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  • Almael
    Never seen Gargoyles, but I darkly remember something like that existed.

    Muppet Babies and the Thunderbirds iloveit1

    Brave Star


    Ukinojo92 wrote:

    Even people in Latin America like Tenchi

    You have no idea. KOR’s been there since the 80’s.

    Despite all the denials Saudi Arabia has a strong anime following.

    Fukuie Keibuho no Aisatsu

    Type: live action

    Genre: crime, police, detective

    Year: 2014-Jan-14 to 2014-Mar-25


    It’s based on a novel of the same name by Ohkura Takahiro.


    Assistant Inspector Fukuie solves murder cases despite her supervisor’s, Inspector Ishimatsu, misgivings. As all the glory are shared, he tolerates her eccentricity.

    There are some strange secrets about Fukuie’s transfer from 4th division (? crime) to 1st division (murders) which pique the interest of the top brass.

    Hence, a conspiracy from within the force is watching her.


    Imagine a female Inspector Columbo, who’s unorganized and is working independently, hence, generally gets excluded by her colleagues.

    The show starts off with heavy guns: Sorimachi Takashi (Onizuka from GTO1978) committing two perfect murders.

    Actually, this keeps mounting. It’s a show full of veteran actors playing murderers.

    The cases are rather typical yet somehow they kind of come across as disturbing.

    There’s a historic lesson at the beginning of each episode.
    Although, they are general knowledge each one is actually a riddle of murder. The solution is within each episode. ;)
    All in all the appeal of the show is on the actors and the investigations. Everything else isn’t too outstanding enough.

    Verdict: 7.7

    Cast: 8

    Cast performance: 8

    Script/Directing: 7

    Ouroboros" />

    Type: revenge live action drama

    Genre: crime, detective, conspiracy

    Year: 2015-Jan-16 to 2015-Mar-20


    The show is based on the manga of the same name by Kanzaki Yuuya.


    Ikuo and Tatsuya grew up in an orphanage when their favorite teacher, Yuiko, was murdered. The incident was covered up by the police and they swore to take revenge.

    20 years later (15 in the manga), Ikuo is a detective while Tatsuya is a Yakuza lieutenant. As they come closer to truth they are dragged into a power struggle of national proportion or so it seems…but the real truth is more shocking.


    The show’s hue leans toward darkness with a high body count. The show has everything: tragedies, twists, secrets darker than black, real evil, intrigues, conspiracies, betrayal, and distractive/feisty actresses…

    And there are a lot of good fights and stunts. Ikuta Toma (Ikuo) & Oguri Shun (Tatsuya) are quite covincing with Toma doing the best & difficult stunts. They went to Korea for training (all non-Karate moves).

    Yes, it’s the two main male actors from Hanakimi. They are not the only reason the show’s successful. And yes, you fan girls will see them naked, front and back.

    There are also some good, funny, and heart breaking scenes and moments through out the show.

    Ikuta Toma has the more complicated role. His usual appearance is that of a socializing detective but his face darkens at times. And he smells like a dog. 😆 Despite that when being alone with Tatsuya he shows the doubtful even wavering side. He’s good at it but with him the contrast appears extreme and perhaps irritating.

    Oguri Shun (Tatsuya) on the other side is the perfect smart and handsome yakuza type. He’s dark but has a hidden heart. This role fits him. Not everything is what they appear to be. The show has a fast pace seemingly ending half way but then takes on a new darker path.

    Watching the show through to the middle with it’s growing scope, complexity and secrets all the characters become suspect. The suspicions really last until the last episode when everything is revealed. Sometimes the suspense is unnecessarily forced by the script, though.

    Like many police shows, the show criticizes the japanese police force but goes further on the organization’s internal conflicts, misconducts and dark sides. But sadly this is just the peak of an iceberg that’s not too far from reality. Like in some other nations if a government employee marries a foreigner they get socially excluded, transferred to the country side, with no hope for a carreer. Social services are practically limited, too.

    The main villains in the show are the powers that be controlling Public Safety. Public Safety is the notorious (police) special (secret) services department organization in Japan e.g. Section 9 from GITS etc. Officially, Japan doesn’t have secret services but they do. ;)

    All in all the show doesn’t go beyond the police sphere of influence, though. There certainly must be other backers, yet they are left out. They are imaginatively seen only once early on.

    The end is rather typical with other conspiracy stories involving “abandoned” children e.g. “Zankyou no Terror”. It’s a dubious “good” ending since both dragons return “home” and live happily ever after with their beloved Yuiko, eating her omlet rice.

    Trivia: For some reason only the women wear the S1S (Search 1 Select/Souichi) badge.

    Verdict: 9.2

    Cast: 9

    Cast performance: 9

    Script/Directing: 9.5

    Welcome, Julayla!

    This is the best place to be when it comes down about Tenchi.

    Soratobu Kouhoushitsu/Public Affairs Office in the Sky" />" />

    Night and day contrast?

    Type: relationship, slice of life

    Genre: military, romance

    Year: 2013-Apr-14 to 2013-Jun-23


    2009, Sorai Daisuke/Sora-pyon, an elite pilot from the 305 TFS, 7th Air Wing, Hyakuri AB, has been selected to fly with the Blue Impulse, Japan’s premier aerobatic unit like the Thunderbirds, Blue Angels, Red Arrows etc.. However, an accident made him ineligible to ever fly again. It’s 2010, he’s been transfered to the PR department of the Defense Ministry.

