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  • Almael
    (So many at once.)

    Happy birthday guys.

    • in reply to: Alien Count
    As many as there are different girls. Tenchi needs a taste of every species.
    Episode 6[/url][/size]" />

    Shirogiku and Kurobara" />


    The Kamisori-Zombie pair tells Team Hinabe what happened including their heroic exploit of the situation. They perform a self-admirer-asking & narrating session. 😆 (Note Sakura’s achievements on the board) As to why they do it: They declare themselves to be proud Sakura underlings. Then they hurry to greet Sakura in front of the school.

    They thank her for yesterday and trail off in their own relationship world again…calling the group Team Sakura and how their (standing/posing/walking) formation should be. Sakura tells them there’s no such team and leaves. Although, the realization sets in (they will ignore it anyway).

    Magic apologizes for losing and harming Rappappa’s honor but Salt tells her she doesn’t care about that. Salt’s only interested in facts. Salt leaves for her room while glancing at Otabe… Otabe picks up the cue and makes her move

    At Gekioko the students are in high spirit over the losses of the “weak” Heavenly Queens. They side with Konii’s option of attacking MajiJo and criticize Antonio. Antonio puts them in place. When inquired by Tsurishi Antonio tells her it’s her duty to care about her underlings. She expressively tells Tsurishi she isn’t like a careless Boss.

    At Asobina, Sakura, looking at her injured hand, stops for a moment. Minami wonders how long she can keep up being alone by herself to which Sakura of course replies she will go as far as she wants. However, Minami hints at her she would be stronger if she fights for someone.

    Meanwhile, the Shirogiku-Kurobara pair show up at MajiJo. Kobii has recruited them to get rid of Sakura in order start a proper full scale war with MajiJo (instead of an easy win according to Antonio’s strategy).

    The Kamisori-Zombie pair are thinking on how to make Sakura accept them when Daruma shows up(!) She tells them “you don’t want to become underlings” “you become underlings”. She meant them to force themselves on Sakura (and not getting forced). She tells them to have faith and keep doing it and they will eventually get accepted. Daruma gives them her chicken wings along with some advise about eating making them stronger and leaves. Despite their doubt about Daruma they take courage from her speech. [Note: In her talk Daruma mentions Takeshi’s time will come, the guy Kojiharu was with in episode one.] On their way the Kamisori-Zombie pair are stopped by the Shirogiku-Kurobara pair and a fight ensures…

    On her way back, Sakura stops for a moment having missed the Kamisori-Zombie pair in their formation positions. Then she overhears students talking about the Kamisori-Zombie pair getting beaten.

    Masamune and Katabutsu have been “nicely” asked by the Shirogiku-Kurobara pair to give Sakura their “invitation picture.” Together with Team Hinabe they discuss what to do and how evil the kidnappers are. They decide not to give it to Sakura but Sakura has already arrived and snatched it. They tell her it’s trap and she shouldn’t go but Sakura runs off regardless.

    The Shirogiku-Kurobara pair are having their “fun” when Sakura arrives. She gets clubbed right away but breaks club by second time. Sakura is surprised by their simple reason for having fun and all. She tells them they are not her underlings but she won’t forgive people (around her) getting hurt. The Shirogiku-Kurobara pair start to cite their nickname related signature speech before rushing at Sakura. Sakura barely holds her own against their strong combos. When Sakura appears to win Kurobara uses a pepper spray to blind her. Sakura gets beaten and goes down while being confused. The Kamisori-Zombie pair gives Sakura hints on the Shirogiku-Kurobara pair’s positions. Combined with her senses Sakura beats them. Sakura tells them she had better things to do then dealing with them.

    When they leave Team Hinabe comes running. When asked by the Kamisori-Zombie pair Team Hinabe denies wanting to save them which causes Sakura to grin a bit as it reminds of herself.

    Sure thing!

    I sure need the new media version with hopefully more extras.

    Episode 5[/url][/size]" />" />


    Team Hinabe discusses happily about the recent events while a bunch of students look on from the outside. (waiting in line for their downfall 😆 ) It kinds of make them a bit nervous, though.

    Bakomono trains thinking she lost due to lack of power. Of course none of the others think so. After Salt retreats, Magic criticizes her behavior and gets lectured by an upset Otabe.

    Meanwhile the Kamisori-Zombie pair try to appease Sakura with servitude and offings for lunch. While Sakura walks off Magic makes her announcement to Sakura over the school’s loudspeakers. It’s a little psychological warfare for her magic performance. Some students siding with magic out loud get quickly punished by the Kamisori-Zombie pair.

    Walking down the hallway Sakura meets Salt and both exchange punches. But both stop just inches from each others faces. Then Sakura cycles quickly trough a defense and counter attack (grabbing Salt’s offensive arm while punching). Naturally, Salt’s defensive move is faster and easily stops Sakura’s punch with her other hand. Salt tells her to improve quickly otherwise it won’t do any good. Upon returning to the club Salts meets a worried Otabe, As Salt is rather carefree Otabe’s worries won’t leave.

