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  • Almael

    I saw the ads for Majisuka Gakuen in December 2009. I didn’t know then it was to be airing in January and couldn’t find or figure out what show or which channel to watch for. I kind of forgot about it and it took quite a long time until I found it.

    I haven’t been much of an idol fan but the show kind of piqued my interest. blush1

    By now most of the AKB48 cast are either already or are about to leave the group. AFAIK Yuko left the group suddenly a while ago. Atsuko also had left recently. So you are coming late at this point.

    Now to Majisuka Gakuen 2 before moving to other shows.

    Majisuka Gakuen 1 Episode 12" />

    battle to the death


    Sado and Atsuko rush to the hospital where Sado frantically calls out for Yuko.

    Yuko wriths in pain and falls into a coma. Sado is upset and starts telling and remembering things about Yuko. Yuko had lost her parents when she was still young and was taken in by her grandmother who also died soon enough. Yuko has been alone ever since. Sado still can’t believe that her beloved Yuko, who she thinks is invincible and who’s famed for beating 30 delinquents by herself, is dying.

    Sado catches herself again and declares that she will attend graduation together with Yuko. Sado cries while assuring herself that Yuko will return. Sado tells Atsuko that she will stay at the hospital and that she will see her at graduation.

    Before Atsuko leaves Sado thanks her which she simply returns with a goodbye.

    Meanwhile, the girls are speculating about Atsuko and Yuko’s fight. They think Atsuko will likely lose. Wota tells them to stop which surprises them.

    Now that it has come to this the Rappappa members are depressed.

    The whole school still doesn’t know yet about Yuko’s condition. Some students start to ridicule Yuko to whom Atsuka gives a threatening look.

    On graduation day, the 48th ceremony, the students attend in unusual high numbers. Wota point out that everybody wants to know who’s the strongest and that Yuko has to show up. Student council president Minegishi Minami tries hard to hold her speech despite no graduating student present but finally breaks down in tears.

    Yuko, finally shows up along with her Rappappa but surprises everyone by being in a wheelchair. Yuko receives her diploma of graduation and is happy to have made it this far. Yuko calls Atsuko to come up. Everyone thinks it’s the final fight and is excited. Reluctantly, Atsuko walks up with everybody in tow and stops at the center circle (it’s a typical sport’s hall turned theater stage in Japan).

    Yuko gives it her all to walk to Atsuko by herself. It’s the most painful and longest walk of her life…

    Yuko lectures Atsuko not to be cocky just because she beat Sado and that Rappappa still has her. Atsuko acknowledges their loyalty.

    Yuko punches Atsuko into the shoulder. It’s a symbolic fight. Yuko asks Atsuko if it hurts which she cofirms prompting Yuko to smile at the humble lie.

    Yuko takes off her sailor tie and hands it over to Atsuko making her the Boss of MajiJo. Yuko tells everyone to follow Atsuko. All the students are speechless at the whole scene.

    With her weakened breath Yuko tells Atsuko that she counts on her. Atsuko just congratulates her. Yuko falls into Atsuko’s arms but keeps on holding on. Yuko tells her that from here on Atsuko can no longer say she can’t fight anymore.

    Sado tells Atsuko to takeover wheeling Yuko out. Atsuko sees Erena smiling and envisions Minami. She uses their armbands to tie her hair up. She has found her new life.

    Yuko weakly asks her “having people who think of you, that’s true happiness isn’t it?” She adds further “There’s nothing to be afraid of as long as you got friends.” Then she falls into eternal sleep among falling sakura petals.

    The next day Atsuko takes off her glass for the last time. And while she’s pondering the mysterious girl comes toward her and suddenly punches at her. Atsuko intercepts it. The girl declares her intention of taking over. Atsuko simply tells her to bring it on. The girl walks away joined by Nezumi." />

    the next generation


    Majisuka Gakuen 1 Episode 11" />

    Sado: Is that all you got?


    Sado reminds Atsuko of Minami and she tells Yuko she cannot fight Sado. Atsuko says further she finally can move forward in life. Yuko convinces Atsuko to fight telling her no matter what happens she has a future. While Atsuko leaves the room Yuko silently lets out her regret not being able to fight Atsuko. She cries in despair and blood appear from her nose. :(

    Meanwhile, Nezumi is a bit disappointed about the Yabakune losing but is happy it turned out better than she expected. Nezumi is ready to mobilize her Nezumi Gundan (the Mouseketeers)! :)

    Erena is sad and ponders about what’s she been doing all this time.

    She discovers her sister Minami’s and Atsuko’s notes of friendship in Minami’s book.

    The whole school is anxious of the upcoming fight. Sado reports to Yuko her readiness for which she gets her blessings.

    At home Atsuko’s father has made some “ordinary” dishes. Atsuko isn’t pleased looking at it all, though. For the first time he gets serious and lectures her about life.

