Was OVA Yosho Legitimate?

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    Like the two previous topics I have had about Yosho’s past, this particular question arose from weaving together sequels. In this case, I am looking specifically at the first OVA series and Hasegawa’s Hexagram of Love. Before proceeding further into this post, please read the novel. It sheds significant light on the issue at hand. Also, it is just a damn good read. Tenchismile

    The seed of this question is found in OVA series 1 episode 5, where Katsuhito is revealed to be Yosho in the first encounter with Kagato. After Kagato leaves, Ayeka demands answers from her sibling, which he gives. The first and most important for this discussion is the following.

    http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/evilpii/Forum/conflict_zps1v5lsqty.png" />

    Katsuhito tells her that a conflict would occur if he had stayed on Jurai. However, why would this be? Yosho is clearly older than Ayeka or Sasami, so he should have been first-born. Continuing in the conversation, there is an interesting discrepency in the subtitles between the Pioneer 1999 DVD release and the Funimation 2012 blu-ray release.

    http://i.imgur.com/r1yoTWi.jpg" />

    The conversation is nearly identical, but the Pioneer subtitles capture the English dialogue. So, from where did the Funimation subtitles about the first wife come? I immediately paused the video and contacted the translation team, Crazed and Nil, who checked Hasegawa’s third novel, Change is Life. This novel is a retread of OVA series 1 episodes 4-6, including this discussion between Ayeka and Katsuhito. Crazed and Nil corroborated that the subtitles agreed with Hasegawa’s novel. That is, this is the actual Japanese dialogue for the scene as Hasegawa wrote it.

    Thus, according to Hasegawa, Azusa made the law that the first wife would be of Jurai, and the second would be of another planet. Moreover, Hexagram of Love addresses Misaki as “the Empress of Jurai” without any modifier.


    “Misaki. Everyone else, come. Get ready for the banquet,” Signaling the Empress and their attendants with a wave, the Jurian Emperor went up the stairs of the main temple in a hurry. — Azusa, Hexagram of Love, p. 58

    Notably, this contradicts Kajishima’s works, where Misaki is addressed as the “second queen” in favor of Funaho. Moreover, Hexagram had input from Hayashi and Kajishima and predates Kajishima’s works by at least a month. As such, I will be disregarding Kajishima’s works for this discussion, including OVA series 2-3 and GXP.

    So, if Misaki is the first wife by Azusa’s law and addressed as “the Empress” by everyone in Hexagram, where does this leave Funaho? Katsuhito does name her in the Japanese dialogue of OVA series 1 episode 5, as well as Change is Life, so she clearly exists in Hasegawa’s scripts. Is she a queen alongside Misaki? If so, why is she not present when Azusa and Misaki visit Earth in Hexagram?

    Consider the evidence. Yosho is Ayeka’s half-brother, both sired by Emperor Azusa, which is hardly a secret since even Ryoko knows.

    http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/evilpii/Forum/half-brother_zps0pkhiu8i.png" />

    When Ayeka was very young, she was bethrothed to Yosho. She does note that Tenchi might find this rather odd to marry her own sibling in this way.

    http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/evilpii/Forum/marry_brother_zpse3ye6vgs.png" />

    http://i1345.photobucket.com/albums/p661/evilpii/Forum/arranged_zps60lvtvjh.png" />

    Notably, neither the Pioneer nor Funimation subtitles contain the dialogue where Juraian society condones this action. Jennifer Darling’s dialogue has this, but I am not sure if the line exists in the Japanese language track. If someone could corroborate from Change is Life, I would be thankful. blush1

    On the other hand, Kiyone states in Hexagram that many Juraian commoners were not pleased with the actions of the royal family.


    “Please do not worry. I am a commoner. There are various problems with the emperors rule. Jurai has tried to lay the groundwork for good government, but there are some who don’t see it that way.” — Kiyone Makibi, Hexagram of Love, p. 45

    Why would Azusa pair his children in this way? Even Ayeka is aware that others would see the union as unusual or unnatural.

    I theorize that Funaho was originally a consort, rather than a queen, and that Yosho was perhaps conceived or born out of wedlock. This would explain Misaki being addressed as “the Empress” in Hexagram. In this case, Yosho would not be a legitimate heir to the throne. Instead, Ayeka would be next in line. This would explain why a conflict would arise if Yosho stayed.

    If Azusa wanted Yosho to take the throne, he would need to legitimize his son in some way. As with most royal families, here are a couple options.

  • He could change the law so that he could marry Funaho in addition to Misaki. Again, Azusa made the law or, perhaps more correctly, changed the law.

  • He could marry Yosho to a legitimate heir, namely Ayeka. Again, she was bethrothed to Yosho very early in her life.

    In doing both of these, Azusa may well have outraged the Juraian populace, spurring or adding to the unrest Kiyone references in Hexagram. Moreover, this could have caused the prejudice and hate Yosho felt on Jurai as referenced in OVA series 1 episode 5.

    Admittedly, the more I watch OVA series 1, the most I sympathize with Ayeka. She simply had her heart set on marrying the man she had been groomed to love. sadface1

    Rogue Thoughts

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