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- October 31, 2012 at 7:02 PM
- in reply to: Disney buys Lucasfilm for 4.05 billion USD
- October 31, 2012 at 6:29 PM
- in reply to: Disney buys Lucasfilm for 4.05 billion USD
I think it’s an opportunity at righting the franchise myself. Lucas has directly taken helm over things like the creation of the New Jedi Order books which killed 75% of the main cast that had been established for the previous 40 books. I’m just going to skip all the fanboy anger here and reasoning and simply say he’s been a plague to the material since after RotJ.
Disney hasn’t really screwed up Marvel, and while they may be the parent company now, it it still run by LucasFilm people. Clone Wars was wildly received well. Some of the new games coming out are a little ray of hope. Would could potentially see them take the initiative and produce some Xwing games or Battlefront titles that people have been demanding for years.
The main beef I’ve got, is that they need to stick with the extended universe material up to the Hand of Thrawn set. After that they decdied, with the switch to Del Ray and Lucas having a big anti-EU chip on his shoulder that they needed to make the universe gritty and dark (it was too upbeat), so they destroyed 70% of the SW galaxy. Cut that off there. Make the first set of books, the Heir to the Empire trilogy with Thrawn and Mara Jade. Get Timothy Zahn to help with the screenplay. That series alone, is just as good and iconic as the original 3 films… it literally spawned the entire EU. Use it.
This is no worse than if Kajishima gave up and handed Tenchi over to another director. Half of us would rejoice the other would question it and worry.
- October 31, 2012 at 3:39 AM
- in reply to: The "Wants" Thread
Love Song ga Kikoeru I Hear a Love Song
There were some sheet musics produced, but I’ve not seen them in a long time.
Might take a look around when I get home. Generally though, there’s at least one big community
that will help make sheet music or tabs for most to help out. Might check with them instead,
possible some fan has it already there anyway.
- October 30, 2012 at 5:01 AM
- in reply to: Voice Actor / Seiyuu Thread
At the link…. :Cheeks: - October 28, 2012 at 6:34 AM
- in reply to: Voice Actor / Seiyuu Thread
Found some old seiyuu pics from 96.. copy em while they’re… well they ain’t hot or fresh so um… just be careful then… and take pepto. Well not if you’re ordering for yourself. If you want to get a group all at the same size and design they can cut the price a bit.
I’d be interested in one of the JP box set design. (blue with zenin + 4)
The Kiyone one would need some fixing to do it justice. Dual :Tenchismile:
I think it’d run about $70. Not sure if that includes shipping. Video –
[BBvideo 425,350]
[/BBvideo] I think they really have the best print quality.
- October 19, 2012 at 3:34 PM
- in reply to: Tenchi Meetup 2013 – No Need for Conventions!
Well my yosho hair might have been located… hopefully it’ll show up next week. I hope it’s spent it’s time well and written a book about it’s adventures.
Tale of the Traveling Hair
an autobiography.
- October 18, 2012 at 4:52 AM
- in reply to: Toonami Lives… In some form…
Well I saw E7 (in full), the E7 movie, AO S1, AO (manga), and have the OST box set .
Far as the plot goes so far, AO follows the 51st episode. Which to some fair degree, I don’t agree with cause it didn’t “need” to be continued like this. E7 has a good ending on it’s own.
AO is only just in the last few eps, getting interesting, and it’s lacking a lot of viewer ties to the characters and grand scheme that made E7 what it was. It’s much more a sci fi flick slapped up the side of the head with E7… like a Gundam show that went way off track.
I’m just hoping with the reintroduction of main characters, it’ll right itself. I’m hoping it doesn’t crash and burn like poor Last Exile FAM did. Such great source material.. made a tie in manga and new series, and both were near complete let downs.