right now, lets get some information to send to the Justice League.”

      She nodded and the group entered the main hall of the Mansion. Though it was a lot cleaner than what it was when Kiyone was last there, it still did not seem to be completely in order. The lights were completely off and Alfred illuminated the way with candles.

      “Just as a precaution. I am unsure if all of the booby traps left here were disarmed. Master Bruce would want us to have an air of caution in this situation.”


      Damian looked around the room. “So where do we begin Grayson? This was your bright idea…”

      “I thought it was Mihoshi’s.”


      “Well,” Alfred began. “If Master Bruce was stuck in time, he might have had a chance to plant clues here, as Miss Mihoshi suggested. We cannot talk to him from the past, but HE can talk to us, through the architecture. Now, earlier today while Master Damian was at his meeting, I took the liberty of visiting the mansion to follow Master Timothy’s lead. I place all of the fallen Wayne Family portraits in their correct chronological order. You can see them over here.”

      Alfred led the way to an area with over a dozen portraits hanging up in a row. They all showed various Wayne men, all sharing strikingly similar appearances. The first portrait was the aforementioned Mordecai Wayne, who was in Puritan clothing and holding a blue bound book. Next to that painting was a mysterious empty space.

      “What’s this Alfred?” Kiyone asked, acknowledging the space. “Why isn’t there a painting here?”

      “That space is the only acknowledgement of Thomas Wayne, the black sheep of the family. Though the majority of the Wayne Family were philanthropists, our Thomas was known as a devil worshiper who apparently attempted to summon bat demons in a hellish ritual.”

      “Bats?” Dick asked.

      “They appear to be a reoccurring theme in our family. Interesting development, is it not?”

      “Very. It even continues to this casket that Joshua Wayne is holding,” Dick pointed out, looking at a robed Wayne who was indeed holding a bat labeled wooden box. “So do we have any idea what our pal Mordecai is holding?”

      “None at all Master Dick.”

      “Pennyworth, perhaps you can research that in the Batcave. If we are to assume, like that idiot Drake believes, that this man is Father, it may hold some special meaning.”

      Alfred nodded. “I follow your meaning Master Damian. I shall head to the cave at once!”

      “Why don’t you stick to the Batmobile Alfie?” Dick suggested. “The caves are probably below freezing tonight. I think every now and then you deserve the luxury of warmth.”

      “I most heartily agree. Research duty it is then. I bid the three of you good luck. Keep in contact if you require anything.”

      The butler parted ways with the group and made his way back out the entrance. Thus, there were only three remaining inside the formers residence of Bruce Wayne. Dick was staring intently at the painting of Joshua Wayne and Damian was looking off, clearly uneasy about being in his father’s home. Kiyone, however, was trying to take in all of her surroundings. This made sense, as she was the only one who did not stay in the house for any extended period of time.

      “Where do we go from here?” Kiyone asked.

      “Splitting up Scooby Doo style seems like a good place to start,” Dick responded.

      “Scooby Doo?”

      “Don’t ask. Damian, can you and Kiyone check the family plot? Your knowledge of the Wayne lineage and Kiyone’s deductive reasoning might find us something worthwhile.”

      “That can be arranged. What kind of nonsense are you going to undertake Grayson?”

      “Well,” Dick was starting at a Wayne portrait set in some kind of battle. “I noticed that Solomon’s painting was taken in the library. I want to investigate there and see what I can find. If it is a wild goose chase, I’ll come find you.”

      “*tt* Typical Grayson, needing my help before you even started.”

      “Keep dreaming Damian,” the former Boy Wonder chuckled.


      Stephanie Brown stared at the blue haired, pink eyed girl and tried to wrap her head around the situation she found herself in.

      Earlier that day, she received a call from her “boss,” Barbara Gordon, claiming that she had needed a favor for an important mission. Thinking that this had something to do with going on patrol or, frankly, anything else, she was eager to please her mentor.

      Instead she found herself having a sleepover with an energetic ten year old girl and a cat-rabbit thingy.

      “You want me…to babysit?” She had asked.

      “Look, she’s Dick’s guest and he wants her to have the full ‘American Girl Experience!'” Barbara explained. “Honestly, I’ve met the kid before. She’s cute and very polite.”

      Stephanie had raised an eyebrow. “Is there something you aren’t telling me?”

      “Well…” Barbara trailed off for a second, clearly for dramatic effect. “Though she is currently living in Japan, she may be an alien princess.”

      Stephanie remembered herself pausing and asking a dozen questions at once. Regardless, she was told not to let her out tonight while the boys did their “investigations.” So, she called up a friend, made sure her mom was at work, and prepared to have a slumber party…her first one in probably five years.

      At least she wasn’t doing it alone.

      “So…how do you like Gotham?” Stephanie had managed to ask after settling into pajamas. If she was going to have a slumber party, she might as well be comfortable.

      “It’s really nice so far! Mr. Pennyworth took me to a play and even my first American movie!”

      “Really? What was your first movie?” Stephanie asked curiously.

      “Fantastia. Have you ever seen it Kara? It’s great!”

      Stephanie looked to one of her best friends: Kara Zor-El, aka Supergirl. Amazingly, the two girls already met some months back during Darkseid’s attempt to kill the world. Small world.

      “Oh yes! Ma Kent insisted that Kal and I see it with her. It was apparently a favorite or her and Pa…” Kara said, starting to trail off. With renewed energy, however, she shrugged it off. “So we never really got to talk at the Fortress. You are from Jurai? I visited there once when I was young! Actually, given your age, you might have been on planet when I was there!”

      “Really?” Sasami asked. “That is so cool!”

      “I love being the only one here who hasn’t gone into space…” Steph muttered to herself.

      “Well, why don’t we go right now? Ryo-Ohki can take us!”

      The blonde young adult looked to the animal eating a raw carrot and silently asked herself what this girl was talking about. She shook her head and returned to the conversation. “Let’s have a rain check on that. I promised Barbara that you would have a typical Earth slumber party.”

      “Steph, I’ve never had a slumber party either! This is so much fun!” Kara laughed.


      Sasami stared at the two older girls. “So we are in our pajamas. What do typical Earth girls do now?”

      “Well…” Stephanie drawled out, thinking of every cliche in the book. “I suppose we would talk about boys and watch movies and maybe paint our nails? I don’t know, I haven’t had a sleepover in ages. I kinda was nearly killed in a gang war that I started not too long back and it kinda jogged me a smidge. Besides, I doubt you know any Earth boys so we can talk about…”

      “Oh, but I do! I just started talking to an Earth boy and he asked me out on a date!”

      “Great Rao!” Kara shouted. “Details! We need details!”

      “I think you both know him…its Damian.”

      “WHAT?! You mean the ten year old who carries swords?!” Stephanie gagged. “You got the mini-devil to go on a date with you!”

      Sasami was taken back by the comment. “Hey, you got it all wrong! Damian is a nice boy who is just going through a hard time now!”

      “He threatened to stab me with one of said swords.”

      The princess blinked at the comment. “Well, that’s in the past, right? Anyone can change. Even Ryoko was a wanted criminal, but now she lives with us!”

      Not having any idea who or what Ryoko was, Stephanie chose not to acknowledge that. “As eternal an optimist you may be, I don’t think you know the caliber of Earth boys there are on this planet. I think I know just the one that you are gonna love!”

      “I don’t get it.”

      “Nobody gets David Bowie. They just know that he is there!” Steph said, rummaging through her DVD collection. “Aha! Here it is! The only movie that is a worth enough follow-up to Fantasia: Labyrinth!”

      “Labyrinth? I’ve never seen it Steph. Is it good?” Supergirl

      Stephanie laughed hard. “You ladies are in for a treat. You guys set up the movie, I’ll make some waffles.”


      Outside in the Wayne Family graveyard, Damian and Kiyone wandered around the gravestones. As they passed by various names, Damian tried to give off little bits of information that he learned about from both his mother and Alfred.

      “Solomon was apparently part of the Underground Railroad. I fail to see why this would be of importance, but we never know what we may find I suppose. Grayson has me so worked up that I wouldn’t be surprised to find Father buried alive in one of these graves,” he was explaining.

      “You really think that?”

      “Again, it wouldn’t surprise me.”

      “So…” Kiyone started. “Are you okay?”

      “Do I seem okay Makibi?”

      “Well, I mean, yes you do. But you’ve been acting different since I met you…”

      Under his domino mask, Damian rolled his eyes. “Are you really going there now? In a graveyard? During an investigation?”

      Kiyone kicked herself internally. Here she was, an alien detective trying her best to fit in with a world of heroes, going on asking about a ten year old’s crush. It was truly an unprofessional thing to say and she immediately regretted it.


      “Save it. Grayson would probably do the same if he were on patrol with me right now. The Princess…Sasami I mean, she is, well, different than anyone else I have known. Grayson and Pennyworth have had their lion’s share of a task taking me in. I am unsure if this was the course of action Father would have wanted, but I would like to think it is the one that would make him proud. Sasami has shown me that, through her damn peppy attitude.” Damian cocked a grin. “You know who else is peppy? Your idiot partner.”


      “Right in one! I’m impressed. You are keeping up.”

      “When did you become so witty?”

      “When did YOU abandon your partner? I may be many things, and I have done many things, but I abandoned Grayson but once and I now regret it. She may be an idiot and a ditz and I would lie if I said she doesn’t get on my nerves, but she is still YOUR partner. Besides…though I hate to admit it she did save my life,” Damian stared intently at her. “If you mention that to ANYONE, do not think I would hesitate to hurt you. Badly.”

      Kiyone ran her hands through her hair. “I love Mihoshi, but she has just caused so much…chaos in my life! I forgive her for all of that, I really do. I won’t say she isn’t stressful, but I just don’t want her to be hurt.”

      “*tt* Sounds like you are justifying it to yourself.”

      “Are you judging me?”

      Damian cocked his head. “I’m ten. I judge everyone.”

      “Fair point.”

      “Is she not a Galaxy Police Officer?”


      Damian shrugged. “This is Earth. I’m sure she could have handled herself here just fine.”

      The teal haired detective stared at the ground and kicked herself yet again. ‘Damn it, the kid is right! I’ve been a terrible partner! I can’t let him know that…’ “Damn it, I’m a terrible partner aren’t I?”

      “I think you are more of a terrible person, but that works too,” Damian admitted. “Just keep your head in the mission Makibi. You’ll have time to make amends with that fool later…why is your bracelet blinking?”

      He pointed to her wrist. Her bracelet was indeed blinking. A holographic display protruded from it, showing a most disturbing message. “There are several forms descending upon Wayne Manor. Looks like almost one hundred people…what the hell?”

      “It seems like we are expecting company,” Damian cracked his knuckles. “Grayson, did you hear that? Grayson?”

      “He can’t hear you sir,” the voice of Alfred rang out of their communicators. “I lost contact with him. He seems to have fallen into some secret Batcave judging by his last transmission.”

      “Keep trying him Pennyworth. Makibi and I will hold down the fort here.”

      “You both won’t be alone!” a new voice called out. The pair turned and saw a person that was familiar to them both. It was a masked man wearing sunglasses and a top hat. The mask covered his entire face and was a deep shade of blue.

      “Oberon Sexton? What are you doing here?” Damian asked incredulously.

      “Teaming up with you three I reckon. I came to warn Bruce Wayne about an attempt on his life by the Domino Killer, but I got mixed up with the 99 Fiends that are graciously descending upon us at this moment,” the masked detective explained. “I don’t believe you and I ever had the chance to meet my dear. You are…?” He offered his hand to Kiyone. She hesitated a moment and shook it.

      “Detective Sergeant Makibi. Heard a lot about you and followed your cases intensively,” she said warily. “Funny that you just appeared like that.”

      “There’s nothing funny about this situation my dear,” Oberon replied, grabbing a shovel. “Guess I’ll take the 33 on the left. Anyone have any objections?”

      “None that pertain to the situation I suppose,” Kiyone said, setting her gun to stun.

      “Interesting firearm,” Oberon noted. “Is that standard issue in your precinct?”

      “It is.”

      “Fascinating! Shall we inquire the names and motives of our attackers?”

      Damian laughed. “That’d be prolonging the fun. I’d rather just start bashing heads.”

      The three charged toward the oncoming criminals. Though there were of all shapes and sizes, tall and short, our heroes were unconcerned that they could buy some time until Batman arrived on the scene.


      Meanwhile, in Gotham City…

      “Dance, magic dance!” the three girls were singing along to David Bowie’s beautiful tones.

      “See Sasami? This is what American’s consider to be quality entertainment!” Stephanie Brown was enjoying herself far too much for her own good.

      “I like this a lot, I really do, but this is starting to get kind of weird,” Sasami admitted. “Are the goblins actually children who have been taken away? Is Sarah dreaming? I’m so confused!”

      “Sometimes you just have to go with it,” Steph explained. “What do you think Kara?”

      “I think Hoggle is adorable!”

      “You would.”

      “So Sasami, who is more adorable to you? Hoggle or the Boy Wonder?” Kara asked as she put more syrup on her waffle meal.

      Sasami laughed. “Stop it!”

      “Can I be serious for a moment?” Stephanie asked. “I know the kid. I don’t think he’s had any friends before in his life. He asking you on a date sends up all kinds of red flags!”

      “Well,” the princess breathed. “That’s why I’m going! Damian and I are way too young to go on the kind of date that Ayeka or Ryoko would go on with Tenchi. I just want to be his friend! He may not have any friends, but I don’t have many friends here either.”

      The cabbit meowed hurtfully. “Okay, I have you Ryo-Ohki!”

      “So…it wouldn’t be a date date?” Brown asked.

      “Nope! I’m only 700. I’m way too young for THAT kind of date! That’d be silly!”

      Stephanie blinked, trying to process the young girl’s age. “That it would.”


      “You would think that this was easy!” Kiyone yelled to Damian as she continued to shoot at her enemies. “These guys don’t give up!”

      “Stop yelling in combat Makibi!”

      The Fiends were all utilizing various different weapons. Some used their fists, others used flaming arrows, and a few even utilized flamethrowers. It was hard to attack everyone at the same time, and Kiyone was starting to feel the pressure of the battle at hand. However, she refused to stand down. As a member of the Galaxy Police, she would fight until her last breath.

