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  • Almael
    You are too much of an Ikki-tousen fan so you are seeing it everywhere. woooo1 😆 :P

    Officially, no! Yes, it’s similar. But there are differences.

    -Ikki-tousen has a mixed cast, Majisuka Gakuen is all girls => idols!!!! Note, IDOLS!

    -Ikki-tousen has fan-service, Majisuka Gakuen has none, none at all even thought it’s all idols.

    -Ikki-tousen is a typical fighting story where the heroes train/power, have masters, Majisuka Gakuen has only the fighting part and more scheming

    -Ikki-tousen has superpowers/effects, Majisuka Gakuen is TV “real”

    -Ikki-tousen has harems, Majisuka Gakuen has none unless you count itself.

    In fact many shows these days have some manga/anime elements. For example, Hana-Kimi, Hana Yori Dango’s rival, has 5! listed TV shows that are officially not Live Action even though the story is virtually the same with dismissible differences:

    Hanazakarino Kimitachihe (Chin.)

    Hanazakari no Kimitachi e (Jap.)

    Hanazakari no Kimitachi e 2011 (Jap.)

    To the Beautiful You (SKorea)

    Secretly Loving You (Taiwan)

    Anyway, I will finish the synopsis for Majisuka Gakuen 1. I dunno if I should do the synopsis for Majisuka Gakuen 2, too, before moving to other shows. Unless you are bored of Majisuka Gakuen.

    I have a dozen lined up. And for some I really want to do more since they are really good. I will do half at least.

    How can Quicksilver be faster than Flash? unless Flash’s body gives out.

    Daisy….well, it has a bad chinese, japanese etc. name equivalent so I doubt it would be used even in their own language.

    Majisuka Gakuen 1 Episode 7" />

    Black" />



    Sado remembers her fight with Yuko and how she got her name from her.

    With Shibuya’s defeat Sado can no longer prevent the inevitable war. Black makes her move.

    Daruma and Atsuko are ambushed at night. From the shadows Black cites her poem of death for Atsuko. It’s a message for the upcoming battle. With her inhuman speed Daruma and Atsuko are unable to get hold of Black. Daruma notes it’s a bad situation. Atsuko says it doesn’t matter to her. Daruma counters it matters to the others. Atsuko replies Daruma should take care of it then. Daruma is happy to be called by her name and takes on the assignment.

    At the hospital Yuko invites Atsuko to go out playing with her. Yuko drags her to the arcade and to a shrine while having fun.

    Meanwhile, Sado has been missing Yuko. She visits the hospital only to find Yuko gone missing. She happens to overhear the nurses talk about Yuko’s secret and is deeply shocked.

    Upon hearing that Atsuko doesn’t want friends and hates fighting Yuko tells her “hurting each other isn’t fighting” and “there are times when you discover something precious”.

    Meanwhile Sado has been frantically looking for Yuko and has fallen into despair.

    Sado remembers their fights together and how she admires Yuko’s cheerfulness and strenght.

    Upon returning Yuko gets slapped by Sado. Yuko is surprised, yet still cheerful but freezes when seeing Sado’s troubled face. Sado apologizes and leaves without another word.

    On her way home, Atsuko is met by Choukoku who informs her of Daruma’s plan to fight Black. Worried, Atsuko rushes to the battlefield.

    Meanwhile, Daruma has lured Black out and lighted up the area to remove the shadows Black could use to her advantage. Black beats her up anyway when Gakuran and the Kabuki Sisters arrive to assist her. Daruma tells the surprised Black that it tastes better when eating together with friends. Black points out that she would get to eat less which shocks Daruma. 😆

    From a bridge Atsuko witness them being beaten up by Black. It’s a hopeless fight.

    Daruma, mobilizing all her might, happens to grab and yank off Black’s precious rosary. She freezes temporary, gets headbutted and tackled down by Daruma’s massive body. Black falls unconscious.

    The girls are happy and are sharing Daruma’s victory chicken wings.

    Atsuko realizes the fight has bound them together.

    Majisuka Gakuen 1 Episode 6" />

    Shibuya ," />

    myterious girl



    Yuko tells Sado to do as she pleases. Yuko says she can’t wait for the graduation in a month’s time but would love to see the view from the roof again with Sado again. Yuko tells Sado that she’s taking on Atsuko herself.

    Shibuya, upset, threatens Atsuko. Daruma confronts ber but recognizes her as her former mistress. Fear overcomes her. Shibuya and Atsuko are cluesless, though.

    Daruma was once defeated by Shibuya with a headbutt and became her slave.

