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  • Almael
    S3 canceled due to pirating is imho a false rumor. A simple Google doesn’t show much activity. If it were it would be around like gundam and such other popular shows.

    I think the show is good but yeah it’s all too common.

    Mitsuki made a good question at KOTS so here the shared reply.

    mitsuki lover wrote:

    So is she doing a Inoue Kikou there? 😆 😆

    ‘The Goddess of 17.’

    Yes and no.

    In the show, she changes via makeup etc to become the idol. So yes. In real life Watanabe Mayu had to become one year older in order to play in Majisuka Gauken 1. Here she had to age by 21 years. It’s the reverse. If you are looking for an older lady idol doing those idol poses, you will be served, too. All of these AKB48 featured shows have some (funny) real world relationships.

    The following is just my opinion on everything. Don’t read it if you are not interested.

    The thing I like about Saba Doll is that it relates to common situations or typical slice of life: idol and normal student’s life and troubles.

    It doesn’t get too deep into the problems, though, but it solves them somehow.

    An idol’s life is hard. In the show Mayu gets for example only 5 hours of sleep in 3 days. That’s one hour longer then me on a live-fire week long ‘field trip’ with pyrotechnics and bad guys running around under extreme weather and environment conditions.

    The idols also start out at a very young age: Watanabe Mayu@12, Oshima Yuko@13, Maeda Atsuko@14. They practically lose their teenager years. In Japan it seems they are exploited more than in western countries. Well, I’m not much of an idol fan and I don’t know enough to make a direct comparison. I just gleamed these from the wiki.

    It’s hard for the family, too. The show does show this with a conflict of interest between Mayu and her sister. Then there’s the problem with certain fans. The show features a creepy (understatement) fanatic stalking fan who infiltrates into her family in order to expose her.

    The show also deals with uncertainty of decisions for the future of an idol/student, their dreams and goals. Saba Doll also shows some interesting rivalry among idols, gender relationship problems, sacrifices, and other little backstage stuff. Well, it ends up with her starting her legendary idol career.

    Idols work hard for a career that only last about at most a decade. After that I guess many disappear from the stage who knows where they all will end up. Atsuko (Acchan) for example made it to Center, became ABK48’s face and Japan’s No.1 idol. Yet, she quit half way, which is amazing in itself, in order to have the romance-ban and other bans lifted. She left AKB48 to pursuit love. But when she confessed she got dumped. Acchan broke down that day (understatement). She practically risked her life and future and ended up in hell. She started drinking and got caught being drunk. Her show got canceled. Officially, it’s not because of the scandal but nobody believes that. Yet, somehow she crawled back from her personal hell in just a few weeks/months (I’m guessing).

    That’s some strength I have to commend. But she thinks of herself as talentless… Idols usually lack skills we acquire in our teens as well as some life experiences. Acchan for example is worse at cooking quick meals than Jamie Oliver that is if she can cook to begin with. Gome Acchan! But there are exceptions like Mayu who even excels in skills outside the skill set of an idol. Then there are the genius idol (whatever that means) like Minegishi Minami.

    The entertainment industry is not something for everyone.

    Edit: In case you don’t know the MG2 ED farewell song I posted two posts earlier is about the idols themselves and their lost youth/life. It’s a sad song.

    For some stress relief – AKB48 Skirt Hirari 😈


    • in reply to: Batman!
    I know a whole bunch of people who would buy it. I wonder if they got some features for the FX.
    Saba Doll [Saba Doru]" />

    Nezumi: “We meet again.” = I’m back!" />

    The shocking truth!!

    TYPE: drama

    GENRE: shojo idol

    YEAR: 2012-Jan-13 to 2012-Apr-7


    38 year old Usa Shijimi is a triste, ugly and unpopular female teacher at a delinquent school but outside the school she’s the super popular 17 year old Watanabe Mayu(yu). Shijimi tries hard to pursuit her dream while running her “normal” life. One day she gets exposed and the fans let lose a storm of anger. Her dream crushed she has to face her fans to apologize…


    This is Watanabe Mayu’s drama show as herself. In this show Mayu gets to show off all her acting skills which is a lot more than in Majisuka Gakuen1&2. She also gets to show her chameleon ability between the two distinct appearances and roles. It’s really surprising how she could look that much different with just simple makeup. I’ve seen better chameleon-like actors/actresses with even less, though. Even though there are a lot of good actors and actresses in the show she’s able to keep her center stage by acting rather than by story. Not that the story doesn’t revolve around her anyway. There are lots of funny or comic relief situations which makes it entertaining.

    In case you are wondering the story is superficial similar to the manga “Obaachan wa Idol” (My grandmother is an idol).

    Verdict: 8.5

    cast: 8

    cast performance: 9.5

    script/directing: 8


    MG1 ED


    Farewell AKB48 (1st, 2nd,3rd generation) Team A, K, B! It was great as long as it lasted.