      A blonde haired woman with goggles pointed her flame thrower toward Damian. Kiyone, noticing this, shot her weapon at her at the same time she kicked a pale man with a mohawk. Damian turned around at this and growled. “I had it under control Makibi!”

      “Stop yelling in combat Squirt!” Kiyone yelled playfully.

      After what seemed like ages of fighting, Kiyone, Damian, and Sexton were backed by a tomb. Panting and bloody, they regarded the situation. “So, how are we doing?” Kiyone panted.

      “About as well as you’d imagine,” Sexton whispered as he adjusted his hat. “This is starting to look bad. I thought you said Batman was on the property.”

      “He is. He’s tending to Wayne,” Damian explained. “We don’t need him. We have this under control.”

      With that, one of the 99 Fiends made his way to the front of the crowd. He wore a black domino mask and carried a bird on his shoulder. “You have no chance to beat us. You have fought well, but our numbers are too much for you to handle. We know Barbatos has stirred beneath the ground. Give us the Casket and we will leave.”

      “What casket?” Kiyone asked. “You mean the box in the painting? It’s here?”

      “So they say,” Oberon cracked his neck slightly. “They want to search the tomb behind us more than likely.”

      “Then we better not let them in,” Kiyone smiled. “You all ready?”

      Suddenly, a giant light illuminated the graveyard. The Fiends turned to acknowledge it, as did the heroes. “Is that the Batmobile?” Damian asked.

      “Attention criminals! You are breaking and entering on private property! You are all under arrest!” a most familiar voice came from the sky. An intense beam of light came down in front of the tomb and a person stepped out of it. Her blonde hair was hidden by her standard issue blue hat. Her gun was pointed at the Fiends and determination was written on her face.

      Mihoshi had joined the battle.

      “Mihoshi! Where did you come from?” Kiyone yelled. She made a move to go hug her put Mihoshi put her hand up.

      “Kiyone, we are on duty! We cannot show weakness in front of these criminals!”

      The detective blinked. “Who are you and what have you done with Mihoshi?”

      “Kiyoneeee!” Mihoshi whined, her tough facade cracking. “I’m trying to show you how responsible I am! I’m really sorry that you were mad at me and I don’t want you to hate m…stay where you are!” She shot the ground near where one of the Fiends was attempting to attack.

      “Can you save your heartfelt reunion for later?” Damian yelled. “We have a battle to fight and the odds are stacking up, though I refuse to give up!”

      “Don’t worry!” Mihoshi smiled. “I brought help guys!”

      “What are you talking about?” Kiyone asked. “I don’t see…”

      A familiar battle cry was heard throughout the graveyard. Beams of red came down from behind the mob of Fiends. A sound similar to a sonic boom crashed around them as a silver and red blur flew around. A second form followed, this time of a pink and purple hue.

      “I love a good old fashioned ass kicking! I’ll bet I get more than you do Princess!”

      “This isn’t a competition you monster! Regardless, I’ll show you how the true power of Jurai can feel!”

      “So you are admitting that I can take out more of these costumed clowns than you?”

      “Please darling, you couldn’t keep up with me if you tried.”

      Kiyone stared in shock. How in the world did Mihoshi convince Ryoko and Ayeka to come to America to fight for them. And, more importantly, how did she know they would be needing extra help?

      Picking up his shovel, Oberon used the distraction of the three newcomers to bash some skulls in. “Are you going to stand around Baby Boy Wonder, or are you going to lend a hand?”

      “Sexton, watch your mouth!”

      The fight slowly turning in against them, the Fiends started to dwindle down in size. Though nobody was getting killed, miraculously, they were starting to get grievously wounded. It was during this time that the Wayne tomb opened up from the inside. Crawling into view was Dick Grayson, clutching the casket the Fiends desperately desired.

      “I…I found it Robin! I…what the hell is going on?”

      “BARBATOS!” one of the Fiends shouted. “Grab the Casket and retreat!”

      “Not on your life buddy!” Ryoko yelled. “Double points if you get one who grabs the box!”

      “Can I play too?” Mihoshi asked while she shot several Fiends scrambling toward Dick.

      “Are you lot always this casual while people are trying to murder you?” Sexton asked incredulously.

      “Please!” Kiyone replied, now back to back with Mihoshi and covering Damian’s assault. “This is nothing compared to when the fleet of Jurai was after us. On your left!”

      Sexton swiftly swung his shovel in stunned surprise. “I owe you one!”

      “I’ll take you up on that,” Kiyone muttered to herself. “Mihoshi, can you forgive me? I was angry and…for pete’s sake!” The teal haired detective was grazed with an arrow. “That almost hit me!”

      “You almost hit Kiyone?! I’ll never forgive you!” Mihoshi started to bawl now, randomly shooting all over the place. Fiend after Fiend fell in a paralyzed state.

      “Kuramitsu, whatever you are doing, keep it up!” Damian roared.

      Dick stared on in amazement. From what he managed to pick up from Alfred, the group was losing the battle. It seemed that Mihoshi had turned the tide. He clutched the Bat Casket in his arms tightly. Suddenly, an idea sprung in his head. He fiddled with his utility belt and pulled out a small microscopic tool. He placed it on the Casket and charged into battle.

      Using the Casket as a weapon, Dick swung hard on the domino wearing Fiend, who grabbed it and pushed Dick away. “We have what we came here for! Everybody out!”

      The conscious twenty or so Fiends limped their way off of the property. Ryoko and Ayeka started to chase after them, but Dick yelled for them to return. They did as he asked, albeit hesitantly.

      “What the heck was that for? We were winning!” Ryoko pouted.

      “I happen to agree with the lady Batman,” Oberon panted. “That was foolish. You don’t know what we are dealing with.”

      Batman looked at the masked detective’s arm. “You look like you need medical attention. Want me to take you to the hospital?”

      “No, I have a medical kit at my apartment. Meet me there and I will give you everything I know on both the Domino Killer and the 99 Fiends…or however many there are now.”

      “Go on Sexton. We just need to alert Gordon to pick up these goons before Wayne comes out of the deep sleep I put him in,” Batman explained.

      Mihoshi started to say something, but Kiyone covered her mouth. It was clear from past experience that she was going to ask about Dick’s mention of “Bruce Wayne.” Sexton, not noticing anything odd with the situation, merely nodded and made his way off the property.

      The second he left, Damian started to pound on Dick’s chest. “Why did you give up the Casket Grayson? If they discover the tracer you no doubt implanted, all of that would be for nothing!”

      “I don’t think so. At this point, it’s better to let them take it away so Wayne Manor can be left alone for a bit. I think I know who left it there and why. What I don’t know,” Dick added, looking at the three unexpected visitors. “Is how the heck you three knew to come here?”

      “Well,” Mihoshi trailed off. “I managed to catch some really big criminals and wanted to tell Kiyone, but she seemed really upset at me. I stopped back home to ask Tenchi’s honorable grandfather what to do, but he was out in town. But I found the next best thing!”

      Kiyone sighed and hugged her partner. “Mihoshi, I’m so sorry. I was focusing so much on the mission that I took out my frustration on you. Can you forgive me?”

      “OH KIYONEEE!” Mihoshi buried her head into Kiyone’s shoulder. As she patted her partner’s head, she turned to Ryoko and Ayeka.

      “That still doesn’t answer why you two wanted to leave Tenchi in Japan and come here,” Kiyone asked.

      Ryoko snorted with laughter. “Honestly, it’s because of him!” She pointed to Damian, who turned around in confusion.

      “Why would you travel…” Damian started before realization set in. “Hakubi, I will slaughter you. Slowly. With a dull blade.”

      “Young man, if you thought for a single second that I would not want to talk to you in person, you would be wrong!” Ayeka stormed up to him. “Explain to me this: why do you think you can go and court my sister?!”

      Damian crossed his arms and grunted. “Do I really need to explain myself to you woman?”

      “Yes! Yes you do! As Sasami’s older sister….”

      “Look,” Damian put his hands up in defeated protest. “I understand your apprehension in the matter. I am the spawn of assassins and murders. However, I implore you to look past all of that. Your sister has done something no other person has done, gotten me to actually laugh. Not even Father could do that.”

      “Regardless,” Ayeka said. “You both are far too young to be in any kind of serious relationship. I will not allow it!”

      “Serious…Princess, I am ten years old! What makes you think I want ANY part in a serious relationship? I merely wish to get to know your sister more, hence why I asked her to dinner. Is that not what people do? She and I are practically friendless on this planet and that deserves to be rectified! Your sister is a wonderful person, and coming from me that says something.”

      “It does,” Dick interjected for the first time.

      “Even Grayson agrees. I am not ‘courting’ your sister! I want to KNOW your sister. Is that such a crime?” Damian took off his domino mask and stared at her intently. “Look at me. I would NEVER hurt your sister. Yes, I might have what you call a ‘crush’ on her, but is that so wrong? Again, I am ten. That is apparently typical for my age.”

      Ayeka narrowed her eyes. It was clear that she still viewed him as the boy with the attitude she met six months prior. Damian groaned to himself. ‘Of course she has her doubts. I may never get her to approve of me, but I am a Wayne, and Waynes do not back down.’

      “Well…what did Sasami have to say about your proposal?” Ayeka asked suspiciously.

      “She told me it was a date,” Damian bowed with respect, anticipating a challenge from her. “If you wish for me to clarify my position, I will do so. But I ask you to allow me to continue my friendship with your sister…please.”

      Dick put a hand to his mouth. “He said ‘please!'” he whispered to himself. “Alfred, are you listening to this?”

      “I am hanging on every word. I think Master Bruce would be proud of how he has grown.”

      “Very well…” Ayeka relented. “I cannot stop my sister from doing anything. But I will have my eye on you!”

      “I will not disappoint you.”

      “And as for you!” the princess turned to Ryoko. “You told me Sasami had found a boyfriend! You deliberately misled me!”

      “Hey, I call it as I see it!” Ryoko shrugged.

      “So you traveled all over the world…to protest Damian?” Kiyone asked. “That seems rather elaborate. What about you Ryoko? Why are you here?”

      “If you think I would let that demon stay with Lord Tenchi unsupervised for even a moment…”

      “Fair enough,” Kiyone conceded. “Has Barbara’s father been called yet?”

      “I took the liberty of reporting it in Miss Kiyone,” Alfred responded. He had parked the Batmobile and made his way toward them. “I think having Bruce Wayne’s butler around might make things a bit credible.”

      “I agree,” Dick nodded. “So Kiyone, since we’ve got some time to kill, why don’t we swap Sexton stories?”


      Oberon Sexton waited patiently in his apartment. The night’s events had taken a minor toll on him. However, he had hoped this would be the moment. This would be when all of the pieces would be put out on the board.

      He smiled under his mask. He could hear police sirens wailing down the street. This piqued his curiosity. Could Batman have figured it out at last? If he did, he hoped he wouldn’t act too rash. But who was he kidding? He’d probably come in and start accusing him of his role in this. If only he knew what his true endgame was.

      The door to his apartment opened and, as expected, Batman entered in the room. He was not alone. The two detectives, the blonde one and the teal haired one, accompanied him. This was proving to be an interesting development.

      “All of this protection for little old me? I must say, I think it’s a bit much.”

      “We have to be careful Mr. Sexton. This was quite a night.”

      “How is Wayne doing?” Sexton asked. “Did he end up getting injured?”

      “I knocked Wayne out and hid him in his panic room. The butler assisted as well. They are being questioned as we speak. Still, I have a few questions for you, if you wouldn’t mind indulging me.”

      “If you feel that it is necessary.”

      “I had a friend in England, the Knight, who I contacted after I left your apartment earlier today. Something wasn’t sitting right with me. The way that all of the various members of the Black Glove died…it just seemed too coincidental. I asked him to check something out for me. Then a funny thing happened. Officer Makibi, who I brought in on this case along with her partner, did her own digging and had some interesting theories of her own.”

      “Oh?” Oberon asked, taking off his sunglasses. “What might those be?”

      “Though Sexton is a real writer, the Knight found his corpse buried with his dead wife an hour ago. That means you aren’t the real Sexton. You’ve been pulling a fast one on us. The name…’fey king?’ Really? That’s what gave it away to her. This whole thing has been one giant joke, hasn’t it?” With that, Oberon Sextron removed his mask and revealed a white, grinning visage. His green hair briefly flashed before he put the top hat back on.

      Oberon Sexton was actually The Joker." />

      Ch. 16: No Need for Jokes

      It was early morning in Okayama, Japan and Tenchi Masaki had woken up to the sound of his alarm. He prepared himself for another day of school and went into the kitchen.

      It was odd not having Sasami around to make his daily lunches, but he knew that he was taking her for granted. He hoped that she was enjoying her stay in America. Along those same lines, he felt the house was way too quiet. It had just become…unnatural.

      When he arrived from school the previous day, Ayeka and Ryoko had vanished and there was water damage to the front of the house. Tenchi assumed that Mihoshi had picked them up for some unknown reason. His father nearly had a heart attack when he finally made it home, one that was lessened when Tenchi reminded him that Washu could just repair the damage in an instant when she got home.

      “Son, good to see you up and about so early!” Noboyuki told him as he left the house. It appeared that his father was a few steps in front of him and Tenchi didn’t even realize it.

      “Dad? What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you have left already?”

      “Tenchi, you know that this is typically when I leave, right? You are just typically too preoccupied with the girls to notice,” Noboyuki pointed out. “Have you heard anything from them since yesterday?”

      “No, not at all,” Tenchi admitted. “I hope they are okay.”

      “Please son, they are on vacation in another country. I’m sure they are having a blast!”


      “Well now, the gang’s all here!” The Joker chortled as Robin entered the room with Ayeka and Ryoko.

      “A circus clown? Your big enemy is a circus clown?” Ryoko stifled a laugh.

      “He doesn’t look like much,” Damian agreed.

      “Robin, I thought the girls weren’t going to come here. Weren’t they going to meet up with the other one?” Batman asked when the door closed.

      Robin leaned into a corner and crossed his arms. “They insisted on seeing this first. I obliged. It’s not like they can’t take care of themselves. What have I missed?”

      “‘Sexton’ here was in the process of explaining his grand plan to us,” Kiyone replied.