    While Sakura has lunch at Asobina and has her usual non-progressing talk with Minami the Kamisori-Zombie pair are freezing outside. (It’s winter and they wear summer clothing).

    Upon returning to school Magic stops Sakura by trowing a card (queen of diamonds) which gets stuck into the concrete wall. She lures Sakura into a dark storage room. All prepared for her magic. Magic isn’t bad at first but it doesn’t take long for her to start using her tricks. Sakura gets handcuffed to a shelf. While Magic beats the helpless Sakura up the Kamisori-Zombie pair arrive to save her. They are no match for Magic and go down quickly. Upset and using sheer brute force Sakura breaks lose the handcuff… 😯 Magic admits her loss by crushing her own card.

    The Gekioko students are overjoyed by the news. Antonio prepares to make her move. Meanwhile Kobii also makes her move by recruiting her own soldiers (Shirogiku & Kurobara).

    Minako’s so cute and the Stars. iloveit1
    Episode 4[/url][/size]


    The day after the Kamisori-Zombie pair start to follow Sakura around. Sakura just ignores them. While Team Hinabe discusses things including naming the new group Team Sakura they accidentally eat badly mixed food 😈 Bakamono arrives to their surprise and hands them a letter of challenge for Sakura. Everyone’s shocked.

    Her writing is just like her….she never said where to meet so nobody can figure it out either. Sakura goes off for lunch.

    She’s being stalked by KY who creates a non-descriptive drawing (e.g. kindergarten level) of Sakura for her comrades. Naturally, Antonio dismisses it. Antonio’s strategy leaves her underlings doubting her and Kobii furthers it. (Will she start a rebellion?)

    Meanwhile, Bakamono still awaits for Sakura to come at the shrine while night has fallen. She’s found in the morning sleeping in Sakura’s class. She tells the students to have Sakura meet her in the back of the school.

    It’s a fight of strength with both exchanging blows. After having fallen down, Bakamono powers up and beats Sakura up badly. But when everybody thought she’s gone Sakura rises again. Having adjusted to Bakamono’s power and speed Sakura withstands her punches and beats her.

    Salt suddenly shows up. She’s happy about Sakura’s progress but still impatience. She tells Sakura she’s waiting and that Sakura should to hurry up.

    Team Hinabe and the Kamisori-Zombie pair have become friends and start eating together.

    On her way Sakura notices a picture of her lying on the ground. Before she could pick it up it spontaneously ignites. It’s Magic’s declaration of war.

    Wasn’t Sasami established as the final bride in the future?
    Episode 3[/url][/size]" />


    Team Hinabe notes that the Kamisori-Zombie pair haven’t shown themselves since their loss and wonder about how Sakura will take the top.

    Salt is impatient (while waiting for Sakura to reach her and give her a good fight, saving her from her boredom). She gives Bakamono permission to deal with Sakura which she happily does. Otabe critizes Salt’s move as Yoga has been waiting for her turn. Yoga would do anything for Salt.

    Bakamono runs into Sakura but since she asks for the whereabouts of “Ten Kousei” (=Transfer Studen) (like a person’s name) nobody could help her. 😆

    Meanwhile, Yoga visits the class, but since Sakura isn’t present she beats Team Hinabe to invite Sakura to meet her.

    Otabe tells Salt about Yoga’s move. Otabe suspects Salt’s longing for Sakura and inquires her about her motive to no avail.

    At Gekioko Koko, Antonio is happy about the news. Antonio can’t wait for Sakura to clear to away the obstacles (Queens) for her. Kobii isn’t happy about the strategy as she prefers confrontation.

    Having heard this the Kamisori-Zombie pair arrive first to challenge Yoga. Sakura arrives to find them beaten. The Kamisori-Zombie pair offer their allegiance to Sakura. They propose to take on the Heaven Queens themselves while Sakura takes on Salt. Sakura refuses saying she wants to do it properly by beating them all one by one. Outside Uonome criticizes Sakura about doing it all by herself. But Sakura goes off without listening.

    At Asobina, Minami shows her an allegory about the power of an individual verses many. Sakura simply smashes it…(she believes in her overwhelming power)

    Sakura faces off Yoga. Yoga leads her to the storage room of the gym where nobody could interfere. As Yoga is very flexible and always counters Sakura is unable to touch her at first. Sakura goes down and gets beaten. However, Yoga is actually really weak. Sakura easily takes her punches and recovers. Sakura tells Yoga her fists are “hot” and that Yoga can’t beat her (with emotions). Yoga is cornered and goes down after a few hard punches. On the ground Yoga still tries to hold Sakura but loses consciousness.

    Outside, the Kamisori-Zombie pair have come to help Sakura but she still refuses for some reason. Salt smirks satisfied at the sight.

    The news is making the rounds and friends and foes alike gets excited. Magic, upset, tries to beat Yoga but is stopped by Otabe. Yoga apologizes to Salt. Salt tells her not to worry as nobody expected anything from her. Yoga breaks down. Poor Yoga! Bakamono, still hasn’t found “Ten Kousei”, returns and is told by Salt that the name is Sakura but she still doesn’t get it.

    Well, it’s only the Bugroms are too different from the original. tenchiahhhhhh
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