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  • Yosho24
    Hey, my name is Mat but you can call me Yosho. I’m 23 years old and I was born and raised on the beautiful New Jersey shore. (No, I do not “fist pump” and I have never met a guido. Not one that’s actually from Jersey at least. But I digress.) I’m about 6 feet tall and weigh just under 220 lbs. I grew up playing sports my whole life so I’m pretty athletic, so naturally I’m really into all kinds of sports. (HUGE Cincinnati Bengals fan.) I collect Retro and modern video games and have amassed a huge collection over the last 3 years or so. (So if you have any questions about retro games or anything of the sort, I’m your man.) I work in retail unloading trucks and doing warehouse work and stocking. I took Muay Thai classes along with BJJ for 3 years. I’m currently trying to get back into school and hopefully find myself a career that I can survive off of. I also have a lot of interest in Japanese culture and would love to visit the “land of the rising sun” some day. I’m fairly new to anime although I’ve been watching different series’ since i was a young kid. I remember being a very big Voltron and Sailor Moon fan until i became a huge fan of all things Dragonball like most guys my age. I discovered Tenchi when I was 10 years old on Toonami. I had an interest in it but never really got into it as much as i would have liked. However, Ryoko was my very first anime crush. :D It wasn’t until about 8 months ago that i decided to look Tenchi up and I totally fell in love with the series. Well, that’s about it for now. PM me if you want to know anything else!

    Here’s a couple pictures of myself…

    https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1/1619287_10202831494566757_1236320108_n.jpg" />

    Here’s me and Bryan Johnson from AMC’s Comic Book Men…

    https://scontent-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/575566_10200953847746760_993381848_n.jpg" />

    Go Bengals…

    https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/t1/1474657_10202554617084993_1773186133_n.jpg" />

    Holy crap, thats almost eerie. Uncurl iczer 3’s hair at the sides and it’s basically ryoko 😯
    Wow. That was the most epic thing ive ever heard in my life. A masterpiece soawesome1
    Season 2. I believe it was episode 8. Petrea plays the role of an art buyer, buying a sculpture that Lila made
    Not really anime related but I just thought i should share this. I was watching Dexter (awesome show btw) on netflix the other day and as i was eating my sandwich in front of my tv, i heard a very familiar voice. I looked up and there was Petrea. Although she only made a very small appearance, it blew my mind. My favorite voice actor from my favorite anime making an appearance on my favorite tv show! colors2
    The more, the merrier. Welcome! We’re glad to have you here!
    • in reply to: Hello
    Welcome Zero! Hope you enjoy yourself here Tenchismile
    Wow nil, that was great. Really caught the feels from it soawesome1
    • in reply to: Photon?
    Yeah shes great as aun. Easily the best voice actor on the show
    Thank you shadow!
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