Cardboard Marty

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  • Cardboard Marty
    Daaaaaaayyyyum, that Ryoko x Ayeka poster thing tho.
    Cardboard Marty

    Ukinojo92 wrote:

    Now that it comes to mind, in the anime Tenchi has never broken the 4th wall before. In the manga it does some breaking, but in the anime there is none. I think Tenchi, if renew in anime, could do a new spin of breaking the wall, I think tenchi could pull it off.

    I think the manga did humor the best. Tenchi is a blank slate, he’s bland, he’s boring, but I guess that’s supposed to be part of his charm? I don’t know. Clearly the gals are the central focus of the show, Tenchi is the audience surrogate who is confused at all the wacky hijinx.

    I wouldn’t mind seeing a new continuity that’s lighter on the fanservice but a bit more comedy-oriented. The manga (which I will praise until the end of time, clearly) had the perfect balance between comedy, romance, and action. Seriously, grab Okuda and have him write a new series. I bet it’ll be fantastic.

    Cardboard Marty
    I recently posted some pictures of the neato art books I bought on my Tumblr! The huge one is freaking amazing, the other two eh…not so much. But hey, they look fancy and that’s all that matters.
    Cardboard Marty
    I would be so down for a reboot or a new universe. A continuation of Universe would be nice, hopefully without a bunch of new characters with one dimensional personalities if at all possible. I think when Tenchi tries to go too far into the “lol fanservice” route it really loses it charm, but Universe hit a really good stride towards the end and especially with the movies. It’s crazy how great Tenchi Forever is, real talk.

    Or you know, just animate the manga because Okuda knows his shit.

    Cardboard Marty
    Plot? PLOT?! Where are you?
    Cardboard Marty
    Ah there we go! Finally, some classic goodness. That’s all I’ve got!
    Cardboard Marty
    I uh…I’m still feeling that this is some weird crossover with some other anime I haven’t seen, featuring Tenchi.

    Which I suppose is cool if this leads up to something. The best part of the series so far was the brief snapshot of the Masaki household and the conversation with Washu. Not that this is super bad or anything, it’s just kind of “eh”. I think the reason all the wacky stuff with the OG girls worked so well was because they’re aliens, these are just a bunch of normal high school girls who are way too out there for any sort’ve believability.

    Cardboard Marty
    Geeze…”five” minutes huh?

    Can’t say too much so far. Not a huge fan of “LOLZ GIRL’S UNDERWEAR”, I do like the look and animation of the show though. Very clean? If anything, right now it feels like Tenchi just stumbled into another show with it’s own cast of characters we’re supposed to be familiar with.

    I hope some OG people show up soon.

    Cardboard Marty
    I’m sure we’ll get soooomething from Funimation on it, eventually. I’m really curious about the dub possibility, mostly because I really want to see the OG English cast return. C’MON FUNIMATION.
    Cardboard Marty

    wwwwhhhhoooo wrote:

    Didn’t like original designs? dawohki1 Sad face. But it’s cool, your opinion is your own.

    I didn’t dislike them with an intense hatred or anything, more like a “meh”.

    wwwwhhhhoooo wrote:

    The designs themselves for the characters are pretty much how I imagined for years “what would happen if Tenchi became modernized?” (given the current anime climate) and I think they’re pretty rockin. Can’t touch the originals (but how could they?) but I feel like I’m getting a fresh take on familiar favorites.

    Pretty much this! I really like the fresh take, but it definitely doesn’t save the new girls from seeming, dare I say, ~anime generic~. I always liked Tenchi because Tenchi just looked like a normal, typical Japanese guy, and all these ladies with different hair colors and such set them apart from any of the humans that appeared on Earth. Now we’ve got a whole school of SUPER ANIME LADIES running around in their underwear, so…yay?

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