      “That I was. As I was saying, without my Batman, the real Batman, crime has no punchline. You and I Batbird, we are too much alike to find worthy sport, so I did the next best thing: I decided to fight crime.”

      “Really?” Dick deadpanned. “You expect me to believe that?”

      “I don’t expect you to believe anything I say Batfake. Why do you think I disguised myself as the writer?”

      “You know what?” The Detective Sergeant cut in. “I think I believe him.”

      “Thank you Detective! Amazing, somebody here can talk sense!” Joker laughed.

      “But Kiyone, you shouldn’t!” Mihoshi implored. “That’s The Joker! If you trust him, you’ll be hurt like Barbara was! He’s evil!”

      “I agree with Mihoshi,” Batman looked at his longtime foe. “Don’t ever believe anything that comes out of his mouth. It’s always a lie or some kind of plan to mess with our heads.”

      “I don’t think so this time,” Kiyone explained. “He’s had the opportunity to kill you several times now but he didn’t. Don’t you get it? He’s finishing his vendetta with the Black Glove! He killed all of the other members already. Who’s left?”

      “Dr. Hurt,” Batman considered it all. “I don’t like it. It makes sense, but I don’t like it.”

      “Oh Not-Batsy, you are going to have to do better than that if you are going to make it in the old cape and cowl! She gets it, why can’t you?” Joker made a mocking bow to Kiyone, who shuddered in response.

      “Well I think you’ll forgive me for keeping my guard up. How many times have you stabbed us in the back in the past?” Batman growled.

      “Literally or metaphorically?”

      With that, Commissioner James Gordon slammed open the door and entered the room with five police officers. Each of them had a loaded gun pointed on The Joker. “That’s it! Our turn! This filth cannot get away with everything he has done to this city!”

      “Commissioner, I think you and I need to talk about this. Can you spare some time? I think we may actually need to…trust him,” Dick sighed.

      Jim blinked. “You’re joking right?”

      “I’m not!” Joker chimed in.

      “Does this simpleton ever shut up?” Ayeka moaned.

      “I can say the same about you, Princess!” Ryoko jabbed at her.

      “Stop bickering you two! Kiyone and Mihoshi, I’d like you to sit in on this. Robin, Ayeka and Ryoko, stay on guard. He may, and probably WILL, try something,” Dick ordered. “That goes double for you Robin!”


      “Wait,” Ryoko asked. “You mean we have to stay here and play babysitter for a circus clown? Damn it, I thought there was going to be some kind of fight. If I had known this, I would have hit up a bar.”

      “I’ve got some scotch in the minibar!” Joker offered.

      Ryoko flew to the minibar and stared at the scotch. “Did you really think I’d be crazy enough to drink this? You probably poisoned it!”

      “No, I thought you’d be crazy enough to activate the motion sensor. I must humbly ask you to pay the bill for it at the front desk,” he grinned evilly.

      Ayeka started to laugh as Ryoko threw the scotch out of the window. “Oh, shut up Ayeka!”


      “You better have a good reason why you would expect me to believe a damn thing that scumbag says,” Gordon demanded in the cockpit of the Batmobile.

      “I’d like to know too!” Mihoshi agreed.

      “Listen Commissioner, it doesn’t sit right with me too, but I think Detective Sergeant Makibi here was on to something. When we get to the Bat Bunker, I’ll give you everything I have.”

      “Can I ask you all something?” Jim asked. “What are you really here for? I thought that you all were just some kind of specialists who were brought in to assist with Professor Pyg. But the one girl said the other was a ‘princess’ and I have interesting reports from the conscious Fiends that we managed to put in immediate lock up at Blackgate.”

      “You put them there already?”

      “It was a necessary precaution that the Mayor insisted upon. Something is going down Batman. All of the small gangs have fled the city. They know that there is trouble in the air. Now, are you going to acknowledge my question or am I not privy to that information?”

      Batman looked to Kiyone who gave a quick nod. “You can tell him.”

      “Bear with me here, but they are aliens who live in Japan. Kiyone and Mihoshi are space cops, Ayeka is a princess, and Ryoko is…well Ryoko,” Batman chuckled.

      The Commissioner rubbed his temples and sighed. “Aliens? From Japan? It’s not the most farfetched thing I’ve heard today. How’d you get involved here anyway Detective?”

      “Your daughter actually,” Kiyone admitted. “She put a message out as Oracle when the Anti-Life Equation hit. Professor Washu intercepted it and the two worked together to figure out how to stop it.”

      “Barbara did that?” Gordon said, impressed. Suddenly, he sneezed. “Makes her old man proud. So the pink haired girl…”

      “Is a scientific genius who is older than probably every person on this planet,” Batman answered.

      “Not Vandall Savage! He’s an immortal caveman who…”

      “Mihoshi, this planet isn’t even…you know what? It’s not important Mihoshi!” Kiyone whispered to Mihoshi. “Not now!”

      “Where is she anyway?”

      “Oh,” Mihoshi smiled. “She went back in time to get the original Batman back!” Mihoshi explained. Kiyone and Dick buried their heads in their hands while Gordon scratched his head in confusion.

      “I don’t think I want to know what she means. What I do want to know is what you all think The Joker is up to.”

      “That can be arranged. We are here Commissioner! Welcome to the Bat-Bunker!” Batman announced as Commissioner Gordon removed his blindfold. He shook his head in amazement.

      “You never cease to amaze me,” he chuckled. “Okay, I’m here in your subway station like you wanted. This is the part where you tell me why we shouldn’t lock the Joker back in Arkham Asylum.”

      “That it is. Allow me to be honest with you Commissioner. You know who I am underneath here and it is not your Batman,” he admitted.

      “True as that may be, I do think that you should know that you are doing a great job filling in. Hell, most of my cops like you more than…well him.”

      “I appreciate it the sentiments Commissioner,” Dick nodded. “But The Joker is just as competent as you. He knows that I am not ‘his’ Batman. That is critical.”

      “So, you are saying we can trust him because he’s lost the will to fight?”

      “Not at all. In fact, Kiyone here believes that he’s merely changing dance partners. Care to jump in?”

      “Certainly Batman,” Kiyone said. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to use the Bat Computer.”

      “Be my guest.”

      “Right before Darkseid made his move on the planet, Gotham City was attacked by Dr. Simon Hurt and his organization called The Black Glove. They set out to destroy the reputation of millionaire Bruce Wayne and to get rid of the Batman to make sure he did not interfere.”

      “I remember. Wayne Manor was booby trapped. It was the Black Glove and El Sombrero. I was saved by Talia al Ghul and her League of Assassins,” Gordon reminisced. “What does this have to do with The Joker?”

      “They apparently broke Joker out of Arkham and set him on Batman. However, something happened and they had a falling out. My guess is that Joker didn’t like being a part of another person’s plan. Batman disappeared that night, so did both Hurt and The Joker,” Kiyone pulled up corresponding images and Arkham security footage. Both Gordon and Mihoshi started at everything intently.

      “Wow, it all makes sense! That monster didn’t like being played by that Hurt guy and wants to join the good guys to take him down,” Mihoshi said knowingly.

      “Yes Mihoshi. That’s exactly it,” Batman sighed. “What about you Commissioner?”

      “I get it and I see why it would make sense. I’m just worried that his biggest joke would be to get us to trust him,” Jim said uneasily. He pulled out a handkerchief and blew into it.

      “Wouldn’t it be a bigger joke to actually tell the truth?” Mihoshi giggled. “It is actually kind of funny to think about.”

      Gordon and Batman exchanged glances. “This is getting us nowhere. We are talking in circles. Commissioner, it’s your city and your call.”

      The Commissioner reached for his cigarettes and played with the pack. He shuffled it around in his hands a few times and finally rubbed his eyes. “I want him monitored at all times. Keep him on a short leash! If you even smell trouble, don’t hesitate to stop him!”

      “Commissioner, this is me. I’ve been doing this for a long time. You’ve known me since I was twelve. You can count on me to handle it,” Dick pledged. “You girls up to assist Batman in the biggest case yet?”

      “Yes sir!” Kiyone and Mihoshi both said excitedly. It seemed like both girls were both just as eager to do this.

      “Good. Now that that’s been settled, we can talk Pyg.”


      “So what happened next Sasami?” Kara asked, with her eyes fixated on the blue haired girl.

      “Well it turned out that the ship was haunted!”

      “Wait,” Steph interjected. “What about the girl?”

      “She was a ghost!”

      “Amazing!” Kara jumped. “That’s incredible!”

      Stephanie started to laugh to herself. “That’s funny.”

      “What’s funny?” Sasami asked curiously.

      “A space ghost…that goes coast to coast on a space ship? Eh? Eh?” Stephanie looked around. Upon realizing her company, she hung her low. “You guys have no idea what I’m talking about, don’t you?”

      The two girls (and one cabbit) shook their heads.

      ‘I need some friends who are from Earth…that isn’t named Tim Drake.’


      “I spy with my little eye something beginning with the letter R!” Joker amusingly told nobody in particular.

      Robin, Ryoko, and Ayeka stood watch inside The Joker’s hotel room with Gordon’s men waiting outside in case of an emergency. Damian kept pacing himself around the room, continuing to stare at the corner he leaned on earlier in the night.

      “Nobody cares clown,” Damian said irritatingly.

      “What a pleasant way to spend our night! If I was with Tenchi right now, I’d…” Ryoko trailed off.

      “You’d do what Miss Ryoko? Do this? Do that?!”

      “Are you insinuating that Tenchi and I should be doing that Princess? Great idea! I’m glad you thought of it,” Ryoko snapped her fingers.

      “Ugh,” Damian groaned. Meanwhile, Joker just followed along with great interest.

      “Kid, what’s the story of the lovely ladies there? This is solid gold right here!”

      “I’m warning you, stop taking unless you have something worthwhile to say, like what you are really planning!” Damian threatened.

      “Excuse me?”

      “If Batman says that everything you say is a plan, I believe him. Makibi might make sense, but there is something you aren’t telling us. So spill it!”

      “Oh slowpoke, I’ve told you everything you need to know! The Doctor and his stooge are my last targets and then the bones will be in the yard! The Domino Killer will be no more and the Grave Digging Clown can make his merry way!”

      “Ah, see, here’s the problem with your little ‘plan.’ We aren’t going to kill Hurt, as much as I’d like to. Batman doesn’t kill!”

      “Funny how that works. Wasn’t it you who killed The Spook? What happened Baby Boy Wonder? Did you loose your nerve?”

      “Shut up!”

      “Oh, I can see it now! You’ve got it don’t you? You’ve got what Betty and Veronica over there has! So when can I meet her?”

      “Shut. Your. Mouth! Now!” Damian roared. Ryoko and Ayeka stopped fighting to monitor the situation.

      “Maybe we can have a double date! I’m sure I can find a nice young squeeze in town. Maybe Harley can forgive me trying to kill her for a night on the town! We can…”

      The Joker couldn’t finish his sentence as his jaw was immediately dislocated. Damian had grabbed a crowbar that he left in the corner and swung at him with all of his might. Ryoko and Ayeka looked shocked at the display, with Ryoko looking impressed and Ayeka looking mortified.

      “I’m not like the other Robins! I would not hesitate to leave you with severe brain damage if you dare go after the people I care about!”

      With every bloody swing of the crowbar, Joker started to writhe in pain. Ryoko held Ayeka back from interfering. “Let’s see how this plays out! This is getting good?”

      “Unhand me Ryoko! I cannot allow this continue!” Ayeka struggled.

      “Wait…mercy! Mercy! I…I was joking!” He wheezed.

      “Mercy? I was raised by the League of Assassins to kill without mercy! You didn’t show Todd or the Gordons mercy, why would I show it to you?!”

      “Robin, you must stop! What would Sasami say?” Ayeka broke free from Ryoko to stop Damian mid swing. “She would most certainly not approve of this action!”

      Damian looked at the bloody weapon and gripped it tight. “This filth has been able to get away with murdering loved ones, kidnapping infants, and ruining people’s lives all under the cover of insanity! He’s not crazy; he’s turned his life into one twisted joke!”

      “But the bigger joke would be to get you worked up to ruin your life in another way,” Ayeka explained. “You have grown much since I first met you, but you still have a lot to learn. You can be better than him.”

      “Yeah tiny…” Joker weakly chuckled. “The old maid is right. I mean…look where she’s at! What, with that Tenchi fellow at her feet I bet she knows all of the moves!”

      “How dare you!”

      “Riled you up, eh? Maybe you are just jealous I didn’t think to…to invite the two of you to our..double date? I’d have to ask that sashimi chick first but…oh no.”

      Damian and instinctively brought the crowbar up to strike again. “Robin, that’s not the way to go about doing this!” Ayeka sternly told him.

      At once, little logs appeared from nowhere and surrounded the bleeding Clown Prince of Crime. “What…why are there little lawn ornaments floating around me?”

      “This, Boy Wonder, is how you handle the situation,” Ayeka adopted a stern look to her face. A small murderous grin snuck its way on there as Joker’s form began to become electrocuted.

      “Damn Princess, I didn’t think you had in you!” Ryoko laughed. “I forgot how you get when you get that crossed!”

      “Quiet Ryoko, or you will be next!” Ayeka admonished her as she set about her retribution.

      Damian sat there dumbfounded. Here he was in the middle of getting scolded one second for attacking his father’s most hated enemy, and all of a sudden the Jurain Princess stepped in and continued where he left off. He could not help but grin as the Harlequin of Hate writhed in pain. “I hate to admit it, but my respect for you is growing every second Princess.”

      “Please dear, call me Ayeka,” Ayeka told him over the laughing and screaming. “As for you, I believe we still haven’t gotten the point across. Ryoko, would you like to try explaining it a different way?”

      “Would I?!” Ryoko yelled excitedly.

      “Help…help me!” The Joker weakly yelled to the cops on the other side of the door.

      Faintly, a voice responded. “Nah, screw him.”


      “So you think that all of us are infected with whatever crap Professor Pyg designed when you first put him away?” Commissioner Gordon asked worryingly.

      “That’s what we think. Professor Washu left a program to develop an vaccination to counter it before she left, so it should be ready to synthesize in about three days: just in time for the solar eclipse,” Batman explained.

      “What does that have anything to do with anything?” Gordon asked.

