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  • Almael
    Nope, AFAIK but there are weirder things around.

    Sounds good.

    Is that a Zombie is more likely to show a Magic Girl civil war. But I kind of doubt anyone else would do such a show. That is if we discount Sailor Moon vs Galaxia.

    After a bit of thinking on 司仕委

    仕委 appears to be more toward serving (as in providing service) than steward (as in a retainer), so my proposal is “attendant” or “butler” even.

    From the Seikai project I have this as an example for future reference

    侍従長 Grand Chamberlain

    Not to forget the classic White Album series:

    White Album



    White album MIX


    White Album 2

    intro: Todokanai Koi


    Kyoukai no Kanata

    Yakusoku no kizun


    Well, not quite sure this is authentic, though. It could be just fandom. Wasn’t the title “I’m SM Queen” on the CD that started it all?
    Hanzawa Naoki" />

    friends for life" />

    who’s watching who?" />

    the evil army of the government

    [hidden]WARNING! may not be suitable for viewing
    Inspector Kurosaki


    Type: Business drama

    Genre: thriller, suspense

    Year: 2013


    This show is based on a series of novels of the same name by Ikeido Jun. There are 4 novels. This show covers the first two. The show’s last episode has the highest episode rating in over a decade. And it has started intense debate in Japan. It’s eagerly awaited to receive a continuation.


    Due to a past event, Hanzawa Naoki joined the Sangyo Chuo Bank in 1992 which merged with the Tokyo Daiichi Bank in 2002. Now, he’s the head of the Loans Division of the Osaka Nishi branch of the Tokyo Chuo Bank. One day the Branch manager, Asano, forces him to award an unsecured loan of 500 million yen to Nishi Osaka Steel.

    As a result, the loan is lost when Nishi Osaka Steel went bankrupt. Asano makes Hanzawa the scapegoat. Naoki is forced to recover the loss or be shipped out. However, the Nishi Osaka Steel owner has disappeared. Naoki starts a rigorous manhunt by himself. To make matters worse, the Regional Taxation Bureau shows up for an unspecified inspection. Naoki has to recover the loss before the Tax agents confiscate the money.

    Having survived the crisis Naoki has become the Deputy Manager of Operations Department 2 at headquarters. When the bank is about to face the scrutiny of the Financial Services Agency, Naoki is assigned to deal with the troubled Iseshima Hotel, as it would endanger the bank.

    What was supposed to be a simple matter turns out to be an internal intrigue of the highest level while putting the bank (and Hotel) on the brink of imminent death. Naoki is willing to do anything to save both including doing a dogeza if forced to but he will pay it back double.


    I will ignore the real internal workings of a bank or accounting and point to other obvious problems. The depiction of bank business and accounting is very basic anyway, and just serve to feed the story. It would be unfair to fiction to kill it off right then and there.

    For more information on Japan’s mega bank system you want to watch the show “Karei-naru Ichizoku”. Or watch geopolitical, economic documentaries. I recommend the ones done by France. Imho they are the best there is. It’s just data and scholar opinion, though. However, without deeper understanding than the best history text books around the world can offer, you will never understand the true political motives.

    The show, actually, has a lot of short comings. It’s simple and one-sided imho. The enemies usually has it all planned, and just sits around waiting for the time to make his next planned move. The enemies hardly do anything in addition to what’s already plan. And the rivaling government’s army of agents are just slower or one step behind the hero. In real life, industrial espionage is not to be underestimated. With such big enemies you would expect at least internal cell phone & computer log records and tracking; not to mention detectives.

    No such thing can be found in the show. I dunno whether they are in the novel or not or if they where cut due to time constraints of the show. My guess is they aren’t there to begin with.

    Even if the enemy does interfere Naoki magically cast it away or has it done somehow. For example when he was given tons of statistical work that would take all the time to do. Yet, he still goes off to take care of his main problem and we never see the given work being done or resolved.

    Naoki works together with a reporter to get information and public “support.” However, the media in Japan is close to the government and industry and has appropriate censorship in place. Just look at the media coverage history of the nuclear industry. Until Fukoshima, there has virtually been no kind critiques. That aside there’s a law in Japan forbidding publicizing false facts. Therefore, making a scoop without revealing facts or having their confirmation is impossible. For the same reason Japan has really good documentaries. Btw. in light of Fukushima, in 2014, another major censorship law was passed in Japan further restricting publications. But for these reasons Japanese documentaries are highly reliable. Comparatively, Discovery channel is up to date and great on new things but has too many misinformation or sensational/manipulative information.

    Aside from the first newspaper publication we never get to see the other 2nd publication. Perhaps this was in the novel, though.

    Most of the suspension come from the timely pressure Naoki is under, which are, frankly, solved faster than any spy show or movie. In a mega city like Tokyo or Osaka, despite the great subway or bus network you can’t make a round trip anywhere in less than 1.5 or 2 hours. It’s all ridiculously unrealistic. Well, lets ignore the rest of technical scrutiny.

