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  • Almael
    I second that.

    Then again I think it’s difficult to make it different. I’m actually surprised a certain walking dead series has 6 seasons.

    Yeah, that took me a bit by surprise but it was certainly nice. Tenchismile
    It’s not exactly a show but I still want it:

    Viz Adds Legend of Galactic Heroes Novels

    I’m most interested in how it compares to fan translation and if the translation project should continue. So things are on hold.

    All ya need to know is this:

    Warning contains violence!
    [BBvideo][/BBvideo] iloveit1

    Yeah, ignoring Gurren Lagann, other super robots, and fantasy gods the only beings coming close to the chousin would be Haruhi Suzumiya. Everyone else is too weak or limited.
    I thought they can be ID by their preference of weapons, too: one likes the big thing with a punch (MG) the other the neat but deadly stuff.
    And since Tama-chan passed away

    a picture dedicated to cats in active duty" />

    Guardians of Iruma Air Base watching the gate while it’s open to the public.

    Since not all of the above are actually cats/nekomata e.g. foxes" />

    NekoMaido: Fires of passion hotter than hell.

    And the equation for the universe with the cat at it’s fundamentals. gendo1" />

    Good point on the butterfly effect, JGZinv.

    Ukinojo92 wrote:

    Time travel is different from dimensions and alternate realities. Time travel is the when and where of a point in space and time in a universe. Dimensions is layers of existence in the universe, altered realities come from changing something from the past or going to another version of a universe.

    Well, time travel is irrelevant to 5D+. Starting in one of the higher dimensions time, alternate realities etc. it’s all one lower dimension. For those higher beings it makes no difference. It’s just us lower than bugs that it matters.

    some examples are:

    quantum mystery: where a photon exists as a wave and particle; it might be able to go back in time

    WIMPs: could be some higher dimensional “matter” of which we only experience its gravity.


    electron quantum tunneling mystery solved!

    From a real world point of view (simplified):

    math – a dimension is a parameter in a parametric equation or a single column matrix

    physics – a dimension is an attribute

    Depending on string/M-Theory the universe has 10 dimensions (or more). The number of all attributes that has effects in our world. That’s why we have taken them into account.

    For all practical purposes however the universe we live in and can see and experience is 4D only.

    In 5D we would see numerous 4D universes that are slightly different e.g. you wearing different clothes.

    In 6D we would see numerous 5D universes with the same beginning e.g. big bang and we see them placed here and there.

    In 7D we would see numerous 6D universes that have a slightly different beginning.

    In 8D we would see numerous (infinite) 7D universes placed as branches of possibilities.

    In 9D we would see numerous 8D universes with a different starting condition e.g. physical laws.

    In 10D we would see numerous 9D universes that are slightly different e.g. a multiverse.

    There may be are higher dimensions but this is far beyond human comprehension and imagination.

    A 11D universes would be a multiverse of multiverses and we see them placed here and there.

    So for us simple minded TV audiences the 4D universe is all that matters and the 5D is the multiverse.

    That said any Tenchi episode could be a different universe or

    any member of the Tenchi family tree for that matter. 😆

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