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  • Almael
    Last chance! Only a few days left until baka-tsuki cleans out external team links according to the new policy.

    Geez, how could anyone missed the Flintstones!

    Galaxy Rangers

    Brainiac mouse


    “Pinky, are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

    “Yes, Brain, but isn’t that dangerous?”

    Senryokugai Sousakan" />Chinami all over a romance novel" />Galaxy Police…" />Police elevator bites!

    Type: live action

    Genre: crime detective comedy

    Year: 2014-Jan-11 to 2014-Mar-15


    The show is based on a series of novels “Senryokugai Sosakan Hime Deka Umizuki Chinami” by Kei Nitadori.


    Umiduki Chinami is a national elite who is assigned to an investigation team. It’s an undesired situation and Kyosuke Shitara is tasked to keep her away from actually investigations.


    This show is very entertaining and funny yet does not leave out the seriousness of the cases. The cases are typical detective cases. However, the show pride itself on out of the box thinking. Some episodes include independent puzzles. The first episode has two good ones but the later where pretty easy. I could solve them in seconds. The number of puzzles gets less toward the end.

    Emi Takei (Chinami Umiduki) again plays the investigating heroine (Weather Girl; Subete ga F ni Naru). This time it’s her first women role and the role is a bit of a mixed character type wise (combining previous roles). As detective she’s the funny, social character but at home she appears to be the nerdy unsocial type. The contrast is a bit strange.

    Chinami is a national elite, AFAIK this is asian specific thing. In past this used to be very common in asian countries, though. In short, she passed a national exam which makes her the best of the best. Hence, she’s a person meant to be in a national leading position. In asia there’s only one higher exam one could take in the past and become the absolute #1 of a country, but it’s not necessary meant to be a ruling government position. More like Master of Masters rank. Getting a rank similar to 20th century western fantasy stories like Saruman/Gandalf the White from LoTR.

    As such an elite, there is fear of Chinami’s possible failure will become the team’s responsibility. It’s about the shame of having ruined the future of a national elite. A very troublesome situation for a japanese person. The show subtly criticizes verious japanese social specific problems.

    Takahiro (Kyosuke Shitara) plays the rookie member of the team. Yet, he’s more experience than Chinami, but otherwise he’s also socially slow. As the lowest ranking member he’s part of the plot to take the fall in case Chinami makes a mistake. In case you are wondering, yes, he’s from EXILE. The #1 boy group in Japan, the equivalent of “Take That” but way more successful and longer living.

    Verdict: 8.3

    Cast 8

    Cast performance 9

    Script/Directing: 8

    Well, MG4 is for promoting the new girls. So its cast is no surprise. But they are the best there is…

    As far as fights go Sakura is really good even though she knows close to nothing about martial arts. Paruru/Salt, Yui/Otabe etc. are veterans so their parts got dumb down no surprise there.

    Obviously, the staff realized that AKB48 and their sister groups will fall out of favor as soon as the original members (1-3. gen, 6th. Yurina/Center, Yui/Otabe) graduate. Hence, they have made the plans for MG4 to MG7. Even though hulu got a few million more subscribers because of MG4 I doubt that would change anything. The new girls (12th+ gen.) are just different. They have a different view and aim. They joined because they want to be part of AKB48 and not because of ambitions as the originals.

    I haven’t followed them but by a glance I don’t see many top material. Yamamoto Sayaka(Antonio) and a few others are good but just not many. Sayaka is as old as Yurina & Yui so she will leave soon, too. Yui will be the new general manager she’s likely stay or another 5 years at most. After that I bet the whole group will go down.

    I dunno about other idol groups but it seems the Hello Project! is the only real rival.

    Patlabor – the Next Generation had some of them. Although, the first impression was quite impressive I doubt it’s representative.

    BabyMetal is way too much of a niche group and not really idol-like. Only a few could do it. And the ones that are on it are already the best there is.

    Mai Kuraki’s 15th Anniversary show…”The Most Popular Asian Influential Japanese Singer” she’s hardly an idol anymore." />

    Majisuka Gakuen 4

    TYPE: school drama

    GENRE: shojo idol

    YEAR: 2015-Jan-19 to 2015-March-23


    Sakura, a new transfer student at Majisuka Gakuen tries to take over the top.


    The show is very much trimmed down to the most basics with a minimum of story and background story. Both could be told in a few sentences.