    One good thing in the show is the friendship between Naoki and his close peers. Here, Kondo Naosuke is depicted as the weak opposite of Naoki. It’s too bad Tomari Shinobu is never shown doing anything but providing support.

    But worse of all, Naoki’s wife, Hanzawa Hana, appears to be a poor shadow of her novel counterpart. Ueto Aya’s acting talents are wasted on her. In the novel she’s supposed to be a lot more crafty and “evil” (perhaps no good for Japanese TV). Here she’s just the “uninformed” goody goody homely wife…nearly serving as decoration only. This degradation is really sad but at least the results of her coincidental or not spy activities weren’t cut. She’s at least the ideal Japanese wife who supports her husband.

    The show does depict the wife and family of Asano in more detail but all the other villain wives are all evil or at least one is impartial.

    The evil government and it’s representative Kurosaki (=death…) are just stereotypes who serve to put more pressure on Naoki. Kurosaki is quite some weird guy with amazing calculative skillz and scary way of dealing reprimands for his men, literally. Here, governmental employees are untouchable, waiting for a reason to bring down the hammer of judgement. Frankly, in Japan, they are being kicked around the same in real life, too

    Even though, antisocial forces (Yakuza) are mentioned once, they never get to play any part. It’s unimaginable they aren’t involved in some of the small businesses or with Higashida Mitsuru.

    There are a few shocking revelations. Well, they are kind of predictable so they are rather confirmations than surprises. Evil is everywhere it’s a wonder no major tragedies happened.

    Disappointingly, the later half of the show (2nd novel) got resolved too quickly in the end. Overall, the show is an extremely enjoyable thriller if you ignore its short comings.

    Verdict: 8.3

    Cast: 8

    Cast performance: 8

    Script/Directing: 9

    JOKER Yurusarezaru Sosakan" />

    talk to the hand" />

    photocopy his head" />

    victory in defeat



    Type: police drama

    Genre: mystery, conspiracy, crime

    Year: 2010


    Date Kazuyoshi is a detective of the Kanagawa prefectural police force. He’s a embarrassing, shameful detective who’s not respected by his juniors. Yet, he solves cases with or without the higher ups consent. Miyagi Asuka, newbie detective, is forced to partner with Date. It’s a harsh time of trial. Rumor has it criminals who got away with their crime were mysteriously disappearing. Katagiri Saeko, a reporter, frequents the police for the scoop.

    As the story progresses Date comes under suspicion. Asuka gets torn between loyalty and mistrust, good and evil. Is Date a murderer, especially did he murder her brother?


    [The original review kind of went lost quite some time ago. This is my tentative rewrite which is lacking in detail.]

    This show is about mystery, heinous crimes where criminals cannot be judged or punished by law, e.g. the infamous criminal law code 39.

    Part of the police force are unhappy about the situation. This is the basis for the background story.

    Sakai Masato as Date Kazuyoshi plays the gentle, gullible detective with a dark past and secret. During the day, he is a funny guy who often gets into embarrassing situations. He gets no respect whatsoever but his ability is recognized or rather he’s tolerated. At night he’s the iron disciplined, yet, “displeased”, unfailing/unswerving vigilante. By circumstance he is met with his admirer who may or may not turn to evil…

    Anne as Miyagi Asuka plays the rookie, country bump female detective. Whenever Date goes on his selfish research she has to take care of all the paper work. Needless to say Date’s embarrassing “behavior” drives her mad.

    Ryo as Katagiri Saeko plays the reporter. She’s wasted in the show. She just serves to initiate events or introduce new information. Her death is just so evil, pointless.

    The mystery story parts are good. They show the true evil and the thin line between good and evil our (dark) heroes have to tread. There are also examples of alternative possibilities.

    The renegade police vigilante story is too dark in this show. Even though, the “master” doesn’t kill the criminals he killed their own. Not only once but twice and willing for more. This is just too simple, shocking, and unbalanced an evil. Well, it appears the show set a new bar here.

    Verdict: 8

    Cast: 8

    Cast performance: 8

    Script/Directing: 8


    Ukinojo92 wrote:

    you mean those Japanese Hinamatsuri dolls


    Well, I asked myself why Kara wasn’t hacked but Cat. Not like I wasn’t interested in her…secrets. It’s also interesting (expected) that Kara’s aunt might get betrayed/replaced by her subordinate.
    You might want to check

    Kekkai Sensen = Blood Blockade Battlefront

    The title reminded me of X so I wasn’t quite sure. Well, it’s looks like a mix of X, Hyper Police, and kind of Get Backers. Story wise it leans toward Get Backers and maybe Bebop. The first 15 min. kind of reminds of World Destruction. Imho all the above are better in their own respect. Actually, I got a bit annoyed by the feeling of dejavu which may have caused some negative impression on my part. It’s modernized so it should appeal to lots of people. The BG art is detailed and with dreamy lighting.

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