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Okay I know most of us that are going to get Destiny might get it one either the PS4 or XBOX One (which had a recent policy change btw). But, if anyone is going to get it for the the 360, I’m open to anyone who wants to be part of a fireteam. I know it’s not coming out until next year, but i’m extremely excited about this game. - June 20, 2013 at 3:21 AM
- in reply to: War On Geminar DVD/BD
I FINALLY picked up my copy over the weekend (Parts 1 & 2 ). So I can finally join in on the conversations about this show. I can’t wait.Okay, I have to talk about this for a minute. This is only two songs from what is undoubtedly one of the most unique and amazing albums that has ever been produced. The band is Uneven Structure. The album is Februus. If you have a chance get the physical, 2 disc set. If you are a metal head you would be doing yourself a great disservice to not at least give this album a listen. I can’t wait to see what this band makes in the future. The album is divided into ten songs, but when you listen to it, you’ll find it is one long epic musical masterpiece. Seriously, check this thing out. [BBvideo 425,350]
[/BBvideo] - April 13, 2013 at 4:41 PM
- in reply to: Hi Tenchi fans!
Welcome aboard, sorry for the belated welcome. Hope you enjoy your stay. - March 17, 2013 at 7:22 AM
- in reply to: Happy Birthday Thread
Happy birthday becka, hope its a good one for ya. JG, you’re absolutely right, in all areas. I myself have been a little concerned about it. Bungie has stated that it will be coming out for the 360 but with all this talk of next gen consoles coming out this year is leaving a little skeptical. BUT…this game is coming from Bungie. So for right now I am extremely hopeful for it. But i’m like you, I’d still like more definitive details before I fully pay it off. And I usually don’t go for the big expensive versions of games, but if there is going to be like a “Legendary” edition of Destiny I will definitely be getting it.
- January 21, 2013 at 1:11 AM
- in reply to: Not a new face unfortunately! :)
SPARKLE!!!!! Welcome back to the madhouse. Hope you enjoy your stay with us as before.- January 21, 2013 at 1:08 AM
- in reply to: Happy Birthday Thread
Happy birthday pii, hope its a good one for ya. - January 21, 2013 at 1:07 AM
- in reply to: Tenchi Meetup 2013 – No Need for Conventions!
I wish I could have made that It would have been so cool to finally meet you guys.- January 13, 2013 at 7:01 AM
- in reply to: 90’s Cartoon
Okay I should warn you all, i’m about to unleash my inner redneck. Don’t know if it’s been mentioned yet but…
Can I get an AMEN for the ANIMANIACS!!! " /> I used to come home after school somedays, and before toonami came on I would watch Pokemon and the Animaniacs on TV. As a kid it was just funny slapstick, but with the Hub running the Animaniacs now, all of the jokes are so much funnier. And they have some of the best songs, as I will now show you.
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