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  • wwwwhhhhoooo
    FYI: went ahead and merged your topic with “Fanfic Advice” segaman.

    segaman4 wrote:

    hey tenchi forum i just need advice on how to get reviews on my stuff that i’m writing.it has alot of views i just need reviews to build m,e up.any advice? qt1

    Since I juuuuust now merged your topic into this preexisting one, you probably didn’t get a chance to see this earlier, so I’ll save myself the work and copy/paste:

    wwwwhhhhoooo wrote:

    If I may resurrect this thread, the topic is perfect for what I’m about to jot down.

    What do all fanfiction writers in the whole wide world want? That’s right, recognition. Every writer’s been there: go through all the work of putting something down in words, and the next thing you’re itching for is some feedback. What’s the best way to go about this, you might ask? Read.

    Yup. If you want yours read, “do unto others as you would have them do to you.” While this isn’t a necessity, it has to do with a little thing called “networking”: if you read and comment on another fanfic author’s work, she/he will not only appreciate the constructive criticism, but they’ll likely also make a mental note as to whom they received feedback from, and in turn be inclined to return the favor and/or “pay it forward” to some other suffering souls longing to be heard.

    Fanfiction=community, and community=give and take. If you’ve thrown a piece of yourself out there like a life preserver out in the middle of the vast ocean and don’t follow up, there’s a good chance you won’t get spotted. But if you make the effort to invest some time in someone else’s work, you’re far more likely to find not only a future reader, but a “sparring partner” to bounce things off of for next time. It’s mutually beneficial because you both/three/etc. can empathize with each other, at least on some level.


    Words cannot do you or your work justice, Madame. The fact that you brought to reality a humble suggestion of mine…well, I’m ecstatic, to say the least, not to mention grateful.

    http://i1103.photobucket.com/albums/g463/wwwwhhhhoooo/Who%20made%20these%20Tenchi%20pics/ryokoermahgerd_zpscdcf6689.jpg" />

    I’m so glad you found your way here among us, Jabberwockychamber!!! Thank you so much for sharing your amazing art! YOU ROCK!!!

    p.s. nice cosplay! I’ve never seen Ayeka’s pajamas done before.

    Since I’ve noticed some recent activity here, I’d like to say real quick to everyone that of course any desire to contribute will be appreciated, and we’ll do our best to find a good outlet for your particular skills, but if you’d like a great first step to take for not only practicing and honing your own skills for other potential projects but also demonstrating your ability to follow through on a commitment, for anyone serious I’d recommend Tenchicast Transcript Writer.

    I was the first to start on this work, got a few episodes completed, but as of now with the recent overhaul we don’t have up yet the podcast/transcript section for you all to see what you’d be doing, but it’s fairly simple: the transcript of a cast is simply the cast in written form. You listen to the cast and write down verbatim what is said by whom. Though most folks out there will be able to listen to the cast themselves, there is a chance someone hearing impaired might want to know what it is we’re talking about and what exactly was said. Or, maybe someone just wants clarification on what was said, or wants to reference a point made without listening to the whole cast again, etc.

    It’s not exactly glamorous work, but like I said it’d be a good starting point for anyone who seriously wants to help in an area on the forum that is understaffed and also might not want to be in the limelight, so to speak, right away (or ever, it’s certainly not a requirement). Good way to hone your typing abilities and increase your wpm as well! I won’t lie, it’s downright tedious after a while, but it would definitely show you have an ear for detail and can see a project through til completion (on that note, it’s not like you’d be stuck doing all the casts, or even a certain number, you could do only one or do more, whatever you feel like).


    WisperG wrote:

    Back to the 700 years thing. If Ayeka hadn’t frozen herself she still would’ve only physically aged 2 or 3 years on her journey, right?

    Yes, going off what Kajishima said. But would you want to be traveling in space twiddling your thumbs for 2 or 3 years if you had an option to go to sleep when you left and wake up when you arrived?

    WisperG wrote:

    So what STILL doesn’t make any sense to me is Sasami’s aging. How could she possibly age into a teenager after only a few years on Earth if it takes about 700 years for a Juraian to physically age 2 or 3 years? It should take her hundreds of Earth years before she looks like this.