      “These people are crazy. I have no doubt that it will factor into their plans somehow. Commissioner, I think it may be best to keep the city on quarantine. If Pyg’s virus is let loose, we don’t want it to leave the town.”

      “Smart idea Batman. What’s the plan?”

      “We need to get you back to HQ. Mihoshi and Kiyone, stay here and keep in contact with Oracle. She can patch you into me or Robin,” Batman ordered.

      “You can count on us!” Mihoshi said.

      “What should we do about Robin and the others?” Kiyone asked.

      “I’m sure if they needed our help one of the Commissioner’s men would text us. Robin is too proud to ask for help and the girls have no idea what to do, but the other cops should keep us in the loop if there was trouble,” Batman said as he hopped back into the cockpit.

      “I’ve been texting Lieutenant Bilbao. He told me it got loud at one point, but they have been keeping it under control, whatever that means,” Gordon shrugged. “When this is all over, do you mind if I ask you ladies a few questions? It’s rare that I meet a person from another planet that’s not wearing tights.”

      “We’d be glad to,” Kiyone smiled.

      Just then, a siren wailed from the Batmobile. An electronic female voice echoed throughout the halls of the Bat Bunker: “A major security breach is occurring at Blackgate Penitentiary. A major security breach is…”

      “What?!” Gordon cried. “What the hell does that mean?!”

      “It means Hurt has made his move. Why do you think that the Mayor wanted the 99 Fiends in Blackgate?The Mayor is probably working for the Black Glove! After all, it’s not like there isn’t another high profile prisoner there…” Batman started the Batmobile in a frenzy.

      “Pyg…oh Christ,” Jim whispered to himself.

      “Girls, contact Robin and Oracle. Make sure Barbara knows to keep Sasami where she is!” Batman barked. “It’s not safe! Tell the others to regroup immediately! It’s time to put Joker’s money where his mouth is!”


      In another area of Gotham, a lone figure stirs in the shadows.

      Though he had only arrived in the city mere hours before, this was not a man arriving as a tourist. Rather, this was a king reclaiming his kingdom after a long crusade. He sat on his throne and viewed his prize: a wooden box marked with a bat.

      The Casket of Barbatos.

      “You will set the remaining Fiends free from their prison and cause as much chaos as you can,” the figure had instructed his remaining knights.

      “Yes sir. What about the Professor?” the spokesman for the knights inquired.

      “Release him as well and give him this gift. I hope it fits him comfortably. He always works better when he is comfortable,” he grinned in the darkness as he handed the man a pink mask. “Now tell me again about the confrontation in the Garden of Death.”

      The masses stirred in anger. “One at a time, one at a time!” he ordered.

      “We were challenged by the boy and the writer, but were later assaulted by four women from the heavens.”

      “Describe them.”

      “The ones that could fly had long purple hair and spiky silver hair,” he bowed. “The two that couldn’t had blue and blonde hair. They overcame us with great power.”

      “Silver spiky hair?” the man in the shadows paused to consider this new information. “Did you catch a name for this fair maiden?”

      “No, we did not.”

      “Fear not. This is an unexpected development, but one that can be used to my advantage. I sensed a great deal of potential in her…”

      The man got up and poured himself a glass of wine, which he gripped tightly in his black gloved hand. As he sipped at it, one of the knights robed him in his ceremonial black cape and mask. “Ryoko…that was her name.”

      “What will you do with her?”

      Dr. Simon Hurt drank deep from his goblet. “The same thing as I will do to this city: corrupt her and break her down. They have all fallen into the grip of the Black Glove…with no chance of escaping unscathed. Now go; we can’t begin until our co-star is here to work!”

      With less than three days until the solar eclipse, the shadow of darkness has descended upon the city. Madness looms in every corner and hope appears to dwindle away with each passing moment. Can Batman and Robin overcome the odds and defeat the personification of the devil?

      Place your bets.

      No chapter today, but I drew up another cover for the story, this time covering the events of the second half. If I had known I was going to do this, Alfred would have been on the other picture instead of Dick, who is absent from this one due to space. I may have to George Lucas the old one at some point if I could." />

      Please leave some feedback for the story if you have the time. I’d love to know your thoughts about it. I know this isn’t a crossover that would immediatey spring to mind, but I’m having a blast writing it!

      Wow! That was a. Nice first chapter! I can see that the green lantren universe. Will have a major role in this,now i dont know much about the green lantren universe since im mote of a batman fan. But ill learn trough your story . And of course you choose universe for your fanfiction like so many techi fans but hey who am i to complain! I will read chapter too soon so look out!
      Thanks for the kind words! Honestly, this really is more of a Batman story than any other DC line, but by including mentions of the Green Lantern Corps, it showcases how something like the GXP can work alongside it (though Hal Jordan will appear in Chapter 19). Mainly, the first half of the story follows the Final Crisis storyline (or of you read purely Batman issues 701-702) and then will cross into Grant Morrison’s Batman and Robin book (mainly Batman vs. Robin, Batman and Robin Must Die, and Return of Bruce Wayne). I do try to add touches here and there of DC continuity so be on the look out!

      As for choosing Universe, I did OAV in my Harry Potter story so I wanted to try writing Kiyone, who fits better in this pre-established universe. Gotta love her kiyonesmile1

      Ch. 17: No Need for Chess

      Gotham City was a dangerous place to be at night. The shadows consumed every crevice of the city’s winding landscape. Nothing could escape the grasp of the dark: always moving, never stopping. However, the city had its own defense, like a child in their bedroom. The dark may be scary at first, but it dissipates at the first instance of light.

      That defense is, of course, the Batman.

      The Batmobile roared through the sky as Dick Grayson and Commissioner Gordon raced to stop the 99 Fiends from releasing Professor Pyg from Blackgate Penitentiary. It was a race that they could not afford to lose.

      “If Pyg gets out, he could incite even more panic than what we were expecting! If this viral sickness does hit within the next few days, the city will try to kill itself!”

      “Keep it together Batman!” Jim tried to comfort him. “We’ve taken on bigger challenges and came out on top! This is nothing we can’t handle!”

      Batman flicked a switch on the dashboard and put the car into overdrive. “I haven’t had the ability to test this function yet. It homes in directly to areas of interest in the city: Crime Alley, Arkham Asylum, Town Hall…”

      “And Blackgate,” Gordon finished.

      “Hostile targets incoming!” The voice of the Batmobile rang. “Multiple targets fleeing from Blackgate Penitentiary!”

      “They’ve gotten Valentin! We can still cut them off. Brace yourself Commissioner, this is going to get rough!”


      “What do you mean quarantine?!” Ayeka screamed into Damian’s communicator.

      “Watch it woma…Ayeka! You’ll puncture my ears!” Robin winced in pain as he corrected himself.

      “Listen, by being in the city, you run the risk of infection. It will probably be only a few days and then we can all return to Japan,” Kiyone explained on the other end of the line.

      Ayeka curled her fists into balls and punched the wall. “But that is three days I am deprived of my Lord Tenchi…and three days I am stuck her with that woman!”

      “Am I that bad Princess?” Ryoko asked, teleporting beside her. “I always thought of myself as a fabulous woman and the heart and soul of the group.”

      “That is a matter of opinion Miss Ryoko,” the Juraian verbally jabbed.

      “Is it? Hey Clown, what do you think?” Ryoko called out to the stirring form on the floor.

      Battered and bloody, The Joker regained consciousness and coughed up some blood. He wiped it off of his mouth. “I think I shouldn’t have turned left at Albuquerque,” he groaned.

      “See? He agrees!”

      “Is that really an opinion that you want to have?” Ayeka sighed.

      “So great, we are stuck in a city I didn’t want to be in with a monster who I really dislike,” Ryoko rolled her eyes. “What could possibly make this worse?!”

      “Ladies,” Kiyone’s voice piped up again. “I have word that Batman is now engaging the 99 Fiends and Professor Pyg at Blackgate. They may need help.”

      “The who?” Ryoko asked.

      Ayeka’s eyebrow twitched in irritation. “Those people at the Mansion who we decimated! Have you paid any attention to what has gone on around you since you got here?!”

      “Don’t know, don’t care. This crap is way too confusing and annoying for me to think about. Still, let me handle this Princess,” offered the space pirate. “I’ve got way too much stress to let loose. Can you handle him?”

      “That depends. Mister Joker person, are you going to try to kill anyone or cross me?”

      “But mommy, I don’t want to go to school today! I want to stay home and bake cookies with you!” Joker loonily responded.

      Ayeka blinked a few times. “I’m honestly not sure if he’s faking or not.”

      “Just to make sure, keep an eye on him. He might be playing possum,” Ryoko suggested. “I should know. I would do it. I’ll be back before you can say ‘Jurai Sucks!'” With that, the woman teleported out of the room, leaving a clown, a child assassin, and a princess alone in a hotel room.

      “Oh, she really grinds my gears! Well since we have so much alone time together Robin, why don’t we talk about your aspirations for the future. I take Sasami’s friends very seriously you know,” Ayeka sat down, preparing for an interrogation. Damian backed up in confusion and what can only be described as fearful annoyance.

      “…really? Right now?”

      “Really. Right now,” she smiled.


      A large plume of smoke rose from the fortress that is Blackgate Penitentiary. Several dozen forms were running away from the building and heading toward several armored cars. Chief among those fleeing was the familiar form of Lazlo Valentin, commonly called Professor Pyg.

      “Run my lovelies! I know the good doctor opened my dollies out of their packaging! The condition may no longer be mint, but their beauty shall know no bounds!” Pyg roared in delight.

      A beam of light fell upon the running forms. Pyg looked up and pointed at the sight. “That smell…can it be? Batman! That’s the man who ruined my precious mask! Bleed him dry and watch the starry venom bathe the streets!”

      “Commissioner, use these controls to disable the vehicles. You’re a smart man, I think you can figure it out!” Batman yelled as he jumped out of the Batmobile and descended onto the crowds of fanatics.

      “YOU NEVER TOLD ME WHICH CONTROLS TO USE!” Gordon called back to him. He sighed and looked at the various buttons. “Okay…what the hell do I do now?”

      On the streets, Batman whipped out his escrima sticks and started to fight the Fiends. Thankfully, most of them were still injured from their encounter at Wayne Manor, so it was not as bad as it could have been. Regardless, Dick Grayson was but one man and there seemed to be no end to the foes that he had to face this night.

      Just then, new players appeared on the gameboard. From a distance, they looked like cute little girls in odd dresses, but Dick knew better. These were Professor Pyg’s Dollotrons: people who have been dosed with an identity destroying drug and surgically grafted with a fake face.

      “Commissioner, I could really use some suppression fire!” Batman requested as loud as he could.

      “I don’t…”

      “Red button on the left control panel! Hurry!”

      After some fumbling, Commissioner Gordon managed to hit the right button. A stream of rubber bullets hailed down from the sky. Just then, a Dollotron managed to produce a weapon that gave Batman dread: a rocket launcher. “Oh no. If he shoots down the Batmobile, the Commissioner could be killed!”

      Batman attempted to beat his was to the Dollotron with the rocket launcher. The doll people kept coming at him in waves, and Dick saw that he wasn’t going to make it. The only hope he had was that the body was strong enough to brace for a crash landing.

      With a flash and a pounding sound, the rocket ejected from the launcher and struck the Batmobile. The vehicle crashed to the street below and was immediately swarmed by the criminals that infested the streets. Dick had no way of knowing if the Commissioner was okay, so he v-lined for the crash site. Grabbing his grappling hook from his utility belt and firing at a nearby lamppost, Batman soared in the air like he did when he was a child. He perfectly executed a triple flip and landed on top of the wreckage. He could hear the “self-destruct” protocol engage itself but could not see any sign of his long time mentor.

      How fortuitous, then, that Ryoko arrived ready for a fight.

      “Who’s the bastard responsible for me not being able to see my Tenchi?!” The woman screamed at the top of her lungs.

      “Wha? Ryoko? How did…actually, I don’t want to know,” Batman questioned. “Ryoko, find Commissioner Gordon before they kill him! It’s up to you! Ugh!” Dick kicked a Dollotron out of his way.

      “Baaaaaatmaaaaaan!” the all too familiar wail of Professor Pyg echoed. “You lost your tooooooy! He needs a bad operation! Come out and saaaaave him, if you caaaaaan!”

      “Unhand me!” Batman could hear Gordon struggle. ‘This means he’s close.’ “Batman, don’t worry about me! Stop those monsters from destroying the city!”

      “Can you save him Batman? Can you…ugh!” Pyg started to taunt before getting grabbed by Ryoko. She flew him up in the sky and stared at his disgusting form.

      “Just between you and me, I’m going to enjoy this far more than you will. Clear?” Ryoko grinned evilly.

      “Pain is like fine wine to me!” Pyg laughed.

      “Good. I’ve got one hell of a vintage!”

      Ryoko threw the masked man down to the ground with great strength. He smashed into the pavement, causing particles of debris to fly everywhere. He twitched, showing that he was miraculously alive. Batman noticed the knocked out form of Commissioner Gordon was in the line of fire. “Damn it Ryoko, I said save Gordon, not accidentally kill him!”

      As Batman was focused on saving the Commissioner, he did not notice the Dollotron with the rocket launcher had managed to load a second rocket. The poor creature pointed it at the laughing form of the infamous space pirate and fired. It was unfortunate luck that the Batmobile exploded at the same time, causing Ryoko to have no idea of her coming doom.

      The rocket collided and exploded. As it had knocked her off guard, Ryoko actually managed to fall down to the Earth herself. Her lifeless form plummeted directly into a secondary blast from the now destroyed Batmobile. Given her nigh destructible body, she was not critically damaged, but was knocked out due to shock.

      “It’s the demon who attacked us from the heavens!” One of the 99 Fiends announced to her comrades.

      “She may prove use to us! The Professor may be lost to us, but El Penitente would want her too! Grab her before she wakes!”

      With that, the Fiends grabbed the slumbering form of Ryoko and dragged her to one of the armored vehicle. In the midst of all of the combat, the Fiends slipped away, leaving Batman to take fend for both himself and the Commissioner.


      “What do you mean you failed to retrieve Pyg?!” Dr. Simon Hurt snapped at the Fiends. “All of my plans were contingent on his presence here! The Black Glove meets in a few hours and I now have no victim to corrupt or right hand to control!”