    I will leave the MG series for now until MG4 is done. I’m not going to cover MG3 since it’s completely different and features the less skilled junior members. It’s not that they are bad but just average. Maybe I will add it after MG4.

    Majisuka Gakuen 2 Episode 12


    The forces gather on the battlefield and it’s clear the YabaJo coalition have more forces than anticipated. The police are gathered outside and await Atsuko to show up.

    A chaotic fight starts. Gekikara, Nezumi, Garuma show up one after another. Outside ,Keiji feels nostalgic and envies the students youth.

    Meawhile, the Oshima sisters offer Atsuko a plane ticked to leave Japan. They tell her to go underground for a while.

    The fight is going bad for MajoJo when the Oshima sisters intervened. They are as strong as Yuko and rally the MajiJo students. They are joined by the former Heavenly Queens.

    Black says she needs to work out some stress. Sado says she hadn’t been too busy lately so she needs to send more people to the hospital. 😈

    Then other ex-Yabakune students join the frey.

    Shibuya starts to miss and envie MajiJo’s strong company.

    The Sutegoro Boss decides to leave as the battle is going to be MajiJo’s victory.

    Atsuko shows up and everyone scurries back to their side. Shibuya tells her she will be taken in by the police. Atsuko says one has to pay for their sins. She says she has found her answer but can’t share it as it’s different for everyone.

    Atsuko offers Shibuya the fight she wanted but Shibuya gives up saying she can’t beat her. Atsuko gives her a MajiJo badge and renews their connection. (Once a MajiJo always a MajiJo…) Shibuya rejoins the Heavenly Queens.

    Atsuko says her goodbies and leaves “the top” in Center and Nezumi’s hands. Nezumi takes of her hood. Atsuko makes her exit and is taken to prison. (We will not see her ever again.)

    Majisuka Gakuen 2 Episode 11" />" />


    While Atsuko leaves for Yabakune, Nezumi calls the police and tells on Atsuko. Shibuya makes a video of her war declaration to be send to Rappappa.

    The Sutegoro discuss the various schools gathering for the showdown and think MajiJo is as good as finish but are unsure about Atsuko. Nezumi tells them Atsuko is done for as the police will take care of her. Nakamata asks Nezumi about her belief. Nezumi replies she doesn’t believe in anything. Nezumi loses yet again and leaves.

    Team Fondue is distressed about their 10:1 odds against the Yabakune coalition forces.

    Nezumi, insecure and all left alone, is visited by Center. Nezumi still in denial and tries to run away from their friendship. Center lets herself beat up by Nezumi. Nezumi is unable to overcome Center’s tenacity. Center tells her she loves her and no matter what doesn’t want to be left alone. Center tells her further that she needs her and takes of Nezumi’s hood off… Nezumi finally loses her composure.

    Meanwhile, Atsuko raids YabaJo and meets Shibuya. Atsuko tells Shibuya there was no need to betray MajiJo as she would have answered a challenge anytime. Atsuko wants the war to end peacefully but Shinuya wouldn’t have it and challenges her.

    Shibuya removes her nails (so she could make harder fists…) while they circle each other. They make their stance and are ready for it when police chief Keiji shows up. Atsuko doesn’t mind continuing but Shibuya lets Atsuko escape so they could eventually fight properly.

    Shibuya denies any knowledge of Atsuko. Chief Keiji tells Shibuya Atsuko crossed the line where the police have to act. She tells her she used to be a yankee, too.

    Meanwhile, Rappappa received the video and the MajiJo students start to come together and enlist for the fight.

    Majisuka Gakuen 2 Episode 10" />

    Dance’s true power


    Nezumi summons her troops, too. The Sutegoro students are still discussing which side to take.

    Black visits Gekikara and they start to discuss high school life. When asked about Black’s child becoming a yankee in the future she said she would put him into MajiJo. Genderbender! 😆

    For the first time Shibuya paints Dance’s nails. Dance tells her not to worry about being left alone. Shibuya immediately hits her as usual but this time Dance catches Shibuya’s fist revealing she’s been allowing to be hit. Shibuya hits her anyway.

    Atsuko eats her last sakura petal but still hasn’t found her answer. While depressed, the Oshima sisters appear before her. Atsuko remembers Yuko asking her to look for the meaning of her life and her strength. Yuka gives her Yuko’s last message that she’s been happy. Yuka tells her she should find her own answer.

    Nezumi is holding her war speech but gets questioned about her betrayal. Center appears to save her and sets things “right” with the insurgent student. Center tells Nezumi no matter how many times she gets betrayed she will stay true friends with her. Nezumi is flushed and leaves quickly. She returns to her hideout which has been cleaned by Team Under. Basically the whole school views her as a traitor now. Center saves her again but Nezumi can’t hold it anymore and tries to run off. Nezumi doesn’t want to be looked down to which Center tells her they will always be equals.