    Shibuya leaves, now even more upset. Nezumi suggests to Shibuya to deal with Atsuko in her secret hideout hidden fom everyone’s view. Whether she wins or not Atsuko won’t talk about it anyway. The secret will be kept from Sado. Shibuya orders Dance to bring Atsuko before her.

    Meanwhile, Daruma tries to escape (for training) but could not do it in the end.

    Daruma tells Atsuko that she had trained the headbutt attack in order to reclaim her loss. She tells Atsuko that she’s going to face Shibuya and she wishes her to witness her fight.

    While at work Yuko tells Atsuko to change her sad life and get friends.

    Atsuko is worried and hurries to Shibuya’s hideout where Daruma is already defeated. Shibuya doesn’t let them go and keeps bullying Daruma. Atsuko gets serious. She takes on Daruma’s style which looks a lot better, too. Shibuya rushes forward and is headbutted which throws her back and renders her unconcious.

    Daruma thanks Atsuko and offers her a victory chicken wing. Atsuko doesn’t accept it and tells Daruma that it’s her win.

    The next day Atsuko meets a mysterious girl. ;)

    Majisuka Gakuen 1 Episode 5" />" />

    Choukoku; Minegishi Minami" />



    Choukoku has showed up and beating up everybody worth fighting. She was once defeated by Yuko and has sworn to beat 100 people in order to defeat Yuko.

    She’s the only member of the “100 poems by 100 poets” club. Everybody she beats she gives them a poem card.

    There are seven cards left and but only six top Rappappa members available. Nezumi suggests to her to take on Atsuko.

    At the hospital Atsuko breaks up two patients in dispute by force which surprises Yuko and piques her interest. While looking after Atsuko Yuko is overcome by sudden nausea, impared vision and keels over. Sado appears at a bad time but Yuko pretends its her periode and teases her. Sado reports the Sanshou Sisters’ incident to which Yuko orders her to keep the Heavenly Queens in check. Sado doesn’t believe she can keep them under control. Yuko tells her that they will lose.

    Meanwhile, Nezumi dances happily having found an opportunity she could use for her goal.

    Atsuko is now closer and more talkative with Daruma who has her scooter stolen the other night. At the school gate, Daruma and Atsuko are told by the new (self proclaimed) student council president Minegishi Minami they got only 10 seconds left before the gate closes. Inside the school someone has been putting up posters saying Atsuko is a murderer. Daruma is upset and removes them.

    Choukoku meets Atsuko and asks if she’s the rumored great fighter. Atsuko replies she’s mistaken. Choukoku suddenly slashes out at Atsuko who doesn’t make a move. Choukoku notes that Atsuko’s the real deal but cannot fight her as she’s not motivated. Nezumi suggests to attack Atsuko’s weakness to force her to fight.

    Choukoku meets Atsuko again and is surprised Nezumi’s peculiar intel was correct. Another intense fight ensures.

    Choukoku is strong but is beaten anyway. It’s the second time she ever lost. Atsuko comments whether one wins or not it’s stupid. Choukoku laughs and tells Atsuko to watch out for there are many bad people who are after her.

    Meanwhile, Nezumi acquires information from the Yabakune and makes a deal to bring down Rappappa wherein she actually doesn’t “pay” anything.

    Sado has been keeping Rappappa in line and had relied Yuko’s wish that the Rappappa members shall not mettle with Atsuko. However, Shibuya is very upset about Rappappa’s reputation being put in doubt due to their inaction. Sado slaps her. Yuko makes a surprise return to Rappappa. She actually left the hospital without permission. Sado is suspicious but thrusts her.

    Majisuka Gakuen 1 Episode 4" />

    Sanshou Sisters" />[/Sanshou Sisters; Principal Yuriko" />" />

    Atsuko’s mother Sachiko; Atsuko’s past happy days


    Once again Atsuko remembers the death of her friend Takahashi Minami before leaving for breakfast. It’s a breakfast made by her father which looks suspect. Her mother Sachiko arrives home and tells her to skip school as it’s a rare occassion for everybody to be together.

    Meanwhile Shibuya asks the Sanshou Sisters (Goth girls) to secretly deal with Atsuko behind the scene.

    Atsuka was meant to be in Yabakune but ended up in her mother’s rival school. She tells her she won’t accept her becoming a Rappappa member. Back then Yuriko, her rival, was in love with Atsuko’s father but lost to Sachiko in a match: driving bikes and seeing who gets closes to a poo hole… tenchiahhhhhh

    After reminiscing her rivalry she tells Atsuko to aim for the top. Atsuko, having enough, leaves for school.

    At school, the Sanshou Sisters ambush Atsuka. Daruma comes running to save her. Myao throws a dart at Daruma who dodges it. The dart goes on toward the principal who catches it easily and orders them to go to class.

