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  • I posted this on ANN, and though you like to read it:

    This would seem explain the “If” Doujin released at the last ComiKet. It had no story line per say , but show a history of Tenchi’s and Siena’s children. If these are similar to previous short works by Kajishima Misaki, these will not be full anime, but more of a video slideshow with audio soundtracks. This would be an excellent way of covering a family history in Kajishima’s day in a life style of storytelling.

    Well, I hate to bust your bubble (well that not true, I really like busting peoples bubbles.)

    From “IF” we know that Seina’s children are fostered with Tenchi’s brood, we know that because of all the scenes of Seina’s son with Tenchi and Tenchi’s girls. Therefore it is quite likely that the infants shown are a mixture of Seina’s and Tenchi’s offspring. My guess this would be normal for the Masaki clan as while we know that half of Yosho’s decedents return to Earth, the other half do not. A yet most of the Masaki clan are raised on Earth.

    Also I suspect that there is a indicator on who is the father of each child, the Band-Aid on the forehead. Kirko’s and Amane’s children have the Band-Aid, while the babe with the blond forelock does not have one. At means that child was not fathered by Seina. Now GPX 10 may tell a different story, but I doubt that K-sensei would have Seina sleeping around after the marriage, if only due to exhaustion due to have four to nine wives to handle. And can you see Seina’s core group allowing any more intruders into they marriage (That child is younger than Kiriko’s son, therefore born after the marriage.

    As for the green haired infant, she is likely Noike’s daughter. Both Seina and Ryoko-B are black haired, so K-sensei is not likely to colored their child with green hair. Also that child has no forehead Band-Aid, therefore not Seina’s offspring. And finally the picture shows that Ryoko-B is pregnant at the time depicted in the picture, lending more weight that the green hair girl is not her offspring.

    Now here a question to ponder. That picture shows three small cabbits with the infants, are they the same ones as before, or are they new ones, maybe even offspring of Fuku?

    OK, lets see how this new information fits into Tenchi Canon.
    1) it obvious now that the three kid shown in the previous doushi index were Tenchi’s two daughter and Seina’s oldest son.

    2) in 21st Century Doushi, when Tenchi’s son complains about some one, he is likely talking about one or bout these girls.

    3) It very likely in Paradise war, that the other male character is very likely Seina’s son, or why was else would he be included, with Cabbits, in this doushi

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