      Hurt began to pace around the abandoned theater he had adopted as his base of operations. He had every intention of bringing Mayor Hady and the other current members of the Black Glove here tonight to watch the fall of an innocent soul, but this changed things. He could see the doubt on his guest’s face. He was a middle age man wearing a domino mask and a cowboy hat.

      His name was Senator Vine and he was the last remaining member of the previous Black Glove to still be alive. The others were, of course, killed by The Joker.

      “I refuse to allow it all to fall apart when I have finally come to reclaim my birthright!”

      “But the Casket of Barbatos…” One of the Fiends asked.

      “Requires the offering of a noble soul, something which we are lacking at the present moment. My plans for Grayson are still in play, but this is a delicate procedure,” Hurt paced around in a circle. He sighed and slumped into a chair. “Now you claimed you had something else to offer me in Pyg’s place. Present it.”

      The door opened up and four Fiends dragged in the unconscious form of Ryoko. Hurt jumped up in amazed excitement and examined the woman.

      “How is this possible? How did you get her?”

      “She came flying from the sky and intervened with our fight with the Batman,” one of the Fiends exclaimed. “One of the dolls struck her with a rocket launcher and she fell into our grasp.”

      “A rocket launcher? With such minimal damage? This woman may prove to be a worthy specimen. Prepare her in Pyg’s table!” Hurt ordered. “It’s time this doctor opened his practice once more!”


      “You mean to tell me Miss Ryoko has been captured by that Black Glove person?!” Ayeka yelled in the Bat-Bunker later that day. Upon his arrival from the wreckage of the battle at Blackgate, Batman explained the situation to all of his remaining help. This included Oracle, who was communicating from a different location speaking through her computer proxy, and The Joker, who was blindfolded and knocked out before arriving. Nobody liked his presence in the Bunker, but they tolerated it given the situation.

      “She was caught in two different powerful explosions,” Batman explained. “She’s probably knocked out, but I’m not too worried. From what you have told me, she is a powerhouse. She’ll probably give Hurt a run for his money when she wakes up.”

      “This is proving to be more exciting than I was expecting!” Joker laughed. “How is it possible that the Doctor screwed up so royally that he let his bishop and several of his pawns get captured? The man cannot play chess for his life!”

      “What are you blabbering on about?” Robin growled. “How does chess factor into ANYTHING?”

      “That’s what this is Boy Blunder. All of this, right here, is a giant game between me and the Black Glove. I have my knights, my pawns, and even a queen!” He pointed to Ayeka, whose rage was showing on her face. “This is why you need to trust me for once!”

      “Just to be clear here Joker, we are not working FOR you. We are working WITH you,” Dick clarified.

      “Actually, you aren’t ‘working’ at all. You are standing around arguing details with me while your friend may be dying at Crime Alley!” Joker pointed out.

      Batman raised an eyelid under his cowl. “Crime Alley? How did you know that?”

      The Joker snorted. “Oh please, everyone in the know is aware of the party going down tonight. Trust me, I had to hire a caterer for it,” he sighed. “Did you even ONCE check that homing signal you put on that Casket thingy?”

      “Who says I didn’t? We’ve been a bit preoccupied with, well you,” Dick reluctantly admitted. “Hurt was going to be our next target. I was just hoping to see him play his hand.”

      Joker laughed again. “See, this is why you need me! You wanted to play cards, but he is playing chess!”

      “Maybe he is playing Go?” Mihoshi offered.

      “I like her!” Joker pointed to the blonde. “She gets my style!”

      “Enough with your chess and other stupid games!” Robin yelled. “You are stalling! Just make sense and we can finish the job!”

      The Boy Wonder felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned slightly to see Kiyone shake her head. “What Robin is asking is for you to clarify what you know. It would be better for everyone here if we are all on the same page.”

      “Couldn’t have said it better myself! All the bigwigs of the city have all gathered here to witness our dearly demented Doctor Hurt throw a party to celebrate the fall of the city to some kind of madness.” Joker pointed to a map of Gotham City that was on the wall and pointed out Crime Alley. “There has been talk about this for days now. I was afraid I would have to do this as Sexton, but this is so much funnier. The proverbial Mexican Train has stationed itself in Crime Alley and has promised the ruin of a good spirit. That’s probably why the Hamburglar’s happy meal toys targeted Gordo initially before a better target presented itself.”

      Batman processed all of the information that he received. “Oracle, what is your take on all of this?”

      “There has been a lot of chatter over the radios about the old Monarch Theater being off limits tonight, specifically from the Mayor’s office. This could be the largest gathering of underworld gangsters since Black Mask’s war game two years ago,” the modulated voice of Barbara Gordon played on the speakers.

      “Even Max Headroom there agrees with me!”

      “But what about Ryoko?” Mihoshi asked. “What if the Black Glove hurts her?!”

      With that, Ayeka started to laugh. “Come now, you are honestly concerned for that woman? She has brought down spaceships all on her own. What harm could a single Earthling do to her?”


      “What are you doing to her Doctor Hurt?” Senator Vine asked his protector. He had been watching the man work with several chemicals for over an hour now and had started to become unnerved. Every second that was spent on this woman was a second that was taken away from protecting him from The Joker.

      “It is very simple Senator Vine. I have performed some cursory tests on our female companion here and I have only one logical conclusion: she is not of this world. I could tell that there was something extraordinary about this one when I first met her. This is a golden opportunity to learn more about our foe.”

      “That didn’t answer the question.”

      Hurt held up the vial that contained his chemical concoction. “This is a cocktail of the most powerful truth serums on the planet. I have lived long enough to understand a thing or two about the mind Senator. If this woman is as humanoid as I believe her to be, I will hold the keys to her mind. If not, she will no doubt kill us where we stand,” Hurt explained. A smile crept over his face. “It is a risky gamble, but one I am willing to take.”

      Senator Vine backed away from the slumbering woman and the demented doctor. “You…you are going to kill us! I thought we were trying to be safe! This…this is some kind of sick, demented horror movie!”

      “Oh Senator, Gotham is an over the top city. You must remember that. We all have our roles to play in our little game, and now it is time to see if Ryoko here will play the role of the Trojan Horse or my dark queen. Place your bets!”

      With that, he forced the liquid down the space pirate’s throat. “Watch as she is helpless to stop! This is the big moment Senator! Ryoko, awaken and be my servant!” Hurt laughed as loud as he could. The senator could not help be stay affixed to his current spot, watching the horror unfold in sheer terror.

      The woman with the spiky hair opened her eyes defensively. She looked around the room and her eyes fell to the man with the gloves. “You!” With a loud grunt she ripped her restraints off of her arms and grabbed Hurt by his throat. “How did I get here?”

      “The better question is what did I do to you?” Hurt smiled.

      Ryoko’s vision suddenly became blurry and her knees started to collapse. She grabbed the table for support, but even it was hard to hold on to. Doctor Hurt merely adjusted his black cape and knelt down to her. “I think it is time you and I had a little talk my dear…”


      The air around Crime Alley was thick with the stench of fear and corruption. It was an air that seemed to have stuck when two prominent individuals, Thomas and Martha Wayne, were gunned down by a hood with a gun. Tonight was no exception. In fact, the air was especially thick tonight.

      Flying toward the building in the Batcopter, Batman was worried about the horrors he would fact at the Monarch Theater. He knew the symbolic value of the place and was annoyed at how set Hurt was on desecrating Bruce’s legacy. He looked to his passengers and noted their determination. Ayeka, Mihoshi, and Kiyone had joined him tonight. He did not want Damian to be alone with the Joker, but he was not about to risk Joker’s presence on sight and the girls insisted upon rescuing their friend. Deep down, Dick hoped that Damian’s new-found optimism would keep his temper in check.

      “Funny thing that a supposed abandoned theater has all of its lights on,” Kiyone observed. “Guess The Joker wasn’t lying after all.”

      “Joker knew that we knew where Hurt was. He had no reason to lie,” Batman explained. “Girls, I have no idea what we are going to face in there. If it gets bad, I want you to promise me that you will get out of there and regroup. If we can make it to tomorrow, I think we will be fine.”

      Mihoshi coked her head in confusion. “What are you talking about Batman? What happens tomorrow?”

      “Remember that eclipse I was telling you about? It happens tomorrow. I have a hunch that something big will happen tomorrow, and my hunches are usually right.”

      The Juraian Princess scoffed at the comment. “Please, we can end this tonight without any problem. We have the power of Jurai at our disposal and…what is happening down there?” The princess pointed down to the streets below. A crowd had formed and it seemed like there was some kind of movement going on.

      “Batcopter, zoom in,” Dick commanded. The view screen of the car obliged and displayed a most horrific sight: the citizens of Gotham had started to riot and fight for seemingly no reason. The inhabitants of the Batcopter watched in horror as men, women, and children seemingly tried to kill each other with makeshift weapons. “My god, it’s starting.”

      “What is starting?” Ayeka asked.

      “It’s Pyg’s virus, isn’t it?” Kiyone whispered. “The one you said was dormant…”

      “Guess it’s no longer dormant,” Dick bit his lower lip. “Damn it, I wish Washu were here. She claimed can stop all of this.”

      “Isn’t the Bat Computer working on something to counteract it?” Kiyone asked.

      Dick nodded. “Between my analysis and Washu’s tinkering, we should be in the clear…if Gotham can hold its own for one more day…”

      “Monarch Theater in range,” the Batcopter announced.

      “Guess we are bringing the fireworks after all,” Dick sighed. “Be on your guard. Be prepared for anything! Just because Pyg is gone does not mean we discount his Dollotrons!”

      With that, Dick fired into the old theater on the corner of Park Row. As the heroes jumped down into the carnage they discovered a terrible sight: several men and women were all laughing uncontrollably and turning pale.

      “He did say he was handling the catering…” Dick muttered.

      It was only when he landed on the ground that Dick’s fears were realized: Professor Pyg’s Dollotrons were playing the role of body guards and henchmen for this Black Glove ceremony. ‘Wait, if the Dollotrons are here…where are the 99 Fiends?’ he thought to himself.

      As Batman started to attack the Dollotrons, Ayeka’s eyes met a limp form on an operating table. Knowing that spiky hair anywhere, the princess plowed through the hordes of doll creates like they were tin soldiers.

      “Hang on Ryoko! I’m getting you out of here!” Ayeka shouted. She landed beside her rival and started to pull the straps on her wrists.

      The second she grabbed the material, an electric shock went through both women. Ayeka started to writhe in pain. She tried to pull away but found she was stuck.

      “The first princess of the Planet Jurai! Welcome!” A new voice shouted from behind the princess. A dark figure made his way into her vision. Though it was blurred, she recognized the face from the Bat Computer.


      “The restraints you are currently attached to can only come off with great force. However, I can flick a switch to release you, but the shock will kill your friendly rival here!” Doctor Hurt announced as if he were a television announcer. “Are you willing to bet your life for hers?”

      Before he could hear Ayeka’s answer, a shot was fired at him. Hurt spun around to see the familiar duo of Mihoshi and Kiyone. “Ah, the Galaxy Police Officers!”

      “How did you know that?” Kiyone demanded. “Answer me you criminal!”

      “I know more than you think Detective Sergeant,” Hurt grinned. “I am The Hole in Things!”

      “What does that mean?” Mihoshi asked intently.

      “It means I have been there since the beginning and I will be there at the end. I know all of your secrets and will not stop at anything to get to him!”

      A loud scream was heard. Ayeka was still pulling at the restraints with all of her might.

      “I have calculated the force needed to remove her by just the princess alone. However, you may have a chance to save them both if you all pull together. What will you do? Will you save the world from me or save your friends?!” With that, Hurt ran at both of them and then right in between them.

      Kiyone spun around and started firing at him, but by that point he had blended in with the Dollotrons and the victims of The Joker’s handiwork. A new scream was joined Ayeka’s and Kiyone knew at once what needed to happen.

      The teal haired woman ran to her partner and the princess and started to pull like her life depended on it. The electricity flowed into her body now and, unlike Ayeka, did not have the power of Jurai to lessen the blow. It was pain unlike any other Kiyone had felt, but she knew she needed to be there for her friends.

      With a final pull, the three women flew back to the floor. Mihoshi’s body started to twitch, which caused Kiyone to crawl over to her.

      “Mihoshi! Mihoshi you bonehead! Are you okay?!”

      “Ugh…” Mihoshi moaned. “Ryoko…?”

      Understanding that she wanted to see how Ryoko was doing, she looked up to see Ryoko still laying on the table but no longer tied down. Ayeka miraculously limped over to her and and started to pant.

      “Awaken…you decrepit mummy!” Ayeka cried. “I demand…demand by the Holy…Council of Jurai to awaken!” She accentuated her last word with a punch to her stomach.

      Ryoko began to suddenly cough. Tears started to roll down her face. “Ayeka…”

      “Don’t you dare…be that foolish again!” Ayeka forced a smile.

      “Listen to me!” The former space pirate weakly grabbed Ayeka’s collar. “That bastard did things to me! He drugged me!”

      “And you can tell me about that later! We have to help Mister Grayson fight those doll people and that…”

      “NO!” Ryoko yelled. “I couldn’t help it! I told him everything I know! He knows where to find Sasami!”

      A wall exploded nearby and the sound of a helicopter was heard. The Dollotrons had pushed a fallen figure into it: Dick Grayson had been overcome and captured. As the helicopter rose into the sky, Ayeka and the rest could only stare dumbfounded at the sight. Before they knew it, they were attacked by the remaining creatures.

      Ayeka, mad with grief and full of rage, used all of her Juraian power to strike all of her foes. Kiyone stood there in shocked awe at the force she was exerting. “WHERE. IS. THE. DOCTOR?!”

      One by one like dominoes the Dollotons fell. In the end, all that remained were the four injured, exhausted women. Ayeka combed through the remains like a fine comb. “He isn’t here! He must have gotten in that helicopter and…”

      “There isn’t time Princess!” Ryoko wheezed. “We have to get to Sasami before he does!”

      “You don’t even know WHERE she is outside of a last name! How do you expect to find her?!”

      “Why don’t we ask Oracle?” Mihoshi offered weakly. “We need to think calmly about this!”

      Ryoko put her arm on Ayeka’s shoulder. “She’s right.”