    Only the top four characters get somewhat fleshed out character stories and display of character. Others have varying degrees of events. Unlike previous installments the random idols do get face time and dialogues.

    The first half is monotone and full of cliches. The second half has more character highlights but they are not enough and too few to make up the shortcomings. The fights are better executed by these newcomers compared to MG1.

    Overall it’s a disappointment.

    Verdict: 5.7

    cast: 6

    cast performance: 7

    script/directing: 4

    Final Episode 10[/url][/size]" />

    Gutukou, the new enemy" />

    flying kick" />

    Salt’s Force powers :D" />" />" />

    Majisuka Gakuen 4


    It’s a month later. Things start to return to normalcy. The 3rd year graduation ceremony is tomorrow. Team Hinabe dreams of becoming the new Rappappa. However, they are five people so one got to go? 😆 Salt has disappeared which worries the Heavenly Queens. They fear she left for good.

    Students from Yabakune suddenly appear and raid MajiJo. They will be the next leaders next season. They say bad things about Sakura and look down on the “weak” Rappappa. Of course this doesn’t sit well with the MajiJo girls. Before a fight starts Sakura appears. Gutukou pretends to turn away but slashes out. Sakura easily stops her as well as her own counter punch short. She tells them to come at her anytime. The Yabakune leave.

    Suddenly, Salt returns and immediatly tests Sakura with a powerful punch. She says she wants to settle things. Sakura agrees.

    Meanwhile, Antonio and Kobii are reconciling and having a nice moment.

    The next day Salt and Sakura meet for their fight at the gym. It’s an intense fight with Sakura giving it her all but Salt easily evades (with Aikido). Salt just waits and punches at the right time when Sakura’s moves reveal an opening. Salt is just better. She starts to stop her punches visibly to show Sakura her short comings. Soon enough Sakura adjusts and starts to connect her punches. She manages to time her moves to counter Salt’s which makes her smile.

    Outside, Nezumi and Minami are observing the fight. [Minami’s emblem is a skull…]

    Sakura is down a a half dozen times but wouldn’t give up. While Sakura’s on the ground Salt gives her a last punch beside her head. A tear falls down…(sadness because she’s monster)

    Remembering her hard road and her way of life, Sakura forces herself up and rushes toward Salt. Salt gives her a powerful punch sending her falling back. Then Salt extends and offers her hand. She tells Sakura she got a long way to go. “Know your weakness and become strong!” And that’s how Rappappa left.

    It’s Sakura’s first loss of her life. Nezumi wonders if Sakura will lose heart. Sakura realizes her wrong way and accepts her shortcomings. She intends to go on and overcome it.

    Episode 9[/url][/size]" />" />

    Your are too weak!


    Salt’s in ER while Sakura waits outside. The Heavenly Queens question her and criticise how she would not know what happened. Kobii listen in on them from the shadows before leaving.

    The whole school of MajiJo is depressed and eerily silent which worries the girls.

    Antonio is outraged and then Kobii’s involvement gets revealed by KY…

    Salt wakes up and tells the Queens about Kobii. She wants to go for her fight but is stopped by them.

    Meanwhile, Minami meets the depressed Sakura outside. Sakura is shocked by the events but it’s part of being the top.

    The Heavenly Queens decide to go to Gekioko for revenge. Hearing about that Team Hinabe decides to join them. Reluctantly the Kamisori-Zombie pair join, too.

    Meanwhile, Sakura visits Salt to find her trying to leave. But she’s too injured to actually stand up. Salt is distressed and depressed to find herself unable to act when she finally realize her responsibility.

    Naturally, Sakura steps in for her and rushes off. Center appears and complains to Salt about being a bad patient. :D

    Meanwhile, Kobii is being summoned by Antonio. Antonio is mad but Kobii has no excuses.

    The Heavenly Queens arrive and easily dispatch the guards. KY stops them and informs them about Kobii just before they get surrounded by the rest of the students.

    But Antonio arrives in time to stop the fight. She goes on her knees and begs them for forgivesness and for the debt they now owe MajiJo. She still offers them to fight.

    Sakura arrives in time and with Otabe’s approval takes on Antonio as MajiJo’s representative. Antonio is on a different level. She easily avoids or counters Sakura while delivering her own punches.

    To top it off she does her double (Teakwondo) kick. [She’s a Korea music fan and is fluent in Korean] Akura is down for the count or so everybody thought.