    The principal comments that Atsuko resembles her father which she takes with a wry smile. Further she says Atsuko could have been her daughter…

    At the hospital Yuko invites Atsuko to a game which she declines due to work.

    Atsuko overhears Yuko saying randomly “if you don’t like it then lose.”

    Atsuko gives in to the Sanshou Sisters hoping the fights would end if she loses. They beat her and present their victory picture to Sado.

    Shibuya puts a good word for them. Sado is amused and mutters that Atsuko won by losing. Shibuya’s smile disappears, later commenting that Sado is unhappy.

    Daruma asks Atsuko about her loss but she just smiles. Daruma can’t accept it. Daruma nags Atsuko about friendship. Atsuko, annoyed, punches out but purposely misses. She tells Daruma to leave her alone.

    On her way home the Sanshou Sisters ambush Atsuke again for vengeance. They chain her to a carussel and beat her up good. Daruma arrives claiming to do anything for friendship. The Sanshou Sisters beat her up and make fun about friendship. Atsuko gets upset and acts but is handicapped by their elaborate trap.

    Daruma shields Atsuko allowing her to hit the Sanshou Sisters. This reveals the Sanshou Sisters’ dissent as everyone is for themselves.

    Nezumi observes the Sanshou Sisters’s loss and laughs. Atsuko accepts Daruma’s victory chicken wing, having warming up to her.

    Majisuka Gakuen 1 Episode 3" />" />

    Gakuran; Nezumi


    Daruma and Atsuko happen to walk into Yabakune territory and get intercepted.

    The Yabakune students want to challenge Yuko and harass them.

    Atsuko tries to ignore them and before a fight breaks out they are rescued by Gakuran.

    At school the girls (Team Hormone) mentions the reason for the conflict among the two schools. Supposedly, the first bosses stole each others lovers, hence, starting the long war between the schools.

    Gakuran stalks Atsuko and “saves” her numerous times. The girls think one needs too many lives to be around Atsuko. They are suggesting that Gakuran might has fallen for Atsuko.

    Daruma and Atsuko run into the Yabakune students again who have reinforced themselves. While this is happening they are being observed by Sado but a policeman chases them all away.

    The next day Atsuko isn’t showing up and the girls joke about Gakuran having kidnapped her, eloped with her and doing yuri stuff with her.

    Daruma frantically looks for her. Atsuko is actually on the roof when Gakuran approaches her. The girls are observing this and are excited about the possibility of a confessing of love. Daruma arrives in time when Gakuran confesses her love for Daruma to Atsuko. 😆

    Gakuran challenges Atsuko to a fight between guys over Daruma. Atsuko is amused and tries to leave without fighting. However, Gakuran is skillful in provoking her and a fight ensures. It’s a fight of speed, Gakuran’s domain. The fight gets rough. Gakuran immobilizes Atsuko against the fence. Atsuko is forced to use a secret move. Gakuran is rendered harmless by a single hit.

    As everybody leaves the camera shows Nezumi observing them from behind cover.

    Daruma and Atsuko run into the Yabakune again. Gakuran shows up having changed her “mind” and addresses Atsuko by her first name. Atsuko leaves a bit distressed leaving Gakuran to the Yabakune. But Sado shows up insisting on having “fun” for once in a while despite Gakuran’s protesting it’s her fight.

    It’s a quick fight. Gakuran mutters that Sado is never serious.

    Majisuka Gakuen 1 Episode 2" />

    Kabuki Sisters" />



    The day after the incident, the school girls are scared and in disbelief. Daruma runs up to Atsuko, calling her Atsune [Atsune + Onee ~ big sis] and pledges her filth. Atsuko rejects it. Daruma drops to the ground begging her which prompts Atsuko to tell her to stop. Daruma interprets it as Atsuko agreeing to her becoming her underling. Atsuko gives up and turns to read on her book on nursing.[key]

    After school the Kabuki Sisters beat up some Yabakune students (a rival school). Atsuko and Daruma happens to walk by. The Kabuki Sisters challenge Atsuko while disposing Daruma in an instant. Atsuko ignores them and tries to walk away but her bag gets flung away. Tomomi tears up her book on nursing but Atsuko still ignores them and walks away again with her stuff. Daruma fights them and ends up in the school nurse’s care who’s an enemy of women.

    Daruma swears to protect Atsuko from the Kabuki Sisters.

    Meanwhile Rappappa is devided on how to deal with Atsuko.

    Daruma stalks Atsuko to her part-time job at the Akatsuki General Hospital. This is also where Yuko has been hospitalized and plays a card games with the male patients. Daruma realizes the importance of Atsuko’s book and secretly fixes it the next day.

    On her way back, Atsuko finds Daruma beaten up again by the Kabuki Sisters who were waiting for her. It’s revealed the Kabuki Sisters had told Daruma they were going to challenge Atsuko and that Daruma had tried to foil their plans but failed. Atsuko is upset about their attitude and another fight ensures.

    Tomomi uses her secret move with effect but is beaten anyway which yet again surprises everyone.

    Daruma frantically apologizes for her failings and Atsuko simply gives her a good look.

    Kabuki Sisters are depressed having lost their confidence. At home Atsuko finds her book fixed and smiles.

    Maeda Atsuko

    alias: Atsune

    type: damsel

    power: 100 [138]

    affiliation: none

    note: the monster, withdrawn, depressed, apathic, always proper, avoids trouble/violence


    alias: Onizuka Daruma

    rank: underling

    type: brawler

    power: 4

    affiliation: none

    note: head butt style


    Oshima Yuko

    rank: The Boss

    type: demon

    power: [133]

    affiliation: Rappappa

    note: outgoing, friendly, caring,

    Shinoda Mariko

    alias: Sado [sado=sadist]

    rank: Vice Boss

    type: lady

    power: [1xx]

    affiliation: Rappappa

    note: stylish

    Itano Tomomi

    alias: Shibuya [same]

    rank: Shitennou (Heavenly Queen)

    type: gal


    affiliation: Rappappa

    note: short temper

    Yuki Kashiwagi

    alias: Black [Black Yukirin etc.]

    rank: Shitennou (Heavenly Queen)

    type: ?

    power: ?

    affiliation: Rappappa

    note: super fast, shadow warrior

    Matsui Rena

    alias: Gekikara [super spicy][ROCK-necklace]

    rank: Shitennou (Heavenly Queen)

    type: evil

    power: 90

    affiliation: Rappappa

    note: insane, unbeatable

    Kojima Haruna

    alias: Torigoya [hen house]

    rank: Shitennou (Heavenly Queen)

    type: ESP

    power: ?

    affiliation: Rappappa

    note: hypnotic

    Team Hormone

    Sashihara Rino

    alias: Wota [idol otaku=wotaku]

    rank: leader

    power: 35

    affiliation: Team Hormone

    Nitou Moeno

    alias: Bungee [bungee jumper]

    power: 30

    Takajou Aki


    power: 36

    Komori Mika

    alias: Mukuchi [“does not speak much”]

    power: 25

    Kitahara Rie

    alias: Unagi [Unagi Ino animal]

    power: 37

    Kabuki Sisters

    Kasai Tomomi

    alias: Taikabuki

    power: 80

    affiliation: Kabuki Sisters

    note: aneki

    Kuramochi Asuka

    alias: Kokabuki

    power: 68

    affiliation: Kabuki Sisters

    note: tall

    Sanshou Sisters

    Oota Aika

    alias: Rabutan

    Miyazaki Miho

    alias: Myao

    Oku Manami

    alias: Manamana


    Akimoto Sayaka

    alias: Choukoku [skulpture]

    Miyazawa Sae

    alias: Gakuran

    note: “anthing goes”

    Minegishi Minami

    alias: Shaku [screen time]

    Watanabe Mayu

    alias: Nezumi [mouse]

    Mysterious Girl


    power: 99

    I thought this would happen. I actually wanted to have a reference post on the characters but it would have spoiled everything. I guess it will have to be posted after all. See reference post after this.

    I’m not quite happy with the Live action TV series of Cutie Honey, thought. It’s just so much like the old sentei shows.

    I like Nat-chan’s stage performance best. iloveit1

    Now, for some further re-listing of some more old stuff with ratings:

    Yoshitsune *****, historic drama, if you want to know some japanese and Lord of the Rings background…

    Shogun *****, drama

    Aoi – The Betrayed Samurai **** Aoi Tsukinosuke = Samurayin intikami , drama

    Lone Wolf and Cub *****, movies

    Returner ****, movie

    Cat’s Eye ***, movie

    Parasite Eve ***, movie

    Zatoichi (original) *****, movie

    Zatoichi (new) ***, movie

    Azumi/Azumi 2 ***, movie

    Kill ***, movie, depends

    Battle Royale ****, movie

    Battle Royale 2 **, movie

    Kill ***, movie (depends on which short story)

    Kaidan ***, movie

    Yotsuya Kaidan ****, movie

    Warau Iemon *****, romance movie

    Aegis **, action movie

    I’m a Cyborg But Thats OK ****, movie

    My Girlfriend is an Agent ***, movie

    Oldboy ***, movie

    Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter… and Spring **, movie

    The Host ***, movie

    Arahan ***, movie

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