    On her way to the fight Erena tells Atsuko that she hates her. Atsuko cuts her off and simply replies she won’t lose or else Minami would laugh at her.

    The Maeda Gundan form up to accompany Atsuko but are told only Atsuko can ascend the stairs.

    Sado invites her to the inner club room. It’s a sanctuary and the battle ring. Both remove their symbolic restrains. The fight starts and Sado immediately establishes her superior strength. Atsuko is surprised and beaten which disappoints Sado. Remembering everyone’s seriousness Atsuko gets up again. Atsuka lets lose her true fighting ability surprising Sado. Sado is overjoyed by the prospect of a good fight. Sado gets slowly beaten but she’s still stronger. Both exhausted and beaten are ringing with each other on the ground.

    It’s rough and their fight can be heard downstairs. Everybody is impatient. Daruma is restless. Nezumi, lurking around the corner, isn’t her usual self either.

    Both give their all in a last exchange of fists. Although, Atsuko went down first and Sado still standing, Sado loses consciousness at last. As Sado cries over her failure Atsuko offers her a hand, reminiscing how Yuko and Sado became friends.

    While Sado cries out loud her defeat, Yuko has broken down and is being rushed for emergency treatment.

    Outside, the Heavenly Queens surround Sado while looking speechless at Atsuko. Atsuko is received by an overjoyed Daruma and Team Hormone while the others leave satisfied.

    Nezumi is unhappy at the result with Sado but smiles in secret anyway. After looking briefly at the confused Erena, Atsuko puts a hand on her shoulder, reminiscing of her sister. Erena finally overcomes her confusion.

    We hardly ever get to see Supergirl so I’m more curious about it than your run-of-the-mill male superhero.

    Our western society is just too sexist. Most of the female heroine movies etc. fail.

    Washu definitely wins because Sherlock Holmes doesn’t do anything he only observes and talks. 😆

    Holmes is her ideal subject for intelligence projects.

    Well, I think the most commonality is the orchestrated goofing. As to basing comparison based on characters I’m not so much into this because character design mostly gets reused by all kinds of shows. The same goes for combinations thereof, hence , there’s a formula people often use. you will see a lot of similarities in any number of shows of the same genre. It’s not necessary a sure thing to based on is what I want to say.

    I do think there is a major difference between El Harzard (Wanderers) and Tenchi in general. Tenchi is simplier unless you count in GPX and War on Geminar. In El Harzard there’s always danger looming over the world or local. There are the bugrom, other human nations plotting, the god-eye, monsters of old, etc. In Tenchi you got the “villain of the day” and once he’s taken care of it’s peace all around. In El Harzard getting rid of an enemy doesn’t remove the general danger it’s only one bad guy gone. Well, El Harzard doesn’t have the complicated family tree issues, though.

    Well, Wanderers is the TV version and the art/style/character designs are closer to tenchi than the OVA. I guess the best comparison is the difference between classic Sailor Moon and Sailor Moon Crystal only with a bit more changes than Crystal. Of all El-Hazard shows I like Wanderers best for the greater depth and relationship. The others don’t compare…

    But I amid the mature Ifurita isn’t so bad in her own way. In Wanderers she a bit too much of an airhead.

    Majisuka Gakuen 1 Episode 10" />

    Atsuko: Nursing, seriously?" />" />

    Let’s become nurses together promise.


    Everybody is depressed. The Heavenly Queens have been defeated and Rappappa are at a loss as what to do.

    Unagi has recovered from her trauma, although, not truly cured.

    Nezumi catches Erena red handed putting pins into Atsuko’s shoes and confronts her about the posters. As Nezumi turns Erena into her pawn they are overheard by Mukuchi.

    Sado is preparing herself for the fight with Atsuko when she is notified of Yuko’s condition.

    Atsuko returns to the class room to find Erena with a letter of challenge. It’s a trap setup by Nezumi. Mukuchi tries to stop Atsuko from going and takes all her courage to speak up. Everybody is surprised. Wota rallies Team Hormone to support Atsuka despite their claim that Atuko doesn’t view them as friends. Atsuka tells them she will be fine and Wota agrees to stay out of her way.

    At Yuko’s bed Sado has become weak and insecure. Yuko tells Sado she hates her being weak and she should go and do her job of protecting MajiJo.

    Atsuko arrives at some desolate factory where the Yabakune ambush her. Nezumi is with them and is very delighted as she’s about to reach her goal. Atsuko is still confused about Minami’s death and her guilt and can’t fight properly. Just when the Yabakune are about to finish Atsuka off Sado appears. The Yabakune boss turns to Nezumi for an explanation but she’s already gone. 😈

    Atsuko is told to get serious which she does finally. Sado stylishly beats a bunch of the Yabakune up. Atsuko is more brute, though. The Yabakune students are no match and escape leaving their Boss behind. 😈

    Sado leaves the Yabakune boss to Atsuko. The Yabakune boss gets motivated and rushes forward not realizing she got the worse opponent. She’s taken down by a single straight punch. Daruma arrives late. Atsuko admits her mistakes and starts to embrace and appreciate the people around her. Sado leaves and tells them it’s not over yet as she only did this because it’s her duty to protect her school. As Atsuko had beaten the Heavenly Queens Sado will face her next. Only then can she face Yuko who’s fighting her illness she says.