    Nezumi runs away anyway but then notices an unexpected person appearing…

    Shibuya surprises Gegikara by visiting her. Both are on friendly terms. Back at Yabakune the Barefoot Society show her the pledges of various schools they have gathered to help them crushing MajiJo. They question her authority again. Shinuya demonstrates her affiliation by putting on YabaJo’s badge.

    Atsuko tells Otabe that she feels empty as the bottle. Otabe tells her she wouldn’t have to look if it was easy to find. Atsuko puts back on her sailor tie. Atsuko asks Otabe to help her out until the end.

    Majisuka Gakuen 2 Episode 9" />" />" />


    While Center is on her way to save Nezumi, Nezumi (white) is briefing Yabakune students about Center’s strength and how to defeat her.

    But when she’s about to leave they do trap her for real. They don’t like traitors and think Nezumi is a bully which she confirms. Nezumi is a good fighter and probably would have survived if not for the blunt weapons the lot are wielding.

    Center arrives in time, and tries to get Nezumi out while being under attack. She remembers a similar scene where she covered her mother from her father’s abuse. But her mother abandoned and left her behind…

    Nezumi is troubled by Center’s dedication to her but is too hurt to act. Center gets surrounded. Nezumi rises and joins her saying: “As if I would leave you alone.” Center just comments she never seen her fight before.

    Samuburi discovers the fight but decides not to call Team Fondue thinking it wouldn’t do any good anyway. Then she hears sirens and shouts the police are coming.

    The Yabakune students run away. Nezumi shouts after them in anger (wanting some more beating). Center gives her an ‘are you kidding’ look. 😆

    Shibuya returns to find her grunts hurt. They reveal have took care of Nezumi and Center. Shibuya isn’t happy and they start to question her authority and loyalty. Shibuya beats them and tells them she doesn’t care about leading. They all leave except for Dance.

    Somewhere, Keiji investigates another crime scene where Atsuko beat another bunch of thugs half dead. She has a hunch but can’t figure out the reason.

    While going back Center tells Nezumi she will join with Otabe in fighting the Yabakune. Center reveals she knew of Nezumi’s betrayal but still insist of being her best and only friend. Nezumi is moved still trying to rationalize things but Center does not waver.

    Samuburi gives Team Fondue her exaggerated heroic tale. Otabe overhears it all and comes to Center. Otabe at first addresses Nezumi’s betrayal. Center tells her it’s not a betrayal because she knew about it. When confronted Otabe just replies she forgot what she wanted to say and leaves.

    The Barefoot Society have come to the Sutegoro Boss for help. Despite her looks she quite strong. Unbeknown to them Nezumi (black) is already there, eating cup ramen, and plotting her revenge. Nezumi seems to have accepted Centers as her important and only friend. She doesn’t care if MajiJo or YabaJo get destroyed.

    Shibuya is left alone and beats Dance again, but she still stays with her. Shibuya silently stares at her, she’s realize something about her only loyal underling.

    Center remembers her first meeting with Nezumi. Atsuko is on her last sakura petal.

    The Yabakune students are gathering…

    Majisuka Gakuen 2 Episode 8" />

    Minami as officer Keiji" />" />

    Gekikara in Netherworld ; Otabe loses to Atsuka" />" />

    Sutegoro Boss; the devil


    Nezumi manages to calm Shibuya down by saying it serves them if any strong opponents are gone.

    Center questions Nezumi but affirms her “like” for her again. Nezumi (blue) is a bit troubled by it. She attempts to say something but dismisses it.

    Gekikara has fallen into a coma and wakes up finding her way to the old MajiJo where everything is back to what it was. (not really) Yuko greets her. Gekikara is overjoyed telling her she had been looking for her all over the place. But Yuko tells her she has no time to waste in this place. Gekikara insists on staying but Yuko tells her to go back. Yuko tells her she cannot return, though. Gekikara asks if they will see each other again. Yuko replies that everyone will come here eventually.

    After a moment of looking at each other Yuko punches Gekikara sending her back. She wakes up to meet the remaining old and new Big Four.

    Meanwhile Team Hormone and Team Fondue have a friendship meeting…approved by the principal. Uhm… it’s love between kouhais and sempais. Mukuchi’s done being silent…now calling herself Oshaberi…[talkative]

    Shikuya visits the Boss of Sutegoro (Gakuen), Nakamata, to enlist soldiers.

    Center comes up the stairs again and attacks Otabe but she dodges with ease. Otabe tells her she’s like Atsuko as well as her past self. Otabe requests Center’s help for MajiJo. Outside Nezumi is unhappy and jealous. (Nobody would trust her to ask her. Is the mouse crying again?)

    Atsuko beats up some more Yakuza.

    Nezumi appears at Yabakune…

    While passing by the principal’s office Otabe sees the police visiting her.

    Center goes to Nezumi’s hideout but she’s gone. Nezumi (white) calls Center on her cellphone and telling her she’s been trapped by the Yabakune. It’s a trap setup by Nezumi.

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