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- June 26, 2013 at 10:20 PM
- in reply to: Hello everyone
Aaah finally someone from the UK! So ol’chap what are you? Scottish? Irish? Welsh? English? :Tenchismile: (may I ask what gender too?) Welcome anyhow. Hope you stick around!
Also, you going to Ayacon?
ryokofan21 wrote:Okay I know most of us that are going to get Destiny might get it one either the PS4 or XBOX One (which had a recent policy change btw). But, if anyone is going to get it for the the 360, I’m open to anyone who wants to be part of a fireteam. I know it’s not coming out until next year, but i’m extremely excited about this game.
I’m in no rush to get a next gen (apart from Wii U this xmas), so I’ll be getting it on Xbox360 :washu:
- June 18, 2013 at 1:34 PM
- in reply to: OVA 4: Chapter 1
Goodness. I wasn’t expecting screenwritting. Usually I’ve seen script format for fics. Which I suppose is similar. Script I find using past tense and looking like a story minus the script format for names. But screenwriting? That’s a first.
I had to google examples of screenwriting as I had no idea what I’m supposed to look for. Your chapter lacks alot of detail when its describing actions. If you showed this to a non Tenchi fan or someone not too familiar with the characters they would of likely been lost as to how these characters say their lines. I can picture their actions in your chapter whenever there’s no action text though because I’m well versed in their behaviour.
There were a few hit and misses with behaviour I reckon. But mostly they were in character.
- June 16, 2013 at 11:41 PM
- in reply to: It’s CON season again. (For me at least.)
Why the *bleep* would you WANT the godawful abominations that are the Pioneer comics? I wouldn’t want them even if they were free! - June 16, 2013 at 11:20 PM
- in reply to: OVA 4?! (A Rough draw)
May I ask first are you equally an Ayeka and Ryoko fan? I ask because typically whoever is a persons’ favourite, they usually want to end up with Tenchi. That quite frankly bothers me about your idea
Do people percieve the only ending to the show where Tenchi gets a girl? In all honesty if OAV 4 was made and Tenchi chose it would ruin it. Not quite sure how to expain it, but by not having the ending where he choses gives the illusion of it going on forever. i should probablly try and come up with more explination :S
I ddin’t read too deep yet into your idea, but the next biggest issue was Tenchi getting super powers from the mass like Ryoko’s. Seems a *tad* silly imo. Just slap some mass on him and BAM Ryoko like powers. Tenchi already has an astonishing power, and he gets flying, teleportation and phasing? Overkill.
Sorry. I am brutally honest. You’ll have to get used to it lol happyblueplz
- June 16, 2013 at 11:06 PM
- in reply to: Fan Fiction Ideas and Suggestions
shadowsfall0 wrote:Hmm, if thats an endeavor you’re trying to accomplish I have much respect and would be eager to read it ^.^ haha :Tenchismile:
Ahaha… well.. its not quite what you think. Don’t want to spoil anything here.. isawitplz
- June 16, 2013 at 10:20 PM
- in reply to: Fan Fiction Ideas and Suggestions
shadowsfall0 wrote:First I’d like to say that I love that concept of a trial on lady Seto. I do feel her cha.racter should’ve had better development on screen rather than behind the scenes(despite her being the puppeteer character of sorts). The idea of a world in which Kagato succeeds
or even Kainhas crossed my mind several times. I would definitely read that fanfiction if it is produced. Funny you should say that
*ahem* sort of anyay
Hello, welcome. Do share your fanfic and share your thoughts on the authors fanfics here :Tenchismile:
- June 3, 2013 at 11:41 PM
- in reply to: Here’s your treat for halloween
Sent part of my spoilerific reply to you through PM Pii ^^ Quote:I am interested in the emotions that she felt during this event. The pain of the transformation would be obvious, though the pleasure is another matter. Granted, endorphins might be the culprit, though I’m curious as to what part of her psyche might relish this metamorphosis. Might there be a dark part of her mind that she has kept hidden? Kiyone is known for being fairly well-disciplined and restrained, but we know she has fits of anger now and then. While her body might send her pleasure from the pathogen in the room, would she enjoy it as well?
I’ll tell you why she’s enjoying it during the transformation. Adrenaline. The excitement of consuming the flesh that drives her senses and soul crazy, the power and feel of becoming superior. A few seconds or so into her transformation she’s no longer herself anyway. Power corrupts. I’ve seen it done in fics where they describe the excitement. I can’t quite put it into words atm though ^^
Quote:In terms of plot, this segment is fairly scant, with good reason. This is likely to be integrated into a larger piece. However, several questions have come to mind. Where is her partner, or backup? Why would she walk into a trap if she had an inkling of its existence? Why did she not use some other implement besides her hand to stop the gas, such as her shirt or a GP-licensed rebreather? She is known as the “paragon of detectives”, so one would think she might anticipate or be more careful in this situation.
The intro of the fic is in another topic (titled something like written in 40 min), which I really did write in 40 min and the plot as I went along. That should answer most of your questions.
As for her behaviour (and plot) before the transformation, it was to be blunt: rushed. I gave it little thought, because I needed something writen before the transformation so I could draw on something (er.. if that made sense?) I simply couldn’t write the transformation without something before it.
- April 25, 2013 at 10:54 PM
- in reply to: Cosplay Questions
I don’t care if they’re in America, I just want someone to make my costume who is trustworthy!