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  • Almael
    Dunno looks like another show about the “patriots” or their enemies.

    Apropos “Pandora in the Crimson Shell”/”Koukaku no Pandora”" />

    Could this be read as LiSign Girl Skj??? 😉 😈

    It fits the Techno Girl theme.

    Do you mean 4 or 8-panel pages?

    Hmm, 20-40 pages would be about a regular manga chapter. I dunno but it would be hard to do some meaningful short story. I think 60 is about right for a short story.

    Not that I can offer one right now.

    Awesome, mate! I love ya walls. iloveit1

    It will take a while to digest it… blush1

    Ah, didn’t I always say you gotta put real world timeline & view & development into it to understand how things came to be (back at dual). kiyonesmile1

    This is a truly complicated mess.

    Couldn’t you turn the information into some sort of timeline diagram like the one I did and reduce it to the elementary ideas introduced by each instance? I know it would be big but gives an easier quicker and more useful overview. *shrugs*

    Btw. you guys could turn this into a book via crowd fundraising like the Sailor Moon case. It would serve to finance yourselves and the community.

    Ara ara, yet another Earthling who falls under Lums feet. 😆

    Phantasy Star Online 2 the animation ep1-2

    PSO2 is a high level game with a greater scope than previous online-game-animes but the way they turn it to be: near future ordinary high school show + gaming. Meh!

    It’s full 3D CGI for the game part. What a waste of the brand.

    By rarely show up I mean you don’t see them in every episode like before. And yes nobody cares. 😆

    But then that’s I why I showed them for fun as well as how better it could be. It’s ultimately just a mind game otherwise it would turn out like the book if more serious.

    But as shown these obvious simple things the video makers didn’t mention indicating they weren’t watching it nor didn’t they come up with the facts themselves. If they did they would have known or noticed.


    Btw. there’s “Sailor Moon Reflections – The Inside Story of the Original Recordings of the English Version of Sailor Moon”.

    It seems an audiobook for “The Incredible Untold Story of Sailor Moon” is in the works.



    mitsuki lover wrote:

    107 facts about Sailor Moon? I wonder how much they took from the Sailor Moon

    Wiki and other sources. Also is this just the anime or does it include the manga, live action series

    and musicals as well?

    Like before looks very much like a gathering of information only. If it were a report they should be in the attachments. There are little original research whether it’s their own or not dunno. No report “written” itself, no analysis, no explanations of the information, no conclusions just presentation of official “facts”.

    @.@ way too many basics (attachment information) I don’t need to know…

    Spoor: “Kufadis, won’t you ever learn? Be concise!”

    Like a human resource or head hunter or spy or assassine I don’t look at the resume, I wanna know things you can’t get without effort. => “So tell me what I don’t know.” is the rule!

    Well, I don’t care about changes/modifications the american or others did. The original (Japanese) version is what’s important. I only care when buying and want to know if I get it all or not.

    critics or corrections or improvements
    #13 Slang is wrong. It’s a legitimate combo name Nyan-ko = catgirl/female cat because suffix -ko is added to names for girls. It’s elementary! see #18 or note Mamoru calls Usagi Usako.

    #16 Because it’s a gender specific job term and not Sailor Crystal restricted. Like in “Rokka no Yuusha” where women are magic user and men are skill users despite both receiving their “power” from the same source.

    #18 Their powers are not from mythology but from the planets:

    Pluto’s power of time is because of the planets long orbital period. Time is nothing to it.

    Saturn power of destruction is because like Jupiter it contributes to destroying comets, hence, it has a ring.

    #19 Silence Glaive is a stylized Naginata not a scythe. The kind used by women is called ko-naginata. Notice the ko! see #13

    #23 0091 is from a certain robot show ;)

    #24 Rabbit symbols are vary popular among girls & house wives so it’s not necessarily because of Usagi

    #25 …

    #26 Same applies to other shows e.g. Aquarion etc.

    #28 & #29 It’s said in the dialogues if you actually listen… *shrugs*

    #36 name + suffix -maru (for boat) very common naming scheme

    #41 Huh? Didn’t Saturn & Pluto do, too.

    #42 military commander’s (fighter) wing colors (all squadron colors)

    #45 R comes from Japanese car nuts where cars are classified with alphabets

    #47 Thank Takuchi’s common sense! 😆

    #52 Thank Takuchi’s common sense! 😆

    #56 Because it’s a weapon or tool; the others aren’t but decorations. Well, except Jupiter’s lightning rod.

    #58 is the same as #57

    #62 I think she’s just a woman like any other who likes jewelry

    #63 see Gundam color scheme reason. Gundam Nobel *caugh*

    #67 You realize that now? 😆

    #70 Like Antaeus, he’s weak and can only be saved by a goddess of life (Gaia) or here love.

