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Yeah, the box doesn’t help I have my name and pass on here anyways so it’s not so much a hassle, just kind of annoying. I think it’s the same way on mobile though, and that doesn’t save my name or pass and I hate typing on that thing -_-First wold problems haha
It’s still making me log in almost every time I visit You’re tearing me apart, Lisa! T_T
- February 6, 2014 at 4:06 AM
- in reply to: Petrea @ Anime Fusion
She’s been to a couple in the last few years, hasn’t she? I remember she went to one she announced on her fb and she seemed really excited about it(the “ladies of tenchi muyo”… there has to be more, just can’t think of them off the top of my head). I like how welcoming and kind she is to all the anime fans, she’s so cool! You know… we should request her for Ohayocon… - February 2, 2014 at 6:43 PM
- in reply to: Naoko Hasegawa Novels Translation Project
I might be able to help. My school/schoolwork takes first priority for me, also since I have such weak Japanese skills (I know the kanas, only a small handful of kanji, random phrases and words, so I heavily rely on my books and various websites to look stuff up), I don’t know how much help I would be. I did manage to get the translation for -If-(but that was also just a sentence lol), so if you guys will provide me with the materials I can basically do the same thing, work at my own pace and do everything with my books and then maybe compare when we all get our stuff done. You guys get things done more quickly with the machines, I might just be in the way… I’ve also never done translations of big bodies of text (I sometimes translate comic pages for myself for practice) so this would also be new for me - January 31, 2014 at 2:39 AM
- in reply to: It is coming
Aw it’s nice of y’all to want to throw me a surprise birthday party but it’s still not for another several months - January 26, 2014 at 7:40 PM
- in reply to: How did you rediscover Tenchi?
Aw My “great rediscovering” happened a couple years after I saw it on Toonami xD I saw it originally on there like many others, but one day I was at the library… I had to be like, 9 or 10 perhaps? I got it on VHS tape at the library and was like OH YEAH THIS IS THAT SHOW I LIKE WHERE ALL THE GIRLS LIKE THE ONE GUY xD but it had been a little while since I had seen it (not that long, though, since I was still p young xD). and then it just always stuck with me and I never took any big breaks from it after that *^^*
- January 26, 2014 at 10:32 AM
- in reply to: Pet Peeve’s
I’m sick for the third time for this time of the year when it usually only happens once and I am just SO frustrated. I hate being sick so much. This just hasn’t been my weekend. I guess I shouldn’t have procrastinated on that math homework either, being sick just makes things 100x more difficult. Cold medicines don’t work for me… etc… - January 20, 2014 at 2:53 PM
- in reply to: Happy Birthday Thread
Happy birthday Pii!! - January 20, 2014 at 1:02 AM
- in reply to: Tenchicast! No Need for A Tenchi Muyo Podcast
I’d like to be part of the If discussion. If there are more people than can fit who really want to be in it, I don’t need to be included though and it’s fine w me^^ EDIT;
I take this back because I will probably be doing homework -_- Gonna try and get it done through the day but I have a big chunk left so I should probably focus on that…
- January 15, 2014 at 11:58 PM
- in reply to: Tenchi Muyo -If-
THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE WHO MADE THESE SCANS POSSIBLE YESSS~ ! but holy crap yeah there is not much to translate