Vote for WisperG’s DOA5 costume!

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    For the past month Team Ninja (of Ninja Gaiden, Dead or Alive, and, uh… Metroid: Other M fame) held a costume contest for DOA5 Ultimate. As a big fighting game fan, player of DOA, and a bit of an artist myself I knew I had to enter!

    There will only be a handful of “winners”, who will receive DOA swag bundles that include stuff like posters, artbooks, and… boobie mousepads. However, despite the small number of winners, there is the potential that all 30 or so characters in the game will receive at least one new in-game costume based on the fan-submitted designs. That’s right, they’ll be immortalizing some of the better entries (even ones that didn’t necessarily “win” the contest) as actual in-game DLC costumes!

    My entry for the white-haired assasin-babe Christie can be viewed here.

    Voting starts on April 30th. I’ll be sure to make a reminder post before it starts.

    TN hasn’t revealed all of the details of how they’ll be doing the voting, although it seems likely that it’ll be through the official DOA Facebook page, if not through the official DOA5U website.

    Voters will get 3 votes, and can only vote for 1 costume per character. Some characters got upwards of 25 or 30+ entries, while others only got 2. Christie is right in the middle with 11 entries, including mine. It’ll be interesting to see how voting goes, since the number of entries varies wildly from character-to-character.

    The other entries can be viewed by following the links found here. Be warned, while some entries are more conservative, others are little more than NSFW slut-suits. You might not want to view some of them if you have people looking over your shoulder. Oh, and FYI, the site that compiled all of the entries is French. You can have your browser translate the pages if you want, but there’s little need to since the links send you directly to the the page for each character’s contest entries.

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