    The thought hadn’t occurred to me until pondering your question, Wisps, but now after talking it over with a few others here, I’m of the opinion that the implications are disturbing. You’re right Wisps, it’s reasonable to wonder not only “how” but more importantly “why?” (Possible) answer: she’s now “fair game” to be in the harem as soon as possible, adding to Kajishima’s grand design for every female character to be in someone’s harem.


    Yes, OVA2 Yosho’s explanation regarding his tree and the gems can be used to explain the surface-level apparent aging discrepancies (could have also been thought up after OVA 1, but I won’t assert that, as it would only be pure speculation anyway) but again, that’s the “how” and now I can’t help but focus on the “why” concerning Sasami’s rushed and overly-emphasized maturation into womanhood. What other reason would there be for focusing on an otherwise unnecessary point of attention? You can try to point to the cultural significance of it in Japan, but not only does that seem irrelevant to the story (using that logic, I could ask “well, why doesn’t any Tenchi series ever mention seppuku? It’s Japanese.” Yes it is, but it has no relevancy to the story, now does it?) but okay, let’s keep going down that track: it was to emphasize this Japanese tradition, that of the marking point of a girl physically becoming a woman. Why would this need to be highlighted in Tenchi Muyo?

    Spoiler alert: it doesn’t.

    All I can say is, I hope this isn’t the case.


    WisperG wrote:

    That’s not how I took that. While we know she left Jurai because of her love for Yosho, it doesn’t seem to be suggesting that is specifically why she froze herself.

    Because 700 years of space travel?


    Nil Admirari wrote:

    Question: 阿重霞が Ayeka

    時間凍結していた理由 Why did she freeze herself for a long time?

    Answer: 微妙な女心 Complicated female instincts

    Why is love for another person a “complicated female instinct” to Kajishima?


    Dagon123 wrote:

    Not really sure what happened here but apparently only the initial run of the Blu-ray box of OVA 1 went out and currently any other re-release has been postponed indefinitely, which is a shame considering that the blu-ray box had the dub.


    http://i1103.photobucket.com/albums/g463/wwwwhhhhoooo/Who%20made%20these%20Tenchi%20pics/807bee6d-b398-4add-b0cf-216ea48a4b5d_zpsdcc3569b.jpg" />

    I gotcha. Thank you for sharing your work and some insight about your work.

    Yosho24 wrote:

    I like to think of my works as giving back to the fandom of my favorite anime that has given me so many great memories.

    You absolutely are. I remember I had the same motivation when I started making amv’s and getting use out of my youtube channel. That’s how my channel became associated with Tenchi, and in turn my yt username became my moniker in Tenchi circles.

    Blah, blah, shut up Who! Anyway good stuff, and whenever you make an amv or anything related to Tenchi, you of course have a place to share it.


    Nobuyuki wrote:

    Seems legit. iloveit1

    Then hurrah! iloveit1 But I am a bit surprised, Jojo just seems like one of those titles that 1. didn’t garner enough interest over here, & 2. was always having troubles with rights being tied up over here. I know most of that has to do with music/artists, but it got me in the mind set of ‘well, guess that’ll never happen.’

    It’s actually kind of exciting being in the Western anime climate at large at this point in time, because when something like this happens–like Tenchi OVA’s being streamed on places like Hulu, or Blade of the Phantom Masters being on Netflix–it makes all the more evident the fact that anime is continuously becoming more and more accessible, and more profoundly acceptable, by the popular culture here in the West.


    chucklocker wrote:

    http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2014-04-02/crunchyroll/jojo-bizarre-adventure-manga-and-anime-announced” class=”bbcode_url”>http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2014-04-02/crunchyroll/jojo-bizarre-adventure-manga-and-anime-announced


    Media distribution service Crunchyroll reported on Tuesday that it will release Hirohiko Araki’s JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure manga and anime. The service will announce more details at a later date.

    This better not be some post April Fool’s gag on anybody’s part. wth2

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