      The purple haired noble bit her lower lip and flew to the Bat Copter. There was not much time to get there before Doctor Hurt could…


      The Brown house was lively despite only having three occupants inside. With the rioting going on in town, Stephanie’s mother was still out trying to save lives. Unfortunately, Kara had to leave as well, citing another global emergency that she had to take care of while her cousin was traveling in time. All that remained were Sasami, Stephanie, and the small Ryo-Ohki. As it was, the two girls were engaged in deep combat.

      “If you think you can land a blow on me, guess again,” Steph taunted. “I’m the best fighter here.”

      “We will see about that! Hiya!” Sasami cried in return. “You have the power, but I have the reach!”

      Steph stared at the television amazed that Sasami kept using Samus Aran’s throw to counter Ness’ PK Fire. “Stop spamming the throw! It’s no fun that way!”

      “All is fair in video games! That’s how I play with Azaka back on Jurai!”

      “Damn you and your persistence! Take this!”

      The two girls were warned by both Stephanie’s mother and Oracle to remain inside. Though both girls professed their desire to help, Oracle managed to convince them that joining a conflict they knew nothing about was dangerous, especially since if something were to happen to Sasami an intergalactic upset could occur.

      That was not something Stephanie Brown wished to live with.

      “Yay! I win!” Sasami cheered as the Super Smash Bros. game finished. “Do you want to play again?”

      “We keep going until I show you what Americans are made of!” Steph’s determination was incredibly strong. Sasami could not help but laugh at it.

      With that, the door was broken open by several people from outside of the house. Sasami screamed as the oddly dressed men and women entered the room. One of the people, a blonde woman holding a flame thrower, pointed at the girl.

      “She’s the one! Torch the rest!”

      Steph, not taking any chances, pushed Sasami away as she instantly started to attack the crowd. “You need to get out of here!”

      Tears started to form in Sasami’s eyes as she looked at her new friend fighting for her. “I can’t leave you!”

      “I was trained by Batman! I’ve got this! Go!”

      The blonde was in full Batgirl mode now as she grabbed various objects around her house to defend herself with. Sasami, not wishing to stand by, ran to help her. Seeing the chance, one of the Fiends let his vicious dog loose and sent it at her.

      Ryo-Ohki, seeing the immediate danger in the situation, flung herself at the animal. The cabbit scratched the creature with all of her might, but suddenly stopped. With a faint “Meow,” she looked down and saw an arrow pierce her side. The little creature collapsed to the ground, panting and barely breathing.

      “RYO-OHKI!” Sasami screamed at the top of her lungs. With that, her world went black as a Fiend snuck up behind her and knocked her out.


      Ayeka and Ryoko flew with all of their might to the Brown House. Oracle had tried to contact Stephanie, but could not reach her at all. The fear only compounded when Ryoko felt a sharp pain in her chest that she recognized as coming from Ryo-Ohki. Things were not looking good as they sped their way through the Gotham skyline.

      “Look there! That smoke is where I sense Ryo-Ohki!”

      “I have no doubt that is where that Brown girl lives,” Ayeka cried grimly.

      The smoke was indeed emanating from Stephanie’s house. The two women were horrified to see that the house was lit up like a pack of matches. The house had started to collapse and the flames escalated. Several of the neighbors had come out of their houses to watch the ensuing chaos…at least those who were not succumbing to the effects of the viral narcotic.

      “Stay back! All of you!” Ryoko growled as she started to tear through the burning carnage. Thankfully, she could withstand the effects of fire. “RYO-OHKI? WHERE ARE YOU?”

      Beside Ryoko, Ayeka did her part to find her little sister. The fire burned her, but she was too determined to let that stop her. After a few minutes of tearing the place apart, Ryoko found what she was looking for.

      Ryo-Ohki, battered and burned, had managed to create a tiny force field around the lifeless form of Stephanie Brown. It was clear that both of them were clinging on to life, but were alive regardless. Ryoko grabbed her companion and the girl and pulled them out of the fire. By now, Ryo-Ohki had dropped the force field and lay still on the grass outside of the house. Ryoko knew her self-regenerative cells would heal her in time, but it did not change the pain that Ryoko knew she was going through.

      Ayeka continued to search for Sasami until a cough was heard. Stephanie managed to awaken and was now watching her home burn down in front of her eyes.


      “Lay back kid, you are alright,” Ryoko whispered.

      “Took her…they got her…” Stephanie managed weakly. She dropped her head and it hit the ground. Ryoko checked her pulse to make sure if she was alive. Thankfully, she was. By now, an ambulance pulled up and from the vehicle came a very concerned woman. Ryoko could see the resemblance between the two immediately and realized that this was her mother.

      “Stephanie! Get her some oxygen and put her on the stretcher! Did anyone see what happened here?!” Mrs. Brown asked the crowd.

      “A bunch of hoodlums came in and took some girl. Your daughter tried to save her,” a reply came from the crowd. The woman held her daughter’s hand as they loaded her into the ambulance.

      Watching all of this and seeing her injured cabbit, Ryoko wanted to do nothing more than to scream and kill the man who drugged her, used her, and penetrated her own mind. However, she looked to Ayeka, who had fallen so low and had started to cry. Ryoko knew that she needed to get both of them back to the Bat-Bunker…

      When that was done, though? She would kill Simon Hurt. Slowly. Painfully.

      Ch. 18.: No Need for a Black Mass

      The state in the Bat-Bunker was one of fury and rage. It was one thing to kidnap Ryoko, who admittedly has been used to kidnapping in the past, but practically killing Ryo-Ohki and kidnapping Sasami was crossing a line. Sasami was the heart of every remaining person there, save The Joker who had never met the girl.

      A few quiet, but tense hours had passed to allow time for Ryo-Ohki to be stabilized and to let the women recuperate. Alfred had been secretly contacted at this point and was following Dick’s last instruction before he himself was kidnapped: go back to Wayne Manor. The old man was devastated but could not take part in the ensuing war council, which also included a monitored Joker and Oracle.

      “We kill him!” Ryoko demanded immediately when everyone gathered around.

      “No,” Damian turned away, clenching his fist. “They wouldn’t want that…even though I…GAH!” The young boy punched a wall and started to pant. “This is infuriating! We are literally helpless until he makes his move!”

      “You HAVE gotten soft, haven’t you Rocking Robin?” Joker taunted. Robin responded with a back handed punch.

      “I choose to HONOR these people clown. It is only because of their influence that you are even still breathing right now,” Damian growled. “Same with that damn Doctor…”

      “Calm down Robin! We need to think about this! Now we know that Miss Ryoko…” Ayeka started before she was stopped by a fist actually breaking the wall.

      “Miss Ryoko knows what?!” Ryoko asked with no humor in her voice. “Is this where you blame me, call me a monster, and make me feel worse than I already am?!”

      “Miss Ryoko, I…”

      “Well you listen to me Miss High and Mighty, that asshole got into MY head! He invaded MY thoughts! Do you know how violated that makes me feel?!”

      “That’s not what…”

      “This has nothing to do with our fight for Tenchi! This is crossing a line! His men SHOT Ryo-Ohki! They burned down that girl’s house! If he harms a single hair on the Junior Princess’ head, I will tear him apart! You hear me, he will PAY WITH HIS BLOOD!”

      “Miss Ryoko!”


      “I was trying to tell you I don’t blame you,” Ayeka quietly told her. Ryoko stopped and looked at her. “This has been a terrible situation for us all. Do not get me wrong, I am absolutely livid right now and I may do things I might regret later, but pointing fingers is a waste of time. I know Sasami means a lot to you.”

      “Princess…” Ryoko whispered uncharacteristically.

      “Don’t get me wrong, you are still a terrible monster woman who does not deserve my Lord Tenchi, but you are a rather close acquaintance of mine, which instantly places you under Juraian protection.”

      It was a rare moment indeed when the two women put aside their differences to focus on a common goal and be friendly to one another. Needless to say, The Joker decided to ruin that moment.

      “Aww, is that a Kodack moment or what?” Joker interjected. Ryoko took the opportunity to punch the clown so hard he flew into the wall, knocking him out cold.

      “Was that really necessary?” Kiyone asked.

      “Yes,” Ryoko, Ayeka, and Damian all responded at once.

      “Fair enough.”

      “How bad is it out there Oracle?” Mihoshi asked the computer. “By the time Kiyone and I made it back here, it looked like the city was tearing itself apart.”

      “It is,” Oracle responded. “I can’t seem to get control of Red Robin, but I called in a few of the Birds of Prey to help Dad with the situation. I’ve also gotten word that Stephanie has stabilized but is going to be monitored for a few days. Unfortunately it seems like this is a situation that needs to resolve itself.”

      Kiyone’s eyes met a small tab on the Bat Computer containing the final analysis for the viral narcotic Pyg had developed. “We only have a few hours to go before we can counter this thing. Batman and Washu believed in it; we have to as well. Did you find out anything Ryoko while you were there?”

      She shook her head. “It’s all kind of a blur. He asked a lot of questions about us and why we were here, but I’ve got nothing about a plan…except…”

      “Except what?” Damian asked suddenly.

      “I vaguely overheard him saying something about plans for Grayson that were still in play and how he wanted to reclaim his birthright,” Ryoko suddenly snapped. “He had something planned out…but I don’t know what.”

      “That’s not helpful or anything,” Damian grinded his teeth.

      “Birthright…” Kiyone tapped her finger to her cheek.

      “You seem lost in thought Kiyone. Whatcha thinking about?” Mihoshi pried.

      “Hurt’s birthright…I think he means Wayne Manor!” Kiyone snapped her fingers. “Hurt has to be the missing portrait in Wayne Manor!”

      “The what?” Ayeka asked.

      “The hell are you talking about?” Ryoko demanded.

      Of course, that comment was not meant for Ryoko, Ayeka, or Mihoshi, but rather for Damian. The boy thought about it and nodded. “I…it could be possible. Pennyworth did say that Thomas Wayne did try to offer his soul or whatever to some kind of Bat god. That would fall in line with all of that Barbatos crap the 99 Fiends believe in.”

      “And it would explain why he claimed to be Thomas Wayne. He IS Thomas Wayne, but not Bruce Wayne’s father!”

      “But then answer me this: how would a man from the 1700’s be alive today?” Damian countered. “It sounds preposterous.”

      “As preposterous as taking a dip into a Lazarus Pit like your Grandfather?” Kiyone quipped. Damian’s face flushed red in anger for not realizing the familial connection. “Alfred said it is possible that Thomas summoned a ‘bat god,’ who we can assume can be Barbatos. Barbatos may have actually been an alien or a god or…” She stopped and thought about it. “Could it have been Darkseid?”

      “*tt* Why would Darkseid want to give a human long life for no good reason?”

      “We know Darkseid has been influencing this planet for ages,” Oracle re-entered herself into the conversation. “The Crime Bible is basically a giant tool for people to worship him, albeit unknowingly. Hurt might have come in contact with it or some kind of avatar for Darkseid and influenced its popularity…”

      “Okay, enough of this crap. What the HELL are you idiots blabbering on about?!” Ryoko yelled. “What portrait? What’s Barbatos? Isn’t Darkseid that god who died? What does this have to do with that asshole?”

      “Bluntly, it means that the “asshole” may be immortal…” Kiyone explained.

      “I have no idea what’s going on!” Mihoshi started to cry. “This is all way too confusing for me!”

      “I have to agree with Mihoshi,” Ayeka sighed. “I wish this were straighter forward than what it seems.”

      “No,” Damian said. “It makes perfect sense. Makibi, you are on to something. I guess those idiots in the Galaxy Police aren’t as dumb as you made them out to be if they hired you.”

      The comment caught Kiyone off guard. When she first got caught up with all of the commotion surrounding the Anti-Life Equation, she thought the world of superheroes was a childish thing that amused Earthlings and people like Mihoshi. Yet here she was, doing everything she could to fit in this world that she herself now found interesting. To get verbal praise for Dick Grayson was one thing, but for Damian to compliment her was a whole different story. This was a kid who wanted her dead the moment he saw her and yet had grown to the point that he was seeing her as an equal ally.

      The fact she was calling an eight year old an equal was not lost on her.

      “Of all the bull…” Oracle was saying to herself, taking Kiyone out of her introspective thoughts. “You guys are not going to believe this, but I think I might have found our Doctor.”

      “Where is the bastard Gordon?!” Damian pounded his curled up hand into his fist.

      “On National Television.”

      “…what?!” Damian twitched his eye. “What channel is he on?”

      “Got it!” Mihoshi yelled, turning on another monitor. “Actually, I think he’s on a lot of channels.”

      “Good work Mihoshi,” Kiyone whispered to her partner before she listened intently to the reporter on the television introduce a man who was definitely Simon Hurt.

      “Doctor Thomas Wayne, a man presumed dead for decades, has returned to Gotham after what he described as a long coma. He is speaking to the press from his home at this very moment. Let’s listen in, shall we?”

      “What I am proposing may not be easy, but I believe Gotham’s recovery may come at a price. I will need able bodied men and women to line the streets for one giant celebration. I believe that a surge of good feelings may counteract the virus,” Simon Hurt smiled into the camera. “I have the means of providing the right materials, which I have already sent out to the streets. As I do not as of yet control my family’s fortune, I will require money from my fair city to restore it back to its natural order.”

      “It’s a trap! That’s just the plot for Ghostbusters 2!” Mihoshi pointed out instantly.

      “And how do you…actually, at this point I’d trust you,” Kiyone sighed with a smile. “But I think it was obvious that it is a trap.”

      Ayeka nodded. “Of course it is. He wants us there instead of that old Mansion. Shall we leave?”

      “Leave?” Ryoko asked. “Where?”

      “Why to the Mansion to put that foolish man to death of course!” Ayeka said offended. “Honestly Ryoko, I’m surprised you are even still here. To show this much restraint…it is commendable.”

      “Is that…it couldn’t be…” Mihoshi was saying, staring at the screen.

      “Miss Mihoshi?” Ayeka asked. “Is something the matter?”

      “I think that float has…has…just look!”

      The television was now showing an image of Downtown Gotham where the crowd of people were now gathering around the various parade floats. Some of the floats had men working on it, but others seemed to have very familiar people in very familiar clothing…

      “It’s that Pyg guy’s doll things!” Ryoko growled.