    Three years ago, Inaba Rika/Ina-pyon/Usagi/Inaba no Shirousagi, as a young news reporter made a mistake and got her company Teito TV(=Imperial Capital TV) sued. She’s been transferred to the Information (variety) department doing odd coverages when she’s sent to do some coverage about people in uniform. It’s still a difficult time for her but it’s the first step toward her goal of returning as a news reporter.

    However, their most important PR production turns into a disaster. Daisuke and Rika part in a bad manner.

    February 2011, 6 months after the PR disaster. They still fear to face each other. March, the Great East Japan Earthquake. They do their work not while uncertain about each other’s situation.

    April 2013: the Blue Impulse return home, Matsushima AB, Fukushima. Everyone’s gone with the wind. Will it be their last meeting?


    Obviously, this show was made to improve public relations of the JSDF. It’s not exactly propaganda but rather to improve public understanding. It’s mostly about the lives of the men and women in the military services as well as giving a view on TV media. Although, it is in part Japanese specific, most parts apply to elsewhere in the world. Until the past decade most Japanese were not interested or have a strong dislike toward JSDF due to the war. Many want to keep the peaceful life but it’s definitely over this year. This show is one of many medias made in light of renewed nationalism of the recent decade.

    If you want to live a peaceful ignorant life skip this show.

    A lot of effort has been put into creating this show. The show itself only shows a glimpse of that behind the scene at best. You will understand when watching. Imho a glimpse of the men and women behind it is given in the retirement farewell ceremony in episode 10. Note the civilian contractors in the back.

    The (romance) stories’ background are intentionally simple but work out as complicated as ever.

    Aragaki Yui plays the beautiful, ignorant, direct, zealous (annoying japanese) yet shy and not-honest-with-about-her-feelings reporter. Her outbreaks are shocking.

    She starts out as the more ignorant japanese citizen, making lots of annoying comments. She has misconceptions like addressing the AirForce. Officially, Japan doesn’t have an AirForce, as in for war, but they do. It’s called Japanese Air Self Defence Force (JASDF). ;) But this stuff is rather general (school) knowledge in Japan. She’s extremely annoying to her japanese countrymen. 😆

    Sorai Daisuke, plays the broken, apathic guy who lost everything and who gets dragged back to reality by her. As the show progresses both develope an understanding for each other’s side (public/media vs. military) and improve in their own job.

    The show does go into some Japanese specific issues like the 1995 (Kobe) earthquake when the JSDF could not yet be deployed for the disaster by law.

    Or that the JSDF could not clear homes in 2013 unless for rescue operations because of private property issues etc… There are some other general and specific explainations for other military related issues. And lots of typical (military) aviation related details for the laymen. Yet, nothing out of the ordinary, though. (except some random shots that perhaps should have been censored…)

    All in all the show is well made with many good and known actors but there’s government interest and censorship.

    There’s not a single word about the Fukushima reactors not even the name itself in the show. Or the rescue operation for JAL. Perfect censorship here.

    Although, it’s mainly about the JASDF not everything is shown either e.g. AWACS, F-2. The show also doesn’t show any weapons or ordnances except ceremonial rifles. It’s definitely a show for those interested but don’t know a thing.

    As mentioned before it does not make explicite propaganda like some other media. For example the word country is used only two times with some importance: “for country or love” :D , “the beauty of the country”. The show is quite ordinary with some funny and peculiar things.

    Watch with caution and keep these in mind.


    Want to know more about the earthquake & Fukushima? Look for the documentations from Fukushima Central TV (FCT), the prefecture’s premier channel.

    Verdict: 8.3

    Cast: 9

    Cast performance: 9

    Script/Directing: 7

    Yeah, well, all the “job” transformations in season one (original & new) is certainly copied from Cutey Honey.
    Since, there’s a new korean show I’m interested in is airing now I will switch over. I just want to concentrate on it. *is totally bewitched, enamored**melts away*






    now the original


    Miss Pilot" />

    Type: slice of life

    Genre: Inspirational

    Year: 2013-Oct-15 to 2013-Dec-24


    Tezuka Haru, has been job hunting but nothing seems to work. Out of a fluke she tries the exam to become a pilot and passes. But without putting much thought and running on enthusiasm only she is met with one disheartening obstacle after another…


    This show is (funny) good but it takes a bit of patience & tolerance to overcome first episodes. The reason is the strange setup of introductions. The first episode is all about Haru. The other characters get their real introduction with episode two.

    Horikita Maki (from Hanazakari no Kimitachi e) plays the mindless or ignorant yet lively Haru. You could say she’s kind of an airhead but she got a lot of vigor and a strong sense of duty/justice. Everyone is easily taken by her. In this show Maki gets to show all her skillz again. :D

    All the other actors are good, too, but they are restricted to their very specific type of character. It’s an odd group of people that covers every possible person there is. It’s feels strange at first but it turns out well later on. Needless to say, all actors are proficiant in english which is a extremely rare in Japan. Maki is no exception (as seen in Hanakimi) but she’s the rough diamant here =with the greatest potential.

    The show is specific on japanese pilot training which differs slightly from other nations & airlines. This refers to the maintenance part training. Imho it’s a good thing. The show doesn’t explain the technical language of aviation being used in the cockpit.

    It’s not tragic since they are of no consequence for watching the show. If you are interested in aviation it’s not a problem even though some terms are very technical e.g. N1=turbine rpm. If you are interested in pilot training this show is it even though a documentary is of course a better source.

    Verdict: 8.2

    Cast 8.5

    Cast performance 9

    Script/Directing: 7

    Maki interview

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