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  • WisperG

    mitsuki lover wrote:

    IIRC weren’t The Dirty Pair spun off of Crusher Joe ?

    Technically, yes. Both series are from the same author and are set in the same universe.


    Almael wrote:

    Nope. It happens to be in the same place but it’s fanservice footage. So it’s not important as the other one. But you just admitted things are always cut compared to the original. 🙄

    I’m actually really curious what you’re talking about now. This missing thing is in the same place as the sponsor screen? Are we talking about sponsor screen illustrations? Those images that pop up for 10 or so seconds set to music between the end of the OP and the start of the episode?

    If not, I’ll need you to be more specific. Maybe provide an example?

    But if so, those are rarely part of the actual “episode footage”, nor is their removal a dub-specific thing. It’s common practice for any release outside of Japan (and sometimes even on Japanese DVDs). These screens exist solely as commercials to plug the sponsors during the original TV broadcast in Japan. Sometimes they try to make them interesting with an illustration or a short animation, but more often than not it’s just a screen cap or clip from the episode or an existing piece of promotional art. Coincidentally, ANN did an article on these just a few weeks ago.

    The logos generally have to be removed from foreign releases for legal reasons (or forcibly snipped entirely if no sponsor-less master is provided and the companies involved are stingy), often leaving the blank 10 second screen, but since these no longer serve any purpose outside of the original broadcast, they are usually removed.

    The illustrations, if there was one, are sometimes included as bonus features on DVDs though, or if animated or on the rare occasions they bleed into the episodes themselves and the foreign company doesn’t have access to the master footage without them (School Rumble was like this, I think), they’re usually just left intact. The foreign companies know what they’re doing (most of the time). If it’s important they’ll ideally leave it alone. If it’s not (and they’re usually not), then they get taken out. There’s really nothing of significance lost there, which is why generally no one cares.


    Almael wrote:

    You think people/fans would notice? Try the popular Sakura Wars, north american release of course; as good as every episode got cut. I don’t see people noticing here.

    Or try another popular and recent like No Game No Life at least 10 seconds are cut from every episode here. In this case these aren’t as important as above.

    I do think they would notice, actually. Again, fans heavily scrutinize these releases. With how widespread both fansubs and simulcasts are these days and how easy it is to import, and how common it is to find comparisons between English and Japanese disc quality, it would be really easy to verify if our DVDs were edited. Even if it wasn’t widespread knowledge, SOMEBODY on some internet forum somewhere would’ve noticed if a few seconds of footage were missing from tons of anime and that info would be out there. Surely you aren’t the only person on the internet to know this, yet scouring the internet turned up absolutely nothing. Without evidence, this is one of the silliest anime conspiracy theories ive ever heard.

    There is literally no point to cutting a few seconds of footage from any given anime anyway. For what purpose would they do that, beyond intentionally trying to piss off fans? It doesn’t even make sense.

    I am, of course, assuming we’re not talking about something insignificant like the 10ish seconds of sponsor screens, which are almost always removed from foreign releases.


    Almael wrote:

    They cut off anime footage. Cutting credits would be a copyright problem. You wouldn’t know if you’ve never watched the originals.

    What dubs have you been watching? Unless it’s a heavily-edited show aimed at kids or it’s airing on TV and has to have cuts for time, we rarely get censored anime these days. While script alterations to match lip flaps are debatable, dubbed anime is almost always released on DVD as uncut as possible, certainly footage-wise regardless of the script, since 99% of the time they also include the original Japanese audio on the same disc using the same video source. The American companies get the same masters from the Japanese broadcast for the simulcasts (or the cleaned-up DVD footage that Japan often does), and then they just swap out the audio. That’s all you have to do to dub something. There’s no reason for them to do anything more.

    Fans scrutinize these releases so much (and plenty watch fansubs recorded off Japanese TV), there’s no way something like that was happening under their noses without anybody noticing. Anime fans are so picky about these things, they would be in a collective uproar if that was the norm.

    Unless your not referring to English dubs, in which case my mistake for blowing that out of proportion.


    Almael wrote:

    Well, I’ve seen a lot of dubs that are cut compared to the original; often for no apparent reason other than maybe saving time for the additional english credits. It has become the more important reason than the conflict between dub and sub of the past. There is still the difference of some better fan translation than official ones, though, too.