      “No, not that!” Mihoshi pointed to one particular float. “THERE!”

      The float she was referring to was that of a boat with several men on it that also were instantly recognizable: members of the 99 Fiends. But Mihoshi was not pointing to them, but rather merman attached to the front of the ship. It looked rather lifelike with black hair and closed eyes. The hands were bound together in prayer.

      Suddenly, recognition sunk in and Ayeka and Ryoko screamed. “TENCHI?!”

      “What is my Tenchi doing in America?!”

      “And how did Lord Tenchi get put on that disgusting float?!”

      “There was theoretically enough time between the moments you were kidnapped until now for Hurt’s men to fly from Japan over here if he had anyone loyal to him over there…” Oracle speculated. “He did run a drug cartel. I’m sending all available teams to Downtown so don’t worry about…”

      “He used me to get my Tenchi?!” Ryoko shrieked. “Stand back Ayeka, I’m going to save Tenchi! You get back Sasami!” With that, the space pirate flew out of the Bat Bunker and into the night.

      However, this time she was not going alone. “You get back here you vile demon! Lord Tenchi is mine to save!” Ayeka shouted into the darkness. She turned to Robin and grabbed his hands tightly. “You must save my sister and stop that foul man Damian! I beg you!”

      Damian’s face flushed red. He had never seen the Princess act this way toward him. She was placing her sister’s life in his hands. That showed how much she had to trust him. “You have nothing to fear. Now get that simpleton back so you can help me bash Hurt’s skull in!”

      The purple haired princess flew off after her rival and to her beloved. Damian moved to the Bat Copter. “Get in Makibi. Kuramitsu, grab that trash and toss him in back. We have a job to do.”

      “Can you even drive this thing?” Kiyone asked.

      “I’m the son of Batman,” Damian smiled grimly. “I can do anything.”


      “So much for being able to do anything!” Kiyone was yelling to Damian as the two of them were being dragged down the hall of Wayne Manor.

      “I didn’t see you do any better Detecive Sergeant!”

      The two, along with Mihoshi and a still unconscious Joker, had set the Bat Copter down on the far side of Wayne Manor. Given the current condition of the Joker, it was deemed unwise to leave him alone. Mihoshi had volunteered to keep watch over him, despite Kiyone’s concerns.

      In the end, Damian and Kiyone attempted to break into Wayne Manor to save their comrade. Unfortunately, the two were not able to overcome the half of the 99 Fiends that were guarding the mansion.

      The Boy Wonder and the Detective Sergeant were beaten, bound, and dragged down the hallway of the ancestral Wayne home. As they were dragged by two burly men, Kiyone could not help but notice the Wayne Family portraits were yet again lying on the floor, forcibly torn down. She looked to Damian and, through the domino mask, their eyes met and instantly understood the significance of the gesture.

      The men opened up the door and threw the two to the ground. However, they were not alone this time. Both Sasami and Dick Grayson were held captive in the room as well. Surrounding them were several armed Fiends, each with a weapon aimed at their heads.

      “Oh look Sasami, our Boy Wonder has finally come to rescue us! What took you so long?” Batman joked.

      “We underestimated our opponent Grayson…something I see you have done as well. Why didn’t you get Sasami out of here earlier?” Damian growled. “Have they hurt you?”

      The princess shook her head. “We’ve been kept separate from each other. We only were just brought in here.”

      “That doesn’t make sense. Why wouldn’t you try to escape?” Kiyone asked.

      The sound of a helicopter suddenly filled the room. The vehicle had apparently landed outside the side entrance. A voice was faintly heard gloating to himself down the hallway.

      “Because the Doctor wasn’t in and I wanted a second opinion,” Dick grinned.

      “Do you ever shut up Grayson?”

      “And ruin my trademark charm? Never.”

      With that, the doors swung open and revealed a man in a back suit, a black cape, a black mask, and black gloves. Doctor Hurt surveyed his kingdom with pride and sneered when he saw his captives all in a row at his feet.

      “You have fought valiantly Mister Grayson. You have brought this child out of the darkness and dragged him into the light! Watch now, as I will break and corrupt his very spirit before your eyes!”

      A Fiend forced Sasami and Dick’s head to the floor by bashing them with the ends of their guns, causing Dick’s mask to come off. Damian spun wildly around as he tried to escape from his bindings. “Damn you! When I get loose, I will break every bone in your body…slowly!”

      Hurt laughed a shallow laugh. “I’d like to see you try Mister Wayne. If your father could not stop me, what could a circus clown, a princess, and an alien cop hope to accomplish?”

      “You still don’t see the end picture Hurt,” Dick goaded.

      “Brief bloom,” Hurt retorted.

      “We’ve already won.”

      Simon Hurt produced two hand guns from inside of his cape. He pointed one pistol at Sasami’s head and one at Dick’s. With a single motion, he fired both weapons at the same time.

      Damian and Kiyone looked on in horror as their two friends were shot in front of their eyes. Kiyone stood still in shock, unbelieving at the sight that occurred in front of her. Damian, on the other hand, started moving violently around, trying to get free with all of his might.

      “You are dead! DEAD!” The Boy Wonder howled with blind rage.

      “It can’t be…” Kiyone started to cry.

      “The .32 pellets won’t penetrate their skulls, but they have been EXPERTLY placed to fracture the skull and cause a hematoma. In less than twelve hours, blood absorbed into the cerebral spinal fluid will result in permanent neurological damage!” Hurt laughed, waving the two smoking guns around.

      “They are alive…?” Kiyone whispered through her tears.

      Hurt kicked her in the face. “Stay down you pathetic woman! This offer is good for one person and one person alone. I am a surgeon Robin. I have the facilities here in my Batcave below to save either the alien princess or the big top trash.”

      “Offer?” the teal haired detective coughed.

      “I can save one of these fools from the fate you have brought upon them, but I do have a price…your eternal soul,” the Doctor grinned.

      “N…no Dami…Damian!” Sasami weakly spoke. It was apparent she was putting her all into the gesture as she tried to stop herself from fading away into shock. “You…r soul!”

      “I don’t believe in souls Thomas Wayne,” Damian retorted. “Yes, we know who you are! You are an idiot for coming back here today! Did you even think this plan through?!”

      “More than you think child. Today is the prophesied eclipse of Barbatos,” Hurt explained while his Fiends prepared a ceremonial altar with a candle and the Casket from the caves below. “When your soul is mine and everyone around you is at my feet, perhaps you will know by that hole in your life what it is that you have given up so freely.”

      The Fiends picked Damian up and forced him to the altar. Damian, oddly enough, did not struggle. “I am pleased boy. Have you made your choice? Together, you and I will summon the spirit Barbatos to open this casket of ancient wisdom and mystery.”

      “Robin…” Dick Grayson called to him. “Remember who left it there…stall!”

      “Who will it be child? All I need is your soul and one of them can be saved? Will it be the mentor who guided you from the dark? Will it be the girl who tried to offer you friendship? Raise you left hand and swear on…” Hurt started to announce before screaming was heard in the hall. The sounds of several people falling was heard by all. “What?!”

      A Fiend dropped to the floor as a most welcoming and famiar figure entered the room. She pointed her Galaxy Police issued weapon at Doctor Hurt and stood her ground. “Doctor Simon Hurt I must place you under arrest for kidnapping a foreign diplomat from the Planet of Jurai!”

      “Mihoshi!” Kiyone was surprised to see her partner acting so professional and saving her life…again! “How…”

      “Most of the Fiends are in here instead of patrolling the grounds,” Mihoshi sternly responded, never once dropping Doctor Hurt from her sight. “I saw you get captured and I needed to save you!”

      “What about The Joker?” Kiyone asked.

      “You are my partner Kiyone! You took priority!”

      “The bumbling detective!” Hurt yelled. “Kill her! We still can finish the Ceremony of the Bat!”

      “No you don’t!” Mihoshi fired directly at Hurt. However, the shot missed him but struck the Casket to the floor. At that very moment, the eclipse fully engulfed the sun. The time of Barbatos had arrived, but without the Casket, the offering could not be made.

      Hurt stared at the floor in horror. All of his plans had hinged on this moment. The game he had been playing for over three years hinged at the Son of Gotham, in his weakest hour, falling to the Devil. Now it was ruined by a ditzy blonde with a space gun. He went to shoot her but was instantly met by two fists intercepting his face.

      Batman had freed himself from his bindings and proceeded to join Robin in a double punch to the face.

      “How is this happening?!” Hurt stammered. “I had won! Victory was assured! You couldn’t possibly…wait…THE CASKET!”

      Hurt’s eye had been drawn to the Casket. Miraculously, the box had started to open. Hurt’s hopes were raised. Perhaps Barbatos could still come to continue the offering. However, his hopes turned into shock as the contents of the Casket revealed itself: a blinking Batarang with a note that read “Gotcha!”

      “No…it isn’t possible!” Hurt pulled himself from the floor. He saw the two Galaxy Police Officers had helped the Juraian Princess of the floor and were now all ready to confront the good Doctor. He backed away to the fireplace and searched around for his minions. “Fiends! To your master!”

      “You played a good game Doctor,” Batman cracked his knuckles in anticipation. “But we played one better. You’ve been backed up into a corner and have overlooked the one person you should never have forgotten about. You claim to be the Devil? Well, meet the Bat-God.”

      Soot flew out of the fireplace and temporarily blinded Doctor Hurt. The man started coughing as he tried to process the acrobat’s words. “What is happening?!”

      “Turn around Doctor…” an unfamiliar female voice called out.

      From the fireplace came two figures. One was a young woman with spiky pink hair and the other was the only person besides The Joker who Hurt feared the most.

      “…It’s All Over,” a second Batman announced deep within the shadows.

      Washu Hakubi had done it: Bruce Wayne had returned.

      Ch. 19: No Need for Time Masters

      “This is…” Washu Hakubi struggled to find the proper words. “This is…this is fantastic!”

      Washu stared around the Justice League Watchtower in awe. She had heard stories of the technology that powered the League’s space base, but had never gotten the chance to see any of it in person. It was a memorable experience for the Greatest Scientific Genius in the Galaxy.

      “Bruce helped fund the building a few years back,” Superman was explaining to her. “Between Wayne Enterprises and Star Labs, we managed to get her operational and have been making modifications to it ever since.”

      “Technology is always advancing Mr. Kent,” Washu nodded. “So when do I get to meet these ‘Time Masters’ that you have picked out?”

      “They are in the meeting room,” Superman pressed a button on a door. It slid open and the two continued on their way. “It’s just down this hallway.”

      “How many people are we bringing back in time anyway?” the scientist pried.

      “Counting us? Five people and one robot.”


      The pair stopped at a double sided door that clearly led into a meeting room. After entering in a combination, Superman allowed Washu to enter before him. The scientist noted that his farm boy manners really added to his charm as the world’s premiere hero. ‘That Lois Lane is sure lucky,’ she thought to herself.

      The room was indeed filled with three people who Washu had never laid eyes on before, though she did recognize one of the uniforms. All three of the people were men, and two of them had brown hair. The lone blonde wore a yellow visor and was adorned in blue and gold. Hovering over him was a little golden robot that seemed to look more like a little ship than humanoid. To his left was a man wearing a simple green and red zip up jump suit. It amused Washu to see a hint of stubble on his chin. She did not know why it amused her, but it seemed worth noting. The last individual wore a uniform she knew right off the bat: he was a member of the famous Green Lantern Corps.

      “Gentlemen, I’d like you all to meet Professor Washu Hakubi. She is the one who picked up on the idea that Bruce’s corpse was actually a genetic clone created by Darkseid,” Superman announced to the collective. He acknowledged the blonde haired man. “This is Booster Gold, and his companion Skeets.” He then moved on to the Green Lantern. “This is Hal Jordan, the first of three Green Lanters assigned to protect our Solar System.” Lastly, he pointed to the final man. “And this is our resident time travel expert: Rip Hunter.”

      Washu simply bowed at the group. “How do you all do? It is an honor to be working with you.”

      “Hakubi? As in the most famous mad scientist in the galaxy?” Booster Gold freaked out.

      An eyebrow shot up. “You’ve heard of me?” she asked curiously.

      “Pardon me Ma’am,” the robot known as Skeets responded. “Booster Gold, greatest hero of all time, is actually from the future who got sent to the past. He is aware of various bits of Earth history that, as of right now, are unknown to you.”

      “Really now?” Washu pried. “What do I do in the future?”

      “You are the woman directly responsible for opening our planet up to the Juraian network, before nearly causing an intergalactic upset involving a dimensional bazooka and the Galaxy Police!” Booster exclaimed. “You escaped into the far reaches of space for years, but it turned out that you had just snuck back into your subspace lab. You are a legend in the scientific circles!”

      Hal projected a giant green hand and willed it to point at Washu. “That’s where I have heard about you! Barbara Gordon asked John Stewart to look into you! He found a lot of disturbing things in your records! Didn’t you build a galaxy destroying and…”

      “Details, details…” Washu hand waved it while cutting him off. “Besides, Barbara and I are on the same page now. There is nothing to worry about. Now, Mr. Hunter, do you have anything you want to add about this?”

      “Honestly, no. I could care less about your reputation in the future or the past. All I know is that I picked up on you traveling through time not that long ago. You went back to Tokyo to stop some kind of temporal anomaly, right?”

      Washu blinked in shock. “How did you…?”

      “I make time my business Miss Hakubi,” Rip shrugged. “It’s what I do.”


      “No, I could honestly care less about the politics of the Planet Jurai and the power they wield. You stopped the entity known as Kain, that’s all I need to know.”

      “Way to make it sound dull,” Washu pouted. “It was hard work building that time machine and keeping the timeline together.”

      “Why DID you have a time machine anyway?” Hal asked suspiciously.

      She batted her eyelashes at the man. “Oh, why are you questioning little old me Mr. Jordan? Just because I was curious about the lateral nature and constant fluctuation of time doesn’t mean I’m a bad girl!”

      “Maam, I would like to point out that you WERE charged for crimes against the galaxy, despite them being pardoned in the Juraian Incident with Prince Yosho,” Skeets added.

      “Not. Helping.”

