Hi! I’m Sparkle (: I’m 16 years old, live in rainy Scotland and female. Last time I checked anyways. Huge Harry Potter fan, and Nintendo nerd
Absolutely love Lady Gaga! Favourite anime? Apart from Tenchi (obviously!) It’s a toughie, can’t pick between Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (: I’m pretty tall, 5’8, and I just finished my exams (: Oh yeah and I have this thing where I write in pink or that pinky/violet colour on any forum I go on. It’s just a habit from the first forum I ever joined when I was like 12 haha! It’s kinda how I get known I guess.
Oh yeah, and I have a weird obsession for American Shows like Biggest Loser USA and the Ellen Degeneres show. I’m addicted to both and refuse to watch the Brittish alternatives haha!