    Sakura still manages to get up and gets serious! She surprises Antonio with a powerful punch. Sakura mimics Antonio’s moves and the fight gets rough and intense.

    Still, Sakura is no match and ends up on the ground again. Antonio makes a jump for a punch down hit but gets kneed by Sakura. It’s down to an endurance and power contest which Sakura wins barely. Although having lost, Antonio is satisfied and has forgiven Kobii. The Heavenly Queens approve of her victory. The Kamisori-Zombie pair get to carry their beloved boss.

    Next time: The return of the Mouseketeer!

    Episode 8[/url][/size]" />


    [note: lots of subtle & suggestive english scribbles in the background]

    Sakura goes up the stairs where the queens are already waiting. Sakura and Salt agree to fight tomorrow.

    While the girls are having a chat they are spied on by a KY. [her dressing’s of Docchi(=Salt/Paruru) from Team Fondue]

    Antonia fires up her followers for the battle but Kobii is strangely silent and unhappy.

    Meanwhile, Kobii has recruited local female gangs and intercepts Salt on her way to the fight. Kobii courtly introduces herself… but they are no match for Salt which upsets Kobii, Kobii takes it matters in her own hands but can’t do much either. Even after firing up Kobii loses to Salt’s chained combos. Konii falls under a rack of pipes damaging the rack. When she tried to stand up the metal pipes start to fall down. Salt pushes her aside but gets completely buried under the pipes… The gang members witness it and no longer want to follow Kobii and run off.

    While waiting Sakura and the queens hear sirens. Magic’s cards fall and she picks up the death card. Sakura rushes to just see Salt being moved into the ambulance and driven off.

    Next time: It’s war and Jurina shows up!

    Episode 7[/url][/size]" />" />


    While talking with Team Hinabe the Kamisori-Zombie pair are all over in love with Sakura. They get into a little fight over how same year student are above underlings, 😆

    The Queens are aware of Gekioko’s intentions and hope Otabe will put Sakura in her place and end it all. The have strong confident in Otabe as she’s been a real Heavenly Queen from the beginning (before them).

    Otabe tells Sakura to meet her the next day. Sakura replies she can do it now but Otabe tells her off by saying there’s a time and place for everything.

    Otabe tells Salt she’s grateful to Sakura for making her do her job of protecting MajiJo. Salt says she’s not interested in carrying anything while fighting but Otabe tells her she already does.

    At Gekioko, Antonio is puzzled by the Shirogiku-Kurobara pair’s action against Sakura. When Kobii expresses her doubts, too, she gets a suspicious look from Antonio. When news arrive that Otabe and Sakura will fight the next day Antonio tells her underlings to prepare for battle. Everyone is ecstatic except Kobii.

    Team Hinabe and the Kamisori-Zombie pair are having lunch at Asobina. (Why?) They discuss the fight tomorrow. Since the Kamisori-Zombie pair didn’t know they get teased.

    Meanwhile, Sakura is anxious and hits a tree making its leaves fall. The next day, the group offers Sakura a special hinabe meal. It’s a mix of literally everything. Ugh. Sakura hesitates but is urged to eat up. And she does.

    Before Otabe leaves the Queens give her tips on Sakura’s abilities. They tell her they will be waiting for her victory. When asked if they doubt her they tell her they want her to win.

    Bakamono can’t stand waiting and leaves but is stopped by the others. Bakamono tells the others they got to go watch her fight as she’s fighting for them. They leave together.

    Otabe and Sakura are locked in an intense fight. They exchange strong blows but Otabe easily punches through Sakura’s defenses. None intends to give up, Otabe is more experience and pays her back with the moves Sakura defeated each of the other Queens. Lastly she gives Sakura a headbutt.

    When told to go back Sakura remembers her trauma and gets up again.

    Sakura intercepts all of Otabe’s previous moves and beats her up. She pays back every hit. Otabe tries to continue but her body wouldn’t move. When she does Sakura stops her with Salt’s move. Sakura tells her she won’t forget her and leaves.

    Salts arrives to see Otabe still on the ground and mumbling about continuing. Salt tells her it’s fine. Salt tells her she has taken up her seriousness and will take responsibility.

    Outside, the girls have been waiting for Sakura. They get happy when hearing that she won. For the first time Sakura thanked them which surprised everyone. The Kamisori-Zombie pair go off in their own happy Sakura-underling world again.

    Next time: the Secret Strategy! Kobii’s move!

    Already miss him. Imho he’s the most prominent of the group.
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