      Superman gave a loud cough to call attention back to the matter at hand. “Now that we are all introduced, we have work to do. Earlier today, Professor Hakubi and I visited Bluddhaven to examine the Command D bunker. Professor, would you like to explain what we found there?”

      The pink haired girl summoned her computer and began to type. After a moment, an image projected into the middle of the table. “It has been proven that time is lateral, meaning we can move both back in time and forward. Though it is possible to alter the time stream, the tampering will inevitably become reconciled and shown in the original timeline,” she explained. “As such, Bruce Wayne has always been destined to go back in time. In addition, theories left by Bruce Wayne himself posit that New Gods like Darkseid are literal living archetypes that affect the reality that we live in. By confronting Darkseid, Batman literally became the archetype lone hero standing up to evil. However, that is not all that he became.”

      Washu drew a line from the center most point of the image all the way to the other side. “He has also become the archetypal time traveler. If he did not get sent back in time, we might have been able to crack the time stream.”

      “So back it up,” Booster Gold scratched his head. “By going back in time, Batman basically is responsible for us going back in time to bring him back? That sounds…confusing.”

      “I can break it down for you in simpler terms sir,” Skeets offered.

      “Don’t bother. So if you gathered us all together, there must be something you haven’t gotten to yet. What’s the bad news?” Rip asked.

      “By at tuning my supervision to a frequency discovered by Professor Hakubi, we found a trail of energy leading straight into the past. We think it is literally leading into prehistoric times,” Superman announced. “What the Professor is concerned with is that the Omega Energy is actually building up within Bruce until his body cannot handle it anymore.”

      “So basically, boom?” Booster flashed his hands dramatically.

      Washu nodded grimly. “The hope is that we can get to him before he gets back to our time and takes us all out.”

      “Sounds like a typical weekday,” Hal sniggered. “Are we doing this or not?”

      “I’m driving Rip’s time machine!” Booster shouted.

      “No you’re not!”

      “Okay, then shot gun!”

      Washu blinked and shook her head. “You Americans are weird.”


      The spherical pod landed in the rocky mountain area gracefully. It opened up and one by one it’s occupants stepped out. Looking around, Booster Gold let out a low whistle.

      “Wow, prehistoric times, eh?” He said in awe. “I’ve got to say, this is a first.”

      “You get used to it,” Rip shrugged. “He should be around here. I’m staying with the ship.”

      “Look over there!” Washu pointed to an object in the distance. “Is that a rocket?”

      The group moved over to the machine and looked it over. “We sent this…during the Crisis,” Superman whispered. “I guess this confirms Darkseid’s involvement. But we’ve got a problem. He isn’t here.”

      “How can you tell?” Hal asked.

      “I can’t hear his heartbeat. There is only one heartbeat that I am familiar with and it makes sense.”


      “Vandal Savage. He is an immortal caveman who we have dealt with in the past,” he explained. “But he’s not the issue here. The Omega Trail has gone cold.”

      “Well since he’s not in the past, that can only mean one thing! He went to the future!” Washu announced with a laugh.

      “You are brilliant Washu!” Her A doll popped up, much to the bewilderment of the others.

      “Your genius knows no bounds Washu!” The B doll chimed in.

      “What…what was that?” Booster asked after a moment.

      “And how does that make you a genius? Everything from this point on HAS to be the future!” Hal pointed out angrily.

      “Details, details…” Washu dismissed it. “Honestly, I starting to think old Brucie is in over his head.”

      “I wouldn’t be so sure. Surviving is what he does, and I don’t know anyone more prepared than he is,” Superman affirmed.

      “So I hear. The man was paranoid enough to dress in a purple and yellow costume while drugged up using a back up personality he developed just for that occasion,” Washu shrugged. “I guess if he can do that then he can do anything.”

      “Back up,” Booster started to laugh. “He wore WHAT now?”

      “Save it for later Booster!” Rip yelled from the ship. “I’ve managed to pick up the Omega Trail all the way to the 64th Century! I think this is our only chance before he goes back to the present!”

      “64th Century?!” Hal spouted out.

      Washu smiled. “This is proving to be one of the best days of my life!”

      Hal lifted an eyebrow underneath his green mask. “What makes you say that?”

      “She’s a woman of science, Mister Jordan,” Skeets replied. “No doubt the thrill of seeing the unknown has piqued her curiosity.”

      “He’s right! It’s not every day I get to see the dawn of a planet and the future of it! Think of the science!”

      “Think of the…” Hal started to retort.

      “Am I just gonna keep this thing on idle or are we going to drive?!”


      When the group arrived to their next destination, they discovered themselves in a place that was sterile and dark. Washu could not help but look around and take in all of the advancements the planet had undertaken.

      “THIS is Earth? This looks more like my lab!”

      “This is a very important piece of history. Welcome to the Vanishing Point!” Rip announced.

      “What’s so special about it?” Hal asked grumpily.

      “This is the last remaining place on the planet before the universe implodes on itself. Humanity has been long extinct, but several archivists remain to chronicle the final moments of time,” Rip elaborated. “We have maybe ten minutes left before the universe crumbles away. If Bruce is here, we need to find him quickly.”

      “The local timeline will end in nine minutes and twenty seconds,” a cold sterile voice called out from the station. A tall black being stepped out. He had two little ears and a single red glowing eye. “You must vacate this station.”

      “Why bother archiving if the universe is going to die?” Washu asked.

      The archivist stopped and stared at the woman intently. “It was a command from the creator of the bioarchival bush robots. All of the information of this galaxy in this timeline will be stored in a black hole for protection.”

      “Genius! I would have done the same thing!”

      “I know Washu Hakubi.”

      The comment took Washu back. “How…how did you know my name?”

      “This is a map of all time and space,” the archivist willed a giant tapestry of lines in front of the group. “Each line represents a new timeline that has been created from a certain event. Each event causes changes to that current time line. In this timeline, the residents of the Masaki household play a larger part of this universe’s history. In this parallel timeline, you may not even exist at all. In this third parallel timeline, you may exist but Superman may not. In each world a Vanishing Point will exist. Though it may differ in appearance, its function remains universal.”

      “Did…did you get all of that?” Rip asked. “This lines up with my own research into the time stream.”

      “As does my own,” Superman nodded. “So in the timeline that we are presently in, Professor Washu has…”

      “My god, I created you,” Washu whispered.

      “You are correct in the idea that this version of Vanishing Point was indeed a byproduct of your design,” the architect pointed out. “But you did not create me. Nor have you created the hyperfauna that has infested the station. The local time line will end in seven minutes and forty seconds.”

      “Hyperfauna?” Washu asked.

      “Darkseid’s weapon of death,” Superman grimaced. “Archivist, where is the hyperfauna? Where is Bruce Wayne?!”

      “The hyperfauna? It is self contained. Inside of me,” the archivist spoke softly. “Forgive me for what I must do.”

      With that a bubble surrounded the visitors from the 21st Century. Using all of their might, Hal Jordan and Superman tried to beat down the force field. Washu, however, started typing furiously on her computer.

      “I would not do that Creator Hakubi. You need to trust me,” the archivist said. The blank black face faded away to reveal a human male with dark black hair. “You have no idea what I have had to do to get to this point.”

      “Bruce, you can’t!” Superman yelled. “Darkseid turned you into a trap! If you return to the 21st Century, we will all die!”

      “You need to trust me,” Bruce whispered as he walked into Rip’s time machine.

      “NO!” Rip yelled. “We are all damned here! We have no way of getting back now! Damn it!”

      “Language Rip!” Superman stopped before continuing to punch the bubble they were trapped in.

      “This may appear hopeless sirs and madame, but Batman DID say to trust him!” Skeets pointed out.

      Booster hit his head on the wall of the bubble. “Well Professor, you apparently created this technology. Can’t you, I don’t know, manipulate it or open it up?”

      “I’m trying!” Washu hurriedly told him. “I may have had a hand in this station’s design, but I haven’t done that yet! I…wait…”

      “What?” Jordan inquired, stopping his green fist from pounding the wall.

      “This design is similar to my own time machine. I…I think Batman is using the Vanishing Point to create a second time machine!”

      “That Batman,” Booster chuckled. “Is there anything he isn’t prepared for?”

      “Mister Hunter,” Washu stepped aside. “The controls are starting to form. Would you like to take the helm of my apparent greatest work?”

      “I’d be honored to. Fasten your seat belts boys and girl, we are about to experience the big All Over!”

      With that, the universe died.


      The time capsule arrived in a mess.

      From a giant gorilla to an orange skinned alien princess, the members of the Justice League were thrown around the Hall of Justice like they were rag-dolls. However, it was apparent the fight was not over yet as two lone figures remained to confront a darker, scarier Batman.

      “The bio archivist suit…it’s changed,” Booster observed.

      “A Batman of death,” Superman growled. “Not my kind of Batman at all.”

      “I took a big gamble here,” the rough voice of Bruce Wayne rang out from the suit. “I had no way of beating you at the end of time. But here? In a time where a Kryptonian and an Amazonian princess fight for justice? You are just target practice.”

      “No!” The suit bellowed in a dark growl, similar to Darkseid himself. “You can’t!”

      “After what we just went through,” Hal cracked his knuckles. “You bet your ass we will.”

      “Language!” Superman yelled as he flew out of the time bubble to land a punch. The body of the Dark Knight flew back into the wall.

      Of the two people still standing, the woman was the first to move. She wore a familiar tiara: Wonder Woman of Themyscera. The combined might of Superman and Wonder Woman was enough to keep Bruce pinned down.

      “We’ve got to separate the suit from him!” Rip shouted. “That’s where the hyperfauna is!”

      The other figure, who Washu recognized as Tim Drake shook his head worriedly. “It’ll kill him!”

      “Wait!” Washu snapped her fingers. “If I built the technology that the suit is based on, it may have the failsafes I typically install!”

      “What?!” Booster freaked out. “You are saying this NOW?!”

      “Cut me some slack! Pass phrase: Washu is a genius!”

      “Washu is all knowing!” Doll A chimed in.

      “Washu is number one!” Its twin completed.

      Bruce’s body began to shake. Using the opportunity, Superman grabbed and pulled the armor off of him. With one final pull, the archivist’s remains snapped off the bloody skin of Batman. As he slunk to the floor, Bruce weakly pointed to the time machine. “Send it back! It’ll blow itself up and get it out of here!”

      The greatest heroes of the age obliged the World’s Greatest Detective. The hyperfauna started to scream in pain. “Need to adapt! Need to escape! For Darkseid!”

      Shifting its shape, the creature now resembled a giant bat as the time sphere vanished from Hall. Washu blinked and put the pieces together.

      “So THAT is the origin of Barbatos…which means The 99 Fiends are actually worshiping Darkseid. Pretty crazy, eh?” Washu turned to see Bruce’s limp body on the floor. She rushed over and started typing on her computer.

      “It’s no use. He’s absorbed too much Omega Energy. By being here, Bruce Wayne is slowing destroying time itself,” Rip hung his head low.

      “I just need to siphon the Energy out and…” Washu started but Rip shook his head.

      “We can’t do that.”

      “He’s right,” Superman looked grave. “The only way to release the Omega Energy is for Bruce to cease living.”

      “No! You can’t be serious!”

      “He is,” Wonder Woman said, scooping up the body. “He killed Darkseid and must suffer for it. For striking down a New God, Bruce Wayne must die!”

      Washu stared at the body and felt incredibly helpless. She had made it a point of pride to always keep her word to those she gave it to. Yet here she was, unable to give even the slightest aid to a man she had never met but knew so much about.

      She thought about Barbara, whom she finally regained her trust. How would she feel if she couldn’t even keep her promise?

      She thought about Alfred and the state he would be in if his charge had died after regaining hope of his revival.

      Finally, she thought about Damian and Dick, who needed this more than any of them combined. She could not face the two knowing that they would blame her for failing.

      “Hey,” Superman nudged her, picking up on her emotions. “Trust me.”

      With that, he gave a wink.

      The Kryptonian led the group of conscious heroes outside to a decorative pool of water. Wonder Woman lowered the lifeless body of Bruce Wayne into the water and turned to Superman. With all of his might, Superman began to blow on the water.

      Washu gasped. Before her eyes, the water began to freeze solid. She hit herself on the head, realization setting in. “You’re stopping his heart then restarting it! Why didn’t I think of that?”

      “You may be the Greatest Scientific Genius in the Universe,” Booster grinned. “But even you have nothing in the Man of Steel.”

      She smiled and gave him a playful punch. Just then, a loud, painful cough was heard. Booster and Washu returned their attention to Bruce, who had coughed up a large amount of black bile.

      “Give him this,” Tim said, holding up the famous cape and cowl of the Caped Crusader. “Tell him to save Gotham.”

      With that, the Dark Knight rose to his feet. He wiped away the blood and the bile from his mouth and observed his surroundings.

      “Darkseid…” Bruce whispered.

      “Is gone Bruce,” Superman told his friend. “You did it. You’re back!”

      “No…he’s trying to reincarnate into the doctor…Doctor Hurt,” he panted.

      “Makes sense,” Washu frowned. “Seems like he is behind every other thing that has crossed our paths.”

      Bruce eyed the pink haired girl. “Why are you here?”

      “Don’t you want to know who I am?” Washu raised an eyebrow.

      “I know who you are Professor Hakubi. When I merged with the archivist, I briefly saw everything that has happened and will happen. What I don’t know is how you came to be here.”

      “We don’t have time for explanations Bruce!” Tim interjected. “The Joker is loose and Gotham had been put on quarantine! Something is driving all of the citizens crazy!”

      “It’s Pyg’s viral narcotic,” Washu scowled. “They’ve made their move. What do you say Batman? Need a lift back to stately Wayne Manor?” The young woman motioned to a door she created using her subspace computer.

      “Hhh,” Bruce narrowed his eyes and donned his cape and cowl. “Fill me in on the way. Tim, help take control of the city. The night’s not over yet.”

      The Dark Knight and the Genius Scientist stepped through the doorway into the fireplace of Wayne Manor where they found Doctor Hurt lying on the floor.

      “Turn around Doctor!” Washu announced theatrically.

      Batman stepped out triumphantly and took his place over the imposter Thomas Wayne. “…it’s All Over!”

      Doctor Hurt’s worst fear had come true: Bruce Wayne had returned and had come for him.

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