    I can’t quite tell what you’re referring to here. Cutting some of the Japanese credits in favor of more English ones?


    Almael wrote:

    Isn’t that yet another rework of the old movie no.??

    Yes, they’re continuing the remakes with the storyline from the 2nd season/movie, and it’s no surprise after the huge success of 2199.

    Why don’t you just go ahead and stream it so you can finally get caught up, then buy the disc later when you can find it for a good price? You probably should’ve done that to start with instead of skipping straight to the second season, which is a rather odd place to start a show.

    The first season (and the whole series for that matter) is freely available on RT’s own YouTube channel, as well as being offered legally through a number of other sites and services.

    Birthday Ninja Happy, not necessarily in that order Tenchismile

    mitsuki lover wrote:

    Meaning some time before April?

    Maybe? That’s a safe bet, but there’s no way to know until they actually announce a date. I’m just guessing here.

    RWBY Volume 4 – Episode 3

    About a week late on getting my thoughts written out blush1

    We finally get both Blake and Yang this episode, with no Weiss or RNJR in sight. It seems like everybody but the Ice Queen is suffering from a little PTSD, aren’t they?

    I know the robot arm thing was a popular theory, bit I did not think Yang would get access to one so soon, if at all. I also did not see her unwillingness to try it coming either, though that probably has more to do with me thinking she would get it much later after she’d worked some things out, rather than right at the start of the season before making any significant strides towards improving her mental state.

    Sun is here finally, and he actually uses his semblance for something. I’m glad she has a traveling companion to keep her company. I’ve always liked him. He’s a great source of comic relief, and his out-of-nowhere sexy poses were hilarious. Sun clearly has this idealized version of Blake in his head though, which could turn into an issue later.

    We finally get an aquatic Grimm too, and it’s a Chinese dragon of all things. Which is awesome, but not quite what I was expecting after Qrow’s mention of “fish stories” in one of the World of Remnants. Also, the bulk of this fight was clearly inspired by the Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children movie. That wing slice from Blake? Sun helping launch her up there in mid-air with his semblance? Straight out of one of AC’s fight scenes. I dig the new song too, but need to hear it without all the sound effects.

    I also liked how Blake and Sun didn’t have to literally do everything when fighting this Grimm. The boat captain and his crew were quite resourceful, and likely having sailed the oceans outside the kingdoms many times, were certainly ready to combat some Grimm (this line almost turned into a Penny joke, but I restrained myself). It shows that some of the people of Remnant, especially those that venture between the kingdoms regularly, aren’t completely helpless without a huntsman around.

    The one thing that continues to bother me is how… lackluster the fight scenes have been. This is definitely the biggest hit the show took after Monty’s passing. They’re full of spectacle and flashy scenes, but everything just feels so weightless and floaty. They fly all over the place like Superman. Where are the physics? The heft to their movements? The momentum of their strikes? This is something Monty excelled at, but the rest of the animation team just don’t know how to do this well. Ruby herself is especially egregious. While it does make sense that she would have learned to utilize her semblance much better than before, her over-reliance on it kinda feels more like an excuse for the animators to simply have her zip around as a red ball instead of a much more ambitious utilization of her weapon’s movements and bullet momentum to fight, as she did in the past.

    Having said that, while Volume 3’s fights were all over the place, most of them were pretty good, and they got better overall as the season progressed. I’m hoping that’ll be the case here, or that this is a side-effect of having just migrated to new animation software, and future season’s will see improvement. Fortunately, the writing and the rest of the animation make up for a lot of this. The quality of the show has basically flip-flopped completely since V1. The main selling point then was easily Monty’s amazing fights, certainly not the subpar writing, voice acting, and wonky non-combat animation. It’s basically done a 180 since them, with everything BUT the fights being worth watching the show for.

    These last two paragraphs may have sounded rather negative, but I want to make it clear I don’t think the fights are bad, per se. They’re okay, and still well above average for what you would usually expect from an indie web series, but it’s just that the bar was set so high by Monty right out of the gate, it’s hard not to feel disappointed. Hopefully we hit the level of V3’s best non-Monty fights sooner rather than later.

    Also, funny picture I found (unrelated to the current episode).
    https://img.ifcdn.com/images/64acb64612653941e65e6f12e2803c3f23ed10de9b40a38bffb2eb3c8d759f23_1.jpg" />

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