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  • Almael

    mitsuki lover wrote:

    (but they failed to mentioned

    Hayasabari Megumi’s songwriting skills).

    Those kind of talented people you only get once a decade.

    Well, I’m not so into the newer ones, although, I have glanced at some. Mostly those significant ones.

    It appears the Kryptonians have a sun god Ra or [Ræul]?

    Now, Kara got demoted and replaced by Siobhan. This could give us some amusing cat fights.

    Cat: “Oh, the burden of Power!”

    The story plot pattern are similar but not as complex. It’s a simple one way story that is more comedic and entertaining.

    Edit: Btw. the two episodes were written by the same guy, Darin Morgan. According to wikipedia’s rating data collections both have the highest rating of the season.

    Well, a little outline to quench your thirst of curiosity. Whether it is true or not, you are free to believe or hypotized. :P
    One night, a pair of humans locked in a tight and wild embrace stumbled over a nocturnal forest dweller, in the ensuing chaos the dweller got away with a hickey with teeth marks. When the sun came up he transformed into a hairless human! Overcome by human impulses, too disturbing to describe, he found his way into the human community. At the end of the day while looking for food he got ridiculed, criticized, and harassed by a woman in public. He took his kill anyway. Following his compulsive human urges and needs his mind became corrupted by p0rn, fear of material loss, and fear of social descend. Crazed he ran toward a prostitute who promptly rejected him. She told Mulder and Scully he was too horny (for her taste) which peaked Scully’s interest. Scully was more interested in the stuff he had down there and asked whether it was like that of a horse. Obsessed, Mulder searched all over the place and cornered him in the toilet. Mulder realizing the absurdity of the situation let him go. Dazed, he returned to his room only to be scarred to death by a peeping Tom. When Scully showed up he lost control. Arriving late, Mulder chased after him with blood shot eyes. A fight to the death ensued until he stood tall over the fallen Mulder. He confessed he had amazing hot sex with Scully who had succumbed to his thing… Mulder told him a medical operation could change one’s gender. He jumped on the idea hopping to get rid of his curse. Depressed, Mulder drown himself with a bottle suggested by a witch master and fell asleep among the dead… Scully went by herself again. She ended up in an intense embrace which turned to a wild ride. Coming late again, Mulder cought her on top of the killer. Before the killer could tell Mulder the details Scully cut him off and sent him away. Mulder stormed off and went after him…

    I think it’s a bit more like less caring rather than just being cheap. As far as real cost goes it’s only a difference of paying license for a design. But those from the Reeves movies are long past copyright’s 20 years. *shrugs*

    mitsuki lover wrote:

    And what happened to all the non-Kryptonians in Non and Astra’s little army? Are they all locked up at the DEO now?

    The DEO is actually the prison ship that crashed. It’s said most escaped so only those caught are at the DEO. I presume the majority are under Kryptonian rule. They just didn’t get screen time yet. :P

    I don’t think we will ever see supes in a regular episode unless it’s some special. I bet he’s blond in his human disguise.

    Don’t see a problem with necromancing in our small community.

    Btw. Hana’s is kind of tight.

    😆 Nice.

    Looking back this thread reflects well the insight that only few MG shows are truly eternal popular.


    Ukinojo92 wrote:

    Saw a little bit of the Love Live dub and can say that their voices are passable. Not terrible, just a little getting used to hearing English.

    As far as american english goes there isn’t really a problem with dubs if you’ve never listen to the original. Once you get used to (the minds of) the original there’s generally a feeling of missing out the subtle expression typical for asian languages. Although rare there are times or parts when some dubs are better. I usually listen to the originals with the exception of Hindi. Hindi is probably the only language I’m certain I could never learn. Evolving multi-mixed languages are a pain.

    Well, since season 2 there’s some change in how the stories are written which made me kind of lost interest. I did follow up to season 4 but afterwards it’s sketchy. So I dunno about their child but since kept repeating all the time… I guess it’s true. So much for believing lies. 😆

    As to the new season, episode 1 was like a collection of all their stereotypical conversations and other lore for hard core fans. Also it’s combining all the layman’s conspiracy theories but missing out the Illuminati! Heh. Hardly a true X-file episode so I was kind of turned off. Episode 3 is like a parody/comedy and quite entertaining. You gotta see this one or seriously regret it. [hidden]Werehuman!" />[/hidden] It seems this has influenced more or less how later episodes are scripted. In a way there’s more humor, sarcasm, self criticism, in other words midlife crisis!

    Something different: Grandma idol! from Super Sonico" />

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