    #78 Because she lives unhealthy! 😆

    #80 Who would have guessed seeing how he leads the others.

    #82 Sailor Mouse did, too, if I remember right.

    #89 Necessary for writing those incantation/magic paper pieces in a traditional way.

    #94 It appears to be common to nickname the boss (name) “P” (honorifics); for example AKB48’s boss is Yasushi Akimoto=Aki-P

    Therefore or perhaps similary, Pluto is being contacted via “Luna-P” by Chibiusa who calls her “Puu”.

    #96 And which one exactly?

    In the same fashion…from the top of my head facts that are missing and are no brainers…unimportant but people care about:

  • “Sailor Scouts” misnomen for Sailor Senshi = Sailor Warriors (sensou=war) alternatively Sailor Soldier

  • The sailor senshi like western fashion clothing more than Japanese! Ever seen them wearing kimonos?
  • The sailor senshi never celebrated Tanabata or any other Japanese specific festives other than new year
  • Michiru is versed in Eurpean lady etiquette (drinking western tea cup) not Japanese (flower arranging)
  • Therefore, Sailor Moon isn’t very Japanese. 😯 😆
  • All the sailor senshis’ power tools are female accessoirs! Ha!
  • The sailor senshis’ powers upgrade every season.
  • The sailor senshi’s school uniform colors change with grade.
  • Sailor Moon/Usagi does job transformation a la Cutey Honey only in the first season.
  • Usagi’s friends and family rarly show up after Sailor R or Sailor S, especially the guys
  • Sailor Tin Nyanko’s uniform is Catwoman’s
  • Ep.110/111 the marine cathedral is drawn after the La Sagrada Familia in Spain.
  • etc.
  • the real deal … nerdy facts that nobody cares about 😆

  • As Magic Girl (Mahou Shojo) written in Japanese has ties to Witch (Majo) the cats serving as companions are born from western image.

  • All youma names are derivates or the same as their Japanese object name.
  • All the sailor senshis’ poses are 80’s idol poses! They are no longer in use (since 2000) or rather it would be embarrasing for contemporary idols.
  • The “holy grail” appears in the similar fashion as in “Knights of the Round Table” (1958).
  • In one episode where they go through the time gate and fight in some space is reminiscent to one from “Saint Saya” where (Saint ?) fights against a god within his created dimension
  • A bunch of soundtracks are descended from “Mamono Hunter Yohko”.
  • Black Moon is a (historic) stereotypical Japanese organization’s name who works against the government (Moon Crystal Kingdom)
  • Dark Queen Nehellenia uses a mirror (Black Mirror) which reflects her heart. This originates from the bible Proverbs 27:19.
  • Galaxia uses the mirror as avatar to speak to Nehellenia like the mirror and the witch in “Snow White”. The mirror promised her eternal beauty.
  • The sailor senshi only know western folklore as shown in ep.108.
  • An and Eiru’s clothing seems to have been inspired by middle-east or Osmanian fashion in Sailor Moon R. So is Tuxedo Kamen’s.
  • Not just the names of Eudial’s Fire buster I & II are a but also their design is fashioned like those from “Ghost Busters”.
  • The William Shatner connection!
  • etc.
  • If you want to have a look at how to write lots over Sailor Moon collected information but still just on the surface read

    “The Incredible Untold Story of Sailor Moon” by Theodore Jefferson

    Larissa Kayne: “The book that will be the definitive history of Sailor Moon in the United States”

    Make sure your library has it, Mitsuki!


I can’t think of why not. How could this show pass it up with the way they namings things.


For some reason I’ve never been invited there. 😉

I admit the only country on Earth I don’t know anything about is
The Unknown

I have absolutely no knowledge about the Unknown.

People fear the Unknown.

For some fear of the Unknown reaches to their deepest core. This can call forth violence. The fear is so profound there’s no creature on Earth which doesn’t know about it.

Others say it’s Pandora’s secret trump card.

There are many other rumors.

A widespread one among men is “Your Wife, the Unknown Being.”

There’s speculation women originally came from the Unknown. Their origin was passed through the ages and survived as the proverb.

Men point to the fact they still don’t understand women.

Some dare to venture into the Unknown. However, since we haven’t heard anything back from the explorers and still nothing is known yet we can only surmise the worse.

Nice upload and composition but no merit for plagiarizing wikipedia without any own research.

For example:

At least know Faust is based on the Book of Job in the Bible.

Also note Madoka does the reverse to Jesus’s forsaking Godhood to save the world.

Mami represents the stereotypical magical girl heroine which is reflected in her name Tomoe (friend and blessing)


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