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  • Apart from continuing UBW, DRRR!! x2, and finally OreGairu, only RIN-NE interests me for Spring.

    I still need to catch up on shows from years ago.

    mitsuki lover wrote:


    Of course if we’re talking about the ’90s here we must include:

    *The Simpsons

    ’80s actually, especially if you count the segments on The Tracey Ullman Show.

    We already have an almost identical thread called “90’s Cartoon.”

    Funny, that one is from Los Angeles and actually parodies the Scientology book cover. If the Florida one is animated, I’d imagine it would be a lot stranger.
    Chuck, are Kakubins sold where you live?
    It’s sort of old news now, but RIN-NE is getting an anime adaptation for the coming Spring season. Takahashi has been using the same art style for almost thirty-five years, and it still looks great.

    [BBvideo 425,350][/BBvideo]

    People say Kimagure Orange Road is overrated considering how old it is, but it’s still a classic. Is it one of the best animes ever made? Maybe.

    Almael wrote:

    It’s old and lacks Akemi Takada’s touch but this is THE romance manga.

    The art style was awful the first year of its run (AoT/SnK anyone?), but the character appearances we all know and love were set by 1985. Interestingly so, Matsumoto changed Ayukawa’s appearance more resembling a character named “Hikaru” from a one-shot he did a year before KOR’s debut.

    mitsuki lover wrote:

    Any ways,sorry for derailing the discussion like that.It’s just that I keep kicking my head every time I think how much I could still be enjoying my fansubs if I hadn’t been idiotic back then.

    I believe the twentieth anniversary DVDs from early 2007 were re-subbed.

    ^Wow Who, you’re so short! I see Chuck rocked that FLCL shirt he bought from the D. C. convention.

    What were the vendors like?

    wwwwhhhhoooo wrote:

    The jab at manga reading and correlating levels of productivity was hilarious!

    (Have we finally discovered where Nobuyuki ended up hiding his collection?)

    Heh, when Rui said it was from before they were born, could it be an allusion to the 1994 manga adaptation? Clearly, the Ai continuity takes place around 2012 to 2014, the latter also being appropriate as it’s the twentieth anniversary of the original series. The students were likely born between 1995 to 1998.

    I believe I’ve held this off for a while now, but why the rattail? Why?!

    Sure it might be a characteristic to Tenchi himself, but so was Washu’s hair resembling a crab, which was obviously thrown out the window for her character redesign.

    I was hoping to see something more along the lines of his older appearance in Tenchi Forever! Also, how Sasami appeared in that certain Kamidake Onsen story, although Kajishima’s drawing style is completely different on paper.

    mitsuki lover wrote:

    I’m currently enjoying Sakura Wars.Steam punk style mecha. soawesome1

    SnowQueen wrote:

    I haven’t seen Sakura Wars since I was a kid. O.0 probably something I should try to get back into.

    If I’m not mistaken, I think there was pretty cool guy on here with a Sakura avatar.

    If you buy the movie, for the love of God get the original Pioneer/Geneon Entertainment release. I don’t even know why Funimation acquired the license.

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