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  • chucklocker
    Who else thinks that Kiyone should have had her hair up more often?!

    evilpii wrote:

    mitsuki lover wrote:

    But I think the one where Aeka finally gets to go on a date with Tenchi was drool worthy for all Aeka fans as

    we got to see our fave Tenchi gal in a swimsuit!!!! 😆

    I like the part where the date is interrupted by thieves. Yes, she mad. />:)” title=”>:)” class=”bbcode_smiley” /><e></p>
<p></e><br />
Yeah I really liked this one as well.</p>
<p>*EDIT* Someone actually made an excellent “motion comic” of this on Youtube <url url=here

    Great selections everybody! I’m glad that so many people have enjoyed the manga and bring so many different favorite things to the conversation. Heres a new dirction for all of you to consider: Would you like to see the manga stories animated? If so, which ones do you think would work the best?

    I’ll start. I would definately enjoy seeing certain stories from the manga animated. I think the story that was mentioned before with the ‘Unamed Tree” and it’s guardian who loved Ryoko would make an excellent special or TV movie, as it really puts Ryoko in an emotional crisis and delves deep into her character in a way that isnt seen very often.

    I just know that there are more people here who have read the manga but havent posted yet, so dont be shy, we want to hear from you too.


    Dagon123 wrote:

    if enough people come forward and want to and can talk enough (more then just 1 or 2 sentence answers) I’d have no problem doing it ^_^

    Challenge accepted!

    Have you guys given any thought to doing a podcast on the Okuda Manga? I was just discussing them elsewhere on the forum and I thought it would be a great topic for the podcast. I loved the Okuda Manga and I’m sure that others here did to, so wouldnt it be cool to talk about our favorite stories and new characters? If this happens I’d love to be a part of it. Thanks again for the hard work guys, I’ve enjoyed all of the podcasts so far and I look forward to the next one.

    Nobuyuki wrote:

    The series will premiere on April 4.

    Awesome! Even a relatively uneducated anime fan such as myself knows how awesome Lupin III is! Where is it premiering exactly?


    mitsuki lover wrote:

    Yep,may she ‘Live Long and Prosper.’

    Speaking of which….

    Happy Birthday Leonard Nimoy!!!" />

    The ultimate sci-fi icon is 81 years old today!

    Ok, now that my eyesight is safe (for now) I can elaborate a bit more.

    Like I said, you’ve definately got the Masaki house and it’s many characters down well. I was definately entertained by the Ryoko and Ayeka shennanigans, and Washu chasing Kiyone was fun. I think that for a novel length piece the plot is progressing at a relatively nice pace, youve got the setting in place along with the characters, and I am noticing some hints as to future conflict sprinkled throughout such as Tenchi noticing a difference in Kiyone’s eyes. Plot developement is good, as I said, I can see the length reaching a good length if it follows the current pacing. As I said earlier, clarity is sometimes an issue as I have to guess at what you meant to say, but only at certain times and not throughout the whole thing. I am interested in how you plan on unleashing “evil” Kiyone, as I can see several good ways in my mind.

    All in all, I am impressed with what you have written so far, especially since it was written so long ago. I really want to see how your style has grown since then, and as I said before I would be happy to be a proof reader if you cant find anyone. If you want I could proof read what you have written so far and you can see if you like the way I do it. Can’t wait for the next update!

    Hey Kiyoka I’ve read your two posted chapters and I enjoyed them!

    I agree with pii in that the grammar threw me off the most. I totally get that grammar isnt your strong point, it wasnt mine either until I became a history student and we had it drilled into our skulls. If you are looking for a proof-reader I would gladly offer my services. Now to the review:

    I think that you captured the dynamic of the Masaki houshold very well, especially the Ryoko and Ayeka bits. Clarity is an issue at some points, but I understand that you have grown a lot as a writer since you wrote this and I’m sure this isnt a problem anymore. Well thats the short version, must post now or loose an eye. Longer one will follow if you so desire, or threaten my other eye.


    Akawoa wrote:

    when you’re this guy…not gonna lie, I’m a bit jelly" />

    Damn, why does this guy have to live in PA?! I wanted this…

    Anyway, you know you’re a Tenchi fan when you spend 30 mins in your local FYE’s anime section trying to find all of their Tenchi dvds, AND putting them in chronological order in case somebody wants to buy them later.

    wow that’s really a great find Who! Unfortunately I will now have that song in my head for the rest of the weekend. Thanks alot 😡 ! Just kidding, but I now must go watch that movie or it really will bug me all weekend.
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