    Atsuko now realizes that Yuko’s been the school’s Boss and is sadden and distressed over the inevitable.

    Majisuka Gakuen 1 Episode 9" />

    Torigoya" />" />

    dark Atsuko


    Torigoya has been locked alone in a hen house by Sado. Torigoya gets attacked by aggressive roosters and is scared to death. Sado tries hard to bear with Torigoya cries for help but moves to save her anyway. It’s too late, before her stands the awakened Torigoya.

    Everybody is depressed and Atsuko avoids contact. Daruma is worried about what she found out about Atsuko. While Unagi’s returning from her shopping errand she runs into Torigoya. Torigoya grabs her head, unleashing her powers, she whispers something into Unagi’s ear. Unagi meets up with the girls but is totally changed and scared to death when being offered her favorite food.

    Meanwhile, Atsuko finds her book defiled by Erena. Atsuko chases after her and runs into Torigoya who attacks immediately. Atsuko fails to escape and falls unconscious. Atsuko wakes up in the infirmary, is confused, and sees her dark self in the mirror. Atsuko snaps but is restrained by Daruma. After reporting her success to Sado, Torigoya does her powers on Sado, too.

    Afterwards, Nezumi shows up telling Sado about Yuko and Atsuko’s relationship and that Yuko plans to have Atsuko succeed her. [Ebil!]

    Atsuko is haunted and withdrawn, and gets suggestive messages designed to trap her.

    Sado reports to Yuko about releasing Torigoya without permission. Yuko is displeased and upset and telling her she had released an evil that should not have been released ever. But Sado tells her she’s very happy about Atsuko suffering. Sado confronts Yuko about her plans with Atsuko to which she doesn’t reply.

    Sado leaves leaving a gaping hole in their relationship.

    Meanwhile, Atsuko goes to Minami’s dying place where Torigoya ambushes her. Atsuko is unable to resist and Torigoya goes all out with her powers. Atsuko falls for Torigoya’s illusion and relives her nightmares. Thinking Torigoya is Minami Atsuko won’t let go of her. Torigoya is dragged along by Atsuko into her nightmare. The awakened Torigoya falls unconcious and is sealed. Torigoya wakes up and faces the dark Atsuko. Atsuko beats her up good. As the last Heavenly Queen is taken down Nezumi is delighted.

    Nezumi immediately suggests to the Yabakune to beat Atsuko to complete MajiJo’s destruction, conveniently keeping to herself the prospect of their own destruction. The Yabakune go to war. Nezumi is in high spritis over her success.

    Meanwhile, Yuko falls to the ground and writhes in pain in her hospital room. Atsuko has fallen into deep depression and is still affected by Torigoya’s manipulation.

    Majisuka Gakuen 1 Episode 8" />

    Gekikara" />

    Ono Erena


    Sado is pained by Yuko’s terminal illness and upset about Black’s defeat. She decides to unleash Gekikara, who’s returning from prison for hurting Yakuza.

    The girls are scared and don’t dare getting Gekikara’s attention.

    On their way home Atsuko and Garuma find the Kabuki Sisters bloodied, and hung to a fence. Gekikara shows up stained in their blood asking if Atsuko is angry. Gekikara.leaves them alone while laughing maliciously.

    On the roof Atsuko is worried and can’t figure out what to do. Erena appears and gives her looks that could kill but leaves without a word.

    Meanwhile, Gekikara massacres Team Hormone and does horrible things to Wota, the team leader. She has to be rushed to the hospital. Everybody around Atsuko is targetted and beaten except Daruma. Atsuko is very upset and meets up with Gekikara. It’s a fight without holding back or restrain. Atsuko is beaten when Gakuran and the Kabuki Sisters arrive to save her but are beaten. Atsuko gets back into the fight. Even after being beaten into the ground Gekikara still leaves laughing telling everyone to stay away from Atsuko It doesn’t feel like victory at all. Atsuko leaves saying she has no friends.

    Meanwhile, Nezumi is suggesting something to Sado whose eyes widen.

    Sado intends to unleash Torigoya without telling Yuko. Torigoya tells her it’s impossible for her since she’s the weakest. Sado agrees but ominously tells her she has no choice. Torigoya is scared …

    Daruma while passing by the principal’s office overhears the principal’s talk about Atsuko’s sad past. It was the principal who orchestrated Atsuko’s transfer. Knowing Atsuko’s strength the principal wanted her to clean up the place. Atsuko’s teacher is upset about throwing her into violence.

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