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    • in reply to: Funnies!
    Honestly i’ve been wanting to check out Oh My Goddess for YEARS, but sadly I can never hunt down the DVDs or Manga, I know its kind of split, AniEgo has some (I think) then Media Balsters & Funimation.

    I know Darkhorse does the manga, may see if I can still get it at a reasonable price at Amazon next time I get around to buying a gift-card.

    But yeah those are some pretty nice ops & eds.

    Lighthawk93 wrote:

    I just hope they get enough support. Honestley, I find it difficult to stay up to watch toonami. I missed when it would be on numerous times a day.

    I hear that, I too miss the days of not only weekday afternoons but rising sun, and midnight run… ahh those were the days…

    But ahh yeah….

    : Agreed, I’m a KOTH fan myself, but yeah its already re-run to death on my local FOX affiliates, no need for AS to re-air it so often as well same goes for Family Guy imo, sure there easy rating grabs, but c’mon.

    Anywho BOT: I always find myself singing along to this song. XD

    [BBvideo 425,350][/BBvideo]

    Found this picture while surfing the inter webs, thought it was pretty funny & worth sharing." />

    I don’t know about you, but if that was a real show, i’d tottally watch it! :D 😆

    Lighthawk93 wrote:

    I missed the days when toonami rocked. I take everyone else feels the same?

    Toonami does still rock, just now it rocks late at night instead of weekday afternoons or ealry Saturday nights.

    The Toonami team is constantly working hard to make us a better cartoon show, but they have alot of hurdles to overcome, they were gone for almost 4 years, things have changed, and the ended on a somewhat sour note.

    But yeah the best we can do is support it and hope that eventually it’ll get more variety and maybe AS will someday be nice enough to give it all of saturday night.

    BOT: Trigun has a pretty catchy up

    [BBvideo 425,350][/BBvideo]

    My Tenchi Collection is still fairly small, so Far I have….


    Tenchi Muyo OVA V1-3

    Tenchi Muyo Ryo-Ohki Viridian Collection

    Tenchi Muyo GXP Police Diary V1-4

    Tenchi Muyo Mihoshi Special/ Magical Girl Pretty Sammy

    Tenchi Universe Singles 1-8

    Tenchi Universe Geneon Boxset

    Tenchi In Tokyo Singles 1-8

    Tenchi Muyo In Love

    Tenchi Muyo The Movie 2: Daughter Of Darkness

    Tenchi Forever

    Photon: The Idiot Chronicles


    No Need For Tenchi V7

    All New Tenchi Muyo V1-9

    Tenchi Muyo: Sasami Stories


    Tenchi Muyo MihoKiyo character book (import)

    OK this may not be an opening, but its something I felt I had to post somewhere because well, its just so dang isperational!

    TOM’S SPEECH ON CRITICISM VS HATERS! *Take it to heart my good people!*

    [BBvideo 425,350][/BBvideo]

    Hmm I see, and yep, i’m one of Funi Forums nefarious moderators XD.

    And yeah I don’t blame yeah for not posting on there often, the forums are rubbish, over a year old and still as slow as they were in Beta… I don’t know who Funimation hired to do their new site, but whomever did it needs a good kick to the privies! 😈

    chucklocker wrote:

    OMG Sailor Moon opening for the win! Also, what is this Princess Jellyfish and why is there Star Wars in it?! 0n0plz

    Princess Jellyfish is a Slice Of Life series about a group of Nedy women, think kind of like Sex in the city for otaku, minus the sex, and the bad acting, and well..OK maybe that was a bad comparison.

    Basically its a really fun SOL series about a nerdy girl and her friends, oh and her cross-dressing boyfriend.

    Oh i’m doing a rubbish job of explaining it, but it is quite a heartwarming series, Funimation released it on a DVD/BD combo pack earlier this year, i’d check it out if you get the chance!

    here is the English trailer, and a link to buy it!

    [BBvideo 425,350][/BBvideo]


    But yeah the whole opening is a bunch of movie parodies, I love it! :D

    @Thorn HAHA will do.

    Also, i’ve been meaning to ask, the header image of the Tenchi Gang eating Watermelon, wheres that from? Is it an pre-existing image or was it just made for these forums? I’d love to have a big version of it as a